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CC RES 485
RESOLUTION NO. 485 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, DESIGNATING THE TERRITORY AS THE "PRESCOTT-BALAMER ANNEXATION", DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED, AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE DAY, HOUR AND PLACE, WHERE AND WHEN ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY SO PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED MAY APEAR BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN. A .RESOT.,UTION OF T!-[E CITY COi~NCTL 0'~ ,m.~{? CI'TY OF "~USTIN /~.,,T~t~OWLED ~I~:~O 2,-'.,C~I OF .A PN T i0~,~ POP ..uE A~,?,,.,,XATIO~',T OF C~.~.~T.AIN ~iJN!NHAB.ETED TNRI.'~!"~O~Y TO T~N CITY OP '~USTIN, .. ~"Y ~ ES - DESIGNATING THE TERI.~ITO~.. A~ ~'~'~E "P'R COTT ANNEXATION"' DESCI-tI?.'~IN~G THTM 20UNDA~I~;'20~ '~'H~' P~OPOSND T0 BE .AN~'J'EX~D, AND GIVING NOTICE 0P THE DAY, HOUR AND PLACE, WHERE AND Wt~EN ~NY PE~SON OWNING ~FAL P~OPE~T~ ~ITHIN SUCH TENN. ITORY SO P~0POSED TO ANNEXED HAY APPEA~ ~-~FFO~E THE CITY COUNCIE AND CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE ANNEHED TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN. WHEREAS, the City Co~ncil of the City of Tustin did, on the 31st day of August, ]-959, receive a written petition asking that certai new territory described, in said petition be annexed to the City of Tustin; and WNEiREAS, before the filing of said. petition, the proposal for the annexation of the territory hereinafter described.to the City of T~stin was subm:i, tted to the Boundary Commission of the County of Ora. nge, State of California, and reported upon by said Boundar/ Commission with respect to the definiteness and certainty of the pro.oosed boundaries.; and. W~..{EREAS, said territory proposed to be annexed to said City of Tustin is situated in 'the County of Ora. nge, State . of California, and is conti?;uous to the City of "fustin and is un.~nhabited terri'!:,ory, and said petition contained a description of said territory in words and figures as here- inafter in this Resolution described; and. WHEREAS, the City Council finds, from evidence and re~:~orts received, that at the time of the filing and receipt of said petition, it was and now is signed by owners of not less than one-fourth (1//~)~ of the land in the territory by area. anD. by assessed val~ze in the territory prooosed to be annexed, according/ to the last preceding{ equalized county assessment roll; and W}-tEftEAS, the City Council finds :From evidence amd. reports received and from said petition that at the time of the filing and presentation of said petition that said new territory proposed to be annexed to the said City of Tustin did not form a part of any municipal corporation and that said territory was uninhabited and is contig'~.~ous to the City of Tustin; a~.d 150 o f "L'us'[; i:r~; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds from said .petition and evidence an5 reports recei, ved that the boundaries of the · i:err~.tory so provosed to be annexed to the City of Tustln are as follows, to wit' Bei./;inning at a:n angle point in the bound, ary line of the City of T~stin, said 'point bears Southeasterly ten feet from the intersection of the So~..~.theaster].y line of the Northwesterly one-half (1/2) of' Lot .~2, B].ock ]_2, Irvine's Subdivision, a.s shown on Miscellaneous Record Ma.o .[:~ook 1, Page 88, t~ecord, s Orange ~ounty, California, with the Northeasterly line of Laguna Road, 80 feet in width; '].'hence Northeasterly, al. ong City boundary L~.50.0 feet to the Southeasterly prolongs, ti. on of the North- easterly line of Block "C" (So~thwesterly ].ine of Bonita Street, 60 feet i~. wi. al. th) as shown on a ma~ of Martin's Addition, recorded in Book ]-9, Page 79, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles Co~nty, California; Thence Northwesterly along said. $o~.theasterly prolon~...