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CC RES 562
RESOLUTION NO. 562 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCE- MENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS VANDERLIP AND ROWAN ANNEXATION uE!{TA IN ~'~'"' '~. -- o .~m~.~BiTED TE!tt'{ITOiiY DESIGNATtgD AS ~ ..... ,es o::P the C i.t'v ..... ]..erk ,,.-.;~ 1.961, Pet t.., EJ 0 '$. I. W[~ !) F (.') ;'; ell ~; ed 'to thc C'~.ty Cot.mci]. o'? the Ci'ty of Tus'tir.~, ~,equest.~.ng the Co,moil to Sire :iLs consent to the cornmencersent; of teFra, in t~exa'ti, on 'proceed:ir~g:s i.r~ connection w:ith tha. t ocr'rain :i.nhab~.ted ' ..... . wh ~. ch t;er.r'i, ropy 'the?ef~.:r'.', ref,"r'.r'cd 'bo and. ge'r~e'ra] ~ y dc".~crlbod, :i. s c r.., nt ing~.~ ou s t-' o t "' e C ~ 'b y' o f ,T, ~ . ......... ' ~ustin; and . WHEt~EA" ~' ~ sm, ~.. ~ P e'b i ~., :i. o n wa, s ~e f e r'r e d t o t, h e P ~ arm_.,~ -n...o ~'~ ~' .. ,~,.:.' ~ .... ~,~ of Tustin :for' ~.nvestiga't. ion, .~. .... ~n~r~rn.~.~.: ..... n on o~ the C~ '-'~ r, er~o:rb and rec ommerxd.at i on ~ W~IE~.EAS the ]e~.n. ninS Cornm!.s::~'~on Pen. d. er'ed its 'repor't and. ~,-~ c::,r~rr~end, ati. or~ to *"h.e Ci. hy Cc,unc:i.l. o~"~ the ,.. ~. . .~. ~ , . on Nay od ~961 ,:.,.~.t. oi .... ':" ~ " : ' ' ...... . ~.', ..... 1 ... ~~ ~.' ~ ....... . _~ o~.. ~ t.!"l':~, ..... C ihy ,.,ou~,_.i. 1 of 'the. C:i. by' oP Tu'-.'~in. n .-~. , ' - " ~ N,. - ~'",:~n'~m~.'~',-ePe~'~.t of P~oae.':-~di:n. Ss For +,'~.e Armexa~i,',x~ o ,~. . ' ......~. ""~ ' ~} ~l)' ~ ......... ~' ~ ' .... t,. ~_ o n ' 'b, ,n.. t h. ,~. C, ~ t y. o..f Tu s t. :i. n." ,' an d .... ~ on June -'" ].981 the ?,our}.dar'y Commtssior~ .t~,l ... ~ . -. , ,. , ......... ~}~ O .... c .................. ,,7~o::-.,~'~,I. ....... .~.~...rn:"~c;'~, b'~ on .d.'].d. 'no t; rr, c:,::~ f',, w": +.I-,~ .... '"he, ................. r.~.i)}:~(:)~-~] off ~"he County .~ ' _ '~ '" ... thc:~ Ci~..:,. m,~, mt,t~:'b ~ ~'!,~. .... Sot". co'('z'ect: r:r~. ........... 8, nd. ',"'n ouT",m:. , :' ~ r::,"~ +,,'~, '" .... o un.d a. ~"y u o m rn i s s 2 o ~ ~ t c, thc ] egaE d. escr"~-i.',Lion, hez,ci.r~a~t,c:t' shov;rn; ~ ~ ~ ' A ~".~,, "' ..,..: ;'I !iR t, 'o. ,.. .......;t~.:rmex. a~. , n,A,.~ I"" r :'. ,.... 'p o n r'~ o e ~ l't.. ~.,. .... nt'~. ..... , . .... ~. O t': 1'i C P ~ ~J.:t N.l:'~..t .Tt~ ,'~ ~., .................. '.~. ... . ~or~m2~:,r::'.i,"~r'~ off 'bhe C i.'l';y c',~ Tt.~;3l Wt-{E!iEAS 'thc P~.an~'~ing Co:nmission rendered, its; report and. reco~r~me~.~dat, ion to the C~ty.. Counc i..]., on the 10th da~"~" of Jul. y, 1061. , favor"~ng. _ comm-n, cement of an.t~exation proceedings; d..~ LVED by the C NOW, THEI~EF0i.