HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 CDBG EVAL FY 2009-2010 02-17-09MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2009 TO: TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SUBRECIPIENTS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND FUNDING REQUESTS FOR PROGRAM YEAR 2009-10 RECOMMENDATION That the City Council: 1. consider and provide staff with direction on public service performance evaluations for continued funding; 2. consider and provide staff with direction on non-public services funding requests; 3. hold the first required public hearing to receive public input and testimony; and, 4. set a second required public hearing on April 21, 2009, to finalize the Program Year 2009-10 funding allocation and Program Year 2009-10 Action Plan. BACKGROUND The Federal Housing and Community Act of 1974, as amended, created the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to return Federal funds to local communities for the purpose of developing viable urban communities by providing adequate housing and a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities, specifically for low- and moderate -income persons. Grants are awarded to communities to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services. The City of Tustin has not been notified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) of the City of Tustin's grant award for the 2009-10 funding year. The HUD's representative for the City of Tustin indicated that there may be a ten (10) percent reduction in the allocation across the board. However, with the recent President Obama economic stimulus plan and the change of administration, there could be potential increase in the overall allocation for the CDBG program. Therefore, for planning purposes HUD had indicated that cities could use the previous year funding amount of $797,511. City Council February 17, 2009 Page 2 For participation in the CDBG program, the Federal government requires that local jurisdictions prepare a 5 -year Consolidated Plan document and state within its plan, the jurisdiction's goal and priorities. The City's current Consolidated Plan, adopted on May 2, 2005, covers Program Years 2005-2010. The City is also required to submit an Annual Action Plan for each of the five years covered in the Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan serves the following functions: 1. A planning document for the City of Tustin; 2. An application for federal funds under HUD's formula grant programs; 3. An action plan that provides a strategy for carrying out goals and priorities (also serve as the City's annual application); and, 4. A basis for assessing performance. Eligible Activities Communities are permitted to develop their own programs and funding priorities, as long as each activity meets one of the three CDBG National Objectives. These objectives are as follows: 1. Benefit low- and moderate -income persons; 2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or 3. Meet community development needs having a particular urgency (conditions that pose serious or immediate threats to the health or welfare of the community where other sources of funding are not available). The CDBG program as administered by HUD requires that at least 70 percent of the total CDBG annual expenditures must be used for activities that benefit low- and moderate -income persons over a one-, two-, or three-year period, and individual activities designed to benefit low- and moderate -income persons must assist at least 51 percent of low- and moderate -income persons. To assure that activities will meet the National Objectives, HUD established guidelines for Eligible and Ineligible activities. Eligible activities include: • Housing -related type of activities • Removal of Architectural Barriers to Public Facilities • Rehabilitation and Preservation Activities • Public Facilities and Improvements • Public Services Activities • Economic Development Activities • Planning and Program Administration, etc. The CDBG program limits the amount of allocation for Public Services activities and Program Administration. A maximum of 15 percent (15% x $797,511 = $119,626) of the total grant award may be allocated to Public Service types of activities. A maximum of City Council February 17, 2009 Page 3 20 percent (20% x $797,511 = $159,502) of the total grant award may be expended on administrative and planning activities. Public Service Activities Multiyear Funding On April 17, 2007, the City Council amended the City's Citizen Participation Plan by designating the Tustin Community Foundation as the Citizen Participation Committee for Public Service Activities and that funding for public services are to be allocated through a three (3) multiyear funding cycle. Accordingly, on February 25, 2008, the Tustin Community Foundation acting as the City's Citizen Participation Committee held a public hearing, considered funding requests for public service programs, and recommended allocation based on a multiyear funding cycle. The City Council on April 15, 2008, accepted the recommendation and approved the funding allocation for public services programs for a three year period. Following the Year One (1) allocation for Program Year 2008-09, the approved public service programs shall continue to receive Year Two (2) for Program Year 2009-10 and Year Three (3) for Program Year 2010-11 funding if they meet the following criteria: a. Activities must continue to meet the priority and objective for which the activities are funded in Year One (1); b. Activities must continue to leverage funds with other sources; C. Activities must be in compliance with contractual obligations; d. Activities must report accomplishments correctly in the Quarterly and Annual Performance Reports and/or other documentation as described in current year contract; e. Activities must receive a successful