HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 3816
The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:
The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows:
A. Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin has been determined surplus to the
needs of the federal government and has been approved for disposal by the
United States Department of the Navy (DON)in accordance with the Defense
Base Closure and Realignment Act (DBCRA) of 1990 (10 USC 2687) and the
pertinent base closure and realignment decisions of the Defense Base
Closure and Realignment COmmission approved by the President and
accepted by Congress in 1991, 1993, and 1995; and,
B. The City of Tustin has been approved by the Department of Defense as the
Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) for MCAS Tustin and is responsible for
preparing a Reuse Plan describing the reuse of the installation and providing
recommendations to the DON for disposal of the former base to various
public agencies and the homeless. The goal of base disposal and reuse is
economic redevelopment and job creation to help replace the economic
stimulus previously provided by the military installation. The LRA submitted
the Reuse Plan for MCAS Tustin to the Department of Defense in October
1996, and an Errata amending the Reuse Plan in September 1998; and,
C. On January 16, 2001, the Tustin City Council certified the Joint Final
Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for
the Disposal and Reuse of the Marine Corps Air Station'(MCAS) Tustin (the
Program EIS/EIR). The United States Navy issued a Record of Decision on
the Program EIS/EIR in March 2001. The MCAS Tustin examined in the
Program EIS/EIR was 1606 acres; and,
D. In accordance with Section 15132 of the State Guidelines, and the Council on
Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500-1508), the FEIS/FEIR
consists of:
1. The initial Draft EIS/EIR, revised Draft EIS/EIR, and Final EIS/EIR
including Comments and Responses on the revised Draft EIS/EIR and all
appendices and technical reports thereto;
2. Comments and Responses on the Final EIS/EIR;
Resolution No. 3816
CUP 01-030 & DR 01-037
December 10, 2001
Page 2
3. Redevelopment Agency staff report to the Planning Commission dated
November 28, 2000;
4. Minutes of the City of Tustin Planning Commission, dated November 28,
5. Redevelopment Agency staff repot[ to the City Council dated January 16,
2001 including the letters submitted to the Planning Commission, a letter
submitted to the Tustin City Council and the City of Tustin's written
responses, and ali other attachments;
6. Minutes of the Tustin City Council, dated January 16, 2001; and
E. On December 3, 2001, the Tustin City'Council received a request to consider
and apProve the acceptance of a Quitclaim for Parcel 5 from the Department
of Navy and for approval of a Ground Lease between the City of Tustin and
the Orange County Rescue Mission to implement a transitional housing use
at the site. Parcel 5 is a 5.1-acre site located at the former MCAS Tustin;
F. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15168(c), the Tustin City Council must
consider the approved Final EIS/EIR for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS
Tustin, prior to project approval, determine that the proposed acceptance of
quitclaim for Parcel 5 and ground lease to the Orange County Rescue
Mission have been examined in the light of the Program EIR, agree that an
additional environmental document is not necessary and re-certify that the
FEIS/FEIR for the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin is complete and
adequate; and,
G. Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section
15168, the City of Tustin has completed an Environmental Analysis Checklist
For Projects With Previously Certified/Approved Environmental Documents
and determined that all effects associated with the implementation of the
project were evaluated in the Program EIS/EIR for MCAS Tustin, that no new
effects would occur, that no substantial increase in the severity of previously
identified significant effects would occur, that no new mitigation measures
would be required, that no applicable mitigation measures previously not
found to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and that there are no new
mitigation measures or alternatives applicable to the project that would
substantially reduce effects of the project that have not been considered and
The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby find that the
proposed project is within the scope of the FEIS/EIR for the Disposal and Reuse
of MCAS Tustin, a Program EIR approved earlier and that the Program EIR
adequately describes the proposed activities for the purposes of CEQA [CEQA
Guidelines Section 15168(e)].
