HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 02-10-09MINUTES
FEBRUARY 10, 2009
7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
Present: Chair Puckett
Chair Pro Tem Kozak
Commissioners Kasalek, Murray, Thompson
Staff present Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director
David Kendig, Deputy City Attorney
Dana Ogdon, Assistant Community Development Director
Justina Willkom, Principal Planner
Terry Lutz, Principal Engineer
Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner
Amy Thomas, Senior Planner
Ryan Swiontek, Associate Planner
Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary
Approved 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JANUARY 27, 2009,
It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Kasalek, to approve
the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
Adopted Resolution 2. DESIGN REVIEW 08-015 A REQUEST FOR
Minutes -Planning Commission February 10, 2009 -Page 1
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No.
4111 with the proposed specific findings approving
Design Review 08-015.
7:02 p.m. The Public Hearing opened at 7:02 p.m.
Swiontek Presented the staff report.
Director Added, regarding Finding H.4, that Southern California Edison
(SCE) indicated this was the last controller that would be
necessary for its service area within the City of Tustin; this
Finding was included in order for staff to make a positive
recommendation because this would be a significant precedent
setting recommendation; the proposed controller is serving an
existing and built-out area and the last one needed to serve the
City of Tustin; all future controllers and associated systems will
be designed to comply with the City's ordinance and design
guidelines which include the primary location is to be provided
below ground.
Thompson Thanked staff for including the guidelines; from a policy
standpoint the guidelines are very detailed regarding the finding
Asked if these guidelines apply to the setback area between the
public right-of-way and the front of a building; please explain how
that is regulated.
Willkom Responded that the guidelines are applicable to all cabinets
within the public right-of-way; when the cabinet is on private
property, the development standards under the Zoning Code
apply; staff looks at setbacks, height of the structure, etc.; the
utility companies sometimes need to obtain an easement from
private property owners.
Thompson Suggested that the location, even though it was placed on
private property right behind the right-of-way, probably would not
have been approved.
Willkom Stated that, if a cabinet is located within private property, staff
considers potential screening through landscaping, the cabinet
being placed farther away from the front property line, etc.; if
residential property is involved, staff prefers the cabinet be
placed in a side yard if it cannot be underground or to the rear of
the home; there are several options that public utility companies
and other agencies may consider.
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Thompson Questioned whether something should be included in the
conditions of approval regarding color; and, asked that Condition
3.4 be modified to specify what color needs to be maintained on
the cabinet.
Asked if there would be an opportunity to somehow combine.
some of the facilities at that location, given that the streetlight,
two vents, and cabinet are all in close proximity.
Steve Nelson, SCE Replied that the vent pipes are for cooling; the vent pipes cannot
Region Manager be obstructed because there are a number of pieces of
equipment underground, such as transformers and the switch
that activates the circuit is in the vault, all of which generate heat;
perhaps future technology will improve so that the structure could
be streamlined; the structure's purpose is to restore service as
quickly as possible.
Thompson Asked if there might be a way that the vent pipes can be more
aesthetically pleasing or combined with the cabinet area to make
it look more like an homogenous unit.
Murray Requested some historical perspective as to why that structure
was placed on private property and why post-installation
easements were not possible.
Mr. Nelson Answered that SCE was as surprised as the City was when the
contractor placed the device where it was placed; once SCE saw
it, easements were requested; the property owner did not want to
encumber that property with that device, regardless of the benefit
it might provide in the event of a circuit problem.
Murray Asked if the venting has been redesigned or is now aesthetically
more pleasing than in the photo shown in the slide presentation.
Mr. Nelson Replied that he has seen no new renditions of that switch which
is state of the art at this time; over time, all equipment tends to
become smaller and more efficient; SCE would target that switch
for replacement if that becomes an option; SCE engineers will
work with the staff to determine whether or not options are
available to make the unit more aesthetically pleased.
Kasalek Asked if SCE would be willing to move the vents as referred to in
a letter attached to the report; there is now a sort of zigzag path
through the various stnactures; there is also a bus stop in that
area and pedestrians are involved.
