HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 274RESOLUTION NO. 274 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY OF TUSTIN REQUESTING ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM THE COUNTY OF ORANGE OUT OF COUNTY' S APPORTION- MENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY USERS TAX FUND. On motion of Councilman Miller, duly seconded and ear- tied, the following Re solution was adopted: WHEREAS, the City of Tustin, a City of the Sixth in the County of Orange, desires to improve a portion of "C" Street, being a street within the incorporated limits of the City of Tustin, the nature and extent of the contemplated project being more fully described hereafter; and - WHEREAS, the~e is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof, a sketch showing the location of "C" S'tr®et and its ~elati.onship t'o the principal highways of the County of Orange in said' area; and WHEREAS, Section 2150 of the Streets and Highways Code authorizes a County, if it .so desires, to expend funds apportioned to it out of. the California Highway User's Tax Fund for aid to cities in the improvement, construction or ~epai~ of a street with- in a City, provided that the Board of Supervisors of such County determines that :the project is in the general County interest; NOW.' TH~~ORE,~ BE IT RF~OL.VED AND ORDERED: .. Section 1. The City of Tustin does hereby request the County of Orange for a grant of aid in the sum of $1,33~.00 out of the County' s appo~tioZ~nent of the California Highway User's Tax Fund, the amount requested to be used exclusively for the pu~- poses hereinafter specified. Section 2. That the City of Tustin rices hereby request the County 'of Orange fo~ a reallocation of certain moneys hereto- fore given the City as grants in aid fo~ t he improvement of First Street in the City of Tustin, and for the improvement of Main Street in the City of Tustin. Said funds were heretofore allocated for the improvements above named and that upon the completion of the said improvements the foilowing balances -were left unused: The balance of grant aid not used fo~ the improvement of First Street, $~9.69. The balance of grant aid not used for the improvement of" Main Street,. $219'. 30. That the above named amoUnts total $268.99, ~ it is ~equested that said sum be ~eallocated and the. time for its use be extended to Decembe~ 31, 1951, and .to be used exclusively fo~ the purposes hereinafter specified. Section 3.. Ail of' the moneys requested from the County of Orange, both as a grant, in aid and as a ~eallocation of grant in aid, a~e to be used for the improvement of "O" Street Main ~tree't 'to First ~treet (State Highway Route 2)', being a total length of 1,21~t~ feet, as hereinafter specified: a. Remove existing six foot ~adius curb return and construct 'a fifteen foot radius curb return, at the N~rt~west co~- net of' Main Street. and'"C" .Street. b. Remove existing eight, foot cu~h ~eturn and' construct a twelve foot ~ad~us' curb ~etu~n '.at the Northeast corne~ of Third Street and "O" Street. c. Remove approximately 200 feet of existing defective curb, and construct a new curb, all on the West side of "C" Street extending from the North line of Third Street to a point approxi- mately 200 feet Northerly thereof. d. Approximately 970 cubic yards of. roadway excavation. e. Approxi~tel~ 14., 880 sq~~e ya~,~a ,f shapi~ ~d pre- pa~ing subgrade. f. Approximately 710 tons plant mix paving- 2~ inch minimum thickness, width of paving, vax,ying f~om .a minimum of 32 feet to a 'maximum'Width of ~3 feet, of O~ange standard specifi- cations; work to be done in ~he following, manne~: All work to be contracted for' afte~ advertising, for bids, excepting the ~e- moval and replacement of defective curbing which will be done by the City' in corm®orion with certain School Boa~i work being done on adjacent school p~op®~ty (Tustin Elementary ~ohool District). The estimated ooat for the completion of the. improvement of "C" Street as he~einbefor, e specified is $6,000.00. The cost of the work to be done over ~md above thag ~eq~estecl f~om the County herein will be paid out of City funds (State Gas Tax Improvement FUnd). 