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CC RES 571
RESOLUTION NO. 571 RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "MC FADDEN-NEWPORT ANNEXATON," AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION H.~/:SOLUTION NO. 571 ~ESOL%~iON DEC]2~N. ING T~{.AT P.NOCEEDI..t{GS HAVE BEEN IN~ ' ....... ~TIA..TED. BI. THE C{')UNCII.~ C)~,'. m}~'~ ~r~ !TY OP TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CEHTAIN UNIN}tAI~ITED TEt~i~ITOt~Y DESC!~IBED HEREIN AND ~)~S ..... r '-~ ,..~ IGJ~,~.PED "MC FAi)DEN-NEWPOR. T AWN~XATION, AND GTVI~,v'' NOT .~. ~.,~ ICE OF mHE~. PiiOPOSEI} A~~am~O BE IT tlESOLVED BY THE COUNCI]i~ OF TIi];i CITY O'F ].. That, pursuant to the 'prov.~.s.'i. ons of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of ]-939, proceedings have been initiated 'by' the Council of the City of Tustin, on its own motio~..~., to annex to the City of' Tustin, ali t,~a.t un.J. nhab'.'tted territory s'~..tuatc i.n the Co'unty of Orange, State of Ca].. 'i_ form. ia, hereby de,q'l, gnated as "McFADDEN - NEWPOt'fT ANNEXATION" and. des- cribed a.s follows' Beginning at an ~.~n. gle po.tnt in 'the bound.ar'y ]...~.ne of the ~',..,u zI'I 'tl'qmlN &V~ '"~ T ~UE /~NNEXATION as riescribe,~ '.t.n Ordin.qnc ~ , ~ ~ .... ~., ..... No. 1~6, passed and a. dopted by the City Council of Tux. tin on fu!y 5, ].960, sai. d angle ~:oint bears S. 89.°30~59'' E., ~8 6 feet ~rom the northwest corner of the southwest one quarter (]./~.~) of Lot "i',{" as shown on a. and. Tusti. n T~act, recorded in Book o ~ages 618 and 61° .... t..~ Ntscel. l. aneous tlecords of Los An.~e'l. es County, Oaliforn~.a, said northwest corner also being an angle point in the boundary l'i. ne of ,.:,a~.d. SOUTH '"~'~" Thence, deaar'bing from sa..~.d, city boundary, S. 89030'59'' E., along the north Ii. ne of the southwes'b one q~a. rter (1/L~) of s~:~.i.d Lot "N" a a'~stance of ~1~ 26 feet to the we"~t ].i. ne · ' ~ ~ ., · .-, of Tract No. 1.~2~0~ as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 151, '~a~ .~,~ords .. c:,es l~ a. nd 16 of Mi. scel].anaous Naps of 0 TM ..... ::...ttge County, Ca].iforz~ia; mh N 0 °.!~· . . .. ,r.ence, . 3'~7'' E., ,:~long the west Ii. ne of sai. d Tract No. ~2 60, . ~ . ......... ... a d~.s'tanc,~ of 5L~0 54 f~et to t,b.~ northwes'~-cor'ner of said T-", ~ ~.~..ct No. z~250; Tb. ence, S. 89°29'3}"E..along the north Ii. ne of said Tract No. ~250, a dista, r~.ce of 805.95 feet to the northea,st corner of said Tract No. 4.2~0; "~hence, S .... O°L~.~'l.~O'' ~i along the east Ii. ne of said mract No. L~2.50, and. th.e southerly prolongation thereo'F, a d.~.stance of 1.,116.92 feet to a ].1ne 'para]lc! to and. ~0 feet 'southerly of, as measured at right a, ng!e~:; to the surveyed cen. terl. ine of McFadden Street; o Thence, S. 89 4.1'32" E. along said parallel lin. e and the easterly t~rolongation thereof, a distance of 6~.~0.72 feet to a ].ine parallel to and 50 feet southeasterly oe as measured, at r.ight artful, es to, the surveyed, c. en. ter]..jne of New port Avenue, sixty feet wide; 381 Thenc,-~ N t~O© ~, . 38' 32" E. along said ~.x~ra. 1].el ]_ine~ a distance oi.~ 60.89 feet to the northeast line of the southwest one half (1/2) of Lot Z~8 of Plot No. 1, t~anchos Santiago De Santa Aha and San Joaqt~[n as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book ~, page 7 of Miscellaneous Hecords of I..os Angeles County~ Califorrt~a.~ also shown on Map of Irvine's Subdivision~ recorded in .... Miscellaneous Ma~s, Book 1, p~.~e~.~ 88, r'ecords of Orange County, California; m, S ~9° · nence, . 