HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 260RESOLUTION NO. 260 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN FINDING THAT THE IMPROVEMENT TO MAIN STREET AUTHORIZED BY RESOLUTION NO. 223 HAS BEEN SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED, AND APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin in the County of Orange, State of California, on May 16, 1949, adopted Resolution No. 223 requesting the County of Orange to grant aid to said City in the amount of $1,335.00 out of the County, s · . apportionment of the California Highway User's Tax Fund, ~rom which the sum of $900.00 was for the improvement and repair of the City, s one-half of Main Street in said City from Pacific Street West to Tustin Avenue, as pe~ detailed plans; and WHEREAS, said County the~eafte~ on May 2~, 19~9, found said improvement and ~epai~ to be of general County in- to,est, and said request was g~anted; .and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has filed his repo~t of the completion of said p~oJect at a total cost of $698.29, a copy of which account is attached hereto marked "Schedule A", and made a Pa~t hereof: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this Resolution, Resolution No. 223 of May 16, 19~9, and the Resolu- .. tion of the Boa~d of Supervisors of the County of 0~ange, speci- fying the terms and conditions of the grant and all laws appli- cable, shall constitu~® the terms and conditions of the g~ant between the City and County respecting said grant; That the City Council of the City of Tustin finds that the repair and improvement of the City,s one-half of Main Street, from Pacific Street West to Tustin Avenue in said City has been completed and the City Engineer's report of costs is approved; That a ~equest is hereby made that the City of Tustin be reimbursed in the amount of $698.29 in accordance with the grant made to said City by the Board of Supervisors on May 24, :1.949 · BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby directed to forward three (3) certified : copies of this Resolution to the Board of· Supervisors of Orange County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin this 1st day of May, 1950. ATTEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF TUSTIN' ~ ) S. C.. PENNINGTON, City Clerk, and ex-officio Clerk of the Cigy. CounciI of the City of Tustin, C~l. tfo~nia, doe~ he~-eby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the Ctty.~of ~sttn i~ five; that the foregoing Resolution was passed an_d adopted by'a majority of the said City Council at a ~.eg~a~ meeting the~,eo£ held on the 1st day of NaT, 19~0, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: .Councilmen: Humeston, Mille~, Bacon and Toter. NOES: C ounc ilmen: None ABSENT: C ounc ilman: Gray SCHEDULE "A" COST TO WIDEN, GRADE AND RESURFACE WITH~ 200/300 PLANT MIX ~I~T PORTION OF ROIDWAY 8P~CE OF" I~I.N S.~RE~ }~ITHIN LIMITS ~ROM TUSTIN AVENUE TO PACIFIC STREET, AND BEING A BOUNDRY LINE STREET - ONE-~HALF COUNTY .AND ONE-HALF CITY. Sully Miller Co. 197.?~ tons 200/300 Plant Mix delivered ~..~$2.91 pe~ ton Sales Tax .45 ~7.26 Engineer, 12 hms @ $3 36.00 -~028'7i Amount County Road Dept. bill paid by City as per Statement attached Total cost to City for portion of roadway space improved within City limits 69.58 Balance unexpended Amount appropriated for improvement by County $900. O0 110 Widen, g~ade and ~esu~face with 200/300 Plant Mix Main Street f~om Tustin Avenue to Pacific Avenue. LABOR x5 hrs. @ ~,.8S 13 " @ 1.73 3" 3 " 2 " @ 1.20 3 " ~ 1'09 3 " $ 1.03 22.49 2.40 3.27 ,, MO~O'r Grader 11 Pickup 39 Roller~ 7 Truck 46 Truck 66 6 ~s. $ 3.5o~ 4." @ 2 " ~ 3.00 1 " @ 3.00 21,00 .50 9.00 6.00 3.,0_0 39.50 MATERIALS ' H-X Bitumuls Kerosene 200 Gals @ .10 3 " ~ .19 20,00 Supe~vi sion Charges TOTAL 139.15 CREDIT - one-half paid by County Amount Due $69.58 1 RF,SCL;.iTIGi?.?C. ~ ~o O 2 A ~'.F~SCL'JiIC:' C~, ~??~; CI:`~ CGU:'CIL C:~ ~H~ CI~'•' CF IUS l I:? FI :DII'G ~ z,, '~F Tl.r"`C : ~ ~:' ~ ~IC :~AI:~ ;~ 2~3 3 Sh~Fi r_,".'F-:CRIZFD EY ~~SCLJ~ICL~~'C ~~ SA~ISFACiCRIL'~ COit'L~';':~D, A:'D A~-,~:=~;CVI ^~`, :F,PC~mi 4 ~ C~ ~~'~::= CII~' ~.