HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 276RESOLUTION NO. 276 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER, J. L. McBRIDE, TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR A SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF NECESSARY ADDITIONAL SKILL AND LABOR. WHEREAS, City Engineer J. L. McBride, has submitted an estimate of the costs of a complete set of plans and specifics- tions for a sewage collection system to serve the City of Tustin and that it is estimated that such cost will be in the neighbor- hood of $4000.00 to the City, and WHEREAS, there is great need for such plans and specifi- cations as it is contemplated that there will be in the near fu- ture a sewage system available for the disposal of City sewage; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. That J. L. McBride, as City Engineer, be employed and authorized to draw up complete plans and specifi- cations for a City Sewage Collection System to serve the City of Tustin, California, at the rate of $25.00 per day plus per mile for transportation. Section 2: That the City will supply as required by the City Engineer such special assistants and employees required by the City Engineer in preparing the aforesaid Plans and Speci- fications. Section 3: That the City will employ S. L. Lowry, a Civil Engineer, to work as consultant and for certain drafting and field work when and as required by the City Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 5th day of February, 1951 ATTEST May~o~~ z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 r~ ~ soLU ~ Ic N I,ro . ~6 A RvSOLUICI: OF ~~~ ~I':''_ ';OL'~,iCIL C lL'Sr.Id, CALIFOP~r32A AUHORIZI:IG `~'~._, J.L. I~iCBRID~, ~0 P?~,PARF. PL:AI~'S A D FORA S~vJAGF COLL~C`_'IGN S~dSi r~: A~dD ~'~~'LOY:~ ~rll OF I'FC~SSARY laDDI ~ ICvAL 'by CI~Y OF CI`rY F:IGIh~F:~ SP~JCIFICAICi~'G AUlI?OflIZIi?G ~Hv SKILL AidD LA=CR W'~F~AS CiL;,~ =~ri~' t-ie r J.L. :~ k,~ 1-• ~ ~ ~-, • ~, AG+ -~ to i e :c~z c_e c u,_,,,i~_ted an ~i,:a, of tl,.e costs cf ~~. co.;~rlete sct of glens -~nc~_ srecificetions for a se;a~~.~°e col~.ec':ior. systeu: to serve `r~ Ci~y of Austin snc. treat it is est~irlated teat such cost ~~.i1.1 be in the rei~hborhood pf X4000.00 to ti:e city, end SThereas trere is €rre~~,t need for such nl~ ns ~:^~.-" srecificstic ns as it is conte.^:pl~ ted tr.~t triere t-:Ti1J_ in tI-,P nee r future e ~ setrer~` s~'stem available for tre dispos~_1 of :,~_t,y set-era~:e; I101ti '.'' Rr.rFORFJ BF I~' R~SCL~~D; Section L: ~h^t J.L. "ePrice ~s City ~nF~ireer ~e e:::ployed ^nd ~~uthorized to drata up cornnle'-.e -~1e.rs end specific^.ticn for r~ City Fat~a~°e ool7_ec':.ion $yste-~ to Ge rve t'_^e Cite of ~'ustin, C~ li.fo?°nia ~ t~ the -rate of ~~25.00 per dsy x;lus 7~/ ?per ;rifle for +ransi:~ortation. Sec ,ion 2: ='h~t she city t•~ill sun~ly ~ s recuired. ~y `he Cit`, F•ngineer such sreci,~l a.ssist~ me and e:~nloyees rer.uired by the Cite ~n~°ineer in r.~~en?rinE the aforesaid ~~_;-ns Ord sPecific~tions. Sectdon 3: ~h~ t tha Cit~r r~il1 employ S.L.Lo;~:~~~ ~ Civil Fn=,i,.,,a~ to tTork ~.s consulta.nt ~.nc_ or cert~ in draftin-=~ ~ nd field t~rorl~ when and as reruired i:y the Cite ~n~ ineer. PASSED A_ D ADGFi~D ~;y tree City Co~_rcil cf `he City of Tustin, C~,li''ornia, ^t a regtzl~r ^~eetir.r~ `hereof },_e7_d on the 5th d~,y e~' FebruPry 191. r~ n--~ m A1.~51; ~,~~~~~ ~~A~- M~yo City lerY 32