136 BE IT FURTHER RESOLV~ that the Boamd of Sup®~vtsovs of ~he .County of 0~ange be and is hereby ~eques~e~ ~o find that ~he im. pr~vemen~.of "O" S~ee~ in' the mazmer aforesaid is in general ¢o,unty in~e~es~ in ghat that portion of'"'C" Street. ~e- ques~e~ ~o be imp~eve~, as hereinab~ve, s~a~e~, is the main en- t~ance to the Tustin Elementary School located on the West side of "O" Street. This portion of "C" Street connects State Highway No. 2 with Main Street of Tustin, a major City street connecting · with important County roads. BE IT' FURTHER RESOLVED that it is understood that the grant of the aid hereby =equested i.s contingent, upon an indepen- dent finding by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange; that the purpose for which aid is hereby sought is in the general County interest. , BE IT ~URT~R RESOLVED that it is understood that upon the acceptance'by the City of Tustin of'any grant which may be made by the 0ounty of Orange pursuant tO this request, this Re- solution, the .Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange specifying the te~ms and conditions of the g~ant, and any and all laws applicable shall constitute the agree- ment between the City of Tustin, and. the County of O~ange re- : spectin$ ~he grant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin be and is hereby directed to forward two (2) ce~ified-'copies of t his Resolution to the B'oa~d of Super- viso~s of the County of O~ange, State of California. PA$3ED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin this 2nd day of January, 1951. Mayo~ ,37 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF OIL~NGE ) ss. CITY OF TUSTIN ) S, O, ?ENINGTON, City ¢1®~k, and ex-officio Cl®~k of · the City Council of the City of T~s~in, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of' membe~, of the. City Council ef" the City of Tus$in is five; that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by a majority of the said City Council at a regual~ meeting' .thereof held on the 2nd day of ~anuax-y, 1951, by the' following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmea: H ~ume_~__!:$~n,: Mi!.le~, Gma:~, _Baoon::: and Tet..e~. .... NOES: Councilmen: None ABSEN~: Councilmen= None._.:._: _ ........ _-_. .... . ............ : ....... . ...... , _ cfty-oie~-0f t. he~i~7 ef 138 Uo ~a~e Highway No.. 101., Rt. #2 Church W. Main Street Second Street. City Justice. Crt. Hall Tustin Twp. Constable ........... ____.go.~ty~._,g. ib,,. ...... Third Street Tustin EXHIBIT "A" i~ ~~ ~i ~, !! ;! ~~ ~' ~: 1 j; RESOLUTION NO. ?~y ~I 2 '~ A RESOLUTION OF TME C ITY OF TU3TIN REW,U~ STING 3 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM THE COUNTY OF ORANGE OUT OF COUNTY'S APPORTION- MENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHl1AY USER'S TAX FUND, On motion of Councilman Miller , duly seconded and carried, the following Resolution was adopted: WHgREA3, the City of Tustin, a city of the sixth Class, in the County of Orange, desires to improve a portion of "C" street, being a street within the incorporated limits of the City of Tustin, the nature and extant oP the contemplated pro~eet being more fully described hereafter; and Wf~REAB, there is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof, a sketch showing the location of "C" Street and its relationship to the principal highways of the County of Orange in said area; and ~REA3, Section 21b0 of the streets and ~~ighways Coda autY~orises a County, if it so desires, to expend funds apportioned to it out of the California Highway User's Tax Fund for a.id to Qities in the improvement, construction or repair o: a street with- in a city, provided that the Hoard of Supervisors of such County determines that the pro~eet is in the general County interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: section 1. The City of Tustin does hereby request the County of Orange for a great of aid in the sum of X1,338.00 out of the County's apportionment of the California Highway User's Tax Fund, the amount requested to be use8 exclusively for the purposes hereinafter specified. Section 2. That the City of Tustin does hereby request the County of Orange for a reallocation of certain moneys heretofore given the City as grants in aid for the improvement of First .Street in the City of Tustin, and for the improvement of Main Street in the City of Tustin. Said funds were heretofore allocated for the 1. ,j ~~ ~~ ~~ - I ,~ ~! 1~j improvements above named and that upon the completion of the said 2I improvementQ the following balances were left unused: iii The balance oP grant aid not used for the improvement 4! 