~s?i DER 5 ~ •~~SR~AS, the City Council of the Cit;~ of `~'ustin in the 6 ~ county cf CranE~e, ~:t~-,te of C~~lifo~~~nia., cn i~~i~ y 16 1GL9 a~ o~:;ted , , _ 7 =resolution :;o. `?23 ~°ec?uestin~, the County oi' Gr~.r.;, z to •rar.t a.ic~ 8 to s~.id ~::ity in the ~,:2ount of ~~1,335.00 out of tie county's 9 a.x~portion:::er.t of tha Ca, ifornia. =-i~•i,i-~~~ User's lax Fun~_ f »om ~. 0 t,l'aciZ tr_e sum of ~~900.00 r-a` for tl~~e ir::~rovemenl; ~:nc: re~~~.ir of 1 1 tr-e C:ity's one-half of ~ia,in Street in sa:ic~ Oity frcm F~,clfic 1 2 Street '..`est to Iusti:r Avenue, as per ~.ets.iled y:la.ns• and 1 3 ••:n~RFAS, snic~ County thereafter on :ay 24 1959 found , , 1 4 said iclprovemerlt a.nd repair to be of `ener~n.l county interest, 1 5 and szid request was granted; and 16 ~~-~' yAS, the City LnrJineer has filed his report of the 17 completion of said pro,;ect at a, total cost of 598.20 ~~ copy of , lg t^r_ich account is attached heretc ^~~.rked "Schedule A° and m~ de , a 19 p~ rt rereof: 20 i;0'.~, 'iT-y•F..,FG~, BF I~' ~-t~SGL~~~D A:,'D GRDFRF,D ti7at this 21 :=esolution, :?esoluticn _?o. ;??3 of .:a;,~ 1 E 1949 r;nc. tiie e:;olution 22 ~ of the Bo~:rd of Supervisors of the County of Cr~.n~•e ~pecifJ~inE- , I 23 i the terms ar.d cc:~~~itions of tl.e Errant ~;n:_ all la~~-:~ a~,nlicr~;le , 24 ~~.all constitute the ter:~s a.n~_ con~~__ticns of th_e ~•r~~nt 'cett.,een 25 tl:e ::it~~ anu County respectin~• s~: is ,rant; 26 ..n~.t t ,i, , `" ~~ ~ounc it of 1. j12 'J~ ~~ ~ ~C ~-, 1' e `' •' t,, of iust~.n finc. ,, ~~, ~ . ,, 27 the rena.ir and irl~roverient o~' the City's one-r«~_lf cf -~:in Street 28 from F~~cific `street '..~est to ~'uet9_n Avenue in said Cit~,~ ha,.s 'teen 29 ccr.l-~leted ~ nc_ the City yi1,_•ineer's re~:,ort of costs is ~yo_;roved; 30 What a. request s herer~;.~ :::~ ce th, t tree Cit,-;~ of ~'ustin 31 ce rei il~ur ec:: in tl~ e ^.:naunt of ~c9~3 `'9 in ~,' o • =• a~co- u~~nce t•ith th„ 32 ~'~~~:.nt ma_c~e to ^ciG. vity ~y the Bo~r~~ of Supervisors on i~:~~.-~ ~4 lag J ) • 1 • j 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 81 9 ~0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I 24 ~ 25 I 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 By IT F'UR~HER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby directed to fortrard three (3) certified conies of this Resolution to the Board of Supervisors of Orange County. PASSED AIdD ADGPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin this 1st d.ay of slay, 1950. r ,~, v- 4[ 2 LC'.t" LEI ~~' l~ /%L %1Z - ~ayor II ATTEST; ~~ J~ --~ ,~i City Jerk S~~A TE OF CALIFORIIIA COUNTY OF ORAPdGE ) ss. CITY OF TUSTIIJ S. C. PEi:I~IIIGTOIJ, City Clerk, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California., does hereby certify that the whole nu:n~;er of ::!embers of the City Council of ~ the City of Tustin is five; th~~t the foregoing iesolution j.7as massed and adopted by a rna,jority of the s~ id City Cou :cil at a regular meetin~• thereof held on tre 1st day of ~iay, 1950, by the follot~ring vote, to grit: AYES: Councilmen: _Humeston. Miller. Bacon and Teter NOES; Councilmen: None ABSENT ; C ounc ilmen : .~rav ~~~~~ ~~ ~ C ty er 2. S.;t::,'DL'L:r ~iAn COST TO WIDEN, GRADE AND RESURFACE WITH 200/300 PLANT MIX THAT PORTION OF ROADWAY SPACE OF PAIN STREET WITHIN CITY LIMITS lf'ROM TUSTIN AVENUE TO PACIFIC STREET, AND BEING A BOUNDARY LINE STREET -ONE-HALF COUNTY AND ONE-HALF CITY. Sully Miller Co. 19?.78 tons 200/300 Plant Mix delivered ®2.91 per ton Sales tax Engineer, 12 hrs ®~3. Amount County Road Dept. bill paid by City as per Statement attached Total coat to city for portion of roadxay apace iaproved Frithin City limits. Balance unexpended Amount appropriated for improvement by County ~5?5.45 1? . 26 592. 36.00 ~28~1~ 69.88 ~6~. 29 201.71 X900.00 '~C N. UUL~, ~~ A ~~ WO ?494C Widen, grade and resurlaoe j+ith 200/300 Plant Yiu Main Street from Tustin Avenue to Paoifio Avenue. LABOR 15 hrs. ® 1.85 2?.75 13 " ® 1.73 22.49 3 " ® 1.65 4.9 5 3 " ® 1.44 4.32 2 " ® 1.20 2.40 3 " ® 1.09 3.2? 3 " ® 1.03 3.09 68.27 E4UIPYENT RENTAL Motor Grader 11 P iokup 39 Roller 7 T ruok 46 Truok 66 6 hra . ®3.50 1 " 4 " ®2.25 2 " ®3.00 1 " 21.00 . 50 9.00 6.00 3.00 39.50 MATERIALS A-X Bitumule geroeene 200 Gals ®.10 3 (}ale ®.19 20.00 X57 20.5? 128.34 Supervision Charges 10.81 TOTAL 139.15 CREDIT -one-half paid by County 69.5? Amount Due ~ 69.58