assessment of project performance and progress from City staff. A list of public service programs and their accomplishments is attached as Attachment A. The City Council is asked to consider: the subrecipients progresses; accomplishments to date; and, whether they are to receive continued funding for Year Two (2) - Program Year 2009-10. Staff has provided a recommendation for the City Council's consideration. In summary, all public services have accomplished approximately 40 percent or more of the stated objectives. Using reporting data and interviews with subrecipients, generally the non-profit agencies indicated that the economic downturn have impacted their services directly and indirectly. They have noticed that the lengths of counseling or needed stay for individuals in the programs have been lengthened and that reduced allocations and/or grants received from other agencies have also impacted their programs. City Council February 17, 2009 Page 4 Non Public Services Activities/Programs On December 4, 2008, the City published a Notice of Availability of Funding Application (NOFA) for non-public services CDBG funds in the Tustin News and transmitted applications to all City of Tustin departments. The City staff committee, which consists of all directors from various departments and a representative from the City Manager's Office, also held a meeting to propose and discuss possible non-public service CDBG projects for FY 2009-10. The purpose of the meeting was to review, evaluate and make a recommendation to City Council on the disbursement of projects for public facilities and improvement, rehabilitation and preservation, and program administration project categories. While no funding application was received from outside agencies, a total of seven (7) City's applications and one (1) Fair Housing application were received (note: pursuant to CDBG program regulations, Fair Housing activities could be included as part of the Planning and Administration). Funding Allocation for Program Year 2009-10 The following are recommendation for funding allocation: Public Services Activities (max. $119,626) Boys and Girls Club $ 15,000 (continue) Community Service Programs (ATSC) $ 10,000 (continue) Community SeniorSery (Senior Meals) $ 20,000 (continue) Graffiti Removal - CDBG target areas $ 19,626 (continue) Laurel House $ 5,000 (continue) Human Options $ 5,000 (continue) Olive Crest $ 5,000 (continue) Tustin Parks and Recreation Department (Youth Center Staff) $ 25,000 (continue) Tustin Parks and Recreation Department (Kids Corner) $ 15,000 (continue) Public Services Subtotal $119,626 Public Facilities and Improvements Redhill Parking Bay $ 200,000 Tustin Family Youth Center Playground Equipment $ 85,750 Senior Center Lighting $ 50,000 San Juan Sidewalk Reconstruction $100,000 Public Facilities and Improvements Subtotal $ 435,750 Rehabilitation and Preservation Activities Commercial Rehabilitation $ 22,473 Code Enforcement $112,250 Rehabilitation and Preservation Subtotal $ 134,723 Program Administration and Planning Activities (max. $159,502) Fair Housing Counseling Agency $ 17,412 CDBG Program Administration 90,000 Administration & Planning Subtotal $ 107,412 Grand Total for all Activities 11 City Council February 17, 2009 Page 5 Note: To facilitate the Council in making the decision, staff has included tables attached as Attachments A and B. Attachment A is a table listing all public services activities and their performances. Attachment 8 is a table listing all non-public service activities along with the submitted applications. Since there is no certainty in the amount of grant allocation that the City will receive in Program Year 2009-10, the City Council may consider the following options: • If the actual amount of CDBG funding allocation that the City receives in Program Year 2009-10 is reduced/increased, the City Council may either reduce/increase the amount of allocation proportionately among all activities. The City Council should note the 15 percent cap on the maximum amount of funds that can be allocated to public service activities, or • The City Council may delay making a decision on the final amount until the 2nd meeting in April in which the City Council may consider each activity based of its merit and/or performance. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PROCESS Federal laws relating to CDBG funds require cities to provide citizens with specific information about the amount of monies expected for the program and the range of activities that may be undertaken with those funds. Federal regulations also require a jurisdiction to hold at least two public hearings to obtain the views of citizens on such issues as housing, other community development needs, and the use of the CDBG monies. This is the first public hearing and another public hearing is tentatively scheduled in April to consider the proposed Action Plan (a component of the Five-year Consolidated Plan and an annual application for a CDBG grant) and to authorize staff to submit to the Action Plan to HUD. After City Council approval, staff will submit the one-year Action Plan to HUD detailing the City's specific use of the funds for FY 2009-10. The Action Plan is due on May 15, 2009. After receiving final approval of proposed projects, each public service/non-profit organization receiving continued funding will be asked to enter into agreements with the City requiring compliance with all Federal CDBG regulations relating to program management, reporting, auditing, etc. No disbursement of monies can be made to any agency or organization until expenses are incurred and documented to benefit the intended program. dAh" u tins Willkom Principal Planner Elizabeth A. Binsack Director of Community Development Attachments: Exhibit 1 (CDBG Low -Mod Target Areas Map) Exhibit 2 (Redevelopment Project Areas) Attachment A (Public