HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 386RESOLUTION NO. 386
WHEREAS, a g®ne~al Munioip...al ~Iect~on..was held and con-
duet®d ~n the C. ity of .... TUst~n~ ~aI~foPni.a,. on..Tu®sday, the 10th
day of April, 1955, as requi~ed' by law; and
WltE~EAS, it appea~s that notiee of said election was
duly and legally given; that voting p~ecincts were properly es-
bablishe~; that election officers were appointed and election
supplies furnished; and'~at in all ~espects said election was
held ~nd conducted' and th~ votes cast the~ea.t ~eoeived and can-
vassed, and the ~etu~ns thereof' made and declared, 'in time, fo~.m
and manne~ as re-qui~ed by the gene~aI' laws of' the State of C ali-
fornia, govexming' eleCtions in cities of' the sixth class; and
WHEREAS, the' City COuncil of the' 'City of Tustin met
at the City Council "Chambe'~s in the City of' Tustin on Tuesday,
the 17th day of April, ..!9~6' to canvass the returns of' said
election and install the newly elected officers, as a ~esult of
which the said City Council finds the number of votes cast, the
nemes of the persons voted foP, and othe~ matters required by
law, to be as hereinafter stated:
That said general municipal election was held and
conducted in the"Oity of' Tustin, ~alifo~nla~ 'on' Tuesday the
10th day of April, 19'56, in the time, fox~n and manne~ as ~e-
quired by lawI
That there was one v~tfng precinct established fo~.
the purpose of 'holding said election, consisting of a consoli-
dation of the re~~. election p~ecincts est'ablished' for hold-
ing general State and County elections as follows:
"'P~ecinot 1", comprising State and County Precinct
Numbers Tustin No. 1 and TUs'tin No. 2 and 'Tustin NO. 3;
'That the"whole'numbe~ of votes oast., in said elec-
tion was one hundred and"ntne (I09');
'That the names of' the persons voted fo~, the offi-
ces for which they were voted, the numbe~ of. votes given in
each p~ecinot to each person, togethe~ with the whole numbe~ of
votes which they ~ece~ved In the ent~e C~t~ Elect~on sine as
Names of Persons Office "Precinct 1" Absent Total
Voted Fo~ Voted Fo~ V~te~s Vote
- _ _ - - ,1,, , · ...... n ~1~ ..... 11 ..... ~ ....... 11 - -
Frank L. Bacon
Councilman 96 2 98
A~thur 0. Pa~k
Councilman 105 2 107
Winford' L. Tadlock Councilman
98 2 lO0
Samuel C. Penington City Clerk
98 2 100
That Frank L. Bacon, A~thu~ O. Patak and Winfox~t L.
Tadlock received the highest votes ~espectively for the three
positions to be filled on the City Council for the full term
of fou~ (~) yea~s, and that they should' be and they are hereby
declared elected to the City Council of the City of Tustin for
the full term of.four (4) years.
' That Samuel C. 'Penington received the highest number
of votes for the'"postti°n o'f City Clerk fo~' the fu-.ll term of
four (4) yea~s, and...~that he' should be and he is hereby" declared
elected to the offiCe of' City Clerk of' the City of Tustin for
the full term of fou~ (~) years.
BE IT FURTHER' RESOLVED that there was submitted at
said general municipal election the'following pr~position:
"Shall eaoh city~ Coun¢ilm~n 1~ paid" a s~l.a~
of $25.00. per.', month?."
That on said p~oposition the following votes were
(includes 2 absentees)
NO 21
Total votes cast ~
That the City Council finds and declares that said
proposition ~eceived a majority of' the votes and has been
adopted by the electors of the~ City of Tustin and that com-
':' mencing w~th the "month of"Ap~il, 1956, each Councilman shall
be paid a sal'emy"of $25.00 per month.
PASSED AND.ADOPTED by the City Council of the City
of Tustin, California, at 'a regula~.ly adjourned meeting
th®~eo~ held on
the 17th day of April, 1956
.. Ma~or