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CC RES 558
RESOLUT'!ON NO. 558 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCE- MENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN.. INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "VANDERLIP AND ROWAN ANNEXATION'" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN WHEt{EA ~' . o, on Friday, May 26, 1961, Petition No 6]. in 'the files of the city c].erk of the City..of Tus'tin was presented t'o the City Council of the City of Tustin requesting the council to give its consent to the commencement of annexation pro- ceedings in conn~.~ction with that certs.in inhabited territory ,. there'in referred to and genera, lly described, which is con- tiguous to the City of Tustin; and WHEREAS, said petition 'was referred to the Planning Commi. ss.ion~' of the C~..ty of Tustin for investigation, report and recommendat ion; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissi. on render'ed its report and recommendation to the council on 'the 26th day of' May, 196].., Favoring the commencement of annexation proceed.i, ngs; ~.:~E IT RESOLVED by 'the City Council of NOW, THE~.iEFOI[E, the City of Tustin' 1. That consent be and hereby is granted for the .. commencement of annexation proceedings in connection wi th said inhabited territory in accordance with. the Annexation Act · of .19.15. 2. That said uni~.corporated territory be and hereby ' ~' al'l~ [ s is designated as '"Vanderlip and Rowan Annexation, d. escr:'~.bed as follows' "Beginning at the Southeast corner of the firSt tract allotted to Teodocia Yorba by decree in partition of Rancho Santiago de Santa Aha in the suit of Abel Stearns, etal versus Leonardo Cora, etal, said point also bein. g the intersection of the surveyed center].ines of First Street and Prospect Avenue, runr..i, ng North from First Street, said poi.~.t also being an angle poi, nt in the? exi~sting boundary of the C~ty of Tustin; Thence, N 0° 14' 10" W, along the surveyed center]..~ne of Prospect Avenue, said centerl:tne also be.ing the existing city boundary, a distance ¢~f ?84.39 feet, to 'the Southeast corner of that certai, n parcel, of ].and conveyed to S.W. Preble by' deed recorded 'i.:r..~. Book 50, page .150 of Deeds, ttecords of Los Angel. es County, Ca.].iForn.~..a,o said po.tnt al. so be.~ng an angle po.'lnt in the existing city boundary; Thence, S 89° 07' 50" W, along the existing city boundary, a dist~..nce'~ ~ of 61.6.06 feet to the Northeast corner of. Tract No. 538, as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 1~, page 5].. of .M.[scellaneous Maps, Records of Orange County, Ca].'~forn:i~a, sai. d Northeast corner also being an angle point in the existing c i ty boundary; Thence, S 89° ~6' 30" W, along the exi. sting city boundary, also being the North line of said Tract No. 3~8, a distance of 60~.86 feet to. the Northwest corner of sa~.d Tract No. 3~8, said corner also being an angle 'poi. hr in the ex'~st, ing city boundary of 'the City cf Tustin, sa.id po:iht also being a point on the East line of "Yorba Street Annexation" as per Ordinance No. 135, passed · and adopted by the City Council of the City of Tust.in on. May 9, ].960; =~hence, N 0° 1.0' 30" W, along said East ]..ine of said Yorba Street Annexation, a distance of 1.,41,6.47 feet, more or less, 'to the Northwest corner of property' conveyed to Ma.r~.n E. Lawrence and Wi. fe by Deed recorded in Book 5634, 'page 870, of Official Records of Orange County, California; Thence departing from the existing c.ity boundary and running N 89° 22' 00" E~ a].ong the North line of said property, and the Easterly 'prolongation thereof, a distance of 1,258.05 feet to the i~.lte..r'section of a line parallel to and forty (~0) feet Easterly of, as measured at right angles to, the surveyed center- line of Prospect Avenue; Ther~ce, N 0° ..1.4' 10" W, along said 'parallel l~.ne, a ali. stance of 1,506.20 feet, to the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of Tract No. 2871 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 86, pages ~0 and ~.~1 of Miscellaneous Maps, ReCords of Orange County, Cali. fornia; Thence, N 89° ~46' 31" E, a.].ong the Nort~ Ii. ne of said. Tract No. 2871, a distance of 1,175.~ Feet to the Northeast corner of said Tract No. 2871, said corner also b~_ing a po:~nt on the West line of Tract No. 2~01 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 68, pages 5 and 6 of Miscellaneous Maps, tte~ords of Orange County, California; Thence, N 0° ].~, 39" W, along said west l~.ne of Tract No. 2501, a d. i stance of 39.