Services Allocation and Performance Evaluation) Attachment B (Non-public Services Funding Applications) Exhibit 1 CDBG Low -Mod Target Areas Map Exhibit 2 Redevelopment Project Areas 1A, ® ��.ar- L pr F"I 11 I n=j : -1646 77 ILIW FIRST STRIC ? Ikk ST, LEGEND TOWN CENTER SOUTH CENTRAL MCAS TUSTIN TUSTIN IF M'A r" REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EVINGER PROJECT AREAS IF I W. MIT I / &X / T X/ -T Attachment A Public Services Funding Allocations and Performance Evaluation cri O 00 i O O N L m QJ } E m L w O L a O 00 O O N i—I M L U O 00 O O N r -I 7 N L O) t m a- '0 C N r_ m o c c o LL LL = 0 0 E E c c " O u CC u u O YN C Ln a) ai iP O 3 3 a) O H a) u m �Y C O_ m a) 'o v� E v j i C- iv a) a) a) C E O O ♦+ C C 2 T u is E O E u E C a C O Cvi Om a) NN > taap YCL o U m ) O :3n C. wO v � m ) al w o amip N Oa u Ep E �3v p C a) m aj o > '- v '� a 0) O� d 'nLn O v+ i v u m '.' aj vale A` dD O Y N m a) m C -0 O C O'0 N m O C O a) C c 3 a) o V) a) i s - v o= o C)$ a) Vn m 4. a E > I— t.= O v a) a C u Z m o C h+ ao C N ° 4; 'N N u p n Ln V m W s N� a O z m a OC O L d rZ '0 0) ~ N (14 Z N Lh crL 'O w O m i0 C C V C= H i! 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LL W Z a) Q � . _ >' V (n C a Z E O a — U 0m a F- Co > o = co cn > m t m �� _ m a.cj� CL cn a W Q co m C, U .=— E` coZ U c� ri 0- 0) z c Y 0 Y N m a Q c .. a) d c E �� J EEQ aa) ` ~ m U U _ p >c�LU c�v CD O E -5 �3 _ =c}a w W CL D E mmN N f0 N O N O N E O N U)U) Q�m Q C)0 UW L6 06 Program Administration COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING CITY DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION FUNDING REQUEST FOR FY 2009-2010 1. Name of Department: Community Development 2. Name and title of contact person: Justina Willkom, Principal Planner 3. Phone number: (714 57Z 3-3115 FUNDING REOUEST 1. Name of proposed project: CDBG Program Administration 2. Area, physical location, or address of project: Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin CA 92780 3. Description of project: Salary and benefit cost for a CDBG coordinator overseeing day-to- day administration of the CDBG Program. Request also includes contingency funds for unexpected expenditures. 4. Number of Tustin residents to be benefited from the project: Citywide Program 5. Indicate under which federal criterion your program qualifies for CDBG funds. N/A ❑ Low/Moderate Income ❑ Slum/Blight ❑ Urgent Needs If you are qualifying under the "slum/blight" criterion, describe the condition and economic characteristics of the targeted area or properties. Explain how your program will address the conditions which contribute to the deterioration of the area. City of Tustin Page 2 of 4 City Department Funding Application BUDGEURNANCIAL DATA 1. a. Is this a new project? ❑ Yes ® No b. If not, how many years has it been in existence? 13 "Years C. Is this a multi -phased project that would require funding in future years? N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No Number of years Indefinite 2. Previous year's funding sources (list amounts and sources) Source Amount CDBG $62,870.00 3. 4. GJ 91 Total $ Total project cost: $90,000.00 Amount of CDBG Funding requested for this program year: $90,000.00 Other funding to be used for project (list amounts and sources) N/A Source Amount Total What specific information was used to estimate the project cost? Standard City salary and benefit costs. City of Tustin Page 3 of 4 City Department Funding Application 7. Provide a breakdown of project budget: Administration/Service Cost $90,000.00 (Salaries) Construction Cost Support/Overhead Contract/Consultant Other services (Specify) Total Project Cost $ (Materials and Labor) $ (Postage, Utilities, Etc.) $90,000.00 8. If project is to be funded for more than one year, provide a breakdown for each year. (Attach a separate page and follow the format used in Item 7). January 5, 2009 Signature of Department Head Date Hca eoontokk&\C&'YMBUD9-1acnffit ADNNisnunox eeeucnnON 2009-2010.aoc City of Tustin Page 4 of 4 City Department Funding Application Fair Housing Council of Orange County '� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING OUTSIDE SERVICE PROVIDER/NON-PROFIT AGENCY \mss FOR FISCAL YEARS 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 REQUEST FOR FUNDING APPLICATION GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of applicant (agency): Fair Housing Council of Orange County, Inc. 2. Address: 201 S. Broadway, Santa Ana, CA_ 92701-5633 3. Phone number: (714) 569-0825 4. Name and title of contact person: David Levy, Housing Rights Advocate (ext. 204) 5. Non-profit incorporation (if applicable): 2/19/1968 California Date State 6. Federal Tax ID number: 95-2538829 7. Purpose of the organization: This organization's primary mission is to counteract local discriminatory housing practices. We "affirmatively further fair housing" laws and policies. Also, we help advance the enforcement of general housing rights and responsibilities, and do so in cooperation with local governments. 