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CC RES 491
RESOLUTION NO. 491 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CONSENTING TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXTAION OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH TUSTIN AVENUE ANNEXATION." [i:ESOI,UT I0N N0 . 4__~,~91 i-i P,'ESOLUT I 0J",! 0 F T~tI.!] ~ I''~ ' ' "~ ~ ..!. Y 6 0 UN~, I I., 0'~:P, T } tw,.., C = ~ ~'~.., .... 'v 0 [~ ~ Lr..':.~ ~,. I N nO:'''~'''~'''''' ..... (] T "' ......... ~ ~. "" POT{ m ~ ~o~'.,,'~ml'N 0 TH[~ CO',""~'r'.~N'C[~I'{ENT OF '~'~(),.~T~EDT~[(.~,'~ . t'tE ziN'Nt~XATiON ON CEfITAIN INtfABIT!;',D TF'~ir~iTO.i'~Y DESI('}N'ATED AS "SOUTlt TUU""II',f ....... AVENUE Ai'.~NEXA~:. ION. " Wi~iEEEA.U, on December 21, ~959, the Request, now i.n files of the City Council of' the City of Tustin was presented to the r'tty..~ ~ou~.~cil of the City off muotin.., o requesting the Council to give its consent to the commencement of annexa.- tion proceedings in connection with tha. t certain inhabited territory tiierein referred to and. genera.].ly descr~i..bed, which is conti~..ouous to the City of Tustin,' a. nd 1..../f tE l:~. w,,~ S s a. i d . - ..... , petition was referred, to the Plann Commission of the City of Tustin for investigation, report and recommendation; and WHE2EAS, the t~lan'ning Comrnissio.n rendered its report and recommendation to the Council on the 21st (lay of Decern'ber, 1959, favori."i"':S .the com~.tencement of annexation pro c e e d ing s; ar'~d W.t.IE2!'(:i'~.~, it is; the desire of' the City Council to g'i've its consent to the commence, merit of such annexation proceedini..i;s upon ,.?,or~d. itio:n, t~.~at the electors within territory be :informed at the time the petition for' annexation a(.,:., to sai. d. is circulate(,"~ that the question to be submitt ,-'~ e].ectors shall 'be w[~ether the territory sha].l be annexed to the City of T'ustin. NOW, THEt~.F,t. PO'['~,E, '['~'fi IT T~E,~.~()LVED by the City Council of the City' of Tustin: 1 That cor. tsent be and hereby is ~?ranted For the commencement of annexa, tion proceedings in connection with said inhabited territory in accordance with the Annexa.- tion Act of 1913, -r~r,()vided the petition for annexation con- tains a request that the question to be submitted to the elector's residiN.,:.~ in the territory proposed, to be a. nnexed s?~a].l be 165 annexed to the City of Tustin. ~ That said unincorporated territo.ry be and hereby is desi~jnated as "South Tustin Avenue Annexation", and the legal description of said territor~ is attached hereto, marked ".~xhibit A" and r~a.d.e a part hereo.? as though incorporated in full at this plaice. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular adjourned meeting thereo~C held on the 21st day of December, 1959. yyor, J]Terome-c-". ATTES~,~'~ 166 ATE 0~._ CAI..,IFO~NI~ ,; A ) COUNTY OP 0..?.~ANGE ) C I T Y 0 F !,i.?U S T I N .A. O. '.!')/i~'{K, City Clerk and. 'Nx-o'.~.ricio Clerk of ~'" ~' u±~e ~ity Council of the City of Tustin, ualiforni~..~, does here'by certify that the whole number of members of the City uo'uncil oF the City of Tusti~ is five; that the fore.going' resolution was passed., and adopted by a J'~lsjority of the sai~ City Council at a regular' meet i'n~.