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CC RES 246
RESOLUTION NO. 246 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN REQUESTING ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM THE COUNTY OF ORANGE OUT OF COUNTY'S APPORTIONMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY USER'S TAX FUND On motion of councilman charleton, duly seconded and carried, the following Resolution. was adopted: WHEREAS, the City of Tustin, a City of the Sixth Class, in the County of Orange, desires to improve a portion of First Street and a portion of Third Street, both being streets within the incorporated limits of the City of Tustin, the nature and extent of the contemplated projects being more fully described hereafter: WHEREAS, there is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof, a sketch showing the location of First Street and its relationship to the principal highways of the County of Orange in said area, and; WHEREAS, there is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof, a sRe tch showing the location of Third Street and its relationship to the principal highways of the County of Orange and said area; and WHEREAS, Section 2150 of the Streets and Highways Code authorizes a County, if it so desires, to extend funds apportioned to it out of the California Highway User's Tax Fund for aid to cities in the improvement, construction or repair of a street with- in a city, provided that the Board of Supervisors of such County determines that the project is in the general County interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the City of Tustin does hereby request the County of Orange for a grant of aid in the sum of $1,335.00 out of the County, s apportionment of the California Highway User' s Tax Fund, the amount requested to be used exclusively for the following purposes: -1- 1. The improvement of First Street, situated and designated on Exhibit "A" hereof. 2. The nature and extent of the project and the estimated cost thereof are substantially as follows: a. Construct a three (3) inch thick road ~ixed oil crusher run rock base, on the Northerly side of the existing eighteen (18) foot wide four (~) inch thick P.C.C. pavement now existing and extending from the intersection of Prospect Avenue and First Street Wes.terly a distance of four hundred and five (405) feet to the full width pavement in the intersection of First Street and "D" Street, including all necessary excavation and grading to conform to existing pavement grade. The rock bast to be eight (8) feet in width for a distance of three hundred and forth (3~0) feet, tapering to 00 feet at the pavement at First Street and Prospect Avenue, and widening to nineteen (19) feet joining with the existing full width pavement at First Street and "D" Street. b. Lay a two (2) inch thick 200/300 plant mix asphalt surface on the eighteen (18) foot wide pavement from Prospect Avenue Westerly 'four hundred and five (405) feet to the eight (8) inch thick P.C.C. pavement in the intersection of First and "D" Street, including a three (3) foot in width two (2) inch thick surfacing over existing rock and oil .sh°ei~lder on the South side of pavement from its intersection with the Northerly pro- longation of the Easterly line of "D" Street Easterly to center line of Prospect Avenue, and including a two (2) inch thick asphalt surfacing over oiled rock base constructed on the North side of the eighteen (18) foot pavement. c. All work. t° be performed in accordance with the County of Orange standard specifications; work to be done in the following manner: City to purchase materials; use City owned equipment where necessary, and employ labor required to complete -2- project. The estimated cost for the completien of the improvement of First Street as hereinabove stated is $94~.00. ~. The improvement of Third Street, situated and designated on Exhibit "B" he~eof. 4- The nature and extent of the project and the estimated cost thereof are substantially as follows: a. Excavate and p~epare subgrade of that portion of the ~oadway surface to be paved. b. Lay a two and one-half (2-~) inch thick 200/300 plant mix asphalt pavement eight (8) feet in width along the Northerly roadway space Joining with existing pavement from the West line of the pavement on "D" Street Werterly a distance of one hundred and fifty feet (1~0!), which strip is to Join with the full width pavement on the No~th side of Third Street. c. Lay a two and one-half (2~) inch thick 200/300 plant mix asphalt pavement eight ..