HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 565 RESOLUTION NO. 565 RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UN- INHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "BEN BROWN ANNEXATON" AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. i{ESOi,UTION DECI~"ttlNG T~tA~'' " ..... .... PtiOCEI'.;DINGS HAVE B~EN ~N . ED BY ~ .~ z~.~ .... tIE 00 '0IL OF TN~' 01TI '"' ~O AN 0 SA CITY CEItTAIN UN OP TUoqiIN m- NEXT !D - "'"' " AND DmSIGNATED "BEN Bi, OWN ANNEXATION, GIVI. N~ N()TICit OF Ti'rE PftOPCSED ANNE]~TION BE !T I.[ESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF Ti.-JE CITY OF TUST !N' I. . That., r.}ursuant to th,~,.-- prov1, sio'qs o'~.. the Annex,s.t:i. on of Un.i.P.,habi. ted Terr'i_tor,¥,'. Act oe.~ ].93°. ..,, proceed..~.ngs h.!:.~.ve bee~.~ in.":tiated by the Counci. 1 of the City of Tustin, on habJ."-ed, ter, riterv si.~"~at:e ~n Cal.[lot',hi.a, hereby d. esigna, ted. as "Ben. Brown Annexation" and d. escr~.b,-:~d~ ~ ,.-~'"~',., roi. lows' I.,EGAL DESCttiPTION' OP l)''l BEN I,~t'~.OWN' ANNEXATION Begi.rmi. ng at the North. we. st Corn~.~.r of the South_ ':' ~" ' . .s't.~n Tract as shown we,.:,'t l/kt. of' Lot "H" of the ota':'for~l, and c).n a nap ther.~,of, pecor4ed :i.n_ Bool~ ,~° ,-,~.,.es 618 and 619 of Mis cel].aneou, s !lecora. s of Los ,~ ~ ]..e ~u.nt: ..... ~y, " ...... - '" .t nS e s o C t~ "i. f o rn.'~ ::~., :.:.; ~'~ i d corner al. so being an angle point in the ex. isti. ng city bound, ary of t',~,e City' of Tust.,,'i.n, ,,,::~,!ifornia as annexed, by' the oouth Tusti. n Avenue Annexation .:~.rt accordance with Ordinance N'o. 1~6 passed and ad. opted. 'b"j,' the Tusti. n Uity Oot~nol..1. on July ~, ]..960, said conner a. lso 'beln.[] on thc .[flast Ii. ne of 'Zt:stin Avenue bei.ng si. xty-six feet '}.h wi.4th Thence N. 0° 41' 0!" E., along the We:!'.;t ].in.e sa~d. Lot "M" , sa'~d ].ine also bein[[ the ex.~.sting city boundary of the City of Tust~.n as per said. South Tustin. Ave., Anne.xation, a d..~.sta, nce of ~70 27 feet;, more or' less to the Northwest corner of the South 1/2 of the Nort;hwest 1/4 of sa~d. I, ot. '"M"; o Thence S. 89 }0' 59" E., departing from the exf[sting City' boundary, along the North Ii. ne of the South 1/2 of the NW 1/8- of sai. d Lot "N" a di. stan. ce of 772.86 feet, more or ~ess, to the Northeast corner of the South 1/2 of the North- west 1./~+ of sa.j.d Lot "M'"; O Thence S. 0 43' 47" W., a!ons the East; Ii. ne of the Northwest ]./4 o.f sai. d Lo't "M'" a ~is't;a. nce of o ~70 27 'feet, more or .... less, to the con'her of ,':,a:l,d Lot "M",' 0 Th~- . :~c..e N. 89 )0~ ~9" t'~., a].on~, the South line o'~ the North. west ]../~ of said Lot "M", a dj. stance of l~ll~.2~ feet;, more or less~ to a.n angle point in. the exJ. sti. ng city boundary of the Ci'ty' of Tusti. n, as per said Sou%h Tt~sti. n Ave. Ann. exation. Thence N. 89° )0' ~9" W., con'tinuing a]..on~ the ~e, outh ],.'2ne. of the Nor'thwest l/It of said. Lot "H", said South ].J. ne also being sai. d existi, ng city bound, ary of the City of Tust. in, a distance off ~8.~0 fe~..tt to the poi. hr off beg~.nni, n.g. 363'. 2. That the Council of the City of Tustin desires to annex said uni. nhabited territory to the C.ity of Tusti. n fo~', the fo!l. ow~.ng reasons' The territory is conti, guous to the City of Tust~.n, and its pro-posed annexation wi.l! contr.i, bute to and facilitate the ord~erly growth and. development of both the City and the territory proposed to be annexed; will facilitate and contri~bute to the proper and orderly ]..ayout, desigm, and construction of streets, gutters, sidewa]~ks, sanitar.'y and storm water sewers and drainage facilities, both within the City and. within the °territory proposed to be annexed; and wi.]..]. provide and facilitate proper overall planni, ng and zoning of lands, and subd.ivision of la~.~ds in. said City and said uninhabited territory, in a manner most conducive to the welfare oF said City and said uninhabited territory. That if sa.id territory is annexed it sha.].l become oart of the Tustin Schoo]. District. ., That the County Boundary Commi. ssion of Orange County, Cali. forn~..a, did in session d. uly assembled on September, 1961,. approve the proposed amnexation boundar.~es of sa.i.d "Ben Brown Annexation" as above described. That Monday, October 1..6, 1961, at the hour of 7'30 o'clock P.M., in Tustin, California, ~..s hereby fixed as ttae time and place wh.e~'~, and were any person owning real .pro":'.