HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 570RESOLUTION NO. 570 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, URGING CREATION OF AN EXEMPTION FROM PRPERTY TAX FOR ALL PRIVATE FALL-OUT SHELTERS b~ _'~"~H~._,~ :~AS, the Nat.i. on is f,.'-~ced wi.'t~,·, a. nroblem~, of. providing adequate civi].~.a.n defense measures for ']_ts ci'ti..zenry; a.n ~ W}IEREAS, private citizens should be encouraged to prov.ide for themselves to the fu].]_est extent poss.'lb]e; and WHEREA''~ nrivate citizens who nrovide themselves w:i..th nri. vate fail-out she].ters s~ou].d not be discouraged t~').ere- from by bei. ng assessed for 'the va].ue of such an improveme~..~t and requ..ired to pay property taxes t;hereon, ~'~: "~ .~hat the C~ty NOW, T~IEL'.EF0P'-' .~.~ ].q. r~'~';'$OLV'ED ~ '- Coun,.c~l of the Ci.t',~ of Tustin d. oes recommend and urf._'~e tho crea't'i_on of an exemption from property taxat~.on of all private fa].].-o'ut shelters, and. the C i.'ty C].erq.~ o'? t?.~e City of Tus'tin. is d'.'~.rected to se.nd con.~.es of th~,.s lieso].ution to Senator John. Murdy and Assemb].yman Bruce Sumner° PASSED ..iI~.i~D AI)0PTED at a re~j]~]..~..~r meeting of the City Council o~ the C~ty oC T.u~.~'tin, Calif'or, n'~ he].d on the 6th day of November, 1961. ATTEST' 379 SS. ![~JT!~ C. POE, City Clerk and ex_offJ, c~'o C].erk of the u.[ty Counc.i. 1 of' tb.e CJ..ty of Tustir~., Cali'for, nia, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council. of t~.~e City of Tustin is f_~.ve; 'that tho above and foregoi' ~? i~eso] tion was duly and regularly introduced, read, ~ ~'i~ _ U ~assed a.l.~d adopted .at a '~c-,~l;',-, ng ,.,he City Counc J..1 ....... ~. ..~ meeti of ~' held on the 6th. day' of November, 1961., by the following vote' AYES' COUNCII, MEN. Kidd, Humeston, Sheridan, Byrd and Mack N OES,: C(')UNC ILMEN · None ABSENT- C OUNC ILMEN · None of~T T?-C ~n: Lz~I,K City usi]in, California