HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 427RESOLUTION NO. 427
foil. ows'
The City Courzci]_ of? the City ~}f" ?i:,.tst{r~_ ~.ioes resolve as
?;z'eat mctz'opol r'l:,arz a. re~.~ wi. th a popu]..ation o.,. l,aore ti'tan 600, ()00, ar~.d
~;./:"E;'~.';:.:'/.'.~..°., ~, several c'~ties..., i.n th<~ C.ouz'z'by of Orange each
h. ave populations e.×cr.ced': ,q!!.; 5'0,000, and
WIiE!'~]~.;A.° t~.ze c ,',~,f% ~ ', -~d. '
~, ...... ...r.~., [)ol')~.la't~. .... ,.)no''~: ........ '~our cit~ es -~ n t;~,.z~-~
County.. of 'Oranfse,~...., now exceeds... 2~0,000 po.~u, lat.i..o:~..t,, and
';~/Pit'!Jt.~i.,.iAS, a tota], pop~].la't:] on of approx'.imately ~00,000
lives w.".,..'bh'-',.rt an a. Pca o!? only' two].ve If.tiles, and
?'~,,' ' i E i: { ':' ;'A S (.~, ,"r,
, enaus .... facts n{)'w .:.')t~ :',?:tie w~t'?.t the Ped. eral
Gover~.~mer].t v'erify the urban c.ha. racter o '<'Ora. n!'.!.je County, and
¥?'[ i.t-.,~-~:'}t !iA S , s '~.tr v,."y'~,, s by' t!.~c (:a]. ...... '~ f:")rzt i. a ~" tare LDo pa.rt~"tcnt.. ,: of
Employ'mcnt s}'tow 'urban employ'merit irt the county to },)e more 'than
].2~, 000, and
tho Ca].~ f.¢)r,,.~ia State 1)epartment o.f': .]:.;]m'ploym(.~nt
has soon fit to re:::o['~n, ize Oran[~e County as part; o.f' ',,t,?]at is now
.':~escril,,.ed~ a,s the "Los Ar. tg~--~].e,,~-Lor~r~'. ..~ ~: ii~ca.c'h.-Or'r..'~r_~g(~ Cour~t.'y I.,a!~or Market
A re a" and
'~'~'}i'ER.EA~'.'~.:,, Orange County ?'.~.ao...~ ,.~.llrown
216,000 a.t the time o.?
f?r.':'_~m ~ .population of
l.,',,'deral Census of
to more ti'.~an 600,000 t~)da'y'-as pr'~)vcn b'y rtl. ore recent Federal
Censuses taken ci. ty-'t)y'city and rea. sonat:,l<:~, est"~matcs ()I' the population
in unincori.,~or'ated c,,:)unty area--tht~.s making Ora~.~,{!;e C t)unty the
~.: tate '~
"fas ~.,e s t ~..,..,",'r'),',"tnr,'. .... ,., (:O'Ltnty .:)n ..~ur Nation's 'Fastest ..::~r',')w:i. ng ~.~ ,
a.n d
the des:i..!'.irlat'i, on ().f "Startdard Hetro'pc)litan
Areas" across the countr.'y started, with thc
tho ].ist 'k.~as been added to, year by year,
].~0 "i"ede, ral Censt~s and
as are~-~s q. ual :i. ['i ed for such
recognition, and
'JHER]!~AS, Oran[.~o Co'unty is .now inc, lt~.ded as ~.)art ~)f the
"Los Angeles-Lorl~S ]'~each" l'~Ietro'politar~ Area witt~out 'being mentioned
as part o'f' t'hat area in o';'fic.i, al Pederal Government re'oorts and
business and .~.ndustry look to thc Federal
Metropolitan Area reports :.~or valuable in:.~ormation on markets,
produetion and employment, and
WV'iif. Ii,i"'~"'.t'I.~:,.~AS, Orange County's growth and advantages as s. site
for ind~strial a.n.'d trade expansio.a woul..d b~-~ bettor known across
the country i'~ the 'Peders. 1 Government wo~'~ld r~.':':...ve reco~,'..'nit~o~ to
· ~. ,..~ , ..~ -
('.) r a n,~..,~'] e Count y a s a ~.~ e t r '~p o 1 i 't a n A r e a '~._ n i t s f r e q'....~.e n t r e. n o r t s o n