7a. Is organization affiliated with a religious institution? O Yes IN No 8. Qualifications of organization : The Fair Housing Council of Orange County (FHCOC), a nonprofit organization incorporated in 1968, has been providing fair housing services to CDBG entitlement jurisdictions since the inception of the CDBG funding program (33 years). The agency employs 16 staff members, plus interns and volunteers. Staff members. are qualified, trained and experienced in fair housing law, as well as landlord/tenant law and HUD housing programs. City of Tustin Our services comply with HUD Page I of 7 recognized methods 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 Funding Application to "affirmatively further fair housing". Additionally, the agency is a Certified HUD Housing Counseling agency, and is recognized by the Orange County court system as a referral resource for persons involved in eviction cases and as a mediation program. The agency is governed by a 12 -member volunteer Board of Directors, which establishes and oversees all policies. The background of the board members is diverse. They include real estate professionals, current and former university professors, a CPA, business executives and individuals from the nonprofit sector. Fair Housing Council has one full-time and one part-time attorney on staff. Staff members periodically attend specialized training and conferences on fair housing law, landlord/tenant law and HUD programs. Six full-time staff members are certified mediators, and numerous volunteers and interns go through the certification training for mediators. Staff members, who may lack years in the classroom, more than make up for it with their in-service experience and training. The agency's staff, between them, has over 75 years of experience in the fields of fair housing and landlord/tenant law. The Fair Housing Council's professional staff also has multi-lingual capability and can provide comprehensive housing counseling services in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. All past program audits of this agency by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development have passed. City of Tustin Page 1a of 7 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-1 / Funding Application FUNDING REQUEST 1. Name of proposed project (please note the specific individual project/program for which you are requesting funding, not the general services provided by your organization Tustin Fair Housing Education, Counseling and Enforcement 2. Area, physical location, or address of specific project: City-wide program conducted from agency's offices located at 201 S. Broadway, Santa Ana, California. On-site activities at locations within Tustin as needed and appropriate. 3. Statement of needs: a). Housing discrimination occurs in the City of Tustin in violation of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1866 and Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, and of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, Unruh Civil Rights Act, and Civil Code Section §54.1. About 4 current or potential Tustin households will make allegations of housing discrimination that merit the opening of case file, during the next fiscal year. The Fair Housing Council of Orange County (FHCOC) will effectively respond to each complaint received, even if greater in number than anticipated. b). Other housing disputes and housing law violations arise within Tustin, which relate, in part, to the "blighted condition" of CDBG target communities. About 750 Tustin landlord/tenant issues from 220 unduplicated households, making 250 requests for services, will be handled by this agency during the next fiscal year. Our services directly influence needed housing quality improvements within Tustin's CDBG target communities. c). FHCOC will respond to as many Tustin housing discrimination allegations as possible. We also provide professional services that address other general housing law violations. We facilitate the opportunity for landlords and tenants to correct wrongful housing policies or behavior. Tustin's unrestricted "service demand rate" for FY 2008-09 will be about 3.15% of this agency's entire program output designed to "affirmatively further fair housing" (this may vary in subsequent years). Services will impact and benefit the target CDBG areas and the low to moderate -income population within the city, with more than 95% of Tustin clients being low ( 50% A.M.I.) or moderate income (51-80% A.M.I.). In addition to direct counseling services, we expect to conduct over 75 community education presentations, reaching over 1,900 individuals throughout Orange County of which, at least, 2 community education presentations will take place in Tustin. Last year, over 125 information packets were provided to individuals from Tustin to further enhance the quality of service. City of'Tustin Page 2 of 7 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 Funding Application PROJECT JUSTIFICATION 1. Number of persons anticipated annually to be benefited by pfejeet: 9,500 h'holds (countywide) agency 2. a. Number of Tustin residents anticipated annually to be benefited by project: 225 h'holds b. Percentage of Tustin residents anticipated annually to benefit by the project: 100% (only Tustin residents served by proposed services) 3. a. Is this a new project? O Yes IN No b. If not, how many years has it been in existence ? 33 years (including service via O.C.) C. Is this a multi -phased project that would require funding in future years? O Yes IN No Number of Years 4. To the extent known to you, please estimate the following characteristics of your client population, or the population of the area served by your program. (Please refer to the attached Income Limits) Client Characteristics -Estimated Percent of Clients Low income -85% Moderate income 10% Abused children unknown Battered spouses unknown Elderly (62 or older) 10% Handicapped unknown Homeless 0.5% Illiterate unknown Migrant farm workers unknown 5. Indicate under which federal criterion your program qualifies for CDBG funds. Low/Moderate Income 19 Slum/Blight If you are qualifying under the "slum/blight" criterion, describe the condition and economic characteristics of the targeted area or properties. Explain how your program will address City of Tustin Page 3 of 7 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 Funding Application 91 the conditions which contribute to the deterioration of the area. In addition to serving eligible residents based upon income criteria, a number Tustin residents served by this agency also qualify using the "slum/blight" criterion. Through the landlord/tenant unit, the agency annually responds to about 45 Tustin resident