HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 527RESOLUTION NO. 527 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING PLANS FOR THE EXTENSION OF FIRST STREET. does resolve as follows' 'T?~at th, e extension o? 'first street souhheaster!.y from :' "' r !t a n d t h e s ,.-%m e ~,.'', e r e b v i s, a p T) r o v e d. ~{ew.;:.,o t oad be, ...... ,.. .. , and 'the Road Department o'? the County of" O~,.'..m.~'~e ~.s r'equested to rrlake detailed plans o? the i.r. lter~-ection off Pirst Street and Newpor't !'load in conforr:'iity with attached hereto or ~','ioc"t. ificatior~ there()'?, and the C.[t;y of Tustin a. gr~':es t;o pay costs there?ore ~.n a.n a. mon.nt not; 1;o exceed ":-!';250.00. It is hereby re- quested of the '13oard or' Supervisors of the County of Or, ang'e throu~'S?~, the P!anr:lr~g Commission ,'-:,.nd Road De- '-)ar't ~l ' e ~."'1. t-.- me ....'t, of t;l"~e Couni';y of' Orange th. et an~.,'~, ~., uL..ur ~- e- velopments of' the s~,.~..d F:i. rst ~ . ~.~t, reet Exte'nsion a.n~t the intersection off 'First Street and Newport Road be confornlity with the a'.~oresai, d. plans. P^"',.,,~SWD, A~,~l) ,'~Ot..~T ....... at; a rei.:;'ul, arr, eeting of the City Council of the City o'? Tu. stin, ?te]..d on the 6th day of September, 1960. · - o:?~' ' r o:? the C-[ty: 0"'f ±h"stin ~Y Cai :l f o rn i a (,itY c~erk"o'f" tH"e'"~'~"ty o.S Tus~., ..... C a 1 i f o r n i a 254 o f t;t'], e. C. i. t y o.[' T. t~....~: .... t; i ~ , d o e s h e.r e b y c e. p t, :i. 'f y t ...... !,'",,.', t' t b. e w['].o]_e number off mc'.r:]be.r's o'f t}]e CLty Co~.~.ncil o.F t;b.e Ci. ty of Tusti. n i~-'' ?i. ve' th~..tt the a. hove [-~n~! f~ore~oi~,l~'~ ~:~ ~ ........ ,. . resolution was passed and ad. opted by a majorit',y o'F the Council. ,'-_.:~ t ~':~, re..?'ul,ar.,o ['~e':'~-t .~..ng ....... t:,}'~.~re, of. J..nL vote' ,, :.'. ~.,S ~.~ounci .lin e:.n N'O '['.1~-.,'" "~.o. u'n ¢: i ._'1 tn e r.t .:, o n f I t~m e s b o n !'}AT'F, I')' 5; e i':..-'t; o m k.~e r 6, 19 6 0 (]i~y' CZ~r,k ,of th.,:".: Cit:y of" '- (,a'].i ?o~'nia