Resolution No. 3816
CUP 01-030 & DR 01-037
December 10, 2001
Page 3
The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin finds that the FEIS/FEIR for
MCAS Tustin, adopted and certified by the City Council, is adequate, complete,
and prepared in compliance with the requirements of CEQA, NEPA, and the
State Guidelines, is the controlling environmental document for this project, and
that this project is in compliance with the FEIS/FEIR prepared for MCAS Tustin;
The Planning Commission hereby finds that the environmental effects of the
proposed projects identified in the Environmental Analysis Checklist For
Projects With Previously Certified/Approved Environmental Documents
FEIS/FEIR have been substantially lessened in their severity by the imposition
and incorporation of certain previously approved mitigation measures as
identified in Exhibit A, as modified by Exhibit B.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission
held on the 10th day of December 2001.
Planning Commission Secretary
I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that l am the Recording
Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No.
3816 passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held
on the 10th day of December, 2001.
Planning Commission Secretary
Mitigation Measures/Implementation Measures
An Environmental Analysis Checklist for Projects with 'PreViously Certified/Approved
Environmental Documents has been completed for the above referenced projects. The
analysis concluded that environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the
above projects could be mitigated with the imposition of the following mitigation
measures/implementation measures'
AQ-1 - If determined feasible and appropriate on a project-by-project basis, the City
of Tustin and the City of Irvine, as applicable, shall require individual development
projects to implement one or more of the following control measures, if not already
required by the SCAQMD under Rule 403:
- Apply water twice daily, or chemical soil stabilizers according to manufacturers'
specifications, to all unpaved parking or staging areas or unpaved road surfaces at
all actively disturbed sites.
- Develop a construction traffic management plan that includes, but is not limited
to, rerouting construction trucks off congested streets, consolidating truck
deliveries, and providing dedicated turn lanes for movement of construction
trucks and equipment onsite and offsite.
- Use electricity from power poles rather than temporary diesel or gasoline powered
- Reduce traffic speeds on all unpaved roads to 15 mph or less..
- Pave construction roads that have a traffic volume of more than 50 daily trips by
construction equipment or 150 total daily trips for all vehicles.
- Apply approved chemical soil stabilizers according to manufacturers'
specifications to all inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive
for four days or more).
- Replace ground cover in disturbed areas as quickly as possible.
- Enclose, cover, water twice daily, or apply approved soil binders according, to
manufacturers' specifications, to exposed piles of gravel, sand, or dirt.
- Cover all trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials, and maintain at
least two feet of freeboard (i.e., minimum vertical distance between top of the
load and top of the trailer).
- Sweep streets at the end of the day if visible soil material is carried over to
adjacent roads (use water sweepers with reclaimed water when feasible).
- Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto paved
roads, or wash off trucks and any equipment leaving the site each trip.
AQ-2 - Unless determined by the City of Tustin to be infeasible on a
project-by-project basis due to unique project characteristics, the City of Tustin shall
require the project proponent to use low VOC architectural coatings for all interior
and exterior painting operations.
AQ-3 - Prior to the issuance of development permits for new non-residential projects
with 100 or more employees, and expanded projects where additional square footage
would result in a total of 100 or more employees, the City of Tustin and the City of
Irvine, as applicable, shall impose a mix of TDM measures which, upon estimation,
would result in an average vehicle ridership of at least 1.5, for each development with
characteristics that would be reasonably conducive to successful implementation of
such TDM measures. These TDM measureS may include one or more of the
following, as determined appropriate and feasible by each city on a case-by-case
- Establish preferential parking for carpool vehicles.
- Provide bicycle-parking facilities.
- Provide shower and locker facilities.
- Provide carpool and vanpool loading areas.
- Incorporate bus stop improvements into facility design.
- Implement shuttles to shopping, eating, recreation, and/or parking and transit
- Construct remote parking facilities.
- Provide pedestrian circulation linkages.
- Construct pedestrian grade separations.
- Establish carpool and vanpool programs.
- Provide cash allowances, passes, and other public transit and purchase incentives.
- Establish parking fees for single occupancy vehicles.
- Provide parking subsidies for rideshare vehicles.
- Institute a computerized commuter rideshare matching system.
