HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 243RESOLUTION NO. 243 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. CALLING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELEC- TION FOR APRIL 11, 1950, CONSOLIDATING VOTING PRECINCTS, AND DESIGNATING ELECTION OFFICERS FOR SAID ELECTION The City Council of the City..:of Tustin, California, does ~esolve as follows: WHEREAS, the laws of the state of California relating to the Municipalities of the Sixth Class provide fo~ the holding · of a General Election in said City on the second Tuesday in April of every even-numbered year, and further provide that the City Council may, for the purpose of said election, consolidate and .. designate voting precincts and designate{i ~lection officers fo~ saidelectlon, and this being such an even-numbered year, BE IT RESOLVFI): That a ~'egula~ General Municipal '. Election be held in the City of Tustin, California, on Tuesday, the llth day of April, 19%0, for the purpose of electing such · office~.8 as are r'equired 'by law to be elected, to-wit: · . Two (~~ C'ity Councilmen for the full term of fou~ ) years each; and for the further purpose of submitting to the people the fol- lowinE question: ".Shall the City Council hereafter appoint the Treasurer of the City of Tusttn?" That there shall be one consolidated election and vet- in'g precinct for the purpose of holding said election, consisting of a consolidation of the two regula~ election precincts in said CitY established fo~ holding State and County Elections, to-wit: TuStin Number i and Tustin Numbe~' 2 precincts, which said consoli- dated p~ectncts shall be known as "Pr'ecinct "A". , and the boundry .. lines of said vonsoltdated p~'ectnct shall be the p~esent existing boundry lines of the 'City of Tustin, Orange County, California. That such election be held in accordance with the general electioh laws of the State of California, insofar as the same shall have been made applicable to municip~alities of the Sixth Class. That the polling place of said "Precinct "A" comprising State and County Election Precincts Tustin Number 1 and Tustin Number 2 shall be at the City Hall of the City of Tustin at 145 West Third Street, in said City, and the said polls shall be open between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A. M. and ?:00 o'clock ,.P.. M. of said ~ay. That the following persons, residents and qualified elec- tors in the said City of Tustin a~e he~'eby designated and appointed to act as the election officers at said election, to-wit: · Inspector: Grover C. Riehl Judge: Ben H. ~allenberg Clerk: Grace Leinberger ,, Clerk: Dolly Holford and the salaries of said election officers for the purpose of said election are hereby fixed as follows: Inspector: $6.00 per day Judges: $6.00 pot clay, each Clerks: $6.00 per day, each That two (2) offices to be filled for City Councilmen are for the fOll term of four (4) years, and that the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number.~._ of votes therefor, shall be declared elected fbr the full term'Of four (4) years each, and tn the event of a tie, said matter Shall be decided by lot. That the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby directed and ~equtred to gtve Notice of ~id Election as ~eqUired by law, by the publication of Notice of' Election containing a statement of the time of the election, the offtce~ to be filled thereat, and specifying the term thereof, and a general descrip- tion of the voting precinct' and the location of the polling place, not earlier than the sixtieth (60th)day nor laterthan the thirty- first (31~t) d~7 before such election, by publication tn a news- paper of general circulation, to-wit, the TUSTIN NEWS, published and circulated in said City of Tustin, and that said Notice shall be published at least once in said newspaper. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, this 6th day of February, 1950. ATTEST: City Clef ~- . a _ , y i' I~ 11 2I 3I 4) RESOLUTION N0. ,~ ~3 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CALLING A GENERAL I~iUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR APRIL 11, 1980 CONSOLIDATING VOTING PRECINCTS, AND DESIGNATING ELECTION OFFICERS FOR SAID ELECTION. F 1 5~ 6' The City Council of the City of Tustin, Calif ornia, 7 ~ does resolve as follows: 8 i Z~REAS the lawn of the State of California relating i 9! to the Municipalities of the Sixth Class provide for the holding 10~ of a General Election in said City on the second Tuesday in April 11 ~ of every even-numbered year, and further provide that the City 12 C ounoil may, for the purpose of said election, aonaolidate and 13 designate voting precincts and designated eleotion officers for 14 Said election, and this being such an even-numbered year, 15 BE IT RESOLVED: That a regular General Municipal 16 Eleotion be held in the City of Tustin, California, on Tuesday, 17 the 11th day of April, 1950, for the purpose of sleeting $ueh 18 officers as are required by law to be elected, to-wit: 19 Two (2) City Counoilmen for the full term of 20 four ( 4 ) years each; 21 { and for the .further purpose of submitting to the people the fol- 22 lowing question: 23 ~ "Shall the City Council hereafter appoint the Treasurer of the City of TustinYN 24 That there shall be one consolidated eleotion and voting F, 25 Ipreiainat for the purpose of holding said election, consisting of a 26 ao~iaolidation of the two regular election precincts in said City 27 esXabliehed for holding State and County Eleotions, to-wit: Tustin 28 Number 1 and Tustin Number 2 p~ecinct8 ~rh~.ch said consolidated Precinct A 29 iprecinats shall be known as , and the boundary 30 lines of said consolidated precinct shall be the present existin g 31 boundary lines of the City of Tustin, Orange County, California. 32 That such election be held in accordance with the ~' 1. 1 2 3 4 5 s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 general eleotion laws of the State of California, insofar as the same shall hale been made applicable to municipalities of the sixth Claea. Preoinot rAr That the polling plane of said r r oomprieing State and County Eleotion Preoinots Tustin Number 1 and Tustin Number 2 shall be at the City Hall of the City of Tustin at 14S West Third Street, in said City, and the said polls shall be open between the hours of 7:00 o~aloak A. M, and ?:00 o' olook P. N. of said. day. That the following persona, reaident8 and qu811fied electors in the said City of Tustin are hereby designated and appointed to ant as the eleotion officers at Baid eleotion, to-wit: Inapeotor: ,,; ~ ~ .~%~ `G ` ~ ~ ~- Judge: ~~tc~ .{~ G Clerk: ! ~-`4~ -~~ z ~-c~~~~ L Clerks ~~~ / G and the salaries of said election offiaer+a for the purpose of ~ said eleotion are hereby fined as follows: Inapeotor: X6.00 per day Judges: X6.00 per day, eaoh Clerks: X6.00 per day, eaoh That two (2) offices to be filled for City Councilmen are for the full term of four (4) years, and that the two (2) oandidate$ reoeiving the highest number of votes therefor shall be declared elected for the full term of four (4) years eaoh, and in the event of a tie, said matter shall be deoided by lot. That the City Clerk of the City of Tustin is hereby direoted and required to give Notice of said election as required by law, by the publication of Notioe of Eleotion oontaining a statement of the time of the eleotion, the offices to be filled thereat, and speoifying the term thereof, and a general description 2. i 1~ of the voting precinot and the looation of the polling plane, not 2I ~ earlier than the sixtieth (60th) day nor later than the thirty- ; 3! first (318t) day before such election, by publivation in a news- 4ipaper of general circulation, to-wit, the TUSTIN NEWS, published 5~ and circulated in said City of Tustin, and that said Notice shall I sl be published at least once in said newspaper. 7 PA33ED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of 8 Tustin, California, this day of Febru~ d~ 1950. 91 10 ~ 11 0 12 ATTEST: 13 __ - ~ ~~ / :" ~ / , 14 ~ . G~ ~ ~L~ 15 ~ i ty 1 r 16 I 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ' 27 28 29 30 31 32 3.