21'28" E., a]..ong sa. id northeast ]i,.ne, a distance of 1270.0 feet to the easter].y corner of said southwest one halt (]./2) of Lot z~8; , Thence, S. L~0°38'32'' W. along the southeast Ii. ne of said southwest one half (]_/2), a distance of 620.0 feet to a line 'pa. ra!l. el to an.~ ~0 6eet northeasterly of, as measured at ~.~ht,. o an~les,, to~ the surveyed centerl'[ne of Walnut Avenue, sixtY feet wide; ., o Thence, N. ~9 21'28" W.~ along said par~llel .]..i..ne and north- wester].y prolongation thereof, a dista.nce of 1,370.0 feet to a line parallel to and 50 feet northwesterly' of~ as measured at right angles to~ the surveyed centerli~e of Newport Avenue~ sixty feet wide; Thence, S. ~0°38'52'' W. a].,ong said parallel line, a dist~:~mce of 930.5~ feet to a point ~.n t~e bound.a, ry ].ine of said S()UTH TUSTIN AV]~NUE A[.iNEXATION; Thence, ~es. terly and r',ortherly £o].iowing along the boundary line of said SO'['ITH TUf:~TIN AVENUE ANNEXATION 'the fol].ow~.ng courses'and, distances' o The.ncc, N. 5l 00'00" W. s~.~. id bounda, ry; Thence, N. 89 ~:l.'32" W. said bound, ary; T¼ence, N l°09'15'' bounda, ry; Thence N 89 ~.~1'32" W ~ ~ · · boundary; , 41~7.70 feet to a,n~le point , 76.52 feet to an. gle poJr.:t in 80.5.0 £eet to angle point ~,.~.~ said ~.~1]..8 fe~.~.t to angle poi~.t .ir'~ sa. id Thence N O°t~..l'01'' ~ 580 ~ f..~e+-to an~r~e oo_~.nt in ~aid . ~ ~ · .~ · ~ - · '~ '~' .. ~,... ~.., boundary ~..nt.. th -p~ ,. o~ beg inning. 2. That the Counc.[1 of the Ci. ty of Tustin des. ires to annex said uninhabited ter~r.itory to the City of Tust:,in for the follow.ing reasons' The territory .is continguous to tb.e City of Tustin, and its proposed annexation will. contribute to and facil~tate.~ the orderly o~rowth and development of both t.be City as...d the territory .oro'posed to be annexed; will facilitate and. contribute ~to the 'proper and or, derly la. yo'~t, design at~d construction of streets, .gutters, sidewalks, sanitary an:.± storrs w;-~.ter sewers and drain, age facilities, bot~ w.ith."L.~, the City and within the te.rritory pro'posed to be a.r~.r.,, ex ed ', and will. ~',~o'v i.d.c, .,. and -ff~c ~,.~1 2 bate ~:)r'~') !'~,e~_ o¥'e"";~ 1...1 ....... plan. r.-.,.'i n[~. ... n,.~,~'bi'ted terr~ tor~, :i.n a r.,.n, an.n. er most ~.',on,-~uci. ve to the .. wr~.].f, are.. of said ,...~ ~"'i.t~.~,, ar..~ti s,-'-'.f.~.d un.~.nh~:~.bited terr'ttory. That .i,f said territory ~..s ,'a.m.~e'.~-ed become pr~rt of' th.a T~sti. n Sc¼. oo']..District. That thc County Boundar. y ',~omm~iss~on of Oran6.'e ~' did. ~n session d~'~ C o'un t y C a ]. i f o.~ ]. a, , ..... ' 1. O6!, api.::rove .the 'uro~.-~osed. anne~.-tt~ on bounda.r,.i..es of ~;-~.d mhat~ Mot!day, Ja, rlux~.ry .!~, ]..~:..,o. . .... , a,., the hour of 7'~0 o' k 'r:~ M .x C]OC .... , :l..r, t h e C o u n. c .t ]. C h a, rn~!e r s i..n: t h e C i,.t y H a,.q.. 1 o f is hereby fi:xed as the ti:ne and place wher.~. ,.'.!.:.nd wh. ere arty per'son owning're..':~..1 mropert.',y v,.r~.thin the uninhab:i, ted. f.e.rr_itory.. . above d. escr:i, bed and nro'.posed... .to be ,annexed to the ~'i.tyr' ,., or.. m'~.~.st:i n,~ ......... r_~nr~ hav.'.'t¥~,'~,....., any objecti or~s ..to the 't',r(.~posed.. . annexation, may' appear before the Counc.~.l of t?~e City of Tustin, ~.-~,nd show c...':.zuse why' ~uch un:i..n, hab."Lted ter~.~.tory ,'..;ho~]..d. not be so ~. .... ~nexed to said City of Tustin. r? may Such ~'.~rotest must be, in w'riti.t~,..~, be fi]..e~.:.!..~i~...t any time before the hot~.r set for hea;.""ing objections to the 'oroposed annexation, and. ;;~i..'..