~.E, BE IT "'~"'~'~:,~ of the City of Tustin' 1. T b a t c o n sen" ~' · ~, be and i't ?ier~.:~by is grand, ed for the con,men, cement of' annexation proceedings in connection wi. th sa.id, inhab].bed territory, in accordance with the Annexation Act of 1913. 2. That said unincorporated territory be and hereby is designated as "Va.nd. erlip and Rowan Ann. e×ation," ai'~.~'t, is described as follows' REVISED LEGAl. DESCRi,~.~ION ~-~ YANDERL!P & ROWAN ANNE~,~ATION TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFOHNIA Begin:~.ing at the southeast corner of the first i:.ract a.]..lotted to Teod. ocia Yorba by decree in partition of Rancho Sant iago.' de Santa Aha in the suit of Abe]. Stearns, et a! Leonardo Cora, , .... et al. said point also be~.ng the inte~"sec~.~.on of the surveyed center 1..in~.; of First Street a~d Prospect Avenue, running North from First Street, said 'po!mt also being an angle point i:o tb.e original boundary of the City of T~sti. n; Thence, N. 0© li' 10" W., along ~-be~ surveyed center line of' Prospect Avenue, said center l~ne also being the original c~ty boundary, a d:~stance of 78~.39 Peet to the southeast corner of that certai, n parcel, of land conveyed, to ,..G ;~.. eble b:~' dee'~ recorded, in Book ~0, page 150 of Deeds, Records of Los Angeles County, California, said point al. so being an angle point in the original cj. ty bcund, ary; Then. ce, N 89© $5' 50"' E at right angles to the surveyed center line of Prospect Avenue, a d~stance of forty (40) feet 'to the intersection of a line parallel to and forty (40) ~-he surveyed feet easterly' of, as measured at right angles to, ,~, center line of Prospect Avenue; Thence, N. 0© 14' ]_0" W., a].ong said parallel line, a distance of 2,954..~6 feet to the northwest corn~.~r of I~ot ! of Tract No. 2871 as, shown on a' map thereof recorded in Book 86, pages 40 and ~1 of M.isce].lan. eous Maos, ['~ecords of Orange County, Cali forni a.; Thence N 89° &6, 33" 't, al. ong the north li.n~..~ of sai. d Tract No. 287]., a distance of ]..,17.5.Z~4. feet to the nor'the,.t'~,st corner of sa. id Tract No. 2871, said corner also being a point on the west line of Tract No. 2301 as shown on a map thereof re- corded, in Book 68, pages 5 and. 6 of Mi sce].laneous Ma. ps, tlecords of Orange County, California; ~rhen, c.~e, N. 0© l~' 39" W., along said west line of ~ract No. 2201,_. a. distance of 39.37 feet to t~.e northwest corner of said Tract No. 2301; O rT~ T ~ract ho~. ..... ?~0..l.~ ..... n.nd ~ts easte~'].y prolon~nti, on~ ..... , ~,. di~'t.~:~'~'~ce,.~., ....... of ].,20~.08 feet to the intersect ion. of a line para].~oI 'L,o and "~' ~ as measured, a.t. 