- Provide a guaranteed ride-home program for ridesharing.
- Establish alternative Workweek, flextime, and compressed work week schedules.
- Establish telecommuting or work-at-home programs.
- Provide additional vacation and compensatory leave incentives.
- Provide on-site lunch rooms/cafeterias and commercial service such as banks,
restaurants, and small retail.
- Provide on-site day care facilities.
- Establish an employee transportation coordinator(s).
AQ-4 - The City of Tustin shall require the project proponent to utilize applicable
transportation management measures to be implemented, as determined appropriate
or feasible on a case-by-case basis, as follows:
Reschedule truck deliveries and pickups for off-peak hours.
Implement lunch shuttle service from a worksite(s) to food establishmems.
Implement compressed workweek schedules where weekly work hours are
compreSsed into fewer than five days, such as 9/80, 4/40, or 3/36.
Provide on-site child care and after-school facilities or contribute to off-site
developments within walking distance.
Provide on-site employee services such as cafeterias, banks, etc.
Implement a pricing structure for single-occupancy employee parking, and/or
provide discounts to ride sharers.
Construct off-site pedestrian facility .improvements such as overpasses and wider
Include retail services within or adjacent to residential subdivisions.
Provide shuttles to major rail transit centers or multi-modal stations.
Contribute to regional transit systems (e.g., right-of-way, capital improvements,
Synchronize traffic lights on streets impacted by development.
Construct, contribute, or dedicate land for the provision of off, site bicycle trails
linking the facility to designated bicycle commuting routes.
Include residential units within a commercial development.
Provide off-site bicycle facility improvements, such as bicycle trails linking the
facility to designated bicycle commuting routes, or on-site improvements} such as
bicycle paths.
Include bicycle-parking facilities such as bicycle lockers.
Include showers for bicycling and pedestrian employees' use.
Construct on-site pedestrian facility improvements, such as building access which is
physically separated from street and parking lot traffic, and walk paths.
Arch-2 - Prior to issuance of grading permits, the' City of Tustin shall require the
project proponent to retain, as appropriate, a county-certified archaeologist. If buried
resources are found durin~ grading within the reuse plan area, a qualified
archaeologist would need to assess the site significance and perform the appropriate
mitigation. The Native American viewpoint shall be considered during this process.
This could include testing or data recovery. Native American consultation shall also
be initiated during this process.
· Paleo-1 - The City of Tustin shall each require the project proponent to comply with
the requirements established in a PRMP prepared for the site, which details the
methods to be used for surveillance of construction grading, assessing finds, and
actions to be taken in the event that unique paleontological resources are discovered
during construction.
· Paleo-2 - Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the project proponent shall provide
written evidence to the City of Tustin, that a county-certified paleontologist has been
retained to conduct salvage excavation of unique paleontological resources if they are
· N-1 - prior to reuse of any existing residential units within the reuse area for civilian
use, the City of Tustin or the City of Irvine, as applicable, and where necessary and
feasible, shall require the installation of noise attenuation barriers, insulation, or
similar devices to ensure that interior and exterior noise levels at these residential
units do not exceed applicable noise standards.
· N-3 - For new development within the reuse area, the City of Tustin shall ensure that
interior and exterior noise levels do not exceed those prescribed by state requirements
and local city ordinances and general plans. Plans demonstrating noise regulation
conformity shall be submitted for review and approval prior to building permits being
issued to accommodate reuse.
· The Rescue Mission will be required to comply with the fOllowing applicable
The City of Tustin and the City of Irvine, each within its respective jurisdiction,
shall ensure that adequate fire protection, police protection, and parks and
recreation facilities (including bikeways/trails) needed to adequately serve the
reuse plan area shall be provided as necessary. To eliminate any negative impact
the project could have on each community's general fund, financing mechanisms
including but not limited to developer fees, assessment district financing, and/or
tax increment financing (in the event that a redevelopment project area is created
for the site), shall be developed and used as determined appropriate by each City.