~", thereo~ ...... !~eld. on the 21st day of December, 1.9.59, 'by the following vote' Counci!mer~' KIDD,__ }{IJMF, ST()N,_ B/ICON & BYT:{.D Counc i linen' NONE A BS ~'r ~,f:2'.: .,.. Councilmen' '~ADLO CK... Dated' December 21, 1959 'Cie~k of" t]"i.~ ci:ty:. -'of ~-,.usti.~ California 167 E~.,AL DF, SC[~I TI ON FOR SOUTH TUSTIN AVENUE AI'INEXATION Beginning a.t a point in the ea. st.li~e of Tustin Avenue 66 feet wide, ..Formerly known a.s "Newport Co Road." a,~ · ~ ~... shown on a map of Staf'?ord and Tustin .... r~ct, recorded in Book 2,...'page 618, Miscellaneous. T:~ecord. s.. of' Los County, California--with the South line of the "Irs. L. Marchant Annexation. No. 2" to the City' of Tustin, ,.'..~.s per Ordinance No. 124 on June 1, 1959. 'fhen southerly ~.~,long~ the east line of' said. Tustin Avenue 905.51 feet a little more or less to the northwest corner of the southwest one qu.~.;rter off Lot "M-" of said Stafford a. nd Tustin Tract. · hence easterly along *'he, north lir.~e of said ~-'~outh- ~-' west one qua. rter, 358.6 feet. Thence southerly parallel to the center line of Tustin .Avenue; 580.5~ feet more or less to the south line of Mcfadden Street--~0.00 feet wide. Thence easterly a. long the south Iine off said HcFad. den Street l.~11.80 feet more or less to the west line of parcel conveyed to Charles A. Patton by deed. recorded, in Book 2113, page 255, Official Records of Orange County. Thence southerly, parallel to Tustin Avenue 805.00 feet to the southwest corner o£ sa. id Charles A. Patton parcel.. Thence easterly, p~..~.ra. 1].el to Mcfadden Street 76.52 feet more or less to snsle 'point in parcel No. 2 as des- cri bed in instrument record, ed in Book 2832 on page 150 Official P,.ecords of Orange County, California. , Thence South .51© East alon~..~ said .~roperty line ~67.70 feet to northwesterly line of Newport Avenue 60 feet wide, . Thence southwesterly ~.~.lon;'~o said northwesterly line of Newport Avenue 1~;~40.~6 feet more or less to a point 310 feet northeasterly, measured, at ri,i':;ht a.n~'~les from the center line of' the Atchison, Topeka. and. Santa Fe .,tailroad ri;','ht of way Thence southeasterly, parallel to sai~] railroad center line-13.50.00 feet more or less to the southea..sterly line of Lot 64, .Block 11, as shown on a map of "Irvine's Subdivision" recor~.~t, ed in Miscellaneous I~.ecord Maps, Book 1, pa.f~'e S8, Orange County. Thence south, west, along said 'lot line 210 feet to point, 100 f~::~et northeasterly mea.~..~ured at right an,~.';les, from said railroad center line. Thence northweste.r.~ly, paral].el to said ri,~.~'ht of way center li'r~e, 1290.00 feet more or less to the southeasterly line of said Newport Avenue, 60.00 :feet wide. Thence southwesterly along said Newport Avenue ?5.00 feet to point 25.00 feet .from said ra.i].ror.~ center line. Thence southwesterly along said Newport Avenue 75.00 feet to point 25.00 feet from said ra.i../.road center ].ine. Thence 'n~'~'.r'thwesterly r'~'.~..~a].lel to an~ 25 feet northeasterly measured at ri','bt a.n,,'.:;les from said rail ~.~ · .. road center ].ine, 'to t':he west ~.ine o'f Tustin Avenue 50 feet in width, also being, an angle .~:~oint in the ~.~ a n t a A n a. 'bound.ary line of the City of ° Thence r.