'r'iaht; angles to, forty (~0) foot we te~]...z o , the surveyed cer:.ter ].in.~-~ o'f Ho!t. Avenue; , Thc. nee, S 0° 1~..' )9" E., ~"~1"¥',",' ].~.ne, ~. dj. stance of 987.~38 feet, .more or' ].ess, to tb.e inber- section ()ff the w'es~or],y p¥"~ . .. ........ c],ong~t..:kon ~'~f t. he south Warren Aven~e said Wa:rre~ Avent~e be~r~g sixty-~.~ix (66) feet , ~ .... ~ . ~.'n w~.dth; The'n.c ~ [] 8~.~° '~ .... , . . i~,., alo:ng ..s~.id westerly p.ro].ongation. ~ distance of ]..,3~6 34 feet;, and. said south ].ineof Warren Aven.ue, .... .~ . ~o~r.~.,, ....... or ]ess, 'to the ~.n. ter,"ect~.on,.., of the east 70.00 feet of the wester].y 295 feet (measured along the center Ii. nc of '~ "~ "~ .... ~, arren Avenue) ,~,f_ Lot ,~6 ..... or the Van,.~.ur]..ip a;r'u]. }~ow:~m mract ,:,~"ow~'~ on r~ r'nar~ thereof recorded ~n Book l?, .... ..... ~ .. ~r..~.,~:, 7~ of Miscellannous ...t ~ .~ ,. ~., ~. ~ ~ · ..... ~..,os Ange]..os Corinth,, Co.].ifornia, ".Ihe:,~ce, S ....... 0© 1..5' E , along sa.~,'J east Ii. ne, a d~sta'nc¢ ,~....r 58~.5 fee't, mor~-,~ or less, to the so,.~th line of sai..d Lotr~ °6,- The'nc~ E;':,st a:o.rtg t?!.e south line of said l~ot P6 and along the so~zth ]..i~e of Lot 27 and l,ot 25 of said Vand. er].ip ~.nd t:{o~an Tract, a dist,,-~.nce of ~L~0.,~ fe~.~t, more or less, to a point f~fty (50) feet. northwesterly of, as measured at rig~.t az~g].ea to, the su,-v~,yed ........... center ].ine of N~-~,~,'~ort~, A'venue, sa.:i.d surveyed,. ...... ,~ot q3q Block c ,-= '~,~.~t:er ]~ne aqso. 't,ein.;.. the northwesterly line of T !.) of Trvi. ne's Subd:ivision a.s show~.t on a map thereof recorded in .,,ook 1, Pa. ge 88, Mi sce]l.,:~.neous Maps, Hecords of O"a ...... C a.l ~. f o rn J. a; , . ,~].es to tho north q~he~.c o ~ .... · ~' S ~0° ~' E , at .right ano - westerly.. . ].ine of said Lot, .33]-, a di.~tance~, of 1.~')0 feet to a para].l.e], to and fifty (.50) fe,..t southeaster].y of, as measured at right; ang].es to, the :~.orthwester].v line of said l, ot q3]..' O di. star~,ce of )02 feet, more or ]ess, to the northeast line of ¢.~ .- .! ,.> ~.;. i o. l,o t 3 ) 1; .. The~"~.Ce, S' '50° ]. '5 ' m~ ~ ' --' ' , a]_ong ~'aid northeast~ 1 ine, a d~..stance of 6].0 feet, more o.r.' less, to the southeast line of the northwest half of said l,ot 33]-; [']l~m~]. e..nce, S. 39° ~5' W., a]ong sa.i d southeast: .line, ~..~. d.i. st,.'.:nce of 1,290 feet, more or less, to a ]..~.ne para.]lei to and thirty (30) feet nort]'leo, ster].y of, as measured, at right angles to the southwest line of sai. d Lot 331, said southwest line also be- ing t;b.e surveyed, center ].J. ne of Irvine O Thence, S 50 ~5' E., .... [l, ]. Olq,[~ sai. d parallel Ii. me, a distance of ]..