HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 427RESOLUTION NO. 427 RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFIORNIA, CALLING FOR METROPOLICATION AREA RECOGNITION OF ORANGE COUNTY BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT foil. ows' The City Courzci]_ of? the City ~}f" ?i:,.tst{r~_ ~.ioes resolve as ?;z'eat mctz'opol r'l:,arz a. re~.~ wi. th a popu]..ation o.,. l,aore ti'tan 600, ()00, ar~.d ~;./:"E;'~.';:.:'/.'.~..°., ~, several c'~ties..., i.n th<~ C.ouz'z'by of Orange each h. ave populations e.×cr.ced': ,q!!.; 5'0,000, and WIiE!'~]~.;A.° t~.ze c ,',~,f% ~ ', -~d. ' ~, ...... ...r.~., [)ol')~.la't~. .... ,.)no''~: ........ '~our cit~ es -~ n t;~,.z~-~ County.. of 'Oranfse,~...., now exceeds... 2~0,000 po.~u, lat.i..o:~..t,, and ';~/Pit'!Jt.~i.,.iAS, a tota], pop~].la't:] on of approx'.imately ~00,000 lives w.".,..'bh'-',.rt an a. Pca o!? only' two].ve If.tiles, and ?'~,,' ' i E i: { ':' ;'A S (.~, ,"r, , enaus .... facts n{)'w .:.')t~ :',?:tie w~t'?.t the Ped. eral Gover~.~mer].t v'erify the urban c.ha. racter o '<'Ora. n!'.!.je County, and ¥?'[ i.t-.,~-~:'}t !iA S , s '~.tr v,."y'~,, s by' t!.~c (:a]. ...... '~ f:")rzt i. a ~" tare LDo pa.rt~"tcnt.. ,: of Employ'mcnt s}'tow 'urban employ'merit irt the county to },)e more 'than ].2~, 000, and tho Ca].~ f.¢)r,,.~ia State 1)epartment o.f': .]:.;]m'ploym(.~nt has soon fit to re:::o['~n, ize Oran[~e County as part; o.f' ',,t,?]at is now .':~escril,,.ed~ a,s the "Los Ar. tg~--~].e,,~-Lor~r~'. ..~ ~: ii~ca.c'h.-Or'r..'~r_~g(~ Cour~t.'y I.,a!~or Market A re a" and '~'~'}i'ER.EA~'.'~.:,, Orange County ?'.~.ao...~ ,.~.llrown 216,000 a.t the time o.? f?r.':'_~m ~ .population of l.,',,'deral Census of to more ti'.~an 600,000 t~)da'y'-as pr'~)vcn b'y rtl. ore recent Federal Censuses taken ci. ty-'t)y'city and rea. sonat:,l<:~, est"~matcs ()I' the population in unincori.,~or'ated c,,:)unty area--tht~.s making Ora~.~,{!;e C t)unty the ~.: tate '~ "fas ~.,e s t ~..,..,",'r'),',"tnr,'. .... ,., (:O'Ltnty .:)n ..~ur Nation's 'Fastest ..::~r',')w:i. ng ~.~ , a.n d the des:i..!'.irlat'i, on ().f "Startdard Hetro'pc)litan Areas" across the countr.'y started, with thc tho ].ist 'k.~as been added to, year by year, ].~0 "i"ede, ral Censt~s and as are~-~s q. ual :i. ['i ed for such recognition, and 'JHER]!~AS, Oran[.~o Co'unty is .now inc, lt~.ded as ~.)art ~)f the "Los Angeles-Lorl~S ]'~each" l'~Ietro'politar~ Area witt~out 'being mentioned as part o'f' t'hat area in o';'fic.i, al Pederal Government re'oorts and business and .~.ndustry look to thc Federal Metropolitan Area reports :.~or valuable in:.~ormation on markets, produetion and employment, and WV'iif. Ii,i"'~"'.t'I.~:,.~AS, Orange County's growth and advantages as s. site for ind~strial a.n.'d trade expansio.a woul..d b~-~ bettor known across the country i'~ the 'Peders. 1 Government wo~'~ld r~.':':...ve reco~,'..'nit~o~ to · ~. ,..~ , ..