~ation a.nd continuin~f; along the Nort~..easterly line of said. B].ock "C" 6L~0 00 feet to the Northerly corner of said ['~lock "C"; Thence Northe~sterly par,~l].el to the center line of Newport Avenue, 60.00 feet w.i. de, and along lot lines 250.00 feet to the Westerly corner of Lot 1.2 in B].ock "B" of said Martin's Addition; Thence Southeasterly alon .... lot line, .50.00 feet to the Southerly corner of said Lot 12 in i'~,lock "B"; Thence Northeasterly parallel to the center line of said Newport .Avenue and along lot lines 680.00 feet to the Northeasterly line of San Juan Street, 60.00 feet in width as s!:own on s~.~id. Martin's Addition; Thence Southeasterly along Northeaster].y line of said San Juan Street, 50.00 feet to a poi. mt ~.istant Southeasterly 100.00 feet measured along Sa~ Juan Street right of way, from its intersection with So~.~theasterly line of Newvort .Ave.~ue, 60.00 feet wi_de: Thence Northeasterly, .par.a. llel to New.~ort Avenue, 150.00 feet to a point; Thence Nortbwester].y, parallel to cen~,er line of San Juan Street an~,. its '~!'orthwes't':.erly p, rolon:;'~ation, 160.00 feet to the !',.~orthwester].y ].ine of said New.port Avenue, 60.00 feet wide; Thence the following courses and s_i. stances based on t~ose shown on Record of St~rvey recorded in Book 1¥, pa.::e 12, ~ecords of Or~.~n?.~e Co~nty, Ca~...ifornia.; N. 59° 51' 50" E. a]on~:~' said New'nort Avenue right of way line - 1.5.00 feet; Thence S. 89° .52' 50" W. r~arallel to the SouSh 151 line of Main Street, 80.00 ~eet wide, 228.2~? feet to the Northwest line of ~'So~t?lern Pacific Rail. road Station ~rounds" as shown on said. Record of ~urvey' Thence S. 39© .51' ~0" W. along Northwesterly line of said Station Crop,nd.s, 6~3.00 feet to the 'Easterl. y pro- longation of the center line of Sixth Street, as said Street is shown on a map of a part of Tustin City record, ed in '[~ook 4, Page 218 and 2].9 Of MJ. scellaneo~s Records of Los Angeles County, California; 0 T?}ence S. 89 L~8' W. along said Easterly pro- longation 22.10 feet to the Southwest corner of .5.025 acre parcel of' land as conveyed by deed recorded November 17, 19 58, in .5ook ~8~, Page 5, 0fficial 1.tecords, Orange County, California, from Kenneth D. Sloop and wife to W. F. Graves, et al' T :.ence N. 0© 14' 30" W. along west line of said W. F. Graves, et al., parcel and_ its Northerly prolongation 817.63 feet to the North line of ?lain Street, 80.00 feet wide, and City boundary; T~,.ence Westerly, Southerly, Westerly, So~therly, Westerly, Southerly and Southeasterly following along city boundary li~e to the Southeasterly line of Orange Street, ~0.00 feet wide, and being an angle po.i. nt in the City 'boundary line--and the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, .~E IT RESOLVED 'iY THE CITY COUNCIL O.F THI!': CITY OF TUSTIN' That such r.~roposed annexation be designated as "Prescott- Balmer Annexation" to the City of' Tustin, and that notice of such proposed annexaslon oe ~'ie~,eoy given as hereinafter ~rovided. .. .B.E iT s'[J~i'£'HE~i H'ESOLVED that the 1Wth day of 0ctobeT 1959, at the hour o~' ?'~0 o'c±oc~ F. ~'~., at the City Council Chambers in the City ~[all of the City of Tust'in be, and the same is hereby fixed as the day, hour and nj. ace when and where the City Council will hear protests made by any owner or owners of real property within the territory proposed to be annexed; and that at any time before the hour set for hearing objections, any owner of property within said territory may file with the City Clerk a writtep '.orotest against the annexatio'n. Said protest shall ?~e in writin?;' and. shall state the name of the owner oF the property affected an~ the description and area, of the property in general terms. BE IT ~'UR...HE~ R'I~,t.