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.1 D IS 11 _Loll STY11"11717 TJF1)(A1T1I0N
T'FJ'R 13 1 T 011 Y D'-�'..] S I (] T ' , " .1 1 1 - .1.
1-9.59, Petition No.
I1 I.H F S on November 4, 100
City of r,
in the files of the City Clerk ofC1
' the .1. USt in wc,....s presented
to the City Council of the City of Tustin rE�que(..--.')tinor the Council
.1 k_.. -imencement of "Innexation nroceed-
to give its consent to the or., C
i ncrs in connection with that certain inhabited territory therein
referr'ed.-to and generally described, which is contiguous to the
City. of Tustin; and,
T:?'Ii" FEjjTJ'r4_'D TO rpl-IT.1, Y)lanning
14 1:11,-;" a. I1:1 .1"ETIT.ION WAK.) J.. -4 -_j A4L., A.. .- j
Commission of the City of Tustin for invest igCati on, report and
recommendatio-r-1; and,
�.-JI-ITE11Ej"IS, the Plc inning Commission rendered its report
and recommmendC,_--ition to the Council on the Lith day of November 1.9.59,
ftixoring the co[fimencernent of ��innexation proceedings:
NOW, 13i.j IT RESOLVED by the City Council
of the City of `Dustin:
10 "'.'hat consent be and hereby is ,ranted g fo r the
commencement of -3.nne-,.1,.ation -r,,)roceed_ings in connect ion with said.
inhabited territory in accord(,.-,.1nce with the Annexation Act of
29 J..'hat. said d +-
unincorporated. tind hereby
ritory be ('
is designated as "Yorba. ")"treet Annexation", an"'."i is described
as follows:
Beginning -it the Northwest corner of 1311.ock "All cc -:is
shown on a map of Tract No.cl
396, recorded in Book 16, on P, ge
10, Miscellaneous Maps, records of Oran - -e County, California,
said CE'Lid point of beginning bel.n�r in. the exterior 1),ound.ary line
of the City of Tustin,
hence West,--.rerly along the 14esterly prolon-,rCD ation of
the Northerly line of said Block "A"; forty feet (40 feet) 'to
the Easterly line of the Felipe Yorba ':bract "is
C shown on a. ma. -p
recorded in Dook 4 Pao"e 206 Miscellaneous liecords of Los
iingreles County, California, said Ea.c;terly line of Pelipe Yorba
Tract also beincr the CIO ES terly right-of-wce-ly line of Yorba. Street,
forty feet in width.
Thence Northerly caJon(.c-r the Fi.asterly line of said
Felipe Yorba "Al-rEict, .97 feet a little rLiore or less, to
4366 C C1
.52 feet Southerly, measured_ mat right C, -un;-,1es from the sur-
veyed center line of Seventeenth Street (17th St.)
!le -r-)oint in the bound.,,-,i.ry Tine
said point being can cquner
of the City of Santa Aria.,
Thence continuing Northerly seven (7) feet to a Doint
45 feet Southerly, measured. at ri,-:-rht C-,In;e-!-.--1ecC--) from said.
surveyed. center line of Seventeenth Street (17th St.)
Thence E.asterly, arallel to said. surveyed center line
340-00 feet, a little more or less to the Southerly
prolongation. of the Westerly line of the F,,asterly one_
half of Lot 14 in Block 11311, A0 3. Chclp mr-.i n T I.ract as
per map filed in the office or the County -Recorder,
Orange County, California.
Thence Northerly tlonjr
-prolongation and
said. Southerly
continuing (,-,long said. Idesterly line to the Northwest
corner of the East one-half of said. Lot 14,
i'l 'I
Thence .1.,asterly, r,,...long the North line of scaid Lot 14,
9 nettle more or less to a
in Block 111311, 205.5 feet a " it
line drawn �:)arrnallel with C,Ind 205 feet �(,-'.lsterly measlAred
at an.,, -les froly-ii said. Westerly line of the 1,ast
onesaid. North I.ine of Lot
-half; and. passin- throuh sa t -.Y-
14, Block "B".
Thence Southerly along said.. -Y,')8,ra1leJ_ line and along
its Southerly -r)rolont-,-ra,tion to point 45-00 feet
S A., point
Southerly measured.. at right cangles from the ury eyed
center line of .seventeenth Street (17th St*)e
'Thence Easterly -)c,-ircAlel to said. center line feet
1 72.43
a little more or less to tE
he ast line of' Lot 2 as
Pam shown on a map of Vincente Yorba 9 ' 1r(,"-3.ct, record.ed. in
Book 2 Pa, -re 14 Miscellaneous Records of Orange County.