6, 6~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 20 '~ 21 22 23 24 26 ~ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of First Street, $49.69. The balance of grant aid not used for the improvement of Main Street, X219.30. That the above ns~med amounts total X268.99, and it is requested that said sum be reallocated and the time for its use be extended to December 31, 1951, and to be used exclusively for the purposes hereinafter specified. Seotion 3. All of the moneys requested from the County of Orange, both as a grant in aid and as a reallocation of grant in aid, are to be usec'a for the improvement of "C" Street from Main Street to First street (State highway Route 2~, being s total length of 1,244 feet, as hereinafter specified: a. Remove existing six foot radius curb return and oons~ruot a fif teen foot radius curb return at the northwest corner of Main Street and "C" Street. b. .Remove existing eight foot ourb return and oonstruot a twelve loot radius ourb return at the northeast corner of Third street and "C" Street. c. Remove approximately 200 feet of existing defective curb, and construct a new ourb, all on t~~e west side of "C" Street extending from the north line of Third Street to a point arproxi- mately 200 Peet northerly thereof, d. Approximately 9?0 oubio yards oP roadway excaoation. e. Approximately 4,880 square yards of shaping and pre- paring subgrade. f. Approximately ?10 tons plant mix paving - 2~ inch minimum thioknese, width of paving varying from a minimum of 32 feet to a maximum width of 43 feet ,I I r~ `vdi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8 9 10 11 . 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 18 19 ~ 20 21 22 23 I 24 25 26 i 27 28 ~ I 29 30 i 31 ~ 32 of Orange standard specifications; work ~o be done in the fol- lowing manner: A3.1 work to be contracted for after advertising for bide, excepting the removal and replacement of defective curbing which will be done by the City in connection with certain School Board work being done on adjacent school property (Tustin Elementary school District). The estimated cost for the com- pletion of the improvement of "C" Street as hereinabove specified is X6,000.00. The cost of the work to be done over and. above that requested from the County herein will be paid out of City funds (state ass Tax Improvement Fy~nd) . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of supervisors of the County of Orange be and is hereby requested to find that the improvement of "C" Street in the manner aforesaid is in the general County interest in that that portion of "C" Street requested to be improved, as hereinabove stated, is the main entrance to the Tustin Elementary School located on the west side of "C" Street. This portion of "C" Street connects State Highway No. 2 with Main street of Tustin, a mayor City street connecting with important County roads. BE IT FURTHER KESUL~D that it is unc?.erstood that the grant of the aid hereby requested is contingent upon an independent finding by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange; that the purpose for which aid is hereby sought is in the general County interest. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is understood that upon the acoeptance by the City of Tustin of any grant which may be made by the County of Orange pursuant to this request, t2iis Resolution, the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange specifying the terms and conditions of the grant, and any and all laws applicable shall constitute the agreement between the City of Tustin and the County of Orange respecting the grant. ~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED AP1D ORDERED that the City Clerk 3 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of the City oP Tustin be and is hereby directed to forward two C2) eertitied oopies of this Resolution to the Board of Supervisors o! the County oP Orange, State of California. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Counoil of the City of Tustin this 2nd day of January, 1951. Mayor ATTEST; ity le 9TATr. OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANaE ~ ss~ CITY OF TUSTIN S. C. PENNIN(~TON, City Clerk, and ea-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number oP members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resolution wag passed and adopted by a majority oP the said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of January, 1951, by the following vote, to wit: Ads: Councilmen: ~I~ston, Miller, Gray, Bacon and Teter. ..~ NOES: Counoilmen: ~1one _._._ A~3SENT: Councilmen: _None ~ I City Clerk of t City of Tustin 4. U. S. state Highway No. 101 Rte #2 a x U E-+ ~~ z H H D H • b c~ ~ L ti 0 +~ b d Church `~. Ma.in Street ,~ +~ m m to z U Second Street City TuBtine CT~rt. Hall Constable 'County Lib. Third Street Tustin EXHIBIT "A" H O LA t1 r m 0 c w x r ~a z 0 0 N