HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 271RESOLUTION NO. 271 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUTHORIZING A CORRECTION OF CERTAIN ERRORS AND DEFECTS IN THE ASSESSMENT BOOK OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN WHEREAS, it &ppea~s that certain errors and defects in the Assessment Book of the City of Tustin have appea~ed and .. that it can be ascertained therefrom What was int'ended: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. That the Assessment described as: "Tract No. 396, East 100 ft of Lot ~ in Block B" showing improvements assesse~ at; gho value of $750.00, be cor~.ected ~o show no value for improvements, in that said p~operty was at the date on which taxes were duly levied, unimproved. Section 2. That the property belonging to Nettie R. Silver, whose add~ess is 700 West First Street, was incorrectly described on ~: Bill NO. 320, which ~,eflected ~m erro~ in the · Assessment Book. That both the Tax Bill and the Assessment Book should, and a~e hereby ordered to be corrected to show the fol- lowing deecription of real property and .valuations thereon: Parcel 1. "Bundy.'. s Re sub., E. 75 ft - S. 193 ft.- N. 200 ft. Block O. Real Estate value, $1,650.00; improve- ments, $3,000.00; personalp~operty $3,00.00. Total value ~., 950-. 00. Rate · tax Parcel 2. The E. 119 ft. of the' W. 204.2~ ft. of the-S. 193 ft. of the North 200 ft. of Block C of a R®sub of Bundy's Addition, in the 'City of Tustin,.. County of Orange, State of California. Real Estate value, $2,000.00~ imp~ovemen.t, s, None; p, ersonal property $300,00. Total value, $2,300.00. Rate .9~. Totel tax $21.62. Section 3. That the assessment described as "Tustin City," the East 51 feet of Lots 5 and 6 in Block 7 be Corrected to show the following..'assessed valuatiins: .Real estate, $1,755.00; ... improvements, $9,975.00 ;' personal property, $2,350.00; total, $1~,080.00; rate, $0.9~; total tax, $132.35. This correction re- flects the Splitting and seperate assessing of this p~eperty from a la~ger parcel held under single ownership before the ef- fective tax date of the fiscal yea~ 1950-51. PASSE~ A ND ADOPTED :at a .~egul. a~.. me.etin~ of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on. the. 4th day of December, 1950 . ATTF.~T: n i~ i~ ~ ~_ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 i 31 I 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7~ 8! 9 10 11 12 I~ 14 ~~ 15 i 16 ii 17 ~j 18 19 ' iI 20 ~~ 21 i 22 2 3 ! R~SOL'JTIOi' ~ r71 A R:JSCLUiIO~ GF ~H~ CIiY COUNCIL OF `_,fi~ CITY OF TUSTI~~ AU`~~-:ORIZIi?G A CCR~;FCTI02~ OF C:~R^AI.u :1RRORS ~.:?~ D~r'F~C7TS Iid '~L^, ASSFSS~~~?T 300K OF ~t7~ V I lY C'F iU~~~I1V ~~'z-B;RjAS, it a?~pea.rs that certain. errors ane_ defects in tree Assess~~ent =ook of the City of Tustin h~.~*e ~.;;-~~e«red and th~~t it c~,n be ascertained_ therefror. ;That tans intended: '0,~, T:-iFRE'~'CRF, ~F I~' F~,SOL~~D; r Section 1. That tre Assessment cescribed as: 'Tract i<o. 596, Nast 100 ft, of Lot 4 in Block B" shet~rin~- inmrc ~emer_ts assessed at the value of X750.00, be cora'ected to sho?~~ no value for iii-.~~ove:~erts, in that saiu r~roperty eras at t~r~e date on t~Thich tares ~rere duly levied, unimproved. Section 2. That the r~roperty belo:~~-in` to Tettie R. ~, Silver, trhose ac~G_ress is ?00 `.:est =first Street, t•~-us incorrectly described on Ta,x Bill o, 320, tai~_ich reflected an error in the Assessment Book. T~^,at both the taY bill ~=.nd the Assess-gent Book should, and. are hereby ordered tc be co»rected to s.~ot•~ the follo~,Tin~ description of real ~,~roperty and valuations thereon: Parcel 1. "Bundy~s Resu'o., F, 75 ft. - S, ].95 ft. - iv, 200 ft. Block C. Real state value, X1,650,00; imp,~,ove- ments, x5,000,00; personal ~ro?~erty ~,~300,00. Total value X4,950,00. Rate .94. Total tax x46.53." Parcel 2. The L. 119 ft. of t_:~e ~. 2.04.24 ft. of the S, 193 ft. of the =~o~'th 200 ft, of Block C of a Resui~, of Eundy~c Addition, in the City of Austin, County of Oran*;e, State of CGlifornia. =peal .~sta.te value ~ ",000,00 Done ' improvements ~ -personal r~ronerty ~ 5G0, OQ Tota.l value x ~ ,BOG. 00 Rate • ~`'-- Total tax ~ 21.62 F . ,n SeC ~iOn 3. Twat tiie E1SSe55.-.;e"?t '_?SC2'~'~e~ ~:S "TL::;tie'1 ~~~-+ a ~~ F ~ v~ u`1 , t a .-,c+.;~t ~l fOet Of' :~r~ j„'. ~7 cznC' J in -~ CC~- ~ ~~ C01'~"'t~t°C~ +') s~:c~•~ the follo~.,i;,:' ~.scesse:.. ;Ta.)_uationa. R~~; 1 astute '~ 75F ~` 1:;~'OVC:.:°ntS, w9,97o,C0; rers~n~~ r~~ „1 J- '•-- ~'~ ,a. ~ : , •a~,oSG.CO• tote. s ~ 1. s' .. i 1 t?i`~~'.J'~~.~~~ 1'~yP,~ ~~.94~ tO~..~~ ~c^`}:~ tir1J`~,JS~ n,'1.c COl"1'O'C~~CTl re'__ec s t~_e sn)_1~ n. ~.. d ~e ~~: ~~•' e ~. Gs~n~~ o_, ~~_- rro-~ r~ 3 ~frorl ~, lnr_•e~° ;~ ,, e~ rel:. unc ~, ~i~,-•~_~ cTnP~~;,,,ir r~='o_~e t:,_e ~~ -~ 4 leiiec~ive tr,.. ~~,te c t_e =isc^1 .~'ea=' 19~0.~J_. ~~75~~. :i ... A:.,vF' L ~?. ~ r`3. ~e;Ul..: _ u~l:" O~ vi-C. .i i `r s v0UnC11 c~ `i,:1C C~_t`T Gf' 1t,iGti?1 1=elr OTl `i,1~G 4tli C._ V O;`' LA o „~~ 7 J g A~~~.S~. ,~, ' itv C1A _r 9 10 i r _. -asp or 11 ~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I 19 i 20 ~ 21 22 23 24 25 I 26 27 ~ I 28 29 30 31 ~ 32 I I 2. ~