complaints concerning issues of substandard housing or "slum/blight". Tustin residents benefit from housing counseling and, when necessary, legal advice to help improve their substandard housing conditions. Last fiscal year, through the landlord/tenant and dispute resolution units, we estimate we successfully facilitated the improvement of about 30 rental units in Tustin. Agency staff is available to work in cooperation with city officials to help bring about needed improvements. Which of the following categories best describes your program: 13 Social service 0 Historical preservation 0 Capital improvement ® Other Fair housing activities eligible for CDBG administration funds. BUDGET/FINANCIAL DATA 2. Annual budget of organization (FY 07-08) $ 950,000 Estimated total project cost (Specific project/program for which you are requesting funding, not entire organization) FY 2008-09 $ 19,450 FY 2009-10 $ 20,050 FY 2010-11 $ 20,650 Anticipated FY 2008-09 through FY 2010-11 revenues & expenditures for the specific project: REVENUE: City of'Tustin Tustin CDBG request (3 yrs) Other public funding Private f inding/contributions Program fees Other (please specify) Total 2008-09 to 2010-11 Page 4 of 7 $ 52,248 $ 60,150 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 Funding Application EXPENDITURES: CDBG OTHER FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL FY 2007-08 to 2010-11 STAFFING EXPENSES A. President/CEO $6,830 $1,020 $7,850 B. V.P. Administration 3,920 570 4,490 C. Accountant 2,890 430 3,320 D. Admin. Assistant 2,250 340 2,590 E. Part -Time Staff Attorney 2,820 420 3,240 F. CDBG Program Director 3,030 450 3,480 G. Outreach Manager / Counselor 3,930 590 3,520 H. Housing Law Counselors (3) 9,080 1,210 10,290 I. Housing Rights Advocate 3,950 590 4,540 J. Interns/PT Counselors(1.00 FTE) 2,400 360 2.760 K. V.P. Community Relations 3,920 570 4,490 Total Service Wages & Benefits: $45,020 $6,550 $51,570 Supplies $ 1,030 $185 $ 1,215 Office Space $ 920 $175 $ 1,095 Communications $ 2,270 $425 $ 2,695 Professional Services $ 660 $120 $ 780 Local travel $ 230 $ 80 $ 310 Insurance $ 400 $ 80 $ 480 Staff training $ 710 $130 $ 840 Capital expenses -0- -0- -0- Other (Depreciation, consultants, dues, $ 1,008 $157 $ 1,165 subscriptions, bank charges, etc.) Total FY 2007-08 to 2010-11 Expenditures $52,248 $7,902 $60,150 4. Amount of Tustin CDBG Funding requested for the 2008-09 program year $ 16,896 2009-10 program year $ 17,412 2010-11 program year $ 17,940 5. Other funding to be used for project (list amounts and sources) Source FundraisingL Litigation Settlements City of Tustin Total Page S of 7 Amount $ 4,002 $ 3,900 $ 7,902 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 Funding Application 6. Previous year's funding sources used for project if applicable (list amounts and sources) Source Amount NONE $ -0- Total $ -0- 7. What specific information was used to estimate the project cost? (Provide as an attachment, if necessary). Tustin's share of actual program activity from the prior fiscal year (3.15% of service demand) formed the basis for estimating the project costs for FY 2007/08. This share of service demand was applied to the agency's overall anticipated operating budget for fair housing related services to arrive at the proiect costs. Given the 3 -year funding cycle requested in this application, the costs for subsequent years reflect an expected 3% growth in costs. However, actual service demand rates could vary resulting in a fair share funding amount that is different. Tustin is a part of a collaborative, which is comprised of 21 Orange County jurisdictions, includine all 20 CDBG entitlement iurisdictions. This collaborative approach allows the delivery of fair housing services to Tustin's residents at a substantial savings over an "independent" program. Tustin's current "fair share" of 3.15% was determined from services delivered to Tustin residents and home seekers during the most recently completed fiscal year (7/1/06 — 6/30/07). 8. Evaluation of project: Most aspects of this agency's programs are evaluated through established objective policy and administration mechanisms. Individual records are kept for each service contact provided by the project. Supervisors conduct regular, frequent service delivery reviews. Monthly service reports and service reviews are disclosed to and discussed with program staff. In addition, staff performance reviews are tied to the significant job functions that are directly related to quality and quantity of service being delivered. Client letters or evaluations are reviewed and considered. Staff from Tustin, other local governments and HUD review quarterly service reports, and conduct on-site monitoring,. at least annually. City of Tustin Page 6 of 7 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 Funding Application The various service units of this agency plan to deliver and document the following services as part of this project: a). FAIR HOUSING COMPLIANCE UNIT: (Respond to all allegations of housing discrimination received from current or potential Tustin residents; with an estimate of 4 allegations meriting the opening of a case file.) If deemed appropriate, we attempt to resolve conflicts of alleged discrimination before resorting to litigation. When additional legal action is warranted, the agency may involve staff legal counsel. Legal advice or representation may be provided in cases involving housing discrimination, certain eviction actions, or other unique areas of housing law. When settlement efforts prove futile, referrals can be made to governmental enforcement agencies or qualified private attorneys to assist victims. Clients received over $100,000 in advanced legal services and court costs last fiscal year. b). COMMUNITY EDUCATION UNIT: (Provide a minimum of 2 presentations and distribute 125 information packets, plus coordinate, in