(1) Applicants for private development projects, shall be required to enter into an
agreement with City of Tustin or the City of Irvine, as applicable, to establish
a fair-share mechanism to provide needed fire and police protection services
and parks and recreation facilities (including bikeways) through the use of fee
schedules, assessment district financing, Community Facility District
financing, or other mechanisms as determined appropriate by each respective
(2) Recipients of property through public conveyance process shall be required to
mitigate any impacts of their public uses of property on public services and
Fire Protection/Emergency Medical Services.
· Prior to the first final map recordation or building permit issuance for
development (except for financing and reconveyances purposes), the project
developer could be required to enter into an agreement with the City of Tustin or
City of Irvine/OCFA, as applicable, to address impacts of the project on fire
services. Such agreement could include participation for fire protection,
personnel and equipment necessary to serve the project and eliminate any
negative impacts on fire protection services.
(1) Prior to issuance of building permits, the project developer shall work closely
with the OCFA to ensure that adequate fire protection measures are
implemented in the project.
(2) Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project developer shall submit a
fire hydrant location plan for the review and approval of the Fire Chief and
ensure that fire hydrants capable of flows in amounts approved by the OCFA
are in place and operational to meet fire flow requirements.
Police Protection.
Prior to issuance of building permits, the project developer shall work closely
with the respective Police Department to ensure that adequate security precautions
are implemented in the project.
Prior to the issuance of certificates of use and occupancy, the project developer
shall submit to the respective City proof of payment of appropriate school fees
adopted by the applicable school district.
Parks and Recreati0nl
· Prior to the first final map recordation (except for financing and reconveyance
purposes) or building permit issuance for development within the City of Tustin
portion of the site, the project developer shall be required to provide evidence of
compliance with all requirements and standards of the City of Tustin Park Code.
· Prior to the first concept plan for tentative tract map in the City of Tustin, the
project developer shall file a petition for the creation of a landscape maintenance
district for the project area with the City of Tustin. The district shall include
public neighborhood parks, landsCape improvements, and specific trails (Barranca
only), the medians in arterials, or other eligible items mutually agreed to by the
petitioner and the City of Tustin. In the event that a district is not established
prior to issuance of the first building permit, maintenance of items mentioned
above shall be the responsibility of a community association.
IA-2 - Table 7-3 of the Final EIS/EIR (see Table 6 at the end of the Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program) presents the Trip Budget which summarizes the
square footage of non-residential Uses allocated to each neighborhood by Planning
Area and the associated ADT. (Residential uses are shown for information only, they
are not part of the budget.) Pursuant to Section 3.2.4 of the Specific Plan, the City of
Tustin shall implement the trip budget by neighborhood to control the amount and
intensity of non-residential uses. Trip Budget transfers between neighborhoods shall
also be implemented as directed in subsection 3.2.4 of the Specific Plan.
IA-3 - Prior to the approval of (1) a Planning Area Concept Plan pursuant to Section
4.2 of the Specific Plan, (2) a site development permit, or (3) a vesting tentative map
for new square footage (not for financing or conveyance purposes), a project
developer shall provide traffic information consistent with the provisions of the
Specific Plan, this EIS/EIR and the requirements of the City of Tustin Traffic
Engineer. The traffic information shall (a) identify and assign traffic circulation
mitigation measures required in the EIS/EIR pursuant to the Phasing Plan described
in Table 4.12-10 of the Final EIS/EIR (see Table 5 at the end of the Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program); (b) evaluate the effects of either the delay of any
previously committed circulation improvements or the construction of currently
unanticipated circulation improvements; and (c) utilize the circulation system and
capacity assumptions within the EIS/EIR and any additional circulation
improvements completed by affected jurisdictions for the applicable timeframe of
IA-4 - Prior to the issuance of building permits for new development within planning
areas requiring a concept plan, a project developer shall enter into an agreement with
the City of Tustin to (a) design and construct roadway improvements consistent with
the ADT generation Phasing Plan described in Table 4.12-10 of the Final EIS/EIR
(see Table 5 at the end of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program) and (b)
address the impact of and specify the responsibility for any previously, committed
circulation improvements assumed in the EIS/EIR which have not been constructed.