~()LV.ED that the City Clerk ~e, and he is hereby, a. uthor~.zed and directed to cause but not oftener this Resolution to be p~.blished, a.t ~.east tw.~.ce, 152 t:~an once a week", in S-~ newspaper o~f general circ~.~lation, rnl 1 ~ublJ. shed in the City, to wit' The ..... stir! News of Tusti~, Oran~ye County CalJ.~orn'ia, an~] also in~ a newsDa~er o C general ~.~ ~ ..... . _ circulation, ~ublished outside of the City, but in the County of Orange, .t~ which is located the territory here~nabove Droposed to be annexe~ to the C~ty o.fi Tu. st.tn, to wit' Orange D'aily I~lews, Oran. ge, California.; .?nS that such publ.i, catior.~ shall, be completed at least twenty (20) d.s.y's prior to the date of hearin~.:i; h. erei. nabove smecified. AND BE IT F'!.~[t.,. R]?E OLVED ~that the City Clerk of the City of ~"ustin be, and h.e ~.s hereby, authorize~ an~ directed to c~.use written notice of such ..vropose5 annexation to be rl'!a.~'le~ to each person to whom land within the territory nro.~osed., to be a.n'~exed i~-,.~ as~esse~,,., in the ~aot,. ,.,. eq.~.ali, zed county assess~'~ent roll. available, on t~,,e date the proceed..~.nffs were initi, ated, at the address ~.',?t'ow.~it on said e~ssessment roll or a.s know~ to sa J.~ City Clerk, and to an.v person w!"~o has filed, his name .':~nd adc~ress' and the d. esi.~'nation of ]..ands in which he has any interest, eit!'~er legs.], or eq. utt,~b]..e, with said Clerk; ,?~n~. i.n the event that ]_and within the territory pro.~osed to be annexed to 'the City of ?ustin is owned by a. Co~.nty, the City Clerk of the City o? T~.st~n she.].], also cause written notice of st,.ch proposed, a.nnex~'~tiom to be matle~ to ,. the Bo::~rd of' Supervisors. of st~c~'~ County. The fore~.~'oing~. notices sh~'~ll be given not ].ess than twenty (20) days before 'the first p~blic ~ea. ri~.g on t?',e ~'~roposed annexation. PA~:;SED A?~.I) ADOPTED by t"~',e City Council of the City o~' Tu..stin, Ca]..ifornia, at a. re~."ular ad. jour.ned meei-~..n~'~ thereof held. on the 31st day of August, 1959. ..........//~ '~, .ayor ...... A.~. TEST' City Clerk ST/..~TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ":~S CITY OP TU'STIN A. O. PARK, City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the Ci[,y Council of the City of Tustin, California, does !qereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council off the City of Tustin is five; tha. t the foregoing resolution was passed and. adonted by a majority of the said City Council at a re.!-.~'u].ar adjourned meeting thereof held on the list day of August, 19 59, by the following vote' AYES' Council men' KIDD~.. !$ACO_~_ & BYRD ......... NOES · Counc i lmen' NONE Councilmen' .ABSENT- HUME~-TONo & TADI.,OCK DnTED' At.lgust 51st, 1959. City Clerk of the City of Tustin. Ca!iFor~ia. ~ i ~;~ ~ ~ I' ~ ;' I~ pit 6 l it 7 ': 9 1.0 ,, 1~ ~I 13 ~, 1~ 15 ~j .~ ~~ 16 ~~ ,,_. 17 ~ ~ t 1~ ~, 19 20 '; 2I k 2~ ~~ ~I ~, 2 3 ~ I ~4 €i z ~5' 26 27 2~ ~~ ~9 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ u o I' .~z i~ ~~ , ~~ ~u 2 3 4 5 ,, 6 7 8 9 10 11 1~' ~'~ i) ~~ 14 l5 ~+ I6 ~~ i 17 tg 1 1$ 19 ~; 2C~ i! ii 21 ~ 2~ 2:~ ~4 , 25, ~~ Ei ~~}}ry I~ ~i f 'p B e.1 °pV ``~ J.d. i~ ~. ryry ~~ ~G t~s :; ,. u .:~ i~ _L :) (j ~. ~~ .i. ~ i li _7 't ;?i1 ~..~ :~ _L ~~ z ~_ .,,: ~^~, n ~. i ~ ' ~.. ~ ~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ,.e, 'i 6 7 ,; II ~ i~ ~i i 10 iI ;i 1~ ~2 ~; 13 ~; 14 !i I5~',~ ~) 16 ~ , i~ 17. ~$ i 19, 20 I! 2 2 i' k~ ~~ ~: 2~ ~, ~~ ~~ rJ '' 26 2 7<' 2f3 G, 2~ ;~t~ i1 ~1 r ~. ~ ~. I ", I':. ~' ~;:• k 3e a ., ~P, rt. it ~I i ~I ~i '. I'' "t ~ i (I ~I ii I ~~ `~ 6i ~. ~, ~j 9~ I ttpryy'' ~4€ ~~ i~ I ~~~ ~! ~~ ~~ I ~~ a ~~ If ~; ~~ Ir 17 18 ~' ,~ 19 20 2I ~2 23 ~~ 25 26 27 2~ 29 30 ~~ ~1 ~ I ~.2 ~# ~E s~ n ~.. T..1 .~