cooperation with HUD, a Fair Housing poster/essay contest with Tustin schools.) Our agency works to inform the Tustin community about their essential housing responsibilities. We conduct presentations and workshops about landlord/tenant housing rights and obligations. c.) LANDLORD/TENANT UNIT: (Respond to about 750 disputes or inquiries from about 220 unduplicated households, making 250 requests for service.) Because the overwhelming number of incidents of housing discrimination occur within landlord/tenant relationship, is most important fulfillment of the project's main purpose. We assist people in resolving questions and avoiding disputes over evictions, deposit returns, substandard conditions, and other landlord/tenant matters. Staff counsels individuals about their respective rights and responsibilities. About 20% of the discrimination caseload stems from this service unit. FAIR HOUSING ADMINISTRATIVE data to City CDBG administrators as well as HUD auditors as required.) We will provide support to City staff related to HUD mandated planning and reporting and are capable of producing fair housing related studies at reasonable cost. The agency accumulates a substantial amount of housing related data annually. This unit evaluates service needs and performance, maintains cost accounting and substantiates fair housing 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 Funding Application 11. Certification. I hereby certify that the above information is accurate and true. If funds are granted to our organization, they will be used for a CDBG eligible purpose. We understand that liability insurance will be required for our group, and that our formal agreement with the City will specify other reporting and programmatic provisions. Signature ! to December 20, 2007 Name D. Elizabeth Pierson Title President/CEO Organization/Agency Fair Housing Council of Orange County Note: If signer is a representative of a corporation/partnership, then documentation should be attached which clearly authorizes them to sign on behalf of the organization/partnership. S:\Cd&CDBG\Fmding ApPHWion.doc City of Tustin Page 7 of 7 2008-09, 2009-10, 2110=11 Funding Application Tustin Area Senior Center Outdoor Ligthing COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING CITY DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION FUNDING REQUEST FOR FY 2009-2010 1. Name of Department: Parks and Recreation Services 2. Name and title of contact person: David Wilson, Director, Parks and Recreation 3. Phone number: (714) 573-3329 FUNDING REQUEST 1. Name of proposed project: Tustin Area Senior Center Outdoor Lighting 2. Area, physical location, or address of project: 200 S. C Street, Tustin, CA 92780 3. Description of project: Improve outdoor lighting at Senior Center 4. Number of Tustin residents to be benefited from the project: 10,000 annually. 5. Indicate under which federal criterion your program qualifies for CDBG funds. * * Low/Moderate Income Slum/Blight Urgent Needs If you are qualifying under the "slum/blight" criterion, describe the condition and economic characteristics of the targeted area or properties. Explain how your program will address the conditions which contribute to the deterioration of the area. BUDGET/FINANCIAL DATA 1. a. Is this a new project? X Yes ❑ No b. If not, how many years has it been in existence? C. Is this a multi -phased project that would require funding in future years? City of Tustin Page 2 of 4 City Department Funding Application ❑ Yes 11 No Number of years 2. Previous year's funding sources (list amounts and sources) Source Amount Total $ 3. Total project cost: $ 0 4. Amount of CDBG Funding requested for this program year: $ 50,000 5. Other funding to be used for project (list amounts and sources) Source Amount e Total $ 6. What specific information was used to estimate the project cost? Estimates from contractor. 7. Provide a breakdown of project budget: Administration/Service Cost $ (Salaries) Construction Cost $ 45,000 (Materials and Labor) Support/Overhead $ (Postage, Utilities, Etc.) Contract/Consultant $ 5,000 Other services (Specify) $ Total Project Cost $ 50,000 City of Tustin Page 3 of 4 City Department Funding Application 8. If project is to be funded for more than one year, provide a breakdown for each year. (Attach a separate page and follow the format used in Item 7). of Department Head X1 X-eecad,&kdaCMCDBG1200 1GTORM_cuy D"M-d F.d" V Application 2009-2010Aoc Date City of Tustin Page 4 of 4 City Department Funding Application Tustin Family Youth Center Playground Equipment Replacement COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING CITY DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION FUNDING REQUEST FOR FY 2009-2010 1. Name of Department: Parks and Recreation Services 2. Name and title of contact person: David Wilson Director Parks and Recreation 3. Phone number: (714) 573-3329 FUNDING REQUEST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of proposed project: Tustin Family Youth Center Playground Replacement Area, physical location, or address of project: 14722 Newport Ave, Tustin, CA 92780 Description of project: Replace existing _p UUgund equipment with new interactive playground equipment. Number of Tustin residents to be benefited from the project: 1250 annually. Indicate under which federal criterion your program qualifies for CDBG funds. X Low/Moderate Income ** ❑ Slum/Blight ❑ Urgent Needs If you are qualifying under the "slum/blight" criterion, describe the condition and economic characteristics of the targeted area or properties. Explain how your program will address the conditions which contribute to the deterioration of the area. BUDGET/FINANCIAL DATA 1. a. Is this a new project? X Yes ❑ No City of Tustin Page 2 of 4 City Department Funding Application b. If not, how many years has it been in existence? C. Is this a multi -phased project that would require funding in future years? ❑ Yes X No Number of years 2. Previous year's funding sources (list amounts and sources) Source Amount Total $ 3. Total project cost: $ 4. Amount of CDBG Funding requested for this program year: $ 85,750.00 5. Other funding to be used for project (list amounts and sources) Source Amount Total $ 0.00 6. What specific information was used to estimate the project cost? Estimated playground equipment and installation costs. 