IA-5 - If a subsequent traffic Phasing Plan demonstrates that certain circulation
improvements should be included in a different phase of Specific Plan development
(accelerated or delayed) or that a circulation improvement can be substituted, the
mitigation Phasing Plan in Table 4.12-10 of the Final EIS/EIR (see Table 5 at the end
of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program) may be amended, subject to
approval of the City of Tustin and any other affected jurisdictions, provided that the
same level of traffic mitigation and traffic capacity would be provided.
· IA-7 - Each Specific Plan project would contain, to the satisfaction of the City of
Tustin and/or City of Irvine, as applicable, a pedestrian circulation component
showing pedestrian access to regional hiking trails, parks, schools, shopping areas,
bus stops, and/or other public facilities.
· T/C-1 - In conjunction with the approval of a site development permit, the City of
Tustin shall require each developer to provide traffic operations and control plans that
would minimize the traffic impacts of proposed construction activity. The plans shall
address roadway and lane closures, truck hours and routes, and notification
procedures for planned short-term or interim changes in traffic patterns. The City of
Tustin shall ensure that the plan would minimize anticipated delays at major
intersections. Prior to approval, the City of Tustin shall review the proposed traffic
control and operations plans with any affected jurisdiction.
T/C-4 - The City of Tustin and the City of Irvine, as applicable (for that portion of the
reuse plan area within Irvine), shall ensure that all on-site circulation system
improvements for the reuse plan area assumed in the 2005 and 2020 traffic analysis
and as shown in Table 4.12-10 of the Final EIS/EIR (see Table 5 at the end of the
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program) are implemented according to the
cumulative ADT thresholds identified in the table. Under this Phasing Plan, the City
of Tustin shall monitor all new development within the site, accounting for the
cumulative ADT generated by development projects. As each ADT threshold is
reached, the roadway improvements listed in Table 4.12-10 of the Final EIS/EIR (see
Table 5 at the end of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program) shall be
constructed before any additional projects within the reuse plan area would be
T/C-5~ - Prior to approval of a site development permit or vesting tract, except for
financing or conveyance purposes, for all land use designation areas in Alternative 1
with the exception of the Learning Village, Community Park, and Regional Park, a
project developer shall enter into an agreement with the City of Tustin and City of
Irvine, as applicable (for that portion of the reuse plan area within IrVine) which
assigns improvements required in the EIS/EIR to the development site and which
requires participation in a fair share mechanism to design and construct required
on-site and arterial improvements consistent with the ADT generation thresholds
shown in Tables 4.12-7, 4.12-8, 4.12-9, and 4.12-10 (see Tables 2 through 5 at the
end of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program).
T/C-6~ ' The City of Tustin and the City of Irvine, as applicable (for that portion of the
reuse plan area in Irvine), will monitor new development within the reuse plan area,
accounting for the cumulative ADTs generated by development projects within the
reuse plan area. As each cumulative ADT threshold shown in Table 4.12-10 (see
Table 5 at the end of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program) is reached,
the roadway improvements listed shall be constructed before any additional projects
within the reuse plan area are approved.
T/C-7 - The City of Tustin shall adopt a trip budget for individual portions of the
reuse plan area to assist in the monitoring of cumulative ADTs and the amount and
intensity of' permitted non-residential uses as evaluated in the EIS/EIR.
The Rescue Mission will be required to comply with the following implementation
Prior to a final map recordation (except for financing and reconveyance
purposes), the development applicant shall enter into an agreement with the
City of Tustin and City of Irvine and any approPriate regional utility agencies,
districts, and providers, as applicable, to dedicate all easement, rights-of-way,
or other land determined necessary to construct adequate utility infrastructure
and facilities to serve the project as determined by the city, agency, district, or
other providers.
· Prior to any final map recordation (except for financing and conveyance
purposes), the development applicant shall enter into a secured agreement
with the cities of Tustin and/or Irvine, as applicable, to participate on a
pro-rated basis in construction of capital improvements necessary to provide
adequate utility facilities.
