HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 564 RESOLUTION NO. 564 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE REQUIRED FROM PROPERTY TAXES TO CARRY ON THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES ON THE TABLE PHOPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO CARRY ON THE WORK OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, 1961-62 The City Council of the City of Tustin does resolve as roi. lows' Sect,'io.n !.. · That the City of Tus'ti.n has, pursuant to ].aw, heretofore elected to have its dut.i_es of assess- merit and tax collection.'oerformed by the County of 0...~.o.~o .... .~e, through the County Assesso~ Tax Co].~ector Auditor and other officials of the County c)f Oi'ange. Section 2. That i.t is deter'mined that the amount of $50,300.00 ts the amount of money ne. cessary to be rai.'sed by t. axati, on upon the taxable 'property with.i.n the City of Tustin, as Pevenue to carry on ~ ,~he va..r.~.ous departments of the City of Tustin for the year 1961-62. S~C.t.,ion._5. Th. at the rate of tax necessary to raise the aforesaid sum of money to carr0y on the var'i, ous work of the CJ..ty of, Tustin .is the sum of $]..00, upon each One Hundred Doll.ars ($100.00) of the assessed valuatio.n of' a].]. real. and personal pro.[~ePty th,-.-.,.~, co~r:orat.~~... ~ _.: ....... n.i.m.its~ of tb..e City~ of Tusti. n, and 'that th. ere be and..hereby '.'ts f'~xed, and levied a .pro'per'ty tax for the fiscal year 196~-62..,.. of ~i2..00':' upon. e...ach- ()ne l. tundred Dolls. rs (~100.00) of assessed valuation of all. rea]. an.d persorial property within the corporate limits of the C~ty of Tustin, .for the purpose of carry'jng on the var~.ous work of the City of Tustin for the fiscal year 1962.-62. Se. ct_'!on. 4. That the City Clerk of the C i. ty of Tusti. n sba!] cert.~.fy to the County Auditor of the County of Orange, State of California, a statement o[' the rate of tax fixed here.i.n., to be extended 'to him on the ].96..l-62 Assessme ..... t Iiol]. for' the collectS, on 'thereof i.n the same ma. nneP as County taxes. Section 5. That the C~.ty Clerk sha].], certify to 'tb.e adoption of this liesoluti, on and sba].] cause the. same to be .publ..~.shed once w~.th, in fifteen d. ays afters its adopti¢~n, ..in the Tusti..n News, a week].y newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated i.n the City of Tustin. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City ~ounci]. o£ the City of Tust.~.n at a regular meeting of the C~_ty Council. held on the l4th day of August, 1961. -- Mg,~'°r-,- Pr0 2 em ,.,~TTEST · STATE OF CALIFO~fNIA) COUNTY OF OIIANGE, , C~.TY OF TUSTIN ) ss. 'I') · .~.~UTH C PO]';,', City Clerk and ex-officio (;!e.r'k of the City Council of the C'!ty of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of. the City CouncJ. 1 of the C~ty of Tust-~.n. is five, amd that the a. bove and. foregoi, ng was duly and regularly passed and adopted at a reg~l..ar meeting of the City Council held. on the ]..4. th day of August, 1961, by the follow:i.~.tg vote' AYES' COUNCILMEN' Humeston, Sheridan, Byrd NOES' COUNCIl,MEN' None ABSENT' COUNCILMEN' K :i. dd, Mack DATED' A'ug~st 1~, 1961 it.y of Tus