Thence Southerly along lot line to the Southeast corner
of said. Lot 2, Vincente YorbE-1. Tract.
Thence Flasterly along lot lines, 564,.30 -f,-eet to the
Northeast corner of Lot 3 of caid. Vincente vorba 'ract,
Thence Southerly along the `Fasterly line of s,,-i.id Vin-
cente Yorba Tr(,-..ict -Ind. along the Fi-asterly line of the
ap recorded in record.
Tomas Y-orba Tract as show n on -i. -m C, 4. .1.
of Survey, Book 1 Page 33, Records of Orange County,
California, to an, -..-,,-le point in City of Tustin boundary
r -I
Thence Southerly 44.48 feet to ari,-rle point in city.
'boundary .
TJ(-.:--1.nce Westerly alonc-:r city boundary to -point of be-
3. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption -of
this Iliesolution,
Ry RR 19�9 B
'")OP" I'M Tias 4T?-` 1)"Y' 0`1 NOVI. 3 J.. v THE
G.. A
KID1r Ij M T-,", rl",
DIOES: N014E 0
VI -I I"? T..
1 5
G'N 'E'.'J'D NI), PiPPROVED 11.111IS 4th. 1.) AY' 0 A 0 V M13. . TH.
IYOR OF rl"T'IFF.. C I T Y 010 rT-' IJ r' TPI N
WHEIREAS, on November 4, 1959, Petition No.
in the
files of the City Clerk of the UtY Of Tustin was presented to the
City Council of the Citi of Tustin requesting the Council to give
its consent to the cormencement of annexation proceedings in con-
nection with that certain inhabited territory therein referred to
and generally described, which is contiguous to the City of Tustin;
MEREAS, said petition was referred to the Planning Com-
mission of the City of Tustin for investigatian, report and recom-
mendation; and',
WHEREAS, the Planning Corimiission rendered its report and
reconmiendation to the Council on the 4th day of November 1959,
favoring the coyent'of annexation proceedings. -
NOW, THEREFOIJE . BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cotillcil off: the
City of Tustin:
1. That consent be and hereby is granted for the com-
mencemnent of annexation proceedings in connection with said inhabited
)z i"ustin.
9 Me westerly right -o
in width.
4 -%-LA V1 LVI.).
erritory be and hereby is
and is described as fojjowoa:
f Block "'A" as Shown on a
ook 16, on Page 10, Miscel-
nty, California, said point
boundary line of the City
rolon"gation of the Northerly
40 feet) to the Easterly
Thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Felipe Yorba
Tract, 4366.97 feet a little more or less,point. 52 feet
Southerly, measured at right angles from the surveyed center
line of Seventeenth Street (17th St.), said of being an
angle point in the boundary line of the City of Santa—Ana.
'hence continuing Northerly Seven (7) feet to a point 45 feet
Southerly, measured at right angles from said surveyed center
line of Seventeenth Street (17th St.).
Thence Easterly, parallel to said surveyed center line, 340.00
feet, a little more or less to the Southerly prolongation of
the Westerly line of the Easterly one half of Lot 14 in Block
"B") A. B. pman Tract as per map filed in the office of' the
County Recorder, Orange County, California.
Thence Northerly along said Southerly prolongation and continu-
ing along said Westerly line to the Northwest corner of the
East one-half of said Lot 14.
Thence Easterly, along the North line of said Lot 14 in Block
�tVw, 205.5 feet a little in or less to a line drawn parallel
with and 205 feet Easterly measured at right angles from said
Westerl� line of the East one-half; and passing trou
hgh said
North line of Lot 14, Block "B".
The Southerly along said parallel line and along its Souttierly
prolongation to a point 45.00 feet Southerly measured at right
angles from the surveyed center Une of Seventeenth Street
(17th St.).
Thence Easterly parallel to sai(l center line 72.43 feet a little
more or less to the East line of Lot 2 as shown on a map of
Vincente Yorb a Tract, recorded in Book 2, Page 14, Miscellaaneous
Records of Orange County.
Thence Southerly along lot line to the Southeast corner of said
Lot 2, Vincente Yorba Tract.
Thence Easterly along lot lines 564.30 feet to the Northeast
corner of Lot 3 of said Vincente Yorba Tract.
Thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Vincente Yorba
Tract and along the Easterly line of the Tomas Y Tract as
shown on a inap recorded in Record of Survey, Book I., age
Records of Orange County, California, to angle point tri City,
of Tustin botmdary line.
Thence Southerly 44.48 feet, to angle point in city boundary.
Thence Westerly along city boundary to point of begii-,inii,ng.
3. That" the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of
this resolution.
ADOPTED THIS 4th DAY OF NOVUBER 1959, by the following
Signed and approved this _40" day of November 1959.