· Prior to the issuance of permits for any public improvements or development
project, a development applicant shall submit to the City of Tustin and City of
Irvine, as. applicable, information from IRWD which outlines required
facilities necessary to provide adequate potable water and reclaimed water
service.to the development.
, ,
Table references in the mitigation measures have been changed from the
Final FEIS/EIR to match the correct table numbers in the FEIS/EIR.
Prior to the issuance of the certificates of use and occupancy, the project
developer shall ensure that fire hydrants capable of flows in amounts
approved by the OCFA .are in place and operational to meet fire flow
Prior to the issuance of permitS for any public improvements or development
project, a development applicant shall submit to the City of Tustin and City of
Irvine, as applicable, information from IRWD, OCSD, or the City of Tustin
which outlines required facilities necessary to provide adequate sanitary
sewage service to the development.
Prior to the issuance of grading permits or approval'of any subdivision map
(except for financing and reconveyance purposes), whichever occurs first, for
development within the 100-year flood plain, grading and drainage systems
shall be designed by the project developer such that all building pads would
be safe from inundation from runoff from all storms up to and including the
theoretical 100-year storm, to the satisfaction of the City of Tustin Building
Division or the Irvine Public Works Department, as applicable. Grading
permits or subdivision maps generated for financing and reconveyance
purposes are exempt.
· Prior to the approval of any applicable subdivision map (except for financing
and conveyance purposes), the developer-applicant shall design and construct
local drainage systems for conveyance of the 1 O-year runoff. If the facility is
in a local sump, it shall be designed to convey the 25-year runoff.
· Prior to any grading for any new development, the following drainage studies
shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Tustin, City of Irvine,
and/or OCFCD, as applicable:
(1) A drainage study including diversions (i.e., off-site areas that drain onto
and/or through the project site), with justification and appropriate
mitigation for any proposed diversion.
(2) A drainage study evidencing that proposed drainage patterns would not
result in increased 100-year peak discharges within and downstream of the
project limits, and would not worsen existing drainage conditions at storm
drains, culverts, and other street crossings including regional flood control
facilities. The study shall also propose appropriate mitigation for any
increased runoff causing a worsening condition of any existing facilities
within or downstream of project limits. Implementation of appropriate
interim or ultimate flood control infrastructure construction must be
(3) Detailed drainage studies indicating how, in conjunction with the drainage
conveyance systems including applicable swales, channels, street flows,
catch basins, storm drains, and flood water retarding, building pads are
made safe from runoff inundation which may be expected from all storms
up to and including the theoretical 100-year flood.
Mitigation Measures that are Not Applicable Upon Further Review
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15168,
the City of Tustin has completed an environmental checklist and determined that all effects
associated with the proposed project were adequately evaluated in the Program EIS/EIR
for MCAS Tustin, that no new effects would occur, that no substantial increase in the
severity of previously identified significant effects would occur, that no new mitigation
measures would be required, that no applicable mitigation measures previously not found
to be feasible would in fact be feasible, and that there are no new mitigation measures or
alternatives applicable to the project that would substantially reduce effects of the project
that have not been considered and adopted. The Environmental Analysis Checklist For
Projects With Previously Certified/Approved Environmental Documents prepared for this
project is included as Exhibit A of Resolution No. 3816.
Upon further review, certain of the general mitigation measures for the reuse of MCAS,
Tustin that were identified in the environmental review of this project are not applicable
for a variety of reasons and have not been incorporated as conditions of approval. A list
of those measures and the reasons for not incorporating them as conditions is provided
I ,,
Prior to the issuance of development permits for new non:residential projects
with 100 or more employees, and expanded projects where additional square
footage would result in a total of 100 or more employees, the City of Tustin and
the City of Irvine, as applicable, shall impose a mix of TDM measures which,
upon estimation, would result in an average vehicle ridership of at least 1.5, for
each development with characteristics that would be reasonably conducive to
successful implementation of such TDM measures. These TDM measures may
include one or more of the following, as determined appropriate and feasible by
each city on a case-by-case basis (Mitigation Measure AQ-3) ·
· Establish preferential parking for carpool vehicles.