7. Provide a breakdown of project budget: Administration/Service Cost $ (Salaries) Construction Cost $ 82,500 (Materials and Labor) Support/Overhead $ (Postage, Utilities, Etc.) Contract/Consultant $ 5,000 Other services (Specify) $ City of Tustin Page 3 of 4 City Department Funding Application Total Project Cost $ 85,750 8. If project is to be funded for more than one year, provide a breakdown for each year. (Attach a separate page and follow the format used in Item 7). \CN--d'.a CWCDBG2009-1mF RM Coy Dq.WftFdn Awh fi. 2009-2010.m. City of Tustin Date Page 4 of 4 City Department Funding Application San Juan Street Sidewalk COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING CITY DEPARTMENT ' FUNDING REQUEST FOR FY 2009-2010 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of Department: Public Works Department 2. Name and title of contact person: Dana R. Kasdan, Engineering Services Manager 3. Phone number: (714, 57� 3-3150 FUNDING REQUEST 1. Name of proposed project: San Juan Street Sidewalk 2. Area, physical location, or address of project: San Juan Street, south side, west of Browning Avenue 3. Description of project: Installation of approximately 400 feet of missing concrete sidewalk on the south side of San Juan Street opposite C.E. Utt Middle School 4. Number of Tustin residents to be benefited from the project: 5. Indicate under which federal criterion your program qualifies for CDBG funds. ® Low/Moderate Income ❑ Slum/Blight ❑ Urgent Needs If you are qualifying under the "slum/blight" criterion, describe the condition and economic characteristics of the targeted area or properties. Explain how your program will address the conditions which contribute to the deterioration of the area. BUDGET/FINANCIAL DATA 1. a. Is this a new project? ® Yes ❑ No b. If not, how many years has it been in existence? City of Tustin Page 2 of 4 City Department Funding Application C. Is this a multi -phased project that would require funding in future years? ❑ Yes ® No Number of years 2. Previous year's funding sources (list amounts and sources) Source Amount $0.00 Total $ 3. Total project cost: $100,000.00 4. Amount of CDBG Funding requested for this program year: $100,000.00 5. Other funding to be used for project (list amounts and sources) Source Amount Total $ 6. What specific information was used to estimate the project cost? Actual bid price from previous projects 7. Provide a breakdown of project budget: Administration/Service Cost $ (Salaries) Construction Cost $85,000.00 (Materials and Labor) Support/Overhead $ (Postage, Utilities, Etc.) Contract/Consultant $15,000.00 (Design Phase) Other services (Specify) $ Total Project Cost $100,000.00 City of Tustin Page 3 of 4 City Department Funding Application 8. If project is to be funded for more than one year, provide a breakdown for each year. (Attach a separate page and follow the format used in Item 7). Head S:\Miscellanean Enginaring\CDBG\FY2009-2010\CDBG Funding Application -San Juan Street Sidewalk - FY09-I O.docc / /V09> Date City of Tustin Page 4 of 4 City Department Funding Application Red Hill Avenue Parking Bay at Pine Tree Park COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING CITY DEPARTMENT FUNDING REQUEST FOR FY 2009-2010 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of Department: Public Works Department 2. Name and title of contact person: Dana R. Kasdan, Engineering eering Services Manager 3. Phone number: (7 14) 573-3150 FUNDING REQUEST 1. Name of proposed project: Red Hill Avenue Parking Bay at Pine Tree Park 2. Area, physical location, or address of project: West side of Red Hill Avenue at Pine Tree Park 3. Description of project: Installation of approximately 175 feet of one-way parallel parking stalls in a concrete parking bay on southbound Red Hill Avenue at Pine Tree Park 4. Number of Tustin residents to be benefited from the project: 5. Indicate under which federal criterion your program qualifies for CDBG funds. ® Low/Moderate Income ❑ S1umBlight ❑ Urgent Needs If you are qualifying under the "slum/blight" criterion, describe the condition and economic characteristics of the targeted area or properties. Explain how your program will address the conditions which contribute to the deterioration of the area. BUDGET/FINANCL4,L DATA 1. a. Is this a new project? ® Yes ❑ No b. If not, how many years has it been in existence? City of Tustin Page 2 of 4 City Department Funding Application C. Is this a multi -phased project that would require funding in future years? ❑ Yes ® No Number of years 2. Previous year's funding sources (list amounts and sources) Source Amount $0.00 Total $ 3. Total project cost: $200,000.00 4. Amount of CDBG Funding requested for this program year: $200,000.00 5. Other funding to be used for project (list amounts and sources) Source Amount Total $ 6. What specific information was used to estimate the project cost? Actual bid price from previous projects 7. Provide a breakdown of project budget: Administration/Service Cost $ (Salaries) Construction Cost $175,000.00 (Materials and Labor) Support/Overhead $ (Postage, Utilities, Etc.) Contract/Consultant $25,000.00 (Design Phase) Other services (Specify) $ Total Project Cost $200,000.00 City of Tustin Page 3 of 4 City Department Funding Application 8. If project is to be funded for more than one year, provide a breakdown for each year. (Attach a separate page and