(8). feet in width along the Southe~'ly po~tlon of roadw~7 space joining With existing pavement and extending from the West line of the pavement on "D" Street West three hundreA (300) feet to .the East line of "C" Street. d. Seal coat and repair portions of existing pavement. e. All work to be performed in accordance with County of Orange standard specifications; work to be done in the following.manner: City to purchase materials; use City owne~ equipment where necessary, and employ labor required to complete project. The estimated cost for the completion of the improvement of ~hird Street as hereinabove stated is $390.00. BE IT FURT~ER RESOLVED that the Boar~ of Supervisors of the County of Orange be and is hereby requested to find that the improvement of First Street and Third Street in the manner aforesaid is in the general County interest in that: That portion of First Street requested to be improved -3- 398 as hereinabove stated is a p~olongation of First Street in Santa Ana, being the Easterly portion of said street, and connects with Newport Road, a major County road. This portion of First Street carries most of the traffic going from Santa Aha t~ the Irvine Home Ranch, nearby citrus packing houses, and a large residential area lying North and East of Tustin, and the Lemon Heights residential area. That portion of Third Street in the City of Tustin to be improved as heretnabove specified, carries traffic from U~ S. Highway No. 101 running through the City of Tustin to the Tustin Branch of the County Library, the Tustin Township Justice Court, the office of the Constable of Tustin Township, to the office of the Justice of the Peace of Tustin Township, to the Tustin Elementary School, and to the City Offices located in the City Hall on said street. Nuch County traffic passes over this portion of Third Street going to and from the above mentioned offices. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is understood that the grant of the aid hereby requested is contingent.upon an independent finding by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange that the purpose for which aid is hereby sought is in the general C'ounty interest. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is understood that upon the acceptance by the City of Tustin of any grant which may be made by the County of Orange pursuant to this request, this Resolution, the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange speeifying the terms and conditions of the grant, and any and all laws applicable shall constitute the agreement between .the City of Tustin and the County of Orange respecting the grant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the City Clerk of the 'City of Tustin be and is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Board of S.~pervisors of the County of Orange, State of California. -4- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin this 20th day of February, 1950. -Mayor ATTEST: .'-'~-'> ,'" , . .--"-'~ 1"' """',,.? ? ~,- . ----.x.. ,::'; ..... ' ,.,-::'.:i'i':....'.': ..,:..-x,,-...,. - - city'cle~k STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS. CHAS. E. MORRIS, City Clerk, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by a majority of the said City Council at a ~egular meeting thereof held on the 20th day of February, 1950, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Charleto~n,_ Humeston, .~r_.a.y, ~Miller and Bacon NOES: C ounc ilmen None ABSENT: C ounc ilmen ~' ' None ...... . _. -. _~.. ..~ ~ ,.4... _ ~ - : _-- _ - .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 '~, 16 17 ~ 18 19 20 '~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION N0. 246 RESOLUTION OF T y' CITY OF TUSTIN REQUW'STINa ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM THE COUNTY OF ORANaE OUT OF COUNTY~S APPORTIONA~NT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY U3ER~S TAX FUND On motion of Councilman Charleton, duly seconded and carried, the following Resolution was adopted: t,fHREAS, the City of Tustin, a city of the Sixth Class, in the County of Orange, desires to improve a portion of First Street and a portion of Third Street, both being streets tiaithin the incorporated limits of the City of Tustin, the nature and extent of the contemplated pro~ect8 being more fully described ~ hereafter: l~I~:REAS, there