HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 261RESOLUTION NO. 261 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN FINDING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT TO FIRST AND THIRD STREETS AUTHORIZED BY RESO- LUTION NO. 246 HAS BEEN SATISFACTORILY COM- PLETED, AND APPROVING THE REPORTS OF THE CITY ENGINEER ., 'WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin in the County of Orange, State of California, on February 20, 1950, t. adopted Resolution No. 2~6 requesting the County of Orange to grant aid to said City in the amount of ' .$1, 335 . 00 ~ out of the County, s apport'ionment of the California Highway Use~, s Tax Fuud, from which the sum of $9~5.00 was for the improvement and repair of First Street from Prospect Avenue West to the East line of "D" Street, and from which the sum of $390.00 was for the improvement and repair of' Third Street from the West line of "D" Street to the West line of "C" Street in said City as per detailed plans and specifications; and WHEREAS, said County thereafter on or about March 15, 1950, found said improvement and rePair to be of general County interest and granted said request; and WHEREAS, the City Enginee~ has filed hi s report of the completion of said projects at a total cost of $'895.31 for the First Street project, and a total cost of $511.88 for the Third Street p~oJect, a oopy of which accounts m',e attached hereto and markedSchedule "A" and Schedule "B" respectively, and made a part hereof: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this Resolution, Resolution No. 2~6 of 'February 20, 1950, and the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, specifying the terms and conditions Of the grant and all laws applicable, shall constitute the terms and conditions of the grant between the City and County respecting said grant; That the City Council of the City of Tustin finds that the repair and improvement' of First Street from Prospect Avenue West to the East line of "D" Street has been completed and the City Engineer' s report of costs is approved; That the City Council of the City of Tustin finds 112 that the repair and improvement of Third Street from the West line of "D" Street to the West line of "C" Street has been corn- pleted and the City Engtnee~,s report of costs is approved; That a request is hereby made that the City of Tustin be reimbursed in the amount of $895.31 on the First Street pro- Ject, and the amount of $390.00 on the Third Street project in accordm-J, ce wtth the g~mt made to said City by the B°m',d of' Supervisors on or about Ma~ch 15' 19%0. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby directed to forward three (3) certified copies of this ResolutiOn to the Board of Supervisors of Orange County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin this 1st day of May, 1950. MaYer ATTEST ......... Ci ty~~erk-- STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF TUSTIN )~ S . C. PENNINGTON, City Clerk, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Califo~nia, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council Of the City of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by a majority of the said .City Council