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CC RES 457
RESOLUTION NO. 457 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN AND RECOMMENDING ZONING FOR SAID PROPERTY WI-ITM'~t''''''-,~'~O~ , the City Engineer, of the ,"i~ ty. of Tustin has duly presented his reports and. r'ecommendations to the city council of the City of Tustin, with regard to the zoning of the hereinafter described 'property; and, public necessity, ~onveNie~ce, general welfare and good zoning !.:.:.r':ctice require that proceedings be :initiated." .for the zoning of 'the property hereinafter described; NOW, ~..~..~r,~.,... ~.,..~E, ~ : .~oOLV'ED that the "ity Council of the City of "Pustln does declare ihs intention to commence proceedings on its own motion for the zonin&, pursuant to Ordinance N'o. ?1 o£ th~ uity of Tustin, as amended, o~. tha. t certain real .property located within the City of 'r'ustin, more particularly described as follows' TO OE ZONED [~-1' Bea~ lng at the intersection o.. a line d. rawn parallel wi'bh and 10 feet Southeasterly, measured at ri."~l'~t~.~ angles from the Southeasterly line of the Northwesterly one-half of Lot 32 in Block 12 as per ['."~,a~ of Irvine's Su'bdivision recorded in Book 1, page 85, Miscellaneous 'lecord ?.'laps, Orange County, California, with tine boundary line oF the City of' ?.?usti.?~., said., bound, ary line also 'being the Northeasterly right of way line of Laguna ltoad, 80 feet .'.i..n width. Thence from said...point of beginnin~ runnin~.~ Northeasterly along' said parallel line, also 'being the Southeasterly right of way line of Orange County, ~+0 feet in width a distance of 1281.47 feet a. little more or less, to a line drawn parallel with and 30 feet Southwesterly measured at right an[~les from the Northeasterly line of said Lot 52, Block 12, said. poi.~t also being in the Southwesterly right of' way line of San Juan Street, 60 feet in width. [T'l 6'~ .. · hence ~outhe;l'~sterly alon~?b said "~.a, rallel_,2.m, line, and continuing.i:;' along a, line drawn p;~.ral, lel to · -he Northeasterly line of Lot .~ ~ °1 in said. Block 12 a distance of 981,38 feet, a little more or less, to the Southeasterly ~ine of the North- w.'.sterly one-quarter of Lot 51 in said. Block 12. Thence SOUth'~'~ostePly along said Southeasterly line, 1200.00 feet, a. lit'ble more or less, to the boundary line of the ~' ~i'by of Tustin, also being · the Northeasterly right of way line of Laguna P~oa.d. The~lOO Northwesterly following the ..~ .~ustin boun,.iary line to the' point of beg'inning. i~..~.~''' ':~""ZL 2 · s~',~.~"~i nni n,~i~~ a.t 'the in~''~ersect i on o ~ a line d. rawn 'oa. rallel with and 30 feet south- wes~-erly,~ measured at ri~ht.., angles, from the northeasterly line of Lot .51 in Block 12 as per" .Nap of Irvine's S~.bd. ivision recorded in .r) .cook 1, page 88, Miscellaneous '"'e~.~ cord ~.~ps"~, OPange~. County, California, with the. ~.~euth- ~' easterly line of the Northwesterly one- quarter (1/24,) of Lot 31 in said '[3lock 12, said point being an an.;:.[le point in 'hhe boundary line of the City of Tustin. Thence ~rom sai''~ _ southeasterly ~ u. angle point, along a line drawn parallel to and 50 feet ~-outhwesterly, measured, at rio. ~ .,~ht ~ ~'~"l~s from .... ~ ~ ~.: :, ~ the northeasterly line of said Lot .31, in Blo~'~,' 12, . _ ~le .~ a distance of' ~61 ~}0 feet, a ]i'4~ more or less, to an intersection with the nort~'~westerly' line of the sou'hheasterly o~e- quar'ter (1/~) of said Lot 31 in Block 12. o "!~heP. ce South ~&O 00' West (record) along the northwesberly line of said southeasterly one- quarter (1/~), 630.60 feet, a little more or less, to t~'~e westerly corner of the north- easterly one-half (1/2) of said southeasterly one-quarter (1/L~). Thence North..,'.~0© 00' West (Pecord) alor:g soutt"~westerly line of' the northeasterly one- half (1/2) oF said Lot 31, in Block 12, 661.~!.0 'feet, rnore or less, 'to an intersection with the boundary line of' the City-of Tustin. Thence i'..'[orth 4,0© O0 East (record) alon~.::.{ said boundary' line to the po~,nt of 'beginning. aoove described 'nroperty ~..,e referred 'to the Planning Commission o_~ the '""'ity o:[' Uustin an.~. that a z~u'b!ic t-~ear:i.t~:~ be held be.fore the Planning' Commission of' 'the 'City of 'I.'ustin concerning the zoning., of said .~",roperty in the~ Council Chambers... o-r'. the '""ustin~ ,'"ity~ !Tal!. on the 9ti'~ da~'',~:, of February, 19_59, at 7'20 P. I'.'i., and that d. ue notice of' said hearing be ..... iven by the secretary of tl'~e i~la, nnlng Commission, pursuant to Ordinance No. 71, of tl~e "'i'y~ of Tustin ~:'~o amended. i.)ASA';ED AND ADOI'~TED by 'the City Council of the City of' '.i.'usti'n, Ca].ifornia, a.t a. Pegular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of January, 1959. n'.[' '.[' "' S T' ....... . ..... C~;ty Clerk 83" (--t IT1 .A, I'll "( ''~ ~ ...1' ~.~.~'~ 0t" CALIFO.~T, IA ) "OUNTY OF 0'~ '''r w ~, ~tnl.,O.: .... ) SS. A. O. PARK, City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of of' th~. City Council"of"tH.e City OF '.TuSt. in,..Calif- ornia, d. oes here'by cer, tify that the whole hum'her of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is fi'ye; tt~at the f'oregotng ~esolution was duly and rejularly introduced at a regular '.~ of meeting of the City Council of the Cit~ ~T2ustin, held on the 19th day of January, 1959, and. was duly passed and. adopted at a regular meeting of' the City Council held. on the 19th day of January, 1959. AYES' Co uno i lm en ...... _K i~._d_, .... Bac_o?:~, ~.jit_u~me~s..t o~], T ad! o ck C o un c i 1 m e n ...... Np.ne ........................ ~- __ ,~oS'r~~''~ ,~hT~ ' Councilmen Byrd ..................... Da'ted' January 20, 1959 City Clerk of the City of Tustin