HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 384RESOLUTION NO. 384 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN FINDING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT TO SOUTH "B" STREET FROM THE CENTER LINE OF SIXTH STREET TO THE INTERSECTON OF "B" STREET WITHY FRONTAGE ROAD ADJACENT TO THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY HAS BEEN COMPLETED, APPROVING THE RE- PORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER AND REQUESTING PAY- MENT FROM TE COUNTY OF ORANGE OF A PORTON OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY USER'S TAX FUND TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN County of 0~ans®, State of' C'alifO~&, on. Januaz-y '2~, 19~5, adopted Resolution N'0, 35~ ~®questin~ the County of' 0~an~e to g~ant aid' to said'City in the aemunt of' $1.,'0~o00 out of' the County ~ s apportionment of the C altfo~nta Highway Use~ ~ s Tax ~und'; and' · . WHEREAS, said'County thereafte~ by'~e.sOlution found said iap~oveaent and" peP'at~ to be of '~en®~al county tnt®meat and said ~equ®st 'Wa's"~ant®d'I and '" WHER~S, the City Er~tnee~ has filed'Ma .Pepo~t with the completion of' said pPoj®ct at a total oos.t to the City of Tu= tin er Sz, NOW,' THEREFORE' BE' IT '~ESOLVED' AND O'RDEEED that this ~®solution, Resolution No, 35~ dated J"anuaz~.. 2~, 1955, and the ~esolutton of ~he Board of Supe~visoPs of.' the .County of 0~ange sp®cifyin6 the te~ns and' conditions of'the 8~..ant, and all the laws appli~abl®, shall: Oonstttute the te~ms and. conditions of' the ~ant between the City and the County ~.espeotin~ said' .. 'That. the City Council of' the City of Tusttn finds and determines that"'the"~epat~' and tmp~ovemen~ .of'" S~th '"B" Street f~oa the oent®~...ltn®. °f.:;.Sth Street to the ~ilate~section of' Street with F'~onta~e Ro~d.:"adJ'acent to the santa Ana P~eeway has been oe~pl®ted in aocoPdance with the t®~ms and conditions of the 8~ant, and that the En~ineeP~a ~epo~t of'" costs he~eto- fore filed and submitted to the City COunoil is app~ov®d; That payment 'Of ..... the City, s poPtion' of the Work done in the amo~t of':""$1,~0",03.: is h®~eby authoPIZ.®d; that ~®quest is h®~®blr made ~hat' the City of' 'Tustin be '~eimbums®d in the · amo~t of" '$1, 0~: 00 fP0m the County's &pp°Ptienment Of. the CalifoPnia Highway UseP~s Tax Fund in aooo~dano® with the E~ant made to said'C~ty by the Board off ~uperv~$o~s off the County 'of O~ange. 'BE IT' FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby di~ected to forward three eerttfied copies of this ~esolution to the Board of Supervisors of the County of 01~an~e. PASSED' AND" ADOPTED by the ¢'ity Council of' the City of" Tustin at a ~egular meeting held on the 9th day of April., 1956. ATTEST: 'City STATE OF C~'IFOR~A C0~~ OF ORANGE Mayo~ / S. C. PENYNGTON, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council 'of' the City of 'Tustin, California, does hereby cer- tify that the whole number of members of the .City Council of the City' of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by a maJo~ity~ of the said City Council at a ~egula~ meeting thereof held on the Pth day of April, 1956, by the fol- lowing vote, to wit: AYES Councilmen: Kidd., Tadl~ck, Park, 'By~d, Bacon. NOES'. Councilman: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None o'f the Ci~ of Tustin