at a regula~ meeting thereof held on the 1st day of May, 1950, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen: Humeston, Miller, Bacon and Teter.. NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilman: Gray ATTEST SCHEDULE "A" COST OF EXCAVATING EXCESS DIRT ON NORTH SHOULDER 410' x 8,; STABILIZING SUBBASE WITH CRUSH RUN BASE; RESURFACING 410' x 32' with 200/300 PLANT MIX ON FIRST STREET FROM STATE HIGHWAY TO PROS- PECT AVENUE. .. CalifOrnia Rock Co. 60.35' Tons Crusher Run Base material @ $1.19 per Sales tax $71.82 $73'97 $73.97 John ~. Swiga~t Co. 160.95 tons 200/3~00 Plant Mix delivered {~' $2.91 Sales tax Engineer, 20 hfs ~ $3.00 County Read Dept. bill as per s.tatement attached and paid by City '$4~.8.~ $482,~1 482,41 60._00 60.00 $2'78.93 278...~. 3. Total cost to City $895.31 Unexpended balance Total amount allocated by Board of Supervisors for improvement _OUTSIDE WORK.ORD]~ 846E Excavate excess dirt on North shoulder 410' x 8'. Stabilize subbase with Crush Run Base. Resurface ~0, x 32' with 200/300 Plant Mix on First Street from State Highway to Prospect Avenue. LABOR 18" ~ 1' 73 31 '14 ,, 6 "- ,~ 1,65 9'90 : ,4" @ 1,44 ~, 76 " , $ 1~20 ,4.80 , ,~" ~@ 1,09 ,4.36 4 " ,. @ 1.03 ~ E~UIPNENT RENTAL . Motor Grader 11 10 h~s. ~ 3.50 Pickup 39 1 " $ Truck 57 , ~ " @ 2.00 Loader 5 . i. @ 3,50 Motor G~ader. 1 3 " ~ 3,50 Gardner Mixer 1 3 ~' $ 7.50 ~~ck 4P 2 ~' ~ 3.50 Roller 7 2 " ~ 2.25 ~uck 66 2 " ~ 3.00 T~ck 46 ~. 2 " ~ 3.00 35,oo .50 8,oo 14.00 ~0,50 22.5'0 7.00 .50 o00 6.00 114.00 MATERIALS H-X Bitumuls S0-3 Outback~. ASphalt 75 Gals ~ .10 ~4.~41 ~~s ~ 2.~o plus tax Supervision charges TOTAL 7.50 262.39 $278.93 SCHEDULE 'tBtt COST OF GRADING AND SURFACING SOUTH SHOULDER 350' x 8' AND NORTH SHOULDER 150' x 8' WITH 200/300 PLANT MIX ON 3RD STREET BETWEEN "C" STREET AND "D" STREET. John J. Swigert 83.45 tons 20,0/300 Plant Mix Delivered ~ $2.91 per ton $2~2.8~ Sales Tax ~ , 7.29 5 tons 200/300 Plant Mix FOB truck at plant @ $2.~5 Sales Tax 12,25' .... · ~3...7 , Labor~ , ~. Rodman 2 hrs. @ $1.J0 Laborer 6 l~s. @. 1.00 Engineer 22" @ 3.00 $3,00 6.00 66.00 $75.oo County Road Dept. bill as per statement atta~ched and paid by City Total cost of improvement Amount allocated by Board of SUPervisors for Improvement Amount expended in excess of allocation $262.7,5 75.00 .. · 39o.,,.00 8",2,,.88 LABOR Outside Work Order 845E Grade and surface' South shoU.lder' 3~0' x 8' and North shoulder 150' x 8, wi th 200/300 Plant Mix on 3rd Street between "C" Street and "D" Street. .. 12",@1.73 20.;06 ~ " @ 3..:~ 6, " ~ 1 5.76 16 " $ 1.27 20.32 " ~$ 1.20 ~.80 l @ 1.09 36 " $ 1.03 _~;~ !~ 101.87 EQUIPMENT REN~~ Motor Grader 11 Truck 57 . Tractor 52 ,. Loader 2 .,. Truck ~1 .- Truck 59 , Roller 7 , Pickup 39 · Truck 66 5 Hrs. @ 3.50 2 2 "., @ 1,25 2 "~ @ 2.50 1 "~ @ 2 "~, @ 2.25 1 '"'~ @ 2 " @ 3.00 17.50 2,00 6.00 1,,5o ' 3.00 2,50 5.00 ./jO '5;O 6.00 MATERIALS Kerosene Crusher Run Base H-X Bitumuls . 2 Gals. ~ ,19 5 Tons. 15 Gals. @ .10 .38 5.75 _:L. SO, Supervision Charges · 48.50 __7.63 1.58.o0 ,,,6.~..3 TOTAL $174.13 it I ~ ~i 1~ i 2! i i 3i 4 51 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 R:+SOLUTICN .,0. ~L A RESOLUTIOII OF Ti-%~ CITY COUNCIL OF TY.F CITY CF TUSTIII FINDING THAT `SHE Ii-fPROVvi~iBI~TT TO FIRST A~1D THIRD STR~.""