~7 feet to the Northwest corner of said Tract No. 2~0!; ~ Thence, N 88° l~9' 29" E, along the North line of said Tract No. 230.1 and its Easterly prolongation, a distance of 1,206.08 feet to the intersect ion of a lJ.ne parallel to and. forty (~+0) feet Westerly of, 'as measured at r.ight angles to, tb.e surveyed center- line of Ho].t Avenue; Thence, S 0° ]..~' 39" E, along said parallel line, a distance of 98?.38 feet, more or less, to the intersection of 'the Westerly prolongation of the South 1..1. ne of Warren Avenue, said Warren Avenue being s..~.x'ty-six (66) feet in width; Thence, S 8~° E, along said Westerly prolongation, and sa~.d South line of Warren Avenue, a distance of 1,356.34. feet, more or less, · to the intersection of the East line of the Easterly 70.00 feet of the Westerly 295 feet (measured along the ~centerline of Warren Avenue) of Lot 26 of the Vanderlip and Rowan Tract as shown on a ~.mp thereof record, ed in Book 17, page ?~ of Miscellaneous Re.- cords eft-Los Angeles County, California; 343' Thence, S 0° 15' E, along said East line, ....~'~ distance of 58~ 5 feet, more or ].ess, to the South line of said Lot 26; Thence, East, along the South line of said Lot 26 and along the South line of Lot 27 and Lot 28 of sai. d Vanderlip and t~o,~an Tract, a distance of 640.5 feet, more or less, to a point fifty (50) feet Northwesterly of, as measured ~.~t r~,ght angles to, the surveyed centerline of Newport Avenue, said surveyed centerline al. so being the Northwesterly line of 1.,or 331, Block I.~ of 'the !rvine Sub- division as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 1, page 88 of M .i~ sc e l lan. eous Maps, Records of ()range County, California; Thence, S 50© 15' E, at r'i..ght angles to the Northwester].y line of sai..d Lot ~3.]., a distance of 100 feet, to a line pa.ral, lel to and fi. fty (50) feet Southeasterly of, as measured at right ang].es to, the Northwesterly ].ine of said Lot 3~].; Thence, N 39° 4-5' E, along said parallel line, a d. istance of 302 feet, more or less, to the Northeast ?~i. ne... off said. ~',ot 331; O '~ Thence. S ~0 15' E, along sa.i.,f~ N'ortheast 1.i.~.~e, a distance of 6].0 feet, moreor ].ess, to the Southeast li~e of' the Northwest half of said Lot 331; Thence, S 39° ~5' W, along said Southeast ]..tne, a ali. stance., of ~., 290 feet, .. ~.~ore or .].ess, to a ]..i'ne ~:~ar'a].. ]. el to and thirty (30) feet Northeasterly of, as measured at right angles to the South- west line of said Lot 33.]., sai. d Southwest Ii. ne also bei.ng the surveyed center]ine of Irvine Bou]..evard; Thence, S 50° 15' E, along said para]..lel line, a distance of 1~4.~ feet, more or ].ess to the Northeasterl. y. pro].ongation of the Southeast .line of property conveyed 'to Leon Griset by' Deed recorded in Book ~60, page 9 of Official Records of Orange County, California; Thence, S 39© 45' W, along sai. d Northeasterly prolongation and along said Southeast line, a distance of 690 feet, more o~.' ].ess, to the most Southerly corner of said property; Thence, N 50° 15' W, along the Southwest line of said property, a.~dista~'me of 258.20 feet, to the most Westerly corner of said property;. o Thence, N ..39 45' E, along the Northwest 1.~.ne of said property, a distance of 130 feet, to the most Easterly corn. er of property conveyed to the Tustin Cement Pipe Company by Deed recorded in Book 43??, page 141 of Official ReCords of Orange County, Calif.; o Thence, N 50 15' W, along the Northeast line of said property, a distance of 258.20 feet, to the Southeast li. ne of property conveyed to Victor Griset by Deed recorded in Book 459, page 83, of Official Records of Orange County, California; Thence, N 39° 45' E, along said Southea'~.~t ].i. ne of said property, a distance of 328.?0 feet, more or less, to a non-tangent curve concave to the South and having a radius of 1,2.50 feet, said curve be_~.ng on the North. line of Fourth Street, said F~.~urth Street being 100 feet in width; T~ence, Westerly along said curve thr,"~ugh a central angle of 3 27' 21" .~. , an arc distance of ?5.39 feet, to the end of sa~d curve; Thence, S 89° ~.5' 37" W, a. long said North line of Fourth Street, a distance of 175.56 feet, to a curve tangent, concave to the Northeast and. having a radius of~..?° feet,' 344 Thence Northwesterly along said curve through a central angle of ].29~ ~9( 23" an arc (iistance of 61 26 f~..~e..t, to a ].ine tangent, parallel, to and. fifty (50~, feet Southeasterly oe~, as measured at right angles to, the sur~ed centerl~.ne of New- port Avenu. e; Thence, N 39° ~:~5' E, along said parallel line a d.i. stance of 61.0 f~et, more or q ess to a point being S ~0°~1~, E, a dis tance of ]..00 feet from the intersection of the Northwest line of Newpor~ Avenue, said Newport Avenue being 100 feet in width and" the North line of property conveyed t0 Lawrence Fricker and Wife by Deed recorded in Book 2727, page j~ of Official ~ecords of Orange County, California; ~ ~ Thence, N 50 ]..5' W, at right angles to the surveyed centerline of New'port Ave.