HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 287 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN FINDING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF "C" STREET FROM MAIN STREET TO U.S. HIGHWAY 101 HAS BEEN COMPLETED, AND APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER E~S, the C~ty Co,oil of the City ~f Tustin in the. Co~ty of 0r~ge, State of C~ifo~~a, on J~ua~ 2, 1951, adopted Resolution No. 2'7~ requesting the Cowry of Or.ge to gr~t aid to said City in the ~o~t of $1,335.00 out of the Co~ty's apportio~ent of the California Highway User's T~ F~d for the improvement ~d repair of "C" Street between Main Street ~d U. S. Hi.way 101 in said City, as per detailed plus; ~d ~~~, said City Co~cil's Resolution No. 27~, above referred to, further requested the reallocation of ~ds heretofore allocated as a gr~t in aid by the Co~ty out of the Co~~', s apportio~ent of the California Hi.way User' s T~ ~d in the tot~ s~ of $268.99; ~d ~~S, said 'Co~ty the~e~ter on J~u~ 23, 1951, fo~d said i~rovement ~d repair to be of genera-. Cowry in- terest ~d said request 'was grated; ~d ~~S, the City E~ineer has filed ~s report of the completion of said project upon co~etitive bids sub~tted ~d awarded in accord~ce with ~e. laws of the State of' Calif- o~ia at ~a"total cost of $5,392.38, a coPy of which accost is attached hereto m~ked Schedule "A" ~d made a p~t hereof: NOW, TH~~O~, ~ IT RESOLV~ A~ 0~ER~: That this 'Resolution, Resolution No. 274, of J~ua~ 2, 1951, ~d the Resolution of the Board of Supe~isors of the Co~ty of 0r~ge, dated J~u~ 23, 1951, speci~ing the terms ~d conditions of the ~~t ~ all the laws applicable,-shall constitute the terms ~d conditions of the gr~t between City ~d the Cowry respecting said ~~t; That the City Co~cil of the City of ~stin finds that the i~rovement of "C" Street between Main Street ~d U. S. Hi.way 101 in said City has been completed, ~d the ~gineer's report of costs is approved; .. !58 That ~equest is .hereby made .that the City of Tusttn be ~eimbursed in the amount of $1,60S.99 in accordance with the grant made to said City by the Board of Supervisors on January 2.:3, 1951, and the ~e~.ioc~.tion of funds he~etofo~.e g~o. nted by the said Board of Supervisors at the same time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ths~ the City. Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby:directed to forward three (3) certt- lied copies of t hi.s Resolution to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orang. ge. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at a regula~ meeting held on the 21st day of May, 1951. ATTEST: "-· .... Cit~ C~rk . ' COUNTY OF ORANGE ) STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ss. CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, S. C. PENINGTON, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, do hereby certify that the foregoing. Resolution was introduced. and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin and was passed and adopted by said meeting held on the 21st day of May, 1951, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Humeston, Gray, Miller, Teter, Bacon. NOES-: Councilmen: None ABSENT:Councilmen: None ci~cierk-Of tt~ city; g~" Tustin City Council, City of Tustin, Tustin, California. Gentlemen: _ 59 This is to certify that the improvement of "C" Street between Main Street'' and U. S. Highway lO1 has been completed in-accordance with plans and specifications of Project 16 of the City ef Tustin. I further certify that the Sully-Miller Contracting Company has completed its contract' forthe improvement of "C" Street in accordance with the terms of Project 16 and County of Orange and DePartment of Public Works of the State of Cali- fornia standard specifications. That the quantities o£ wo~k and the costs thereof per their unit bid are as follows: 1375 Cu. Yds. Roadway Excavation $ .20 $27~. 