is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof, a sketch showing the location of First Street and its relationship to the Principal highways of the County of Orang• in said area, and; Z~REAS, there is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B", and made a part hereof, a sketch showing the location of Third Street and its relationship to the principal hi~~hways of the County of Orange in said area; and k~'I-~REAS, Section 2150 of the Streets and Highways Code authorizes a County, if it so desires, to expend funds a~~portioned to 1t out of the California Highway User's Tax Fund for a.id to cities in the improvement, construction or repair of a street with- in a city, provided that the Board. of Supervisors of such County determines that the project is in the general County interest; N04v', THEREFORE, BE I~" RusoLVED AP1D ORDERED: That the City of Tustin does hereby request the County of Orange for a grant of aid in the sum oP X1,335.00 out of the County~s apportionment of the California Highway user's Tax Fund, the amount requested to be used exclusively for the follot~ring purposes: 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 29 30 31 32 1. The improvement of First Street, situated and j designated on Exhibit "A" hereof. 2. the nature and extent of the project and the ast Lnated cost thereof are substantially as follows: a. Construct a three (3) inch thick road mixed oil c rush9r run rock br~.ee, on *,he ~~Iortherly side of the existing eighteen (18) foot wide four (4) inch thick P.C.C. pavement now existing and extending f r~~m the intersection of Pro$peat Avenue and First Streat t~~eeterly a distance of four hundred fend five (405) feet to the full width pavement in the intersection of First Streat and "D" Street, including all necessary excavation and grading to conform to sxiatink; pavement grade. The rock base to be eight C8) fget in itic~th Par a (distance of three hundred and forty (340) Peet, tapering tc 00 feet at the pavement ~.t First Street and ~'rospeet Avenue, and wideni:~; to ;zinateen { 19 ) feet wining with the existing full width na.ver~ent at :,irst Street and "D" Street. b. Ls.y a two (2) inch thick ?00/_~00 plant mix asphalt surface on the eighteen (18) foot t~ride pavement frog Prospect Avenue testerly four r.uiicired a.r:d five (405) feet to the Iei~;ht {8) iner, trick P.C.C. pavement in the intersection cf First 'and "D" Streat, including a three (3) foot in s~ridth txo (2) inch trick surfacing over esietir~g rock srac~ oJ.~. s2:oulder on the South sire c f pavetuent Prom its intersection with the A$ci?~trierly P~'~- lori€~ution rf the ~KSterly tine of "D" street .~ aster? y to center l.ir.e of Prospect Avenue, and including a two ~2) inch thick as~~halt surfrcir~; over oi' ec~ rcck Use ccnstructed on the Forth aide of the eighteen (18) fcot x~aver,:ent. c. All v,ork to be performed in QccordAnce with the County of Orange ata.ndard specifications; trork to be dcns in the followir~r? Wanner; City to purchase ms.terials; use City owned equipment where necessary, and employ labor required to comFlete 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 i 20 ~ 21 22 23 24 ~I 25 26 i 27 28 29 30 31 32 protect. The estimated coat for the ecmpletion of the improvement of First Street as hereinabove stated is X945.00. 3. The improvement of Third Street, situated and designated on Exhibit "B" hereof. 4. The nature and extent of the tiroteet and the estimated cost thereof are substantially as follows: a. Excavate and prepare subgrade of that r_ortion of the roadway surface to be paved. b. Lay a two and one-half (2~) inch thick 200/300 plant mix asphalt pavement eight (8) Peet in width along the rJortherly roadway epeae Coining with existing pavement from the `Nest line of the pavement on "D" Street Ueaterly a distance of one hundred and Pifty feet (150'), which strip is to Coin ti:ith the Pull width pavement on the Pdorth side of Third Street. c. Lay a two and one-half (2-~) inch thick 200/300 plant mix asphalt pavement eight (S) feet in width along the Southerly portion of roadway apace Coining s-rith existing p«ve,~ent and extending from the ~~~est line of the pavement on "D" :.'treat ~~~est three hundred (300) feet to the East line of "C" Street. d. Seal coat and repair portions of existing pavement. e. All work to be performed in aceordanoe t,rlth County of Orange standard spec ifiaations; cork to be done in the following manner: City to