HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 492RESOLUTION NO. 492 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ACKNOWLEDGING THE RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CIRCULATE A PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH TUSTIN AVENUE ANNEXATION" AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATON THERE- OF AND APPROVING THE CIRCULATION OF THE PETITION. '~1 19 ]9 t ere was filed with the City' Clerk of the City of Tustin a coi':)y o.F a. noti. ce of %'n. tent.i, on to circulate a · petition rela.'t~.nE' to ~-~nnexation of certa.~_n terri- tory to the City of T~stin., und. er the Ar~.nexa. t ion Act of 1913, pe'rt;ai.n;tng 'to t~rrit:ory des~.~nn, ted as "South 'Pustin Av'e'.r.}.ue A'n~.aexa. tion" accomnani_ed by a writ;ten statement ~ontai_.r..~n,~ reasons for the .f.)etit2on to~:'..';et?~er, ~,zit?~. ~..~n aff'?idavi't 'off .publication of s~.~.id noti. ce in the '"l:ust~_n Ne~,.zs' a. nd t~I'i.~.Ei'~E,,'~S.._ , the Annexation Act of 1913 provides.. t~at the lesislat;ive body may ad. opt a reso].ution ackno~,~.'l..edinig receipt of the notice and. a. pprovi?:',.g ti'~.e circulation of the '~)etition; , """ B'~I'] !r'~ '~"}'E f'30 LV'F. D by t h e C .i. t y "i: l iE'[t t;"PO.:IE, lq 0I,.'.~, .... , .. Counci. 1 of 'the ''' Tus · ~,ity of' tin 1, ~ ' · staten'~ont and Ph~:~..t the receipt of the ..,"~otice, a. ffid,~.vi.t is her'eby acknowle(t.~.[~ed, and. that aF)proval is hereby i.~iven ['or l;he cir,culation o? the petition For annexa, t io'r.,, of tha. t territory desia:,nated as "South ~.i'ustin Avenue Ar~.nexat;ion'% twenty-one days a£ter the i-',ub].icatior.~ off said no'b~.ce and. statement, !"!'l .,. . ~he City Clerk shall certify to the of 't:ii~., Fe~-.ol'u't~.o'[], o ::.,r) ~',.I,?'I.) ,,.'.~ ,, ED by t h e C ~ ty " ~., oun c i. 1 of the City o? a.(:]jot~rNe{t rneetin..!; ther'eof h. eld on t?;e ]lst {"!~..].y 12-31-59. A. O. !'"ark, City Clerk 171 STATE.. OF CALIFO~ ~'NIA ) CC)UNTY O!:i' 0TtANGE ) 1:;S . r'ity Cqerk and Ex-of .ficio C'erk A. 0 PARK, = ....... "'i ty r, of the ,~ =ouncil of the City' of Tustin, California d. oes hereby ceri;ify that the w}~ole number of members of the City Council of 'the City of Tustin is five; that the f'ore?t'oin2; resolution was passed and a. dopted by a majority of the said City Council a.t a re~!.~u].ar adjourned meetini...;' thereof held on the 5lst day of December, 1959, 'by the :following vote' AYES' Cou¥"..c~ linen' ?':'IDt'~ '?ADI',OCK !fUFIESTON & BY7~D ..,.- _ ..~' ~_ . ...... ~ =-- _ , ...... -: . = ,, .I = N 0 F, S · C o un c i 1 m e n' N 0 NE A" SENT' Councilmen' BACON Dar ed' December )lst, 19 59. City Clerk o? the City off Tu. sti~ California