follow the format used in Item 7). / 0- /�' -�' 14, tvf> V ' Jn�urkf Department Head Date SWiscellancous Engk aring\CDBG\FY2009-2010\CDBG Funding Application --Red Hill Parking Bay - FY09-l0.docx City of Tustin Page 4 of 4 City Department Funding Application Code Enforcement Program COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING CITY DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION FUNDING REQUEST FOR FY 2009-2010 1. Name of Department: Community Development 2. Name and title of contact person: Amy Thomas, Senior Planner 3. Phone number: (714)573-3126 FUNDING REQUEST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of proposed project: Code Enforcement Area, physical location, or address of project: CDBG target area (southwest area) Description of project: One full-time Code Enforcement Officer (salary and benefits) to work exclusively in the southwest CDBG target area and purchase of cameras to aid in the code enforcement activities. Number of Tustin residents to be benefited from the project: All residents within the CDBG target Indicate under which federal criterion your program qualifies for CDBG funds. ® Low/Moderate Income ❑ Slum/Blight ❑ Urgent Needs If you are qualifying under the "slum/blight" criterion, describe the condition and economic characteristics of the targeted area or properties. Explain how your program will address the conditions which contribute to the deterioration of the area. City of Tustin Page 2 of 4 City Department Funding Application BUDGEURNANCIAL DATA 1. a. Is this a new project? ❑ Yes ® No b. If not, how many years has it been in existence? 12 years C. Is this a multi -phased project that would require funding in future years? ❑ Yes ® No Number of years Indefinite 2. Previous year's funding sources (list amounts and sources) Source Amount CDBG $85,000 Total $85,000 3. Total project cost: $112,250 4. Amount of CDBG Funding requested for this program year: $112,250 5. Other funding to be used for project (list amounts and sources) N/A Source Amount Total $ 6. What specific information was used to estimate the project cost? Standard Citysalary and benefit costs. City of Tustin Page 3 of 4 City Department Funding Application 7. Provide a breakdown of project budget: Administration/Service Cost $92,250 (Salaries) Construction Cost $ (Materials and Labor) Support/Overhead $ 20,000 (Postage, Utilities, Etc.) Contract/Consultant $ Other services (Specify) $ Total Project Cost $112,250 8. If project is to be funded for more than one year, provide a breakdown for each year. (Attach a separate page and follow the format used in Item 7). January 5, 2009 Signature of Department Head Date \\C0t-W=d�\Cdd1CDBGW9-101CDB0 ADMAIISTRATION APPLICATION 2009-2010.doc City of Tustin Page 4 of 4 City Department Funding Application Commercial Rehabilitation Program COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING CITY DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION FUNDING REQUEST FOR FY 2009-2010 1. Name of Department: Redevelopment Agency 2. Name and title of contact person: Jerry Craig Redevelopment Program Manager 3. Phone number: 714.573.3121 FUNDING REQUEST 1. Name of proposed project: Commercial Rehabilitation Program 2. Area, physical location, or address of project: band the existing Commerical Rehabilitation Proiect Area (see Attachment) to include the west side of Red Hill Avenue from Sycamore Avenue to Bryan Avenue, east side of Red Hill Avenue from Mitchell Avenue to Bryan Avenue 3. Description of project: Provide financial incentives, rebates up to 50% of eligible construction costs (not to exceed $10,000) and 100% of design costs not to exceed $10,000), for business property owners and tenants to make facade and sign improvements as well as seismic renovations. The long-term objective is to retain existing businesses by improving the physical and economic vitality of designated commercial areas of Tustin. 4. Number of Tustin residents to be benefited from the project: Residents of the CDBG Target Area. 5. Indicate under which federal criterion your program qualifies for CDBG funds. OO Low/Moderate Income ❑ Slum/Blight ❑ Urgent Needs If you are qualifying under the "slum/blight" criterion, describe the condition and economic characteristics of the targeted area or properties. Explain how your program will address the conditions which contribute to the deterioration of the area. City of Tustin Page 2 of 5 City Department Funding Application BUDGET/FINANCIAL DATA 1. a. Is this a new project? ❑x Yes ❑ No b. If not, how many years has it been in existence? C. Is this a multi -phased project that would require funding in future years? ® Yes ❑ No Number of years 2 2. Previous year's funding sources (list amounts and sources) Source Amount V Total $ 3. Total project cost: $ Z2,473 4. Amount of CDBG Funding requested for this program year: $ 22,473 5. Other funding to be used for project (list amounts and sources) Source Amount N Total $ 6. What specific information was used to estimate the project cost? The average commercial rehabilitation grant is $10,000 and the Redevelopment Agency is seeking to provide one or two rehabilitation grants to local businesses or retail centers City of Tustin Page 3 of 5 City Department Funding Application 7. Provide a breakdown of project budget: Administration/Service Cost $ (Salaries) Construction Cost $ 16,455(Materials and Labor) Support/Overhead $ (Postage, Utilities, Etc.) Contract/Consultant $ Other services $ 5,618 (Design Rebate) Total Project Cost $22;473 8. If project is to be funded for more than one year, provide a breakdown for each year. (Attach a separate page and follow the format used in Item 7). Signature of D pa ,v rnent Head hCd-smmtch4Ma\Cd(tCDBG\20119-10\FORM_City Dgwune l Fundi% Application 2009-2010Aoc /-5- o / Date City of Tustin Page 4 of 5 City Department Funding Application