HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 381RESOLUTION NO. 381
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council
of the City of Tustin a written petition requesting that terri-
tory hereinafter described be annexed to the City of Tustin; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin finds
that said petition was duly signed in accordance with the Annexa-
tion of Uninhabited Territory law by the owners of more than one-
fourth of' the area and assessed valuation as shown on the last
equalized assessment roll of Orange County, and in all other
~espects said petition conforms to the laws of the State of Calif-
NOW', THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin
does resolve as follows:
Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Tustin
does intend to proceed with the annexation of territory herein-
after described under the provisions of the Annexation of Unin-
habited Territory Act of 1939.
Section 2. The subject annexation shall be known and
designated as
Section 3., That the City Council of the City of Tustin
will hea~ protests made by any person owning real property within
the territory proposed to be annexed on April 9, 19 56, at 7:~5 P.
M. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 1~5 West Third Street,
Tustin, California.
Section 4. That the territory proposed to be annexed
is described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the center line of
Newport.Avenue, distant thereon 30.00 feet North-
easterly from the Westerly corne~ of Block 12, as
shown on a map of "Irvine' s Subdivision" recorded
in Book l, Page 88, Miscellaneous Maps, records of
Orange County, California, said point of beginning
being the most Easterly corner of the City of Tustin;
thence Southeasterly along the Northeasterly right
of way line of Laguna Avenue, as described in "Deed -
State Highway," from Mary Tustin, et al, to State of
California, as recorded in Book 258, page 364 of
Deeds, records of Orange County, California, to the
Northwesterly line of Lot 31, in Block 12, of said
Irvine's Subdivision above men~ione~; .thence Sou~h-
easterly along the Northeasterly righ~ of way line
of "P~on~age Roa~"as conveyed by. deed' from Edgar
Edward Pankey, e~ ux, ~o the ~tate of California,
recorde~ in Book 2824, pages 523 ~hru 526, Official
Records of'Orange County, Califo~ni_a; the following
courses an~ ~istances.' thence S. 6~° 12' 11" E. (not
in O. R. 282~/523) 288.13 feet; thence S. 620 00, 00"
E. 38~.69 feet ~o a point ~angent; thence Southeast-
erly along a curve concave North®as~, having a radius
of 772.00 feet, th~ou~h an angle of 17° ~0' 00" ~n
arc distance Of 229.0Ofeet; thence tangent. N. ~9
00' 00" W. I73.83 feet; thence Southeasterly along
a t .an~ent curve, concave Southerly, having a' radius
of 528.00 feet, through an angle of 28° 5~' 38"
a~c distance of' 266,57 feet; ~hence N. 75u 22'~40an'"
E. 20.87 feet to the Northwesterly .right of way line
of Red Hill Avenue (66.00 feet wide); thence South-
westerly along the Northwesterly ~i~ht of way line
of Red' Hill Avenue (66.00 feet wideJa distance of'
815.00 feet to the Bouthwesterly right of way line
of "Frontage Road" as conveyed by deed from Huber
Greet ~ilson, e.t ux, to the state of California,
recorded in Book 2759, pages 48 Shru 51, Official'.
Records of Orange County, California; thence North-
.40 I1
erly N 28' 2'2 E. 20'.86 feet, followimg along
the Southwesterly right of way line of "Frontage
Road" as conveyed by Hube? Gree? Wilson to the State
of California, above mentioned, and also continuing
Northwesterly along the Southwesterly right of way
line of "Frontage Road" as respectively conveyed to
the State of California by the following:
Cloyd Pettit, et ux, by deed recorded in Book 2622,
page 150; Florence Veeh, et al,. by deed recorded in
Book 2557, page 140; ~illis F. Mitchell, et al, by
deed recorded in Book 2785, page 248; thence North-
westerly, from a tangent having a bearing of N. 50°
04' 02" W., along a curve concave Northeasterly
haying a radius of 528.00 feet, through an angle of
28u 52' 23", an arcdistance of 266.07 feet; thence
tangent N. 21° 11' 59" W. 175.95 feet; thence North-
westerly along a ta~. gent curve concave Southwesterly
having .a radius of ~72.00 feet through an angle of
29° 4~' 01", an arc distance of 245.49 feet; thence
0 t tt · .
t.angent N. 51 00 O0 W 123.00' feet, thence North
westerly along a tangent curve concave Southwesterly,
having a radius of 1972.00 feet through an angle of
11° 21' 23'" an amc distance of 390.88 feet; thence
Northwesterly along a tangent curve concave South-
westerly having a radius of 4880.00 feet th. rough an
angle of 1° 28, 08", an arc dist'ance of 12~.11 f~et
to a point in the Southeasterly line of Lot 33,
Block 11, of said Irvine's Subdivision; thence con-
tinuing along said tangent curve through an angle of
00° 58' 11" an arc distance of 82.55 feet to the most
Easter.ly co~ne~ of' Lot 39, as shown on a map of Tract
NO; [~27~7, recorded in Book 82, pages 19 and 20, Mis-
cellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California;
thence along the following_courses in th.e Bounda~ of
said Tract No. 2747; S. 39° 50' 44" W. 941.78 feet to
an angle point; thence N. 50°'09' 30" W. 20.00 feet
to an angle point; thence S. 39° 50' 44" W, 57.00
feet to the most Southerly corner of Lot 53 of said
TraCt No. 2747, also being a point in the. Northwes-
terly rig~.t of way line of Mitchell Avenue (66.00
feet wide}; thence N. 50° 09' 30" W. in a direct
line, 560.92 feet to the Westerl][ corner of Lot 1
(one) of said Tract; thenceN. 39u 50' 30" E., a dis-
tance of 626.7'0 feet to the most Easterly corne~ of
Tract No. 1863, as shown on a map recorded in Mis-
cellaneous Map Book 54, page 20; thence N. 50° 09'
30" W. 'along the No~$heasterly line of sai~ Tract
No. 1863, a ~istance of'~50.9~ fret to the most
Northerly corner of Lo~ 33 .f said ~ract; thence
S. 39° 50' 30" W., 150.00 feet. to the mos~ West-
erly corner of sai~ Lo~ 33; thence N. ~50° 09' 30"
W. along the Northeasterly line of said ~act No.
1863, a distance of 7~.00 feet; thence S. 39° 50'
30" W., along the Northwesterly line of sai~
?ra~t No. 1863, a ~is~ance of ~76.70 feet to the ..
most Westerly c~me~ of Lo~ 1 (one) of said ~ac~
No. 1863; thence N. 50° 09' 30" W. along ~he Non,h-
easterly right_ of way line of MitchellAvenue (66.00
fee~ wi~e.), 96.01 fee~ to a line parallel wi~h an~
~0 feet Southeasterly measured a~ ri_ght angle~ f~om
the ~ente~ line of 1/ewpo~t.' Avenue ($0.00 feet wide);
thence N. 39° ~9' 30" E., along said parallel line,
500.00 fee.t, more~ o~. less, ~o a point; thence N. 50°
10' 30" W ~0..00 fee~ to a poin~ of intersection of
the .5outherly p~olonga~ion of the Westerly line of
"D" Street (~0.00 feet wide) with the center line of
Newport Avenue, said point of intersection also being
the most Southerly angle'point of the City of Tus~in;
thence Northeasterly along said center line of New-
po~t Avenue and Tustin City boundry 816.37 feet to
the point of beginning.
PASSED AND ADOPTED. at a regular, meeting of the City
Council of the City of ~stin held on the 27th day of February, 1956