~erty within the uninhabited, territory' above des- cribed and proposed to be anne.xed to the City of Tusti~.~, and. having any object.ions to the proposed annexat~.on, .may appear before the Council of the City of Tustin, and. show cause why s~ch uninhabited territory should not be so anne×ed to said Oity of ~ust.i~.~. ~uch 'p:r.~otest must be in writ].:.~g, may be f.i.!ed at any time before the house set for hear.i, ng objections to the proposed annexation, and shall, state the names or name of the owners or' owner of property affected and. the descr~ttion and area of' such pro',oerty, in genera], terms. 6. The Ci. ty Clerk of the City of Tu..?,ti.n .i.s hereby' authorized and .directed to cause a copy of this reso].uti, on to 'be pu'bl.~.shed a.t ].east t.v~i....'..:,,e, but not often, er th~.:-.tr~, once week, in the Tusti. n News, a. newspa, per o'? genera] c:i~rculat'ion 9ub..li. shed. ~,n, sa.'~.d. City. of '].!u,.st:in, the ci, t.y to wh2ch .it is proposed to ~.~.r~r~c~:x the afor'esa.id territo.ry, and a,].so ~.n. the r'~r~ange. ........ Da..i ..ly News, Ora.~:",,oo~. , Cai. if'or.n.i.~,, at new.~pa,~er~. ~of general c~r'cu~a'ti, on published _ _. . ~.~ the C:i. ty of Tustin, 'but in. 'l;he County of O'P"~n~?e...::. :..~ , Ca..].~fornia,~. the county .~.n which~ .is ]..ocated the terr..i, tory proposed, to be. ~-~.nnexed to t~.~e C.~ty of Tt~.st. ~.n.~ sa.~d.~ ..r. mb..1.:i, cat.'i, on 'to be comn]_ete, at ..least twenty (2~ days prior to the date set for heari, ng. 7. '~'.~.h.~:-'-~ City Clerk i.s further a~.tho:rized an'''~ d 'i 'r e c t e d. t o c a u s e ~ r.'i. t t e n r',~ o 't i. c e o f s u c h p r o p o s e d an n e x a t ~. o'z~ to be mail.ed to each. person to 'whom ].and..~w].tb.'in the terr:i, tory p'r'oposed to be annexed is assessed in the ].a,'.'.;t equali, zed county assessment roll avai.],.ab].e on. ~,:he ,:'late the abov,e said were :i.n.'~ t.i.,.':;~'t';ed, ,at the ad. dresses show:n, on s~.':id ~.:~ssessment z'o]], oz" known 't.:,o the Clerk, and to any ].~cz,~.,son wt".~o ~has f.~.].ed hi.s ha. me and ad.d. ress and. the des.'kt"~nation of the 1. ands i.n whi. ch he has an i. nterest e.-l. th~r ].egal 'or ec~'uitable wi. th the ~l. erk, :.~'uch not.i.c.e to be given not less than twenty(20 days before the f i. rst public hearing on the proposed annex, at i. on. 8. In. the event any land witRi.n ~the ter'ri, tory pro- posed 'to be annexed is owned by a. county, the City Clerk ali. retted to cause w'ri. tten n. otice of such proposed annexat.ion to be mai. led to the Board of Supervisors off t'he county, such not.~ ce to be [.~c-i. ven not 1. ess tba. n twenty (2c)) days before the f~.rst pu'b], lc ?~.er.'.~t"~.n~ oh the pro'posed anncxat ion, 9 In the event there ,i.':: upo~. the 1,'...~r~.5 proposed · . ~.~ ~ . . to. be ann. exeO ,a str~ctura.!. ~ m~..~r'ovement.,. .. o~ne~.i, boing acqui.~ed.,. or leased by a coun. ty fir,~.:.,, protection d.i. stri. ct, the sai. d C]_erk is d.:i.r,ncted, to cause v~rri, t'ter.~ not,~.ce o2 such t.::roI'~ose~i a, nnexation to be~ ma.,"~]_ed.: ....... i',o tt~e gov~.~r'n.~.ng L~ody,.. of such distri, ct, such. not~.ce to' be sent not less than. ten (10).days befc. re the f :i. r s t 'n u b ]., ~ c h e a 'r i. n g u p o n s ~ c'. h p r o p o s e d a ~:~ n e xa t ]. o n. 10. The City C].erX is directed to cause written notice to be given, to such other persons as may be legal].y entitled thereto, .in the m~ner requ.i, red by' law. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular ~.~eetin~,f of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 5th day of September, 1961. · .;~ i/ ,.?' V. L. Humeston, Mayor---P~0 tern C~y Clerk STAT. E OF CALIFOttNIA ) COUNTY OF OtiANGE ) ss. CITY OF TUSTIN ) HI,TIt C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of' the City of Tusti. n , California, does hereby certify that the whole n.um'ber of the members of the City Council. of the City of Tustin. is five; that the above and foregoi, ng i~esolutiOn was du].y and. regularly introduced, read, passed and ad. oi.':..ted at a regular meet.ing of the City Cotmcil held on the )th day' of September, 1961, by the following vote' AYES- COUNCILMEN-_ .Mack, Humes.ton, By..rd,...S.h(~ridan NOES' COUNCILMEN'_ _None ABSENT- COUNCILMEN-__ ,Kidd City k~ Tustin, Calif, ..