00 %?~8 ~~. Yds. Prepare Subgrade @ .10 57.4- 80 11~2. Tons Untreated Rock Base @ 1.50' 174~.13 5.80 Tons Liquid Asphalt P~ime @3 0. O0 17~. 00 631.70 Tons ~X~~'J~'~~~aS~~~ ~ 3.60 2274.12 Force Acco~t Work as ordered ~d ite~zed as follows: ~~0.21 $5082;'2 State Approved Rental RAtes for Equipment as Shown: Mo~or Grader D-12 2 hours $ 6.25 PU-~29 2 hours $ 1.00 Blackburn-Motor G~ader 0perator 2 hours ~ 2.~~ 84:86 Carrel-Guinea Chaser 4~. h. rs $ 1. .24 Ross-Foremsn 2 ho~"s ~ 2.?~1~. Plus Insurance 10% 15% Profit 12.50 2.00 I further certify that the United Cement Company has completed Its contract fo~ the ou~b work in oormection ~l. th the improvement of "C" Street, Project 16, in accordance with County of 0r~mge Road Dep~"tment ~t~-'~dm',d specifications. That the quantities of work and the costs thereof per their unit bid are as follows: Work performed on the West side of "C" Street: Remove 216-1/2 Ft. of curb $ .15~ per $ 32.475 lineal ft. Construct 216.5 Ft. Standard Curb $ 1.05 227.325 $259'80~ Reconstruct cux~ returns on "C" Str'eet: .CUrb return N. E. Cot. "C" and 3rd St. Remove 20 lin. ft. curb @ 15~.per ft. $ 3.00 Const~.ct 20 lin. ft. cu~,b @ $1,05 per fg. 21.00 Curb return N. W. Cot. "C" ST. and Main St. Remove 25 lin. ft. curb @ 15~ per ft Construct 21~ lin. ft. curb ~ $1.05 pe~ ft. 3.7% 22.~?_ $ 0.32 I hereby recommend that said work be accepted as completed in accordance with the plans and. specifications set forth in P~oJect 16 of the City of Tustin. Yours very truly, J. L. McBride, City Engineer. r ' .. ~ ~ l~ 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26' 28 27 28 z~ 30 31 32 RESOLUTION N0. 28? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUBTIN FINDING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF MCN STREET FROM MAIN STREET TO U. S. HIGHT~IAY 101 HAS BEEN COMPLETED, AND APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin in the County of Orange, state of California, on January 2, 1951, adopted Resolution No. 2?4 requesting the County of Orange to grant aid to said City in the amount of X1,335.00 out of the County's apportionment of the California Highway User's Taa Fund for the improvement and repair of "CM street between Main street and U.B. Highway 101 in said City, as per detailed plans; and WHEREAS, said City Councils Resolution No. 2?4, above referred to, further requested the reallocation of funds heretofore allocated as a grant in aid by the County out of the County's apportionment of the California Highway User's Tax Fund in the total sum of X268.99; and WHEREAS, said County thereafter on January 23, 1951 found said improvement and repair to be of general oounty interest and said request was granted; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has filed his report of the completion of said project upon competitive bide submitted and awarded in accordance with the laws of the state of California at a total coat of X5,392.38, a copy of which account is attached hereto marked schedule MAC and made a part hereoft NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDEREDt That this Resolution, Resolution No. 2?4 of January 2, 1951, and the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, dated January 23, 1951, specifying the terms and conditions of the grant and all the laws applicable, shall con- stitute the terms and conditions of the grant between the City and the County respecting said grant; That the City Council of the City of Tustin finds that 1. I I I ' ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 21 i 31 411 6 6' 7 811 9 10~, 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21I 1 22 23 24 ~ 2b 2611 27~ 28 29. 