HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 285RESOLUTION NO. 285 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN EXPRESSING OPPOSITION AND DISAPPROVAL TO PROPOSED CHANGE IN TOWNSHIP BOUNDRIES IN CONNECTION WITH REORGANIZATION OF INFERIOR COURTS WHEREAS, the inferior court system in the State of California has. been reorganized by law, which reorganization is to go into effect on o~ about January 1, I952; and' WHEREAS, in connedti.on wi.th said .... reorganization the Board of Supervisors of' the County of Or. ange...ha.s...proposed to consolidate the Townships of Orange, Sauta Aha and Tustin .into one Judicial district and thereby eliminate the Justice Courts of the Townships Of Orange, Santa Ana,.. and 'TuStin and replace said courts by one Municipal Cour. t si. tting.~in the City of Santa Aha; and WHERFAS, the City C o~uncil of "the .'City of ~TUstin be- lieves that said p~oposed ~eorg~d~zation will'.be detrimental to the City of Tustin 'and to the people', residing .in the Township of Tustin as it is now bounded, because the matters originat- ing within said a~ea now encompassed in the ~.Township 'of Tustin are largely rural in that said area is almost exclusively de- voted to agricultural and farming pursuits... That 'by consolidat- ing said area with an area having a...greater, population whose primary concern is urban, that the interests and problems or- iginating in the Township of TUsttn will be subordinated to those originating in the urban area. of .said .proposed new Ju- dicial district. That the delay in obtaining Judicial deter- mination will be of great duration and will be unduly and un- necessarily burdensome. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED': ~That the City Council of the City of Tustin does put itself on record as Opposing .the. pro.po, seal consolidation of the Townships of Orange, Santa Aha and. Tustin..into one Judicial district and thereby abolishing said.T.ownshtps and the JUstice Courts serving said ToWnships, because it will~.be detrimental to .. the best interests of the people of Tusttn and the people re- · siding in the Township Of Tustin; and" BE IT' 'FURTHER RESOLVED that Mayor Vincent L. Humeston be authori zed and directed to make said .opposition known to the Board of Sure,visors of the County of 0~auge. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regula~ meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 7th day of May, 1951. ATTEST: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 F.:~SOLUT IO: :TO . 285 A i~SOLU+IUiv OF ~I-iv CIT`T COUi;CIL G T;_:~ CITY 0"r' TUSTIv ~XPn:~~SSI~G OPPOSI`i~IOI~ Ai•~D DISAPPROVAL TO PROPO SAD CHAiiG.~. IN IO t;•. SL IP BOUI~IDARI~,S I~? ..1 m COi3P~~CTICN '.:I~H Rr,ORGA:IZATIG ::F IF/F.IG~ CCS..S L'I~P,F.AS, the inferior court syste:;l in the State of California has been reor. ga.nizec:_ by la.~:~, ~~rhich ^eo_~~-aniza_tion is to go intc effect on or about January 1, 1952; and :.'HFR jAS, in connection t~,ith said reor~^anizatior. the Hoard of Supervisors of the Ccunty of ONan~e has ,-~ro~osed to consoliac.te the -otnships of Oran~~e, S^.nta. An^. and `fuctin into one ,judicial c-istrict anc~_ thereby eliminate the Justice Ccu^ts of the `ioti•rnships of Oran:~e, Santa Ana an~_ Tustin anc. replace said courts by one y~1unicipal court sitting in the City of Sant~~. An^; snd ',iH~Rr~AS, the City Council of the City of lustin believes that said pronosec. reorganization ?°ill be detrimental to the City of Tustin and to the people residing in the ~o~,mship of lustin a.s it is noc•r bounded, because the r_latters origir_atin~ within ssic. area now encompassed in t'r_e ~1oe~nship or lustin 2.re l~ r ~el~' "oral in that sale. area is al~:ost exclusively de~rctec_ to a~ricultui~Fl end far~?i.n~ pursuits. Thrt by consolidating s~i~. are< <~ith an area haying a. greater _r,o~ul~ation t•rhose primary concern is urban, thst the interests and ~,roblems ori~~inatina in the 'lot-nshir, of Tustin trill be subordin~ ted. to trose cri`~inatin~ in ':;he u_~ran area of saic_ --,ronosed r.et~r ,judicial district. ih^t the dela.~~ in ob- taining iuc,ieia.l c,-etermina_tion trill be of great c~.urs.tior. and frill be unduly 2nd unnecessarily burdensome. 1C~, l;-,r~R:~rCR:., EL IT '~.FSGLVHD; ~h^t the City Counci7_ of the City of Tustin does ?:ut itself on record a.s oprosin~~ the proposed consolidation of the `i'o~~rnshins of Orange, Santa Ara ~:?c?. lustin into one judicial district anct thereby abolishing sale y'oti°nships anc~ the Just' ce Courts serving sai~~. =ct•mships, because it ~-rill ;~e detrimental to 1. 1 I i I I~ 1 the best interests of ';he reople of Tustin and the neo~,le residjn~: 2 in the `lo~•mship of =ustin; ~ne1 3 BL IT 'L~'.T:~R z~SCL~ ~D that- I~.ayor Vincent L. Nu~eston 'oe 4 authorized and directed to m~1~e said onroeition 'cnoT~n to the 5; hoard of Supervisors of the County of Orange. 6 ~ PASSED Ai°D A~OP~~D at ~_ re~:ular :l:eetin~ of the City 7 ~ Council of the City of ~'ustin held on the 7th day of Play, 1951. i 8 ,~ , ~~ F- __ '' ay r 10 11 ' A' i~ST: i 12 ~/~ ~ , ~j' 13 i City Cle 14 15 16 ~ I 17 18 1J ~ 20 ~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ ~ ~.