..~TS AUTHGRIZ~D BY LLWSOLUTIGr?:'0. 246 HAS ~EFN SATISFACTORILY COTM~L:~ ~FD, AI~TD APPROVING T ~ F..PORTS CF THE CITY ~:GI;~FR ~~R~AS, the City Council of the City of Tustin in the County of Orange, State of Ca.liforni4_, on Februrry ?0, 1950, adopted Resolution i'•+o. 246 requesting the County of Orange to grant aid to said City in the amount of X1,335.00 out of the County's apportionment of the California :'is~htray User's Tax Fund, from t~rhich the sum of X945.00 z•ras for the irn~roverient and reL~a_ir of :First Street from Prospect Avenue Nest to the mast line of "D" Street, and from t•rhich tine sum of X390.00 s:as for the improve:~ent an~_ repair of Triird :street from the '.Jest line of "D" Street to the ::est line of "C" Street in saic'. City ~.s per d_et~ileG ~l~ns and specifications; and ~,'I~REAS, s~ id County thereafter on or about I~~Iarch ~_, 1950, found said imrroverlent ant re-;_,air to I;e of ~~ener~:l county interest ~.nd _~ranted saic_ reruest; and ~JH~REAS, the City Engineer has filet. his report of the completion of said projects at 2 total cost of X895.31 for the First Street project, and a. total cost of X511.88 for the '1"bird Street project, a cony of erhich accounts are attached hereto a.nd rla.rked Schedule "A" anc~ Schedule "B" respectfully, ant, .:~ac~e a part hereof: :0 ::, Ti~R:.,'OF.F, BF I`i' R:~SC•LV~D A::D GRDBRF,D that this Resolution, =.esolutior. :o. 246 of Fe':;ruary 20, 1~~0, and ti:e "resolution of the Board of Supervisors of ti:e County of Grp n~~e, specifyin~• the terms Gnc. conc_itions of ti_e grant an~_ all la~•rs apr~licable, shill constitute ti'.e terms a:1<< conc.:_tions of the ~•r~nt bet~•reen tae City any-_ County res~ectin~~ saic._ `-rant; Tar-.t file City Council of ti-ie C~t~Y~ of Tustin finds th~__t ti,.e rera,ir and improve:~ient of First Street f ror:~ ProGTect Ave:~ue 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 !nest to the East line of "D" Street has been completed anc_ the (City Engineer's report of costs is sin roved; That the City Council of the City of Tustin finds that ~'Itr~e repair and improvement of Third Street from the ,est line cf _ "D" Street to the '.est line of "C" Street has been corirleted and the CitJ~ Engineer's re.~ort of costs is approved; That a request is hereby made that the City of Tustin Ibe reimbursed in the amount of ~a895.31 on the first Street i;ro Test, a.nd the amount of w39C.00 on the Tiard Street project in accordance t•.ith t're grant r1a._de to said City by the Beard of Supervisor on or about t~.arch ~ h_ , 1950. EE IT FURT~R F~ESCLtIED that t~:~e City Clerk of the City of `~ustin is hereby directed to fort,~ard three (3) certified cosies of this Resolution to the Bo^rd of Supervisors cf Grs.n€'e County. i PASSED A::~ NDGBTED by the City Council of t:-e City of ~ ~i'ustin tiffs 1st day of i~1ay, 1650. ~ rim"Q m . Ailu-Jl. i :~`^yor • • G.. ~~ City Cle _ STA'~~ CF CALIFCR='IA) CGUI1'Y C~' GR.t~i?GE ) ss. CITY GF `i;.~STIN ) S. C. PE.