30i 311 32 the improvement of "C" Street between Main street and U~ 8~ Highway 101 in said City has been completed, and the Engineers report of coats is approved; That request is hereby made that the City of Tustin be reimbursed in the amount of $1,603.99 in accordance with the grant made to said City by the Board of Supervisors on January 23, 1951, and the reallocation of funds heretofore granted by the said Board of Supervisors at the same time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby directed to forwar8 three ~3~ certified copies of this Resolution to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of May, 1951. ayor ATTEST: i ~~ _ City le COUNTY OF ORANQE CITY OF TUSTIN ss. STATE OF CALIFORNIA I, 8. C. PENINaTON, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin and was passed and adopted by said meeting held on the 21st day of May, 1951, by the following vote: /s ',~- AYES; Councilmen: ~~y~2~!-nr _ !~~~!~~ ~~~,. `~~ ~yv NOES; Councilmen: ~'G'22~c.~ v ABSENT: Councilmen: ~i1~yl~t,~- J Ici~G City lark of the Cit of Tustin 2. ., TRUSTEES ~ - C. ARTHUR NIHSON, vR. ATTORN[Y VINCENT L. HUMESTON IDU6 H. HARPER ~eAraa TRCA.URCa FRANK E. BACON, ra. THOMAS McMULLEN WILLIAM H. GRAY CHI[F OF rOLIC[ WM. I. MILLER OEO. A. BROOMELL J. ROY TETER sl.oo. Iws~[craa CITY OF TUSTIN .. C. PENINOTON CL[RK 145 WEST THIRD STREET TELEPHONE KIMBERLY 2-5 681 TUSTIN, CALIFOR1~iIA Kay 21, 1961 City Counoil City of Tustin Tustin, California 6Fentlemeni This is to oertity that the isprovement o! NC• Street betxeen Kain Street and U. S. Highxay 101 has been completed is accordaaoe xith plans sad epecitioations of Project 16 of the City of Tustin. I further oertity that the Sully-.Killer Coatraotinf Company has oomplsted its oontraot for the iaprovement of CN Street in aooordanoe xith the terse of Pro~eot 16 and County of Orange and Departsent of Public 1~orks o! the State of California standard specitioation8. That the quantities of xork and the costa thereof per their unit bid are as lolloxst 13?6 Cu.Yds. Roadxay E=cavation b?48 Sq,.Yds. Prepare Subgrade 1162.7b Tons Untreated sock Base b.80 Tons Liguid Aspphalt Prime 631.70 Tons Plant 1~"l.= 3urtaaing Force Account fork as ordered and itemized as tolloxst p .20 ~ 2?b.00 ~ .10 874.80 • 1. b0 1744.13 ~i0.00 1?4.00 • 3.60 22?4.12 5082.26 State Approved Rental Antes !or Kquipment ea shoxni Kot r C{rader X12 2 hours 0 6.2b 12.60 PII_~g 2 hours o 1.00 2.00 Blaokburn--Kotor Grader Operator 2 hours o 2.43 4.86 Carrol--Guinea Chaser 4~ houra~ 1.83 8.24 Ross--Foreman 2 hours • 2.76 ~Q 18.60 Plus Insurance l0~ ,~.~ Z,Q,.~ 34.96 lb~ Profit ~,~ X40.21 City Council Tustin, California -2- Kay 21, 19b1 I further certify that the United Cement Company has completed its contr~.ct for the curb work in connection with the improvement of C" Street, Project 16, in accordance with County of Orange Road Department standard specifications. That the quantities of Mork and the costs thereof per their unit bid are as follows: work performed on the west side of "C" Street: Remove 216-1/2 Ft. of ourb ® .16 ~d per X32.475 lineal !t. Construct 216.b Ft. Standard Curb ®1.Ob X269 ReoonBtruct curb returns on "C" Street: Curb return N.E. Cor. "C" and 3rd St. Remove 20 lin.ft. curb ® lb¢ per ft. ~ 3.00 Construct 20 lin.ft. curb ® ~1.Ob per ft. 21.00 Curb return N.w. Cor. "C" St. and Main St. Remove 2b lin.ft. curb ~ 15¢ er ft. 3.7b Construct 21~ lin.ft. curb ® 11.05 per ft 50.32 I hereby recommend that said work be accepted as completed in accordance with the plane and specifications eet forth in Project 16 of the City of Tustin. Yours very truly, . L. McBride City Engineer JLls/bt