~',ue, a d~.stance of 100 feet, to the North line of sai..d Fr~.cker Property; Thehce, West, along the North line of said ~ro'perty, a d.J..stan, ce of 4~6 feet, to the Southeast corner of Lot 10 of the 'Vand. er]Jp and Rowan Tract as shown on a map thereo'? recorded in Book page ]..60 of Miscel].aneous Records of Los Angeles County, Cai~.f. Tb~--~r~ce, N 0~ 1~' ~, a. ].cng '~".h.e East line of said Lot 10, a d:~stance of 314..614 feet, to the Easter].y prolongati, on of the So'uth Ii. ne of Tract ~779 as shown on a map thereof recorded Book 135, pages 31 and 32 of Miscellaneous Maps, I.[ecords of Orange County', California; Thence, N 89° ~4.' 20" W, al. cng said. Easter~y 'prolongation and a"~.ong said South line and the Westerly pro].. 0ngati on thereof, a d'istance of 1+66 95 feet, , . more or less to the Wes+'. line of an Orange County Flood Control channel, said west line being parallel, to and 238 feet Easter].y of,.as measured at right angles to, the surveyed centerlin, e of itolt Avenue; Thence, S 0° 14.' 39" E, along said West line, a distance of ].,163.Zb2 feet, more or ].ess, to a po'~nt on the Easterly pro- longation of the North ].ine of the Lot marked "Leighy" of o~"~id Van<].er]ip and Rowan Tract, said point also being on 't?~e North boundary of the Eastside A~.exatl. on as per Ordinance No. 1.11, passed and adopted by the Tustin City Council on June 17, . 1957; Thence, S 89° I~' ~0" W, along said Eastecly prolongation and along the North line of said Lot marked "Leigb. y" also being the North line of said Eastside An~,exati0n, a d. istance' of 1,0~9.~7 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of property conveyed to Margaret M. Suddaby by Deed recorded Book 6~9~ page 19 of Official Records of Orange Cowry, California, said point also being an angle f~oint %n said Eastside Annexat Thence, S 00 12' 00" W along the West line of said property and the ~toutherly prolongation thereof, a distance of 737.2~ feet, more or less, to a line parallel to and 33 feet southerly of, as measured a~' right angles to, the sur'veyed centerline of FirSt Str~et, said point also being an angle ,~o~nt ~].n ~a~.d Easts~.d.e annexation; Thence, S 89° ~$.6' 20" w, along said parallel, line, also be:i~ng the boundary line of said Eas't:side Annexation, a ~ d. istance of 1,~59.65 f.:~(:.~t, mo~e or !ess, to the Northeast corner of Lot l, Block l~2 of a part of Tustin as shown on. a map thereof recorded i.n Book 13, page 81 of Miscellaneous Records of Los .An. gel. es County, California, sa. id corner also being a.n angle point in the boundary l~..ne of the "C].aus An~'~ex.ation" a~ per Ordinance No 101, , . ..... · ~mssed and adopted by 345 the Tu. stin (;ity Counc."LI oft May 28 1956 Thence continuing S 89© 4.6' 20" W, along ii. ne parallel to a~.~d 33 feet southerly of the surveyed cen'te.rli, ne of First Street, also bei. ng the North boun~.fary line of sai. d Claus Annexation., a distance of 167.50 feet to the surveyed centertine of Prospect Avenue (formerl. y "E" Street), said Prog. pect Aver. rue being 60 feet in width; sai. d. point also being an ar',gle point in the boundary line of said Cl. aus Annexation and also being on +,:.he ori. ginal boundary line of the City of Tustin; "'~ also being the Thence, N 0© ].4' !0" W, al. ong said center_,...~ne, original boundary line of the City of Tustin, a distance of feet, to the surveyed centerli, r~e of First Stre~.-~.t, also being an angle 'poi. hr in the origi, nal c5. ty boundary; Thence, N 89© ~6' 20" E, along the surveyed centerline of First Street, also being the or:igi, nal city boundary, a. d}stance of 25.~ feet, to the point of beginning. The City Clerk shal..~ certify to the adoption of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by 'the City Cou. nc i]. of the City of Tustin at a regularly adjourned meeting 'thereof held on the 26th day of May, 1961.. ATTEST · O"I:.-i. N I A CiTY OF TUSTiN,-~AfIF CITy CLX, ~IT'Y OF T~ISTI~',' CAIiIF()i~N~[K STATE C:F CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. t'.~C~,;i, City Clerk a. nd Ex-officio C].erk of the City Council of the City of Tustin,. California, does hereby cert..~fy that th.e whole number of members of the C i. ty Council of the City of Tustir~ i.s five t?~at the foregoing resolution was oassed and adopted by a majority of the sa.id City Counc~l at a regularly adjourned meeting 'thereof he].d on the 26th day of May, 196.1, by the following vote; AYES' C(J'UNCILEEN' Kidd., Humeston, Mack, Byrd and Sheridan ~_~ ::- - ,, ,ill,,, : .......... , , ..... NOES' C'OUNC ILM'EN · None ABSENT' COUNC IL~EN' None CITY OF TUSTIN, CAl.,IF.