~ortherly along the westerly line of "?~stin Avenue, also being:' the easterly bound~:~.ry line of the City of Santa, Ama 1461.81 feet, to a. point .~.n the Westerly prolon~.jation of the.south line of pa'?ce], of land conveyed to l,.lillia.m S. Hatc}'~ by deed recorded in L~ook 1816, pa:..~'e 134 Official ~'~ecords of Orani.~'e County ~..D ~ ~ :" · Thence east, parallel to Mc.,adden otreet 579.z~0 feet to southeast corner of said William ~ o. Hatch pa. rcel. Thence north parallel to Tustin Avenue /42?.4 feet. Thence west along property line ~nd the wes- terly extension thereof, 5?9.40 feet to the west ].~.ne of Tustin Avenue, 37?.6 feet to the south line of Mc- ~adden Street-~0 feet ,,,,id.e, also being ~-.~n an::','le point in the boundary line of the City of Santa Ana. Thence west along the ,:.qot~.t~ line of Mcfadden Street 713.90 feet. Thence north .[:arallel to center lime of Tustin Avenue 469.00 feet. Thence !..i'eot alon,:~ t~.rope.rty line .5 22 feet to ' ' ~'~ C.'3;. · _.' ' point 710.32 feet west of the east line of Lot "L" said Stafford. and Tustin Tract. Thence nort?~erly parallel to Tustin Avenue 429.00 feet; Thence easterly along property line 50.32 feet to t~e southwest corner of Lot "N" of said Staf'.for~.~. and Tustin Tract. Thence northerly alon~.i~ said lot li~e 7~0.'.'..'~2 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot "N". T!'~e'nce easterly along lot line l~0.00 feet to point 210 feet westerly (measured at ri~l'bt an~'[,!es) from the east line of said Lot "F" s~_'.~.id Sta. ffor~ and Tustin .~ract. T. hence, northerly parallel to and 210 feet westerly (measured at right angles) from said ,':.est line of said Lot ".F", a.n~ its northerly, r~rolongatior~,. 1400 feet too.re or .less to the north line of Main Street, feet wide as shown on saint Sta. f?ord and. T~.tstin Tract. Thence easterly along said north line of Main Street a.n,~l its easterly prolon~.~'ation 2~43 feet to the center line of Tustin Avenue, being a point in the westerly bound~.~.ry line of t~e City of Tustin. Thence foll. owin['~-~' r.-~.lon[.,~ the said. Cit~.r of . · S boundary lJ. ne, the following courses, outher].v, easterly, southerly, westerly, southerly a. nd ea~sterly 66 .feet to to the point of beginnir~g. I' it i~ i I ~ i~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, 51 s << ,~ 7 (~ I ~' 9 i! 1.0 ~' i ~, 11 12 13 j i ~. 4 i ;; z~!~ 16 ~` ~ ~ 1 I! ~8 i i9 t ~o ~; 2I f 22 ~3', ~4' 25' FD `'. 27 I k 2 8 `. r9 Jl~ (i li ?, i ~~ ~; i C~ ~. i" ~i.'e ,. .i~` i. ~~ ~I _~ ~t.° ~i f °°l~ G3. ~~ ~) pp~~ `t ji ~~ I ~! ~', 7 ~~ ~,: .~~ ~.. I~ ~~ Q., 1 ~!I ~ ~I ~ f: i 5' ;~ i, 6 ~ ; ,~ ii 10 r' fj ~; l~ I 12 j 13 I ~' 1~ I i ~~ ~I ~. s ~ ~, 17 ~{ ~~ ~j ~.9 4 ~0 I 2 ~. ~~ 23 , ,~ ~~ ~, 25' 26 27 !. 28 29 ~, ~ ~l , uti ~ 1 ~. ~ ~ ~` 4. 5~ 6 7 ~~ ~n I! ,~ 9~ 10. ~ l '' j~ 1~ 13 , ~, 14 Ii 15 ~ l6 ~~ I7 ~g I 19, 2~ ~I 2I. ~2 ~~ ~~ ~I ~~ kl 25 26 ~7 ~ 28 29 ~~ ~~ 1 3 ~-' 1 1 ~ l 4l I I ~ ~~ i 6 ~I rY ii p it V (' i! ~~ i ~,Q l ~i ~~ i i ~~ `i 13 ~ ~~ l 15 ~~ i~' ;~ ~~ 1~ I 1~ , 20 ;, 21 j; 2 2 ~' 23 pj ~4' 25 '. 2 6 ~; 27 2~' ~g 30 :~1 ~~ ,~ ~ l I i ~ ~i to ~! ~ 4 6 ~, ,' II, i 9 ~a ,~ ~.~~ ~~ d ,; a.~ ~' 15 j( II4 ~.~7 ~~ ~`7 ~~ 18 i 1~ ~~ ~~ j >~ it Gy r~qq ': (.~ G ', 23' 25' ~ 6 ~~ 27 ~~ 1i 29 1 4z l~7 31 32 Ca i;