HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 479134 follows: RESOLUTION NO, 479 .. A RESO1.,AJT1-.-0N OF TIFF,, CITY C'OUNCTL OF THIT-i", CI"L-'Y OF rnS C I 471 'TUSTIN, CALTFORNIJ;` A " I RE MDI'NfjG 1HESOLUrP TOTJf ATO 0 'IND DE('IGNATING TN'D T VTDUI'LS AUTHORIZED TO S I GY F OIC A'lLq D Ary ('1`,EPT SURPTUS FFMERAL PROPEBTY9 The City Council- of the City of 'Pustin does resolve as U Resolution No. 471, entitled. "A resolution of the City Council o -LP the City of Tustin, Cc-,Iliforria., Des2,-,. rq J 1. nF to Si--�rn for and Ap.cent Sur-n1us F=lderral Individuals 'Authorized. N-0 j -nro-nert,1Y." �--And- whAch was ado-oted. June lst, 19 59 , is hereby rescinded, and .1 W! fEEH-FAS, by Public Law 65.5, 84th Coni r(�,.%ss (70 Sta-to ') 49 3) , the Federal Government Yi.,acl*), authorized the don,-,'ation of surpl-lis Federal Property for civil defense purposes; and- W- E:.,,). E A conditions onditions are imposed. 'by the Office IT I I of Civil and Defense Mobilization, the Department of Health, education and Welfare, t'.',,, --!e Cali fornix. Disaster Office, a.n(l the Surplus Property Division of the State Department of Education in conof such. nro-perty; and- nection with the acquisi'tion I WHER'E1-,A,1-)', the City of Tustin desires to establish its elior,ibility for such property; IT I S T� T7S0LV*--.-1.'D bar the City Coi-i.ncil NOW THEREFORE, I J, � . . - r I C., LT of said. City that BUEL A. W I ..,TAMSON, Director; FLMBFT1? JOHANTISFN, De-p-tity .7 -i -rid. -/-LRTHUR 0. PARK, Assistant Director; sha-11- be, and_ theyare herel)y (,-�.-uthorized as re-rresent()tives of said City to sign -f"or --)nc9. accept surplus Fed.(--,3.raT T-)ro-nerty in acr,_.orda-ric.-,.e with tl,.,.e co-nditions impoC,4 ed by the above agencies; and. t i . A . I. L -i J- IT IS FUR"M.''"R RESOTVF h (7, M that the Clerk of t. - s o -i -i n c J. is hereby rauthorized. C.Md directed to send two (2) cert'ified. conties of this Hesolutio-yl to the CaIiforni-,a Disraster Office, for fil-l-ng with said Dis3..-ster Office and with the Staf-..e 1)eT)C-,)1.rtment of Education""''"', and IT IS FU,111TITHR "R.EZOLVED that this Resol-i-Ation of authorization shall rem -Iin in fiill. force and effect until superseded or rescinded, by resolution of this Council trans— mitted. in di.i.plicate to the Ca]-iforylia.M.F.)aster Office, 9 si,lf,natures o4L" -nersons authori,-Zed to sign: 1) I. Director. I kJ De-outy Assistant Director, PAS `_ ­ED AND AT)OIITI.'.'D -,t meetin.- of the City Council of the City of "'ustin, I-leld on the 6th day of JtAY, 1959. Frank E. Mayor Dro tem 4 ATT 'r'ST: T7 City Clerk STA'.J'E OF �.; t �. L .1. TQC) I �� } COUM-PY 01'.` 0I?I.1:`'.TNJfGE SS uITY (-')F TUI'_)J.III\�' i�, 0. PI-JiKj City IClerk 8.nd- Fx-officio Clerk of the City C,oi.incil of the City of Tustin, Cal-iforni,,.i,, (Io Y.-.ereby certify F., the whole n-10mber of mer.iibers of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the fore,ff-oing Resoli.ition w('s _0_L3.,c,-3sea, (.,i.nd ad_o--,-,,.ted by Ana jori.ty of the sti.id City Council ,?t a re -Tul ' i -r meeting thereof .1--ield on the. 6th d�_)..y of July, 959 y b the folit following vote, o wit: AT)TIOCK -�S'_PON & BYRD 1,21 Y E S • C o t,i n c i 1. men • B A C -0 _N TUMfT .17 T40-- S : Councilmen: NONE AB S E N"V : C o un c i 1. men K IDD Cit.-,fr Clerk of the City of Tustin, 0 Cal- . 1-fornia m 8 9 10 11 12 1.3 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 C� 31 32 4 5 6 7 10 11 KM 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ED AIIIND K110' Of f lee. uns authmized to sign: r Director. Deputy. Director. of the City of Tustin, held on the Ali day of july, 1[35%, (,)r, PPO tem a. ATTEST:, go 4 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 V 28 29 H 32 V'r RRA ON 'brox's ... . .. ........... K 7DD ...... .............. ......... . ....... . .