~.l_]. state the names or name of ,.. ..n ..,arty affected, s..nc~ .the de~scri, ption '~.he OW.hers or ~:.~wner o~ 'prof.~ ., . . .... and area of such property, ~..n. gene:r'al terms. 6. T~]e C.i..ty Clerk o~ the C'ity of Tt~st.i. ri' is hereby authorized and d.'i. rected to cause ~ copyl of th.~':.; reso. lution to be p~.tb].~.~:h~~., eu. r!~.t.. ]..east t'w_~..ce, but not. ofte~ered than once a week, .~n 'the ±usti.n News, a newspape, r of genera] cir'c~.~]..ation !'-~ubl. i. shed .in said City of Tust~,n, 'the city to' wh.-i, ch i.t 'is pro- posed to annex the a. foresai, d territdry, and. al. so i.n. the Orange Dai.].y News, Or.andRe,... ~a'l. ....... ~ rorn~.a, a news'r~aner., of general, circu].at~.,, r,..,."~ 'nub]~shed o~.~sfl, de th~:~ City of Tust~n but i.,n th~ County of Orange, ~, ~. =. i f o eni ,.q, 't h e c o ~ ~. r, t y i n ~.,~ h. i c h i ~-' _~. o c .'.~ 't e d t h e t a 'r r i t o r v' 'o r o'oo ~.' e d. to be an.hexed to the C:tty of Tuoti. n, .. _ ~ ~' s a i. d .~ u b [.1.. -i c a t ~. o n t; o b e c o m- ?.~ete ~.t ].east twenty (20) days .prJ..or to the date set for Iaea. ri, rig. I 383 ?. The City C]..erk is further authorized and directed to cause written notice of such proposed a~nnexation to be mailed to each person to ~hom land within the terri, tory proposed to be annexed i.s assessed in the last equa].ized county assessment roll available ori the (late the above said proceedings were iriiti~.ited, at the addresses shown on said assessment ro.ll or known to the Clerk, and to any 'person who ha, s filed his name and address and the designa- tion of the lands in which he has an interest, either legal or equitable, with the O!erk, s~.tcb notice to be given not less than twenty (20) days before the first 'pub.lic heari-}g om the ~ro'r~osed annexation '" ~ ' 4~ -'" ' · 8. In the event any .~a. nd wi'th.in the territory i:~ro?,osed t~· be annexed i.s owned by a county, the City C].erk ~s d~.rected to cause written notice of such pro'posed annexa- tion to be t.~ail,ed to the Board of Supervisors of the County, such notice to be given not ]ess tb.a.n twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on the oro~'.'.,oseq annexat, ion. 9. Ira. the event there is, u"0o~ t~e land pro'i)osed, to be ani~e×.ed, a structural i. mprovement owned, being acq.~!ired or leased by a co:~nty £ire protection district, the said Clerk is d~..rected to cause wr.i. tten notice of such proposed an~le×.~it.:ion to be mailed to the govern.'i..ng body of such district, such notice to be sent not less than ten (]_0) ..days before the fi. rst oub.~.ic hear- lng upon such proposed annexation. ]..0. The City Clerk is directed to cause written notice to be given to ,such other persons as may be ].egally entitled thereto, in the manner required by law. AND .,.=DCPTED at a reg~l!~.ir meeting of the City Council of the City of T~stin, held on the 20th day of .November, 1961. TY C LEHK SS. HUT]--i C. POE, City Clerk and e×-off~.cio · ' C ~.~. I .~. forn-~, o C]~:,rk of th~ Ci. ty' Counc:i. 1~ o~. the City of must~n, does h. ereby' certi, fy that; the whole n~m~ber of the members of the Ci. ty Cou._n. ci]. of 'the C'~..ty of T~st."~n ~...~.:: f.~ve; that above a.r.~d foregoing iLesclution was duly and regu].ar.'ly trod. uced, read, passed' and. adopted at a reg~.~l, ar meeting of the C%ty Count.il held on the 20th day of November~ ,. 196].. ~. b_v.., the. ..... ~ol.].ow'~_ .... ~.,'.~,.. votes' .. AYES' COUNCILMEN' Kid(]., Hume, ston, N'N~ck, Byrd~ Sheri. dan N'OE,~ '? ' C O '[~'~C'""" ILMEN · N one A B S E N T' C 0 UN C I l, [';! ~:3 N N on e C ~'ty oZ,<.Tust.ir',., Cai ~.fornia