~iI2?G`_'C•?, City Clerk, a,nd ex-officio Cler'_: of tree City Council of the City of Tustin, California, c.oes hereby certify trat tr_e z•rhole number of members of the Cit•~ Council of the City of Tustin is five; tilc^.t tree fore~~oinF~ P~esclution t:7as passed and adopted by a~. ma.,jority of tre s~ id City Council ~ t a. re~.~ular .~:eetin~° ti~ereo~ Feld on the 1st c_ay of any, 1°~-0, b~•- tre ~ follot•~in~ vote, to AYES: Cour_cilr~,en: ;'GES: Ccuncilmen: ABSE;T: Councilrlen: ~ _- - - ~, J ~ S~H~DUL ~ "A'~ - COST OP' EXCAVATING EXCESS DIRT ON NORTH SHOULDER 410 x 8~; STABILIZING SUBBASE WITH CRUSH RUN BASE; $TREETAFROM S ATExHI2GHWAY TO PRO PELT V~ENUEX ON FIRST California Roma Co. 60.3b Tone Crusher run base material ®1.19 per ton Sales tax John J. Sar'l.gert Co. Engineer, County Road Dept. bi: attached and paid by Total Cob t to of ty 160.95 tone 200/300 Plant Mix delivered ®$2.91 Sales tax 20 hrs. ®3.00 L1 as per statement city Unexpended balance Total amount allocated by Board of Supervisors for improvement ~ ?1.82 2.15 ?3. ~?3.9? X468.36 14.05 482.41 482.41 60.00 60.00 X278.93 2'7_893_ 89b.31 _ 49= 69_ X945.00 S~HLDUI~, "A'~ OUTSIDE WORE ORDER 846E Excavate eaoess dirt on north shoulder 410' x B'. Stabilize subbase with crush run base. Resurface 410' x 32' with 200/300 Plant Mix on First Street from State Highway to Prospect Avenue. L BOR 24 A hra. ® 1.85 44.40 _ _ 18 " ® 1.73 31.14 6 " ® 1.65 9.90 4 " ® 1.44 5.76 4 " ® 1.20 4.80 4 " ® 1.09 4.36 4 " ® 1.03 4.12 104.48 E~4 UIPMIIdT RENTAL Motor Grader 11 10 hrs. ® 3.50 35.00 Pickup 39 1 " ® .50 Truok 5? 4 " ® 2.00 8.00 Loader 5 4 " ® 3.50 14.00 Motor Grader 1 3 " ® 3.50 10.50 Gardner Mixer 1 3 " ® 7.50 22.50 Truck 49 2 " ® 3.50 7.00 Roller 7 2 " ® 2.2,5 4.50 T ruck 66 2 " ® 3.00 6.00 Truok 46 2 " ® 3.00 6.00 114.00 MATERIALS H-X Bitumuls SC-3 Cutback Asphalt ?5 Gals ® .10 14.14 Bbl e . • 2.50 plus tax ?.50 36.41 43.91 262.39 Supervision charges 16.54 TOTAL X278.93 ~'~ - - ~ - . S~F?~D;;L:~ "E" COST OF QRADING AND SURFACING SOUTH SHOULDER 350' x 8' and NORTH SHOULDER 150 x 8~ WITH 200/300 PLANT MIX ON 3RD STREET BETWEEN "C" STREET AND "D" STREET. John J. S~+igert 83.45 tone, 200/300 Plant Mix Delivered ® X2.91 per ton X242.84 Sales tax 7.29 b tone, 200/300 Plant Mix FOB truck at plant ®2.45 12.25 Sales tax _ .3? X262.75 Labor Rodman - 2 hrs. ®1.50 X3.00 Laborer 6 hrs. ® 1.00 6.00 Engineer 22 " ® 3.00 66.00 5.00 7 5.00 County Road Dept. bill as per statement attached and paid by city _ 174.13 Total cost of improvement X511.88 Amount allocated by Board of Sups rvisors for Improvement 390.00 Amount expended in excess of allocation ~j121.88 SCI~DUL "B" Outside Work Order 845E Grade and surf aoe south shoulder 350' a 8' and north shoulder 150' x 8' with 200/300 Plant Mix on 3rd Street between "C" Street and "D" Street. LABOR 19 Hrs. ® 1.85 35.18 12 " ® 1.73 20.76 4 " ® 1.65 6.60 4 " ® 1.44 5.76 16 " ® 1.2? 20.32 4 " ® 1.20 4.80 4 " ® 1.09 4.36 4 " ® 1.03 4.12 101.8? E UIPMENT RENTAL l[otor Grader 11 Truok 57 Traotor 52 Loader 2 Truok 51 Truok 59 Roller ? P i okup 39 Truok 66 MATERIALS e$ roeene 2 Gals ® .19 Crusher Run Base 5 Tons ®1.15 H-X Bitumuls 15 Gals.® .10 Supervision Charges 5 Hrs. ® 3.50 1?.50 3 " ® 2.00 6.00 2 " ® 1.50 3.00 2 " ® 1.25 2.50 2 " ® 2.50 5.00 1 " ® 3.50 2 " ® 2.25 4.50 1 " ® .50 2 " ® 3.00 6.00 48.50 . 38 5.?5 1.50 ? . 63 158.00 16.13 TOTAL ~l?4.13