such areas,
~ '
that we, the C'~.ty (,ounczl
'" ' '~' 0range,
of the City' o,. .~.ustin, wh.ici~ city :i.a located '?,n the County
State o'r' Cal-T..~Oorn. ia, call upon the committee on Standard Hetro.~olitan
Areas, !'!,ureau o~ ....... the Budget, 0f'Sice, .... o[~ the President of' the United
States, to reco6nize the development that ~'~as tal-~en place here,
Orange County in the 'past seven years by o.~fic, ially designating
0ra. n6e County as one of the "Standard Metropolitan Areas" of the
nati. on, and
(.,oi',',n].iment,~ the. Honorable Inomas ,.~. t{uc.hel,
United.. States ~enator., , ',"'or ..lis '~o~"'ti.~ri.:. ~ ,..;'d"~t..,
stand in urginS such. reco{:~nition .flor Orange
2. Compliment the Nonorable G. oodw-in J'. Kni~ht,
Governor oI? C, al'i'~orn'.~.a, ~or his action in
includ'~n:.~; men'h~on o ~'' our county in t~
...... '
desi~ne~'ion o~~ b}'~e ~os Angeles-Long
Orange County i',{etropolitan Area" in Department
OI} Labor reports.
Compliment the i"{onoral~le James i'~:i. [Itt,
.... ~'~or l~i.s stand
.Represental-'~vo -?.n Con!'?.;ress,
Favor of. separate statistical reporting for
Orange County.
Comp].iment the ti:.')nora'!~le William ?, Knowland,
United States Senator, for t'~e action ?.~e has
taken in forward't~.," to the, Committee on
Standard .~'.{etropoli.'tan Areas ~p-to-date infformation
o ri 0 r a r~.. [~.; e C o urit y.
Resolution, u..r!:~e our' elected repros,:,,ntatives in the ?touse of.'
Representatives and Senate off. the Un.-.'.,ted States, and the
Vice-Pres~dent and President o'e the '[in-;ted
....~ o~,ates, to a'~--~,.,·.,.~.st
in sec~.~r.-T.n,,~' i".'or Ora. n~-~e County the reco~{r~-ttion to w[~,icn it
~..-j ~ ....... ---
is entitl, e.::i as a "Standar, d Metropolitan Area", and
BE IT FI]'lPq"~TJ:i]R RE° ..-
........ :~(')LVED that a copy of th~s Resolut.ion
be sent to the.,,r~(.}a. rd of Supervisors of t?~e County of Orange,
o tat e
o.F. C a 1 i f o r n i. a.
PAC' O'.r.'.,T'~ Dr 1 , ....
,.~o.u.,.u AN!) A.'!')O] lED b'y the C~ty Council of the City of
~",~I.stin, Ca].:i .... r'ornia, at a regular.~ meeting. . hereof held on the
9th day of December, 1957.
A r'l'~ m'm
_, ....
City Clerk
A. 0. PARK, City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of t.?.~e
City Council of the City of_' Tustin, Califori:~ia., aoes hereby
certify that the w ,ole numb~.:~r of members o:.~ the C~_ty
Council o.f' the City of .Tusti.~i is five; that the ..I?orego'~ng
resolut.~on wa~ 'passed and adopted by a ma.]ority of the
sa"d City Counc~.l at a regular meet.i, ng hereof held on
b'v' the following',' vote'
the 9th. day o'.~ December, 19~]7, .... :~
AYES: Councilmen: . .T_adl_ock,..Hume.st0n..,_..!:~ac0n, Byrd:,: _Kidd
NOES: Councilmen ' None
Councilmen' None
Dated: December
City Clerk oi.~ the C~.ty of Tustin
Cal~. fornia