purchase materials; use City owned equipment where necessary, and employ labor required to complete protect. The estimated coat for the completion of the improvement of Third atraet as hereinabove stated is X390.00. BE IT FURI~R :~tESC~LYED that the Board oP Supervisors of the County of OranEre ba and is hereby req_ueated to find that the improvement of First Street and {Third Street 1n the Wanner aforesaid is in the general County interest in that: That portion of First Street requested to be improved 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 as hereinabove stated is a prolongation of First Street in Santa Ana, being the masterly portion of said Street, and connects with Newport Road, a mayor County road. This portion of First Street carries most of the traffic going from Santa Ana to the Irvine Home Ranch, nearby citrus packing houses, and a large residential arcs, lying North and East of Tustin, and the Lemon Heights residential area. That portion of Third Street in the City of Tustin to be improved as hereinabove specified, carrieP traffic from U. S. Highway No. 101 running through the City oP Tustin to the Tustin ' Branch of the County Library, the Tustin Township Justice Court, the office of the Constable of Tustin Township, to the office j of the Justiae of the Peace of Tustin Township, to the rnustin Elementary School, and to the City Offices located in the City Hall on said street. Much County traffic passes over this portion of Third Street p-oin~; to and from the above mentioned office8. AE IT Ft1RTN~.~R R ;SOLVED that it is understood that the Igrant of the aid hereby requested is contingent upon an independent finding by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange that the purpose Por which aid is hereby sought is in the general County interest. ~ IT FURTHER RF,SC~LVED that it is understood that upon the acceptr~nae by the City of Tustin of any grant which may be made by the County or Orange pursuant to this request, this Resolution, the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange sFecifying the term$ a.nd oondition$ oP the grant, anc? any and all 1~..t;g applicable shall conRtitute the n~gre~em9nt between the City of Tustin and the County of Orange respecting; the grant. 5E IT FUR1 MAR RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin be and is hereby directed to Ears;arc? a certified copy of this Resolution to the .Board of Stipervisora of t.~e County of Orange, State oP California. 4. 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of 2~ Tustin this 20th day of February, 1950. 3~ ~ t ~ ,- 4 I ,~ t„ '' ~'.~r~ , or 5 6 ATTE3T= -.~ 1 ~ ``~,/~• / .c.... $ i, ~ ~„ ity 1 rk i 9 j 10 ; STATE OF CALIFORNIA} 11 ~I CITX OFOTUSTINaW )) se. i~ 12 I CHAS. L. ?jOPRI3, City Cler4~, >:.nd ex-officio Clerk of ~~. 13 ( the City Council of the Ci ~y of Tustin, California, does hereby 14 I certify that the whole number of nembara of tie City Council of 15 ~ the City of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resolution was 16 passed and adopted by a ma.~ority of tha said City Council ~t a i 17i regular meeting thereof held on the 20th day of February, 1950, 18 i by the following rote, to-i~it: ,g 1 I 20 i AYEg: Caunoilmen:_Gh,arleto~n.,, Hum®8ton,,~,~y,~ 2~iiller ,gna Ag©on I 21 NOES: Councilmen: _ None 22 ~ ABSENT: Couneilmert: atone 2 3 ll r 24 ~ .~- _ ~_. ~ ~. 25 _ 26 I ~ 27 28 29 30 31 32 S. - - 9,_ ~ P,PY~S PELT ~~ ~= s/ ~ , Ih PL 9' ~ 9' i W W, ~I °.` o , h V C `~ ' C ~~ C '~ e i 3 ~' , b ,~ ~ F h a L I ~ ~, ~ ,~ . h a~ b ~I ~i ~ l~ ze - 0 --- - _ EQSte~/y Cary L.m.fs ~ ~ - - - P,QoSPECr :4vE i M 31 .9' 9' P J~ ~~ 1e G~ t~ a ~, ~' o PL ~ - - _ - ~ --- - S~'A L E /" SO' PROPOSED PAVEMENT w/DEN/NG ~ RE-SURFA~'/NG ~-- FiRs r s TREE r -~ ~~or» Pros~cf Ave fo Sfote N~yhway Q0 7lYI D~ 7llO.~ITlJA/ Fe6.2G, /950 ~ =Afro fo fx ins/or-ovaa~ Ex~t> ~u/b ~D ~~ STREET ~S TA TE NWj!) O V B~°r MAN i ~ ~'~ "D " S TREE T h N \ f' v ' l i ~3 & ,~i ao ' W SCALE. /"=50 ~~a o (~ ,~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ = Ares ~b bca irrProvc~c~ ~ ~ C y ~ ~. ~ `aC ; a h ~0 ~ 3 zo,-, ~ ~C o ~~ ~' ~' C - - - - -- 0 ~ ,~ ~ ~ > J ~ ( i ~, Q Z L ~ v ,p ~ } '' ~'~ ~ ~ ~ - . ~ V > ~ h ' I ~I - - 2e'~; ~" f -. 4z' ~--~ PL (~ S T,4 TE H W Y) - - - j -~-- -- - N ~0 n. _ _ ~C ~0 1 N ~,~ _ ~ . '~C" STREET PROPOSED /MPROliEMEN T TH/RD STREET -v FCO~n "D ""Sti-~Pt fo 'C'" Sfi-e~f 20 7l Y! ~!F Ill~lrTlOA~ Fi~t+ 26 /950 ~x~BaT Ma• ,~ ALLEY