~.~.~.~+ feet more or less, to the nor.'theasterly p.r.'olon~ation of the southeast ]..1.ne of prol.~erty conveyed to Leon ~'riset..~ by deed recorded in Book L~0, page ~ of Official Records of Orange c~.:~unty, California; Thence S 39° ~ eo. sterly , · 45' W,, along sa. id. n~.~rth~o prolongation and. a ].ong said. southeast line, a d.ista, nce of 690 feet, more ore, ss, to the tno~,t ..... s~'~uth, erl~,~, corne~ of saJ. d pror~erty;. Thence, N. 50° 15' W., along the southwest line of ~; a . ~ .d ..... t)ro'oert;y, r:?,._ (mi.i' 'ta.t~ce of 252.20 feet to the most westerly.. ~ corner of ~-.:aid ~roperty; 355: Thence, N. 39°/+~' ]!,: along the northwest line ~:' a dista~ce of 1 0 feet to the most easterly said property, . corner ......... of property conveyed to the Tus+'~.n Cement Pipe by deed recorded in. Book' ~377, page 14-1 of..0ffic~.a]. Heco:rds of Orange Co~.nty, Ca].ifornia; Thence, N. 50° 1~' W., along the northeast ].ine of sa. id property, a distance of 2~8.20 feet to the southeast line of '~:r'operty conveyed to Victor Griset by deed recorded O in Bo(>k k59, . , pag'e ~.,3 of Of fi cia] itecnras' "'" of O~ ,.:..nge~'"~ Count;y, Ca] tfornia; Then. ce, N. 39° /+5' E., along said southeast of sa.i.d property, a d. istar~ce of 328.70 fec:,t, more: or less, to a no:n-ta:rtgent curve, concave to the so~th and. hav.lng a r adi~:~s of ].,250 fe..,t, sai. d curve be:lng on the n. orth !:inc of Four'th Street, s~id. Fourth Street be:~ng 100 feet irt width; Thence: Westerly, al. cng sai. d curve '-hro'ugh a O .... central angle of ~ 2.7' 2]".. , a.n arc d:'i. sta. n.(':e of 7q~.~39 feet to the end ~.f,, ,.,~,a. id "curve, ~'~ nenc" ~..., S ......... 89° i"~5' 37" 14 , along sa'i.d o? l;'o'urth Street, a d~stance~ c)f .17~. 76 feet to a cu,~ve, tangent, concave to thc northeast and. having .a radius of o7 Feet; T h e r~..c e, N o r t hwe s t e r 1 y, ,'...~ ! on g s a i (I c u. r'v' e t h re u g h a central, angle of ].29° 59' 23" ~-,','~ arc distant,:~ o~ ~,]. 26 ~te(. to a. ]_!n.e ta. nge~tt paral].el to a]~.d fifty (50) feet southeasterly o f, a..~._a ~ e. e~ r e d a t r i g h t a_ .z:'-.o '? 1 e.,s t o , t h e s '~.). r v ~... y,~ ..... d. c e,"~ *'~.. e r ] i n e of Newport, Avan',' ~e; Tb.e'r'~c e, ·, 14. ~, E ,~.n.~. o'n;...::' ,...,~a'~, d pr:' ~'n~:.~..,.n ].. e n.~. ~ ine a d.~.s~' '~ 0 f('~ ~', more or ].es.:~, ......... ~ . ,,. , E a. distance of ]..0~ ~, feet from 'the ~.z'~.tersect, ion oe the north- west line of New['t,'ort Avenue, said New?.ort Avenue being 100 re(:.> in .wid't]':. , .. and "-he;... . ~:~:r'tb,.... ].ine r~f~ ..'nr'or:er'ty~ conv,.