HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 252RESOLUTION NO. 252 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DECLARING WEEDS GROWING IN THE CITY STREETS TO BE A NUISANCE AND SPECIFYING STREETS OR PARTS OF STREETS UPON WHICH THE NUISANCE EXISTS IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AND DIRECTING THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS TO GIVE. NOTICE TO ALL OWNERS OF PROPERTY FRONTING UPON THE STREETS OR PARTS OF STREETS NAMED IN FRONT OF WHICH PROPERTY THE NUISANCE EXISTS TO ABATE SAID NUISANCE The City Council of the City of Tustin does resolve as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to provisions of Article 2, Chapter 13, Government Code of the State of California, the City Council of the City of Tustin does declare that all weeds grow- lng in the City streets of the City of Tustin a~'e a nuis~mce. Section 2. The following named streets or parts of streets within the City of Tusttn are specified as having weeds constituting a nuisance growing on them: . South side of First ~treet from "C" to "D" Street; South side of First Street from "D" Street to pros- pect Avenue, sometimes known as "E" Street; South side Of First Street from street numbers 310 to 320 Wests South side of First Street from street numbers 400 to )-1-20 West; South side of First Street from street numbers to 490 We st; North side of First Street from street numbers 305 West to 31% West; The North side of Second Street from 115 East to South Prospect Avenue, or "E" Street; South side of Second Street from "A" Street to 460 Second Street West; Second Street from Prospect Avenue, or "E" Street, West to "D" Street on the South side; South side of Third Street East from "D" Street to Prospect Avenue, or "E" Street; South on Prospect Avenue, or "E" Street, from First Street to Second Street on the West side; Prospect Avenue, or "E" Street, from Second Street South fro 150 feet, West side; "A" Street from 200 South to 230 South on the West side; "A" Street from Second Street to 225 South on the East side; South on "D" Street f~om First Street to l~0 South "D" Street on the West side; "D" Street from 220 South to Third Street on the WeSt side; "D" Street f~om ~10 South to ~60 South on the West side; Pacific Street from l~S South to 16~ South on the East side; Pacific Street from First Street to 145 South on the East side; Pacific Street from Third Street to Main Street on the West side; and Main Street from California Street West to 525 West Main Street on the North side. Section 3. The Street Superintendent of the City of Tu~tin shall give notice to destroy weed~ to all owners of p~op- e~ty f~onttng upon the Streets o~ pa~ts of Streets named above in Section 2; that the notice to be given shall be in words and figures as follows: NOTICE TO DESTROY WEEDS The City Council of the City of Tustin passed a Re- solution on the 3rd day of April, 1950, declaring that all weeds growing on il Ill , 11 , , 11 · I IL _1 [11, ! It I~ I 11 ' J ~ [ Ill_ · PO %'io ' 'of ...... ............. ' ........ - .... street in the CitY Of TuSti'n a~'e-'a Public .... nuisance ..... and ordering their abatement. Notice is hereby given to all owners of property front- ing upon the stree~t named, in front of which property the nuisance exists, to abate it within ten days from the date of this notice by the removal of the weeds. Upon failure to abate the nuisance, the weeds will be removed by the city authorities and the cost of re- moval made a legal charge in favor of the City of Tustin and against the owner of the land abutting the street on the side of the street from which the weeds were removed. The City may collect the cost of re- moval from the owner of the land by an action brought in the City Court. Dated this __._ day of sup~iht'end'~'nt of 'S'tree't"s Of Ci-ty 'b'f~ 'TuS'tin Section ~1-. Said noti¢o ~eferred to hereinabove in Section 3 shall be posted along the streets or parts of str'eets affected at intervals of not less than 50 feet and shall be posted for l0 days prior to the time stated in the notice when failure to abate the nuisance gives city authorities the right to abate it. Section 5. Upon the expiration of the 10-day period, if the owner of the real property which fronts on the specified streets, and in frontof which the nuisance exists, fails to abate the nuisance, the -Street Superintendent shall remove the weeds. Section 6. The Street Superintendent shall keep an account of the cost of abating the nuisance in front of each separate parcel of land fronting the street. He shall include the cost of Printing the notices and specify the cost of abate- ment to be charged against each separate parcel, He shall file the account with the legislative body, which shall pay the cost out of the city general fund. Section 7. The Street sUPerintendent shall immediately mail a notice to the owners of land in font of which weeds have been removed by the City, demanding payment of the removal cost. Section 8. If the owner does not pay the amount due within ten days from the date of the demand, the City ~f Tustin .. may sue the owner for the costs of removal in the City Court. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin. this 3rd day. of April, 1950. ATTEST .... cit .... _. 1' 2~ i I 3~ 4~ 5i 6~ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ~ 32 I _ ~ ,. ~.. ~ ~ _ I,, .: ., . r. _`-~.J~~lj il~.\j C'r ^:~ ~ Tmtr rt /fir-.rn IT ^,*~ _ L n m~~ n -r -J ~111Y 1^nT A~T;--r, ,i.~D~ G Ll'?•I i~4 Ii: ', ~~~ 1~71~r `nrl...+.J.. mt7 .=J.J~ i...V ~~ 1/ y rr r _ _ _ ti~ Dili l~i::~ .. _.vI.JAiTI.:~ .~., y'--~n-r .rTrT~ ;fin-,•~-,m-, n-~ r ~n,~ ~Ji ~11~.J1~ V~ ~i T T N "~-'ti r ~~~ y'~i th •r^- n--, ..nil,-- y--_, ..JI..-.:'C.., ~XIS1S ~.~ _ ~~ nTm+r In~-, mTT mTjrl '~ '1'T~~-c-'rnTi'1%ry'_~ nT-~ Cr+ Tr,'_.~-„' wT ~/.i. ..~ V1. LV~l~_i, A_ L _._ W~/ri.~lw -~...J U~lP~1'Z~a. 1.i~.