HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 561 RESPLUTION NO. 561 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, REQUESTING THAT PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN BE EX- CEPTED FROM TAX LEVY BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR STRUCTURAL FIRE PROTECTION OF COUNTY AREAS. W:.'.{E'~{.EAS, the: City of Tust.in has ,':zn organ:i, zed :fl~.re depa.rl:ment :in operation and existence, which fire depart;ment ~s provtd.~.~-.~g ad. equ. ate structural, fire protection to ali.. [)roperty within the corporate limits of 'the City of Tust.!n; a.¥1d W!-.{EHEAS, no addition, al benefit ~'r'.t f:ire protection ..Ls rece,.i, ved or recuired by such property w.[thin the cor'!.',oz'ate v oF Tust.in from s'trt~ctural fire protection ].i.m.i..ts of the Cit~ ..... .~.~iven by the Coun. ty of C)range; N(:W, TI.-tEREFOPW be .~t, reso].ved, as follows' ,, ~ ~-~ ~ ...... ..,..h~.~t the Ci. ty Council of the City or Tu,~.!;t. tn by this tieso]..utio~.~ respectfu].ly requests and. !:,et itions t??,o Bo,'-~.rd of Supervisors of the County of Orange. tha.t ,'.-.:~.].1 'property sS.t;,~at;ed w-i.'bhin the corpo~"ate l:imits of the Citycf ":?usttn be excluded and. excepted, from the ].evy of County taxes for the purpose of structural fi..ra~ protection; Th:i.s I.{eso].ut.ion 'is ad. opted pu..~sur~nt to Government Code, Section 25.6Z~3, as amended. !.~'.',.¢:.:$i:;ll.) ~'.?'.:'i') AD()i-'TED by the City Council of t'he City of Tustin, California, at a re[sular' m~-~..tf~.rlg thereof he].d on the 19th day of June, 1961. ATTEST' 85'1' STATE 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN SS }tUTH C. POE, "City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk the City. Council of .the City of Tustin, Ca]. iforni a, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tus't'Y~.n is five; that the fore- going resolution was passed and adopted by a majority of the said C'.lty ~ounci! at a regular meeting thereof hel. d on the 19th day of June, 1961, by t?~e f(>]. ]. ow ing vote' AYES' ~ ~ 0 UNC ILMEN · _K.i/.']-d.,...Hu~esto_n,, ~!ac_k, Byrd NOES' COUNC II.:MEN · None C 0 UNC ILMEN · ABSENT' Sheridan ., Dated' June 19, ]..961 CIFY.C~RK" Oti' THE ti:;? ~ TUSTTEN, CAI.,IFORNIA