~yed-~ t'o, Lawrence Fr:icker' ar:~d ~-Jife 'by deed recorded i.n Book 2727, page 54,5 ,::f O T h,:~ rte e, 50 ]..5 ' W , a t r it. ~' h t ~::~ r). g ]. e s ~ o +'. h (:,. s u .~ vey'eu, c~',':t, er ~i.r'~,-~(-::f Ne~.,;",,-~o-,'t. ~.;v,:,~",L~,:~ .,.:, d~;:;ta.',-~o.e oe ]00 feet to ~ ~, -~ .... ,. ~ ~ ~ z ~.~ ~ ............ ~ ,. the z:]oz, eh ~' · ...... · , . . ~.. ,...~ ~ ~ ......... , ,~ t,~ . . ;l(9~2tst C, O1~ of Lo'b 1..0 o.~ the Vand.~;:z,].i.p ,r."~.t.td !iow.~::.,n Tract .:.as sho'wn on a. real) thereof ..... r'eco-,:~,.~d., ~ .... i..r~. Bo()k .,~, page "'60. oC~ r"'~'~ sc,:-:~ laneou:.:,, _ ... Records. ,:)f Los Angel. es County, California; C) Thence, t.,~', 0 ].5' W., along t.h,::~ e..'.'.~.st :line of s~'~:i.d .Lot .~.u, ........ ~ ,~ . at. d~staz~ce of ~]ll. 64, .feet 'to the e~s~'ez''Iv ~,z"o].or:~gat~on of t~'~e south .line of Tract No. 3779 :.~.::; s~]own on a. map thereof recorded, in. Book ]..3~, pages 3]- .::~.~'~d. 32 of Mj. sc,eiianec)'us I'-i.::t.r:,s, l'~ecords of Ora.nge County, California; T h ez?,c ~:, I'..; 8 9 o ~,~ ' ~ 0" W a. :.',. o ngs a i.. d e a s "- --', " . .... ,~,er] y prolonga, t:.i. on a.r:.d a.l. ' ,~' ' · on~ s;~.id ~outh ].i.ne and. t:.he westerly prolon~a'tion t, he:r~eo~, a dista~"':ce of ~6,9~ feet, more or ..... lez':,.,-,, to the west ~ine o..,f an. Orange Coanty ,v,,.~oo& Contrc~.. channel., sai. a ~,.~est ...... ~ .the be~ ng i.':,ar~.~ ~, el. to. and 2°8~ feet. ,:eas'tez'l.y of, ar:; r;:easured at r':]~'tt angles 'to, ti're surveyed center '1 ine of fto].t Avenue; ~. , ~. ' 39 ~'" ,:'~].. d~.star~c~:, of ~ ]63 4-2 Feet, mo.r'e or" s to a point on the ea. ster].y pr',:'~!onz~tion of Lh.e north ]..jne of thc I..,ot r~arked ..,. ~;',,.,.~ . ]_ , "Le~.ghy" of" s~'::jr'~ ~ ...... de~ j.i.:: and. t:t~)wan Tr'acL, s~:'J.d ?o~nt al so being or~ the nor'th boundary of t:,b.e Eastside Annexatl.,:~n ,. , ........... ~ ....... !.'~a::~sed and ad. opted. 'by the Tust~n City Coun,', il..,., o~-~. Juno _J. ?,, lo57,,; O TheNce, S. 8~ ]..~. Z~0" W., ,.~ - ~ . . orth ]..~ne or said I:,Polongat~.on ,::~n.d a].o.n~., the ',"~ . ~,'~'b marked ..... ~_y a.!':o be inS the 'r~,'~rth ]..~.n.c~ of sa.'~'~ "' ' ~-~. d't st.a.r~ce, of. ].., 09l~. .61, fe,.~"".. ~.,, morc~ o'~. ].es~..'.,.. to the nort;h.~es'b c. orne.r' of :.'::coperty cora. ye,yeti to .,fa~.g,.~.._et H. Sud. d. atv by deed .. Court. by, C~::ii~'oFnJ..a, said 'pc)~.o.t~a.].~o being.an ~;~ng].e !~oint:, s ~:~ Z d. ~ ..... ~ ti Anne.x a.t ~ on, Thence < 0° ~2.~ 00" W , aloz'l~x 'bhe '~esb line s a ~. d. 'o r- o p e r t, y and. t h e s o u'b h. e z' ]. y' 'p :r o I o ~:'.~ ~:~.'