~Jlr1 ~~ _~. l7 ~:,•..~ _-~. _i.i..:~ ~0 AT ~ C',':._:~S F -~ ~. nor +~L ~ C 0~ ~~li ;~'~,^._: ~ U~ C:d i~~ ~, _~~.~ ~.~ 0? '' ~.=:iS C.4 S i~,TS A:•:~D T-. r' i~Vl~ 1 Cr .r_ nu ~~-~ D f'i .-^'~ ''TN ~ -"'~•--~ -,t.T` m"'r -li Iv~_ ,~C ~R11' _::~. _ n_.,,:.r rJla,i1.J ti m ., lilry..J.~ ~'~e :;~~;,' Counoii cf ;~.o J, t-_ of _u:.;tip: ~ oar ,~~ -, ~' ~ salve if u~~ 1';;llo~~rs `..action 1 Fur;uant to .~rc:--isions u: a~•tic, `? • _~ ~ , Ch:-pter 1~, o~=arn::.er~t Coda of ti,_e 7tata of ~~ai ifc,_,ni~ , ;., ~-! t'_C~. Ci V~ Council of tale C; t~= ~,? Iusti:^ ~c~;s _~.ac1~:rE tr_.t =,-11 ~•~eeds ~~'~ -i.7 ~r: u~'~ cit,~ ~ t!•e~ vi ~f t'_~''_;' Vit" 01 1•• *~ v •.lin , ? r O m' - ~e,,ti,,n _~_a l oiio;sir,' ~~.:rv~_ s ;--.'eats or ~-',ts of - _ ~~. _ ., urge Vu j.~1tl~~n ~'~~ 'r .i tu' L'1 l~l_ic t~'"1 ~..-'P rU~.~'.il iel•_ c^.:. .i~.V_i -'`- ~'.%nl,~:.i r;~ ~,, tiny' ~. co_ ~t~ ~~- a nui ~ ~ °~ otir~n~~ , ~:_ce ~_ E. on ~harL; ~outn slue o1 r i •°st Streit ~1'orr, ir~ll tG Ilr,ll ~traat. ` - 17 I SOUt~? ~'_~e Of t'_~'St tit.1'eet fro:: nDll :; ;;1eEt t0 Prospe ct Avenue, : o :.roti:::es ~snot~;; ati "~' r .'. yl eat; South si;:e of rtl~St Strut ::rcr.: str~=t v nu.1:.a~'s '10 tc 3?0 ;:est; Soutl, ~ic~e U '~~ ~- GI ~ _...~~ U V ~ / t~ li ~ J - 11~V1~ ^ p L V Ul Ci ~V ~1 r 11 ~1:1 A IerU -100 to 420 ::est; . Soutr side c i first Street from street ru~.:bers i30 tc :?0 ::ast; ~'o~'trl side of Fir; t Street from st meet :ZU:7oer~. 3C5 f:est to ~ i5 "est; fine '<;,-~-;,:r side ci Second. Street frog 115 ~^ct to scuts rro~l~oot Ace_~ae ~- aFn r .~ ~` _ ~r tree ~; South sid_a cf Secorl~_ Street frc:! 'IA" Stl'aat to 4GC Se,:~nc'ti Street ::es`• „, SecG_~:~ Sty°zet lrom ~'roe~ect ~~venae or IIFn Street, • est to 11 =;n Street on t'r_e Sott'7 sire. South ,,^,id_e Gf m_-~iru :street : Est fro:: IIDn SthceV to rY•oc~,~oct tivenue, ;,r IIFn titreet; Ste'.?fin c;n ~rOCr?Ct s=~Ver:Uv'' ~ Gr IIJII Sti eat, fr0.:, c i~ ; ` ~tre~t to ~P^.Oi`?C~_ +ry~-trE,'°t On tl?c, 'r°~,~• side• _ ~ r ro:~I~eG ~ ~VenU° Of 11-'11 ~..., ~~leet, _ro_,. °zocT~c- Ctreet South for 15C feet, ''est side, 1. .. _ ._ - ~I 1 'IA'I Street fro:a S00 South to 230 Soutr :,n ~'~ • ast ; ' ~c_e; 2 II~° Street frcx NacoNC Street to 2^5 South cr_ the 3 ~ui t Side; 4 /.So uOUtr? Gil IIDII ~5'tl'eet f OL''i 'ir~t ;street t,:i }-~rT ~ULlth nDu Street on the ',pest siae; 5i ~ I'D'I Street fro: ?ti0 South to Third Street cr_ ±he 7 °DII c+- ~=~t -~r,.„~ ~ 0 h tc 5E0 C „r~. ~ ~ ~._ „i SoUt wo~_z h GN she ''~st ~i~ e; . 8 ~ Dacif ic~treet f~'c-: 153 South to 1~. SGatl^. on the 9 ~ ~~.st si~:A. ~0 I pacific S ~~'eet , r~::: ~ first Strest to 145 South on the ~~~~ ~ side; 11 r ~a e; ana 13 I•~air_ *~~~et 7'ro^: Cali forni~- Street ~~i°st to 5~5 ;,est =~ fir. Stre~ ~ on ~he 'ortr side. 14 section J, T1__? ,~;±,-,cat ,L~U_~e2'i:? ,.`~ ::` U~ -•~ ~. 15 Tusti.z half. `five r.ctice to <<estroy ti:-eec~s to all 0•.