· Provide bicycle-parking facilities.
· Provide shower and locker facilities.
· Provide carpool and vanpool loading areas.
· Incorporate bus stop improvements into facility design.
· Implement shuttles to shopping, eating, recreation, and/or parking and
transit facilities.
· Construct remote parking facilities.
· Provide pedestrian circulation linkages.
· Construct pedestrian grade separations.
· Establish carpool and vanpool programs.
· Provide cash allowances, passes, and other public transit and purchase
· Establish parking fees for single occupancy vehicles.
· Provide parking subsidies for rideshare vehicles.
· Institute a computerized commuter rideshare matching system.
Exhibit B of Resolution No. 3816
Page 2
Provide a guaranteed ride-home program for ridesharing.
Establish alternative workweek, flextime, and compressed work week
Establish telecommuting or work-at-home programs.
Provide additional vacation and compensatory leave incentives.
Provide on-site lunch rooms/cafeterias and commercial service such as
banks, restaurants, and small retail.
Provide on-site day care facilities.
Establish an employee transportation coordinator(s).
Reason: The applicant will not have more than 100 employees.
Table 7-3 of the Final EIS/EIR (see Table 6 at the end of the Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program) presents the Trip Budget which summarizes
the square footage of non-residential uses allocated to each neighborhood by
Planning Area and the associated ADT. (Residential uses are shown for
information only, they are not part of tho budget.) ~ursuant to Section 3.2.4 of
the Specific Plan, the City of Tustin shall implement the trip budget by
neighborhood to control the amount and intensity of non-residential uses. Trip
Budget transfers between neighborhoods shall also be implemented as directed
in subsection 3.2.4 of the Specific Plan (Mitigation Measure IA-2).
Reason: The Village of Hope is a residential use.
Prior to the approval of (1) a Planning Area Concept Plan pursuant to Section 4.2
of the Specific Plan, (2) a site development permit, or (3) a vesting tentative map
for new square footage (not for financing or conveyance purposes), a project
developer shall provide traffic information consistent with the provisions of the
Specific Plan, this EIS/EIR and the requirements of the City of Tustin Traffic
Engineer. The traffic information shall (a)identify and assign traffic circulation
mitigation measures required in the EIS/EIR pursuant to the Phasing Plan
described in Table 4.12-10 of the Final EIS/EI.R (see Table 5 at the end of the
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program); (b) evaluate the effects of either
the delay of any previously committed circulation improvements or the
construction of currently unanticipated circulation improvements; and (c) utilize
the circulation system and capacity assumptions within the EIS/EIR and any
additional circulation improvements completed by affected jurisdictions for the
applicable timeframe of analysis. The' traffic information shall be prepared by a
California licensed traffic engineer or civil engineer experienced in the
preparation of such plans (Mitigation Measure IA-3).
Reason' Required by the Ground Lease, and, as such, is part of the project
Prior to the issuance of building permits for new development within planning
Exhibit B of Resolution No. 3816
Page 3
areas requiring a concept plan, a project developer shall enter into an agreement
with the City of Tustin to (a) design and construct roadway improvements
consistent with the ADT generation Phasing Plan described in Table 4.12-10 of
the Final EIS/EIR (see Table 5 at the end of the Mitigation Monitoring' and
Reporting Program) and (b) address the impact of and specify the responsibility
for any previously committed circulation improvements assumed in the EIS/EIR
which have not been constructed (Mitigation Measure IA-4).
Reason' Required by the Ground Lease and, as such, is part of the project
If a subsequent traffic Phasing Plan demonstrates that certain circulation
improvements should be included in a different phase of Specific Plan
development (accelerated or delayed) or that a circulation improvement can be
substituted, the mitigation Phasing Plan in Table 4.12-10 of the Final EIS/EIR
(see Table 5 at the end of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program) may
be amended, subject to approval of the City of Tustin and any other affected
jurisdictions, provided that the same level of traffic mitigation and traffic capacity
would be provided (Mitigation Measure IA-5).