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Mr. Nelson Reiterated that SCE would be happy to work with staff to see
what is possible in terms of location and the aesthetics; as
stated, the cooling is required to ensure there are no failures in
the vault.
Kasalek Noted that the blue color suggested by SCE should be changed.
Nelson Indicated that SCE would work with staff to accomplish the color
Kasalek Stated the report refers to the unit being 80 feet from the
intersection; and, asked if that would be closer to the bus stop
area and the trash can.
Mr. Nelson Responded that it was his understanding that the unit would be a
bit closer to the trash can than shown in the slide and just inside
the sidewalk to get it into the public right-of--way.
Thompson Suggested modifying Condition 3.4 to specify the color and state
options such as changing the venting to be more aesthetically
pleasing or combining one of the vents with the cabinet if that is
Director Suggested, if it was the consensus of the Commission to do that,
perhaps modifying Condition 2.1 which involves the
encroachment permit. A sentence could be adding stating: `The
planned location and color improvements shall be subject to
review and approval by the Public Works and Community
Development Directors." Condition 3.8 could be added
indicating that "As more streamlined technological improvements
are developed, this RCS switch shall be upgraded as well as
other infrastructure within SCE's service area."
Thompson Asked if the aesthetic treatment on the air vents would also go
into Condition 2.1.
Director Answered in the affirmative.
Thompson Suggested that another Finding be added that indicates there is
compliance with the guidelines in terms of color and aesthetic
treatment under the guise of screening to minimize the
precedent setting aspect of this approval.
Kozak Stated he was puzzled as to how this unit could have been
installed on private property without the permission of the
property owner or without proper permits from the City; he
understands the purpose and the importance for the need of
restoration of electrical service and the RCS in this area; he is
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concerned regarding the precedential nature of this item, given
the fact that the RCS exists where it does and the Planning
Commission is cleaning up after the fact.
Finding H.4 is a step in the right direction; Condition 3.1 is very
similar to that Finding; perhaps further language could be
inserted as follows: "All future controllers and associated
systems and other aboveground accessory equipment shall be
designed to comply with applicable City ordinances and
guidelines." This would allow no lack of clarification that this
refers to anything aboveground in the public right-of-way.
The suggestions for Condition 2.1 are appropriate.
Condition 3.4 regarding graffiti issues and requiring that
materials be used to discourage and repel graffiti is very
Condition 3.6 refers to the material being rust resistant; he would
be inclined to suggest additional language in the second
sentence to read as follows: "The utility provider shall maintain
the equipment in good order, and be responsible for treating any
rust or other repainting or any other method recommended by
the manufacturer that will eliminate the rust, or replacement of
the equipment as necessary pending review by the Community
Development Director."
If a precedent is to be set, the ongoing maintenance should be
considered since the City has many aboveground facilities, many
of which are in disrepair.
He supports the other suggestions by the Director and
Commissioner Thompson.
While this should not be considered a condition of this approval,
he would like to suggest that before the City receives any
requests for new aboveground accessory equipment, each utility
provider be asked to survey their utility boxes and aboveground
accessory equipment and inform the City if any of those boxes
have been installed without proper approval. It is important to
know whether the utilities are in compliance with the City's
ordinance for public health and welfare.
Mr. Nelson Clarified that some of the photos were not of SCE controllers or
Kozak Stated he was not attributing the photos to SCE.
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Director Indicated that staff was not attributing the photos to SCE either.
Puckett Stated his agreement with all the issues raised and suggestions
for modifying the conditions.
Thompson Stated he would make a motion for approval subject to the
• Adding Finding H regarding the color and aesthetic
treatment leading to screening;
• Modification of Condition 2.1 as recommended by the
Director regarding color and aesthetic treatment or
combining one of the vents with the cabinet, if possible, in
further coordination with the applicant; and,
• Modification of Condition 3.6 as recommended by
Commissioner Kozak.
Kozak Added that "all other aboveground accessory equipment" should
be included in Finding H.4 and Condition 3.1.
Director Questioned whether or not the Commission wanted SCE to
replace the facility with streamlined technology (when such
technology may be developed) as suggested in Condition 3.8.
Commission Answered in the affirmative.
Kozak seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
7:39 p.m. The Public Hearing closed.