^7~l•s of 16 ~,ro;~ert;; fl'or,tin~• , ' ~ ~ ~, u on tr_e str-~„t„ c~° parts O! str°°~s :~s-;?d 17 aboTTe in Secticr~ 2; that the notice to b 1 t- e r-~_ven s__all be fir. --crc s 18 I - snc: fi€~ures as foilot~~s; 19 20 The Ci_t~. Counci7_ of the City of Tustin -sassed a 21 resolution on the 3rd ray Of Aril, 1°50, doclarn€; ^1' that ~. 1 ?.seeds ~ rGt:in~; on 22 -- 23 ( or portion Gf -- -- street in the City of Tustin are a, '?u~?_ic Nuisance 24 ar_c' ordering their aba,teMent. - 25 -'notice is Hereby given to ail o-.-ners cf ~~-ronert;;• froritinb upon -cho str•:~et Nared, in front of t•-hich 26 r~rc~oerty the nuisance exists, to abate it t•~it~iin - ten c_ay7 frc~ the ds,te of t.:is notice by tl`:e rP~1GVn.1 27 I cf' the greeds. 28 ~ 1~uon failure ~O ~-}`~.t2 the !1Ui~~.nCe, t1° ••reedS t:'1.1i °emoveu by the city authorities arc_ the ccst of 29 I re-,cva1 made ~ le~~al charge in favor GI' the City Of Tustin rind ~'~BinSt t%~P C?•.'ner Of `11e ~ and c`ibUttin~, 30 I t~"e s t'_'cet Uil the Sj.Ve Of u.}1e street fro: ti•'r.iCh tr_e ~ t,reeds t.ere remG~;ed. ~' ~. r -he Ci~,~ rte.'r collect ±r~ cost 31 0l re~:loval i'~'c:- rre ~rmer ol~ +r.s` brought in the ~-~ la"~ b~' ;:n action city court. 32 Dated this da~~ of SUper~ntP_1G'Prit Of qtr, ~ +-- ~ .f. ~ ~s of Cit,~ o~ Tustin i ?. ,; ~i I ~ , I 1 Section 4. Said noti;;e referred to hereinabcre in 2 ~ ~cCtiOri ~ Stlail ~E :~OSt~.'.Ci a,iGn`r tYi2 St2'EetS Gr )~^i^tS Of StreetG 3 j affected a t ~.nter•vals ci nct less t:^_an 50 feet and shall be 4 I rosted for 10 c~_ays prior to the tir:~e sr;ted in i;~ia notice Then 5 failure tc a.ba.te t'^_~ nuisance ~-1ves cit;~ 2uthcrities tt,~ rid rt 6 I to abate it. 7 Section 5. Upon the expiration of the 10-d~+~~ .,eriod, 8 if tho c;l~ner of tre real n-ropert;; ti:*hich fronts on the specified 9 street, a.nd in front of ~ti~hich the nuisance Exists, fails to ~.0 abate the nuisance, the street su~erin`endent errall re*:ove t e 11 t~zeeds. ].2 Secl;ion E. The street s~_ltierintender.t s all keep an 13 s.ccount of the ccst of a.b?tin{~ the nuisance ;n wont of each 14 se~~a.ra.te parcel of land frcntinr the street. rie ahall ir.cluc_e 15 ~ tr_c cost of minting the notices a~~d s~;ecif~T tha cost of ~~bate- 16 mint to be ch~~,r~~ed u:•air.st each separate narcEl. Ike sha~_1 file 17 the account Frith `he le~~islati~TA bod?, ?-?rich .hall ~~ay th- co,t lg i cut cf t::E :,ity general fund. 19 i Section 7, the street superintendent ^hall immediately 20 ~ mail u ~?otic° to the o-rners of land in front cf r:~hich t°eec?s 21 have teen re.~reved by tr° cit~r, demanding r^~~r^~~?t of the re .opal 22 cost. 23 Section S. If the o?:}ner c~_ces not ;:ay the amount due 24 t°ithin ten da~TS after thG date c f the demanc:, the City of Tusti:r 25 :ray sue the o~~:mer for tha costs of re^roval in the ci,y court. 26 ~ PASS:~D Ai'D A7CD~~D by the City Council of the City of 27 astir. this 3rd c;~_ay of A-~~ril, 150. 29 j~:2.y or AT SST; 30 ~ 31 - 32 ~ i t;,~ C rl~ ~=~ .