~. t. i o n t. h e r' e o f, a. ~, , ~, ]'~'~OFe OF ].e ~'~;, bo ~.:]. ].i:fie 'o~],~'~'~..].. ' ~- . arid. '.~) .f~-~.~:::t southerly of, .... . - surve'ye~.'i c:.ez~ter lJ.:ne of F:i. Fst SLreet, said point also being '~ N[%]. e ~ ..... '~'~.h~.,.~ce"~'~, S. 89° ¥6' 20" W. , a]o.n~:]~ sr.:.id para.].lei. a ~l.:~sl:.a. nce cf ]..,L~,59.6~; ~f'eet, mo.~e or' less,to the nor'theast, co of I~o't, ~., B]ook. ~.~2 of a. part of T'usti. n as sho~'n on a mao, thePof recorded, in."I3ook ].), page 5]. of Nisoel!a.neous Hecords of Los Ans.,el. es Co~mty'.~"'ali~or'r~ia,. said corner als,-~, being an, a.ng~e.,. i.)o~rl't in tho boundo.?y line cJf the "Claus A.nnexa, tior~" as per Or, d.~'r'~r:~nce ....... No. ].01, ~'Paased and. adopted bv~ the Tustin< C'~.t;y Council " . co:riti:nu'~n~ S. 89° l~6' 90" W., a].oric ,::i. .!. h e ri c. e ~ · .... pa. Fa. Ii. el. to a:~'~d ~ feet southe:P].y oF the su]?veyed oe'n'teP line of Fir:st; Sf, r:'et, al. so belng the north bc, undary ].ine of saj.d Claus · . o C A.z~nexzxl;[.on, ~ d.:'~.sta, nce,, of ]..67.~0 feet ~o 'the sur'vey(:.~(l ce.n" .... ~.eOt ~.v(-l~lue (eor'mePlv ,T;'" StFee'b), sf.~Sd. PPospeot; Avenlle .. sa'id eoin. t also being an s. ng~e po.iht [.::ei..n~ 60 feet J.n width, . .,. Atq · t. he ortclnal bound;'.~ry l:ine af the City of Tusti.n; Th eric e F 0 o , ..'~. ].[1,~ ]..0" W., ~'~.].ONS s;'~J.d OeNt(/F line, ., ~ }'~;'.tl bc::,d~zldf~.F~ ' ~ uo, o also b,3ins tho d.i. stance of }~ feet to the surveyed centeP ]..'ine o:F Pi.Pst Street, ..... ~ ...... o..~.e ~}oin'b ~ .r'~ '- boun.d.ar'y .,. N. 89° ~.,~6, 20" E., a,~onS t:.he sur'veye~ o I..iNc of ]?ir'st StFc:et~ also 'bei~[~ bhe oPi~ino. 1 city 'bo~md. ar'y', a d:~st.~':~.'n.~.e of °5 I.~ feet t.o the po~.nt of beginning, The City C.lert..-. shall cer'tiey 'to the ,:.~dop~.;io~'~ t h i,. ,:.; ~2 e s ¢; 1 u t; ,!_. on. P& '"" SED AND~.~" ~r~r':~TED.~ .- a.'?, a. regu.] ~.-~ ":" me..c~ +',, ~- }'.,..;'r~ c.-,.., f t be C .i ~'' y ,.,ounci~, c;f the C:i.'ty of Tustir'., ~alifor'nia.., held on the 10th day of July, 1961. oe Ju. ly, 1961. 357. SS. RUTH C. POE, Ci. ty Clerk and ex-o,~ficio Cle'rk of 'the Ci. ty Council. of the City of Tusti. n, California, does hereby certify' t:.hat the whole n. umber of the members off th.e City Counci.]. of the City of TustJ. n is f~ve; tb,.a.t the above and foregoi~.~g iieso!~tion was duly and r.'egul, ar] y .introd.uccd., ~'ead, passed ?tn.d adopted at a r.'cgu]ar ~.r~eeting of the City held on the ].0th {lay Of Jul. y, ]-961.., by' the fo!low:ing note' · " . ~,., - , S he r i dan AYES COUNCIL~,:EN Ki~td, By.rd Nack, NOES' COUNC '!LMEN ' None ABSENT' ~., UN'C i I~MEN H'u m e s t o n _ k CI[~Y CLERK ' ~~ City b~ Tustin, Californ:[a