~ - ('.) r a n,~..,~'] e Count y a s a ~.~ e t r '~p o 1 i 't a n A r e a '~._ n i t s f r e q'....~.e n t r e. n o r t s o n such areas, ~ ' that we, the C'~.ty (,ounczl '" ' '~' 0range, of the City' o,. .~.ustin, wh.ici~ city :i.a located '?,n the County State o'r' Cal-T..~Oorn. ia, call upon the committee on Standard Hetro.~olitan Areas, !'!,ureau o~ ....... the Budget, 0f'Sice, .... o[~ the President of' the United States, to reco6nize the development that ~'~as tal-~en place here, Orange County in the 'past seven years by o.~fic, ially designating 0ra. n6e County as one of the "Standard Metropolitan Areas" of the nati. on, and (.,oi',',n].iment,~ the. Honorable Inomas ,.~. t{uc.hel, United.. States ~enator., , ',"'or ..lis '~o~"'ti.~ri.:. ~ ,..;'d"~t.., stand in urginS such. reco{:~nition .flor Orange County. 2. Compliment the Nonorable G. oodw-in J'. Kni~ht, Governor oI? C, al'i'~orn'.~.a, ~or his action in includ'~n:.~; men'h~on o ~'' our county in t~ ...... ' desi~ne~'ion o~~ b}'~e ~os Angeles-Long Orange County i',{etropolitan Area" in Department OI} Labor reports. ~ Compliment the i"{onoral~le James i'~:i. [Itt, .... ~'~or l~i.s stand .Represental-'~vo -?.n Con!'?.;ress, Favor of. separate statistical reporting for Orange County. Comp].iment the ti:.')nora'!~le William ?, Knowland, United States Senator, for t'~e action ?.~e has taken in forward't~.," to the, Committee on Standard .~'.{etropoli.'tan Areas ~p-to-date infformation o ri 0 r a r~.. [~.; e C o urit y. Resolution, u..r!:~e our' elected repros,:,,ntatives in the ?touse of.' Representatives and Senate off. the Un.-.'.,ted States, and the Vice-Pres~dent and President o'e the '[in-;ted ....~ o~,ates, to a'~--~,.,·.,.~.st o in sec~.~r.-T.n,,~' i".'or Ora. n~-~e County the reco~{r~-ttion to w[~,icn it ~..-j ~ ....... --- is entitl, e.::i as a "Standar, d Metropolitan Area", and BE IT FI]'lPq"~TJ:i]R RE° ..- ........ :~(')LVED that a copy of th~s Resolut.ion be sent to the.,,r~(.}a. rd of Supervisors of t?~e County of Orange, o tat e o.F. C a 1 i f o r n i. a. PAC' O'.r.'.,T'~ Dr 1 , .... ,.~o.u.,.u AN!) A.'!')O] lED b'y the C~ty Council of the City of ~",~I.stin, Ca].:i .... r'ornia, at a regular.~ meeting. . hereof held on the 9th day of December, 1957. A r'l'~ m'm _, .... City Clerk A. 0. PARK, City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of t.?.~e City Council of the City of_' Tustin, Califori:~ia., aoes hereby certify that the w ,ole numb~.:~r of members o:.~ the C~_ty Council o.f' the City of .Tusti.~i is five; that the ..I?orego'~ng resolut.~on wa~ 'passed and adopted by a ma.]ority of the sa"d City Counc~.l at a regular meet.i, ng hereof held on b'v' the following',' vote' the 9th. day o'.~ December, 19~]7, .... :~ AYES: Councilmen: . .T_adl_ock,..Hume.st0n..,_..!:~ac0n, Byrd:,: _Kidd NOES: Councilmen ' None ABSENT: Councilmen' None Dated: December City Clerk oi.~ the C~.ty of Tustin Cal~. fornia