Approved staff 3. AREA TOURS
tour schedule
The purpose of the tours is to provide the Planning
Commission with an overview of various areas of the City
from a community development perspective. The next
tour could be scheduled for April 28, 2009, beginning at
5:00 p.m.
Reekstin Presented a brief staff report.
Thompson Suggested, since the first tour planned is the Legacy, perhaps
staff could combine the tour with a discussion to help the
Commission understand the economic conditions that are
currently being evaluated or experienced by the development in
general in order for the Commission to see the impacts and
hardships that are being experienced; perhaps the City Council
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would like to join the tour; perhaps staff could move the Red Hill
Corridor up on the list and provide a perspective, particularly the
Engineering Department, regarding how well the restriping is
working and report whether the results have been adverse or
beneficial regarding the removal of parking and the land use
implications for things the Planning Commission evaluated and
recommended for approval.
Director Responded that staff can provide as much data as exists by
Murray Suggested that he appreciated the plan for getting back on the
tour circuit; regarding the Red Hill item, his experience with traffic
measures suggests allowing enough time to compile good
information which may not be manifested in such a short period
of time.
Director Asked if the suggested date, April 28, is acceptable.
Commission Replied in the affirmative.
Directed reported The City Council held the first reading of the Shopping Cart
Ordinance and will have the second reading at the February 17~'
City Council meeting; staff plans to contact other cities regarding
the plans that work best and provide suggestions to all the Tustin
retailers that may be affected by this ordinance.
The City Council held the first reading on the Prospect Village
zone change.
Planning Commission and Community Services Commission
interviews will take place February 17 at 4:30 p.m.
Thompson Offered congratulations to Mayor Doug Davert for enduring the
Mayor's Inaugural Dinner.
Reported that in his capacity as Chair of the OCTA Citizens
Advisory Committee, due to the extreme economic conditions
that have been arising over the last few months, he would like to
offer suggestions to staff:
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Thompson continued take a strong look at rail transit goals and policies
particularly as related to station expansion;
• look at modifying land use around the stations; if stations
are to become more intensely used, incentives should be
provided around the stations to add to the efficiency and
the use; and,
• get projects ready in order to take advantage of federal
funds; there should be rewards to agencies that are
complying with the Master Plan of arterial highways and
bikeways; there should be incentives to cities who provide
throughways in their cities, as the City of Tustin has done
and plans to continue doing with the Legacy development.
Indicated that the Infrastructure Committee meeting with the
Orange County Business Council provided an update of the
state's current condition of financing and the federal
government's economic stimulus funding; the State of
California's bonding status is now ranked 50~'; there is
disagreement about the effectiveness of the federal stimulus
Murray Stated that the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner was quite an event;
and, offered Mayor Davert his congratulations.
Kasalek Added her congratulations to Mayor Davert and to his children
regarding their Astounding Inventions awards; this is a great
program in which her children also participated.
Noted that the food at the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner was
Kozak Thanked staff for another excellent job on the agenda and Mr.
Nelson for his comments.
Indicated he enjoyed the Mayor's Inaugural Dinner and all the
Thanked the Recording Secretary for the information regarding
the San Clemente Historical Preservation Workshop; and, stated
he attends to be there tomorrow evening.
Remarked on the beautiful sight of the snow-covered mountains
early this morning.
Puckett Indicated that he and his wife attended the Mayor's Inaugural
Dinner; it was a fine time; congratulations to Mayor Davert for
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withstanding the roast and to his wife, Melanie, who was
presented with a crown; the event was co-sponsored by the
Tustin Community Foundation.
Stated that he attended the Metropolitan Water District tour of
Diamond Valley Lake a week ago; the tour was very interesting;
he had the opportunity to tour that area about 15 years ago
during the early construction; with this last rain, there should be a
lot more water behind the dam; the Diamond Valley Lake more
than doubled the storage capacity for Orange County; he
appreciated the opportunity to take that tour.
Reminded everyone that Saturday is Valentine's Day.
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is
scheduled for Tuesday, February 24, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the
City Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way.
j ~`
Charles E. Puckett
Elizabeth A. Binsack
Planning Commission Secretary
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