HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 385NO. 385 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ANNEX TERRITORY PURSUAT TO ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED TERRI- TORY ACT OF"I939 'DESCRIBING THE PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED, DESIGNATING THE NAME OF THE ANNEXA- TION AND SETTING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS THERETO · · '~HEREA.S, there has been p~.esented' to the City Council of the City of Tustin a wTitten petition ~equesting that the territorT hereinafter described be annexed to the C.~ty of' TUstin and that said petition is signed by all of the property ewne~s within said p~o- posed territorT; and WHER~S, the City Council of. the City of. Tustin finds that said petition was duly signed in accordance with the Annexa- tion of Unlnhabi'~ed'TeP~ttOr,y Law and that ':~he description of the territory has'been approved by the Boundax-y Commission of the County of O~ange, and that in a1'1 other resp®cts said petition conforms to the laws of the State of"Calif'ox-nta, NOW, T~~~0RE, the City Council of ~he 'City of Tustin does resolve as f'oll°ws:' ~' Section 1." T~t the C~ty C'0uncil'"."of'the City of Tust~n does intend to p~Oceed with the annex at i on " 0 f" ' the territory here- tnafte~ descrY'bed under the provisions of the Annexation of Unin- bali.ted T%rritox-y ACt of '193'9. / Section 2, 'That the subject annexation shall be known and designated as "Claus ~nnexation to 'TUstin". Section 3' "'That the City COuncil of' the City' of' Tustin Will heam protests' ~ade bY'":'any person owning ~eal property within the terrlto~y p~°p°sed to be annexed, on May 1~, 1955, at 7:~5 P. 'M. in the Council 'Chambers at the City Hall, '1~5 West Third Street, Tu. stin, C alifo~nia. Section ~. 'That the territory p~oposed to be annexed is described as follows: ~' Beg'~nnin~' at the Northeast Corner of Lot 7 in Block ~2, as shown on a"MaP of a Part 0f'Tustln ~ecO~ded in Book '13, page 81, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, Califo~nia, said' beginning being an angle point in the boundry line description' of the City of Tustin. Thence Westerly along, the Northerly · line of said Lot ?' in BI'ock ~2 and along the ~esterly p~olongation thereof a distance of 167.50 feet to the cente~' line of "E" Street as sho.wn on said map, also being ...angle .point · 336 in city boundary. · Thence ~orthe~ly along the cente~ line of said "E" Street a distance of' 150.00 feet to the Westerly prolongation of the Northerly line of said Block ~2. Thence Easterly along said Westerly pro- longation and continuin~ along the North line of Lot 1 Of said' Blook~2 a distance of 157.50 feet to the Northeast co~ner of Lot 1 of said Block ll.2. .. Thence Southerly along lot lines a dis- tahoe of '150.0'0 feet to the point of 'beginning. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at a ~egula~ meeting held on the 9th day of April, 1956. . ATTEST: