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CC RES 227
RESOLUTION NO. 227 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION UPON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AS REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE VARIOUS DEPART- MENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1949-50. The City Council of the City of Tustin does resolve as follows: Section_ 1. That it is hereby determined and decreed by the .City Council of the City of Tustin that the amount of $33,930.00 is the amount necessary to be raised to carry on the various departments of said City for the fiscal year Se_ction__2. That of Said sum of $33,930.00, it is an- ticipated that there will be received as income from various sources other than 'through tax levying the sum of $17,687.90, and that it will be necessary to raise $16,2~2.10 by tax levying. Sect!on 3. That the $33,930. O0 so required by the various departments of said City during the fiscal yea~ is distributed and budgeted as follows: A. City Administration . . . . . . . . $6,000.00 The following items are to be Paid from the amount budgeted "' to this account: (1) Salaries of City Clerk, City Judge, Deputy City Clerk, Deputy Assessor, Auditor, Deputy Tax Collector and other clerical help. (2) Ren~ 'for City Hall. (3) Utilities chargeable to City by operation of City Hall. (4) ' nsurance. (5) Printing and publishing. (6) SuppI'i es ( 7 ) Jani tot. (8) Dues of City for"miscellaneous Municipal organizations of which the City of Tustin is a member. (9) Building inspections. (10) Miscellaneous administrative expenses including Clerk' a Petty Cash Fund. B. City At~tor~ey~ . . . . . . . . . . .. $960.00 C. "City Treasurer.......... 12'0,00 · D. Fire DePartment .... '.......5,500.0'0 The' following 'items are to be paid from the amount, budgeted to 'this account: · . (I) Salaries .paid to volunteer firemen. (2) ~ UPkeep and maintenance of the equipment. (3) Cost o'f the water service. " (4) Capital outlay for equipment. . . Three-fourths (3/4tbs) of the amount budgeted to the , . Fire Department is estimated to be used .for the equipment, mai'nten~nce ~nd. ~te~ standby cha~.ges occ~'~ioned by the use and operation'of this Department for traffic safety on major city streets and state highways within the City Of 'Tustin, and as su'ch"it is:estimated that three-fourths (3/4tbs) of the total' expen~di~u~es ~f:~ t~s Department wiII 'be paid out of the Traffic Safety Fund, and the Treasure~ is hereby authorized to pay three'foUrths (3/4tbs) of the money expended by this Department out of the Traffic Safety Fund. E. Police Department........ 11,500.00 The following items are to be paid from the amount budgeted to this account: (1) Salaries of officers. (2) Maintenance and upkeep of vehicular ~ ~ ~e%ulpment. (3) Expenses for Jail and prisoners. (4) Salary of' crossing guard. (5) Capital outlay for equipment. .(:6) Miscellaneous expenses'incident to the above enumerated activities. · · . Ten per cong (I0%) of one Officer, s salary shall be charged t° the Alcoholic Beverage License Fee Fund as it is estimated that it; t~:es ten per cent; of one officer's time to .. pol. i¢~ th~ ~etivtt-i~ from ~ht..oh. ~uch fund Tho ~u~ of $4~000o00' out of tho ~bow ~mount bud- geted to the Police Department will be taken from the 'Motor Vehicle License Fund for police salaries. Three-fourths (3/4tbs) of the expenses expended f'0~ maintenance, upkeep ,.nd the purchase of ne~ equipment and supplies fo~ the Police Department shall be taken from the Traffic Safety Fund. F.., $~t~ee,t Department . , . . . . . . $6,000.00 .The £ollo~ing d t..ems are to be. paid~, from the amount budgeted to this account: (1) Salaries of the City Engineer, Street Superintendent, truck employees and miscellaneous laborers. (2) Construction, repair and maintenance .of streets. .. (3) Equipment upkeep and maintenance. Of the money so budgeted for this Department, all of the salary of the City Engineer and of the Street Superin- .. tendent, and of' the moneys expended fo~ the repair, mainten- ance and construction, of major city streets, and two-thirds (2/3rds) of the moneys expended fo~ the salaries of truck employees, and for the repair, maintenance and upkeep of · equipment, sh~ll be t~ken from the ~r~ffic gafety Fun~l. · O. Pa~ks and Playgrounds . . . . . . . 250.00 The following items are to be paid from the' amount budgeted to this account: (1) Expenditures for recreation purposes. (2) ~ Expenditures for ~'the beautifying of parks and parkways within the City . . of. Tustin. .' .All of the money expended, by this Department for improvement or maintenance of major city streets or state highways shall be taken from the Traffic Safety Fund. H. Capital Outlay Fund....... $3,600.00 Moneys' in this fund shall be expended for addi- ti.ons"'t~.":the-caPttal ".aSsets' of' the City of Tustin, or the maintenance or upkeep thereof. Section 4. Of the expenses budgeted', above , it is estimated ghat twentT-fivo pot cent (25%) of all adminis- overhead trattveAwtll be occasioned by the problems c~eated by traf- fi~e over the state highways and major city streets, and that at the end of the fiscal year it ts the intention of the City Council by resolution to charge to and pay twenty five ., per cent (25%) of such expenses out of the Traffic Safety Fun~o Unless otherwiae indicated, the expenses budgeted in this 'account shall be paid out' of and chargeable to the General Fund of the City of Tustin. 'PASSED AND ADOPTED. by the City Council of the City of Tusttn, caI'ifornia, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of August, 1949. City cierk~b ~ ~incent L. Humest0n Mayor STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of 0range, ) ss. City of 'Tustin. ) , ~'rHAS, E'. MORRIS, Ci'ty Clerk, mad.ex-of~"Scio Clerk of the City Council, of the City of 'Tustin, California, does . hereby 'certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the. City of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by a majority of the said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th da7 of August, 1949, by the following vote go-wit~ NOES: Councilmen: Vincent L. Humeston, 'Frank E. Bacon Jr., William H. G~.ay, William I. Miller. Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilman: Arthur M. Charleton. ~y Cl.erk of 'the- - of Tu'stin, California. ~ © ../ 1 RESOLUTIOTI N0. '2°'Z~' ;~ 2 A RESOLUTIGII OF iI~ CITY COUidCIL CF THE CITY OF TUSTIIJ FIXING APiD DETERiI1`1ING iH:~ AMOUTJT OF r20PIEY 3 NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION UPON SHE TAX- ABLE PROPERTY sITHITJ THE CITY OF TU5TIN AS REVETNE 4 TO CARRY ON THE VARIGUS DEPART.~IvdTS GF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1949-50. 5 6 The City Council of the City of Tustin c.oes resolve as 7 follotrs: 8 Section 1. That it is hereby determined an~:_ decreed by 9 the City Council of the City of Tustin that the amount of X33,930.00 10 is the amount necessary to be raised to carry on the various de- ll partments of said City for the fiscal year 1949-50. 12 Section 2. That of said sum of X33,930.00, it is anti- 13 cipated that there ~•ill be received as income ircm vU.rious sources 14 other than through tax levying the sum of y17,687.90, anc~ that it 15 will be necessary to raise ~1E,242.10 by tax levying. 16 Section 3. That the X33,930.00 so reauired by t:~e i 17~ v~:.rious departments of said City during the fiscal year is dis- 18i triputed and pudgeted as folloers: 19l A. Cite Administration . ~E,000.00 20 j The follot:*ing items are to be paid from the amount budgeted to this account: 21 22~ (1) Salaries of City Clerk, City Judge, Deputy City Clerk, Deputy Assessor, Auditor, Deputy Tax Collector and 23i other clerical help. 24 (2) Rent for City Ha11. 25 (3) Utilities chargeable to City by operation of City Hall. 26 27 (4) Insurance. 28 (5) Printing and publishing. 29i (6) Supplies (7) Janitor. 30 (8) Dues of City for miscellaneous 31 I I~;unicipal organizations of which 32i the City of Tustin is a member. 1. © ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (9) Building inspections. (10) Miscellaneous administrative expenses including Clerks Petty Cash Fund. B. City Attorney ~ 960.00 C. City Treasurer. 120.00 D. Fire Department 5,500.00 The following items are to be paid from the amount budgeted to tris account; (1) Salaries paid to volunteer firemen. (2) Upkeep a.nd maintenance of the eo~uipment. (3) Cost of the water service. (4) Capital outlay for eouipment. Three-fourths (3/4ths) of the amount budgeted to the Fire Department is estimated to be used for the eauipment, maintenance and zrater standby charges occasioned by the use a.nd operation of this Department for traffic safety on ma,~or city streets and state highways within the City of Tustin, and as such it is estimated that three-fourths (3/4ths) of the total exUendi- tures of this Department will be paid out of t're Traffic Safety Fund, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay three-fourths (3/4ths) of the money expended by this Department out of the Traffic Safety Fund. E, Police Department 11,500.00 The following iteMS axe to be paid from the amount 'pucgeted to this account: (1) Salaries of officers. (2) Paintenance and upkeep of vehicular equipment. (3) Expenses for ,fail and prisoners. (4) Salary of crossing guard. (5) Capital outlay for equipment. (6) iscellaneous expenses incident to the above enumerated activities. Ten per cent (l00) of one officer's salary s'r~all be 2. 0 .~ ~~ ~~ 2 31 4 5 6 7 8 9i 10 11 12 13 ~ 14 15 16' 17 i 18 i 19 20 ~ 21 22 23 ~I 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 , 31 32 charged to the Alcoholic Beverage License Fee Funci as it is estimated that it takes ten per cent of one officers ti.-~e to police the activities from which such fund is derived. The sum of X4,000.00 out of the above amount budgeted to the Police Department will be taken from the t~iotor Vehicle License Fund for police salaries. Three-fourths (3/4ths) of the expenses expended for maintenance, upkeep and the purchase of new equipment and supplies for the Police Department shall be taken from the Traffic Safety Fund. F. Street Department X6,000.00 The following items are to be paid from the amount budgeted to this account: (1) Salaxie s of the C ity Engineer, Street Superintendent, truck employees and miscellaneous laborers. (2) Construction, repair and maintenance of streets. (3) Equipment upkeep and maintenance. Of the money so budgeted for this Department, all of the salary of the City Engineer and of the Street Superintendent, and of the moneys expended for the repair, maintenance and con- struction of major city streets, and two-thirds (2/3rds) of the moneys expended for the salaries of truck employees, and for the repair, maintenance and upkeep of equipment, shall be taken from the Traffic Safety Fund. a. Parks and Playgrounds 250.00 The follo~=ing items are to be paid from the amount budgeted to this account: (1) Expenditures for recreation purposes. (2) Expencitures for the beautifying of parks and park~,rays F:ithin the City of Tustin. All of the money expended by this Department for im- prove:~ent or maintenance of major city streets or state highways shall be taken from the Traffic Safety Fund. 3. i r ~i li Ii ~ . . ~, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 i 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I H. Capital Outlay Fund ~, X3,600.00 Tdoneys in this fund shall be expended for additions to the capital assets of the City of Tustin, or the maintenance or upkeep thereof. Section 4. Of the expenses budgeted above, it is estimated that twenty five per cent (25~) of all administrative overhead will be occasioned by the problems created by traffic over the state hight~:ays and ma,~or city streets, any. that at the end of the fiscal year it is the intention of the City Council by resolution to charge to and pay twenty five per cent (25~) of such expenses out of the Traffic Safety Fund. Unless others~ise indicated, the expenses budgeted in this account shall be paid out of and chargeable to the General Fund of the City of Tustin. PASSED A?D ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of August, 1949. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County of Orange, ) ss, City of Tustin. ;' Mayo CHAS. .~. MORRIS, City Clerk, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council, of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of tie City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by a ma,~ority of the saki City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of August, 1949, by the following vote, to-wit: 4. ~ li O ~~ ~. I I ~~ i ~' ars: 2 I` ;/ ~ Councilmen: Vincent L. Humeston, Frank E. Bacon Jr.. William H. Grr~v. William I. Miller. ne Cad /.