Reason: Required by the Ground Lease and, as such, is part of the project
Each Specific Plan project would contain, to the satisfaction of the City of Tustin
and/or City of Irvine, as applicable, a pedestrian circulation component showing
pedestrian access to regional hiking trails, parks, schools, shopping areas, bus
stops, and/or other public facilities (Mitigation Measure IA-7).
Reason: The project will provide sidewalk facilities.
T. he City of Tustin and the City of Irvine, as applicable (for that portion of the
reuse plan area within Irvine), shall ensure that all on-site circulation system
improvements for the reuse plan area assumed in the 2005 and 2020 traffic
analysis and as shown in Table 4.12-10 of the Final EIS/EIR (see Table 5 at the
end of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program) are implemented
according to the cumulative ADT thresholds identified in the table. Under this
Phasing Plan, the City of Tustin shall monitor all new development within the site,
accounting for the cumulative ADT generated by development projects. As each
ADT threshold is reached, the roadway improvements listed in Table 4.12-10 of
the Final EIS/EIR (see Table 5 at the end of the Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program) shall be constructed before any additional projects within the
reuse plan area would be approved (Mitigation Measure T/C-4).
Reason: City of Tustin responsibility.
Exhibit B of Resolution No. 3816
Page 4
Prior to approval of a site development permit or vesting tract, except for
financing or conveyance purposes, for'all land use designation areas in
Alternative 1 with the exception of the Learning Village, Community Park, and
Regional Park, a project developer shall enter into an agreement with the City of
Tustin and City of Irvine, as applicable (for that portion of the reuse plan area
within Irvine) which assigns improvements required in the EIS/EIR to the
development site and which requires participation in a fair share, mechanism to
design and construct required on-site and arterial improvements consistent with
the ADT generation thresholds shown in Tables 4.12-7, 4.12-8, 4.12-9, and
4.12-10 (see Tables 2 through 5 at the end of the Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program) (Mitigation Measure T/C-5).
Reason: Required by the Ground Lease and, as such, is part of the project
The City of Tustin and the City of Irvine, as applicable (for that portion of the
reuse plan area in Irvine), will monitor new development within the reuse plan
area, accounting for the cumulative ADTs generated by development projects
within the reuse plan area. As each cumulative ADT threshold shown in Table
4.12-10 (see Table 5 at the end of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program) is reached, the roadway improvements listed shall be constructed
before any additional projects within the reuse plan area are approved (Mitigation
Measure T/C-6)
Reason: City of Tustin responsibility.
The City of Tustin shall adopt a trip budget for individual portions of the reuse
plan area to assist in the monitoring of cumulative ADTs and the amount and
intensity of permitted non-residential uses as evaluated in the EIS/EIR (Mitigation
Measure T/C-7).
Reason: City of Tustin responsibility.
The following Implementation measures are not required to mitigate project impa'cts;
they are measures, which if applicable, to the project, would prevent impacts from
occurring and are either incorporated into the project design or are not applicable for the
reasons stated'below.
Prior to any final map recordation (except for financing and conveyance
purposes), the development applicant shall enter into a secured agreement with
the City of Tustin to participate on a pro-rated basis in construction of capital
improvements necessary to provide adequate utility facilities (Implementation
Exhibit B of Resolution No. 3816
Page 5
Reason: Required by the Ground Lease and, as such, is part of the project
Prior to the issuance of grading permits or approval of any subdivision map
(except for financing and reconveyance purposes), whichever occurs first, for
development within the 100-year flood plain, grading and drainage systems shall
be designed by the project developer such that all building pads would be safe
from inundation from runoff from all storms up to and including the theoretical
l O0-year storm, to the satisfaction of the City of Tustin Building Division
(Implementation Measure). '
Reason: The site is not within the 100-year flood zone.