HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 221RESOLUTION NO. 221 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN REQUESTING ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM COUNTY OF ORANGE OUT OF COUNTY'S APPOR- TIONMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY USER ' S TAX FUND. On motion of Councilman Miller, duly seconded and carried, the follo?ing 'Resolutlon was adopted: WHEREAS, the City of Tustin, a city of the Sixth Class, in the .County of Orange, desires to improve. Main. Street, a street within the incorporated limits of the City of Tustin, the nature and extent of the contemplated project being more fully described hereafter; · WHEREAS, there is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A",. and made a part hereof,- a sketch showing the locate.on of Main Street. and its relationship to the principal highway's of the County of Orange in said.area, and WHEREAS, Section-2150 of the Streets and 'Highways Code authortze~ a County, tf it so de~t~es, to expend funds . apportioned to it out .of the California Highway User"s Tax Fund for aid to cities in the improvement~,..construction o.r ~ repair of a street within~ a city, provided that the Board of Supervisors of such County determines that. the .project is in' the general County interesb; NOW, THEREF~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the~ City of Tustin hereby requests the County of Orange for a grant of aid in the sum. of One thousand' Dollars ($1,000.00) out of the County, s apportionment of the Calif- .. ornia Highway User' s Tax Fund, the amount requested to be used exclusively for the following purposes: · 1. The improvement of Main Street, situated as designated on Exhibit "A" hereof. 2. The nature and extent of the project and the estimated cost thereof are sUbstantially as follows: .. a. Patch the existinE surface of Main Street with emulsified asphalt or SC 4 (plant mix) between D Street on the East And Pacific Street on the West. Estimated cost $4~0.00. b. Resurface and add three feet in width to Main Street between Pacific Street on the East and Tustin Avenue on the West. This~ second phase of the project to be done in connection with the County of Orange who has liability for the South one-half of the aforesai~d portion of Main Street sometime during the fiscal year 1949-50' Estimated cost for city, s portion of the above work estimated to be $900,0~. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Super-~ visors of the County of Orange be and is hereby requested, to find that the improvement of Main Street in the manner afore- said is in the general CoUnty interest in that: It is the principal Street South of U. S. High- way 101 paralleling U. S. Highway 101. Main Street is more or less a continuation of Chestnut Street in the City of Santa Aha by reason of whi'ch it bears much of the traffic from the City of Santa Ana going toward San Diego and the E1 Toro..Martne Base coming from the vicinity of 'Santa Ana. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is understood that the' "grant of "the aid hereby requested is contingent upon an ~independent finding by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange that. the purpose for which aid is hereby sought is in the general County interest. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that i.t is understood that upon the acceptance by the City of Tustin o£ any grant which may be made by the County of Orange pursuant to this request, this Resolution, the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the..County of Orange specifying the terms and conditions of the grant, and any and all laws applicable shall constitute the agreement' between, the City of Tustin and the County of Orange respecting the grant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED' AND ORDERED that the 'City .. Clerk of the City of Tustin be and is hereby directed t~o for- ward a certified copy of this ResolUtion t° the Board of Super- visors of the County of Orange, State of California. PASSED AND .ADOPTED by the City Council of the City · of Tusttn, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th day of April, 1949. City Clerk - ' - M ay'o'r ........... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 221 and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council on April 18, 1~49~ SEAL RESOLUTION NO. 221 - EXHIBIT A - ...... ,, , . i ..... · "4.' ~,~.~'¢ .,,':"" ..,, .., , ; i ~~ 1 ! ~ .. I Ij RESOLUlIOrd N0. 221 1 I' ~; ~ RESOLUTIOIT OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ~' REQUESTING ALLOCATIOr' GF FUN~~S FOR STFI;ET IM- 2 PROVE~Er1T FROM COUNTY OF ORANGE OUT OF COUNTY' S ~~ APPORTIONMErTT OF CALIFOR"TIA HIGHS~TAY USERS S TAX ~ 3 I FUPJD. 4 5 On motion of Councilman Miller duly , i 6 I seconded an c_ carried, t.e following, Resolution Jas ado»ted: 7 I FTHEREAS, the City of Tustin, a city of t'.e Sixth Class, 8 ~I in the County of Orange, desires to improve Main Street, 9 ~i a street y~ithin the incor_~orated limits of t~:e City of Tustin, the 10 j nature and extent of the contem;~laAted pro lect 'neing more fully de- ll ~ i i scribed hereafter; 12j I WHEREAS, there is attached hereto, makreo. Exhibit pAN ! , I 13 ~ and made a y~art hereof, F sketch shouting the location of Main 14 Street and its relationship to the ~~rincina~ highways of the 15 ~ County of Ors nge in said area, anc~_ ( ~ 16 ~•THEREAS, Section 2150 of the Streets and Highways Code i 17; ~ authorizes a County, if it so desires, to expend funds apportioned 18 ~ I to it out of the California. Hi`htiray Users s Tax Fund for aid to I , 19 j i l cities in the im~~rovemer.t, construction or repair of a street t•rith- 20~ i in a city, provided that the Board of Supervisors of such County 21 I determines that the -~ro,~ect is in the genera l County inte_ est; 22 ~ N0+'T, mHEREFORE, ~E I^ RESOLVED Ar'D GRDERED: 23 That the City of Tustin hereby requests the County of 24 Orange for a grant of aid in the sum of One Thousand 25 Dollars (~ 1, 000.00 ) out of t}:e County ~ s apportionment of the 26I California Highway User's Tax Fund, the emo,.uzt reruAsted to be used 27 ~ exclusively for the follocaing pur_~oaes: 28 I 1. The im_~rove:~ent of Main Street, 29I situated as designated on Exhibit pA~ hereof. 30 I 2. The nature and extent of the ~;ro,ject ~ n~_ the 31 ~~ estimated cost thereof are substa.ntial-~_y as follot~:rs: 32 -1- It i ~ i~ 1r ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8~ 9~ 10 11, 12 13 14 i 15 16 i 17 ~~I i, 18 it 19 ~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a. Patch the existing surface of Main Street with emulsified asphalt or SC 4 (plant mix) between "Du Street on the East and Pacific Street on the S1est. Estimated cost 450.00. b. Resurface and add three feet in width to Main Street be- tween Pacific Street on the East and Tustin Avenue on the ~~1est. This second phase of the project to be done in connection faith the County of Orange who has liability for the South one-half of the aforesaid portion of Main Street sometime during the fiscal year 1949-50. Estimated cost for city~s portion of above trork estimates to be X900.00 BE ~T FUR'":rER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange be and is hereby requested to find. tht~.t the im_~rovement of _ Main Street in the manner aforesaid is in the general County interest in that: It is the principal street South of U. S. Highway 101 paralleling U. S. Highway 101. Main Street is more or less a continuation of Chestnut Street in the City of Santa Ana by reason of which it bears much of the traffic from the City of Santa Ana going toward San Diego a.nd the E1 Toro Marine Base coming from the vicinity of Santa Ana. BE IT FURTHER RrSOLVED that it is understood that the grant of the aid hereby requested is contin~;ert uron an inde?pendent finding by the Board of Sv.,~~-rvisors of the County of Orange that the purpose for ~~r.ich aid is hereby- sought is in ;,_~e general County interest. BE IT FURTHER RE~;OLVED that it is understood that u;~on the acceptance by the Cit~,~ cf Tustin of any ~~~~~nt ~~~:,_ich ~~ay be made by the Cou:.ty of Ors nge ~~ursua~lt to this reruest, this Resolution, the Resolution of the Board of Su~~~ervisors of the County of Orange specif~~in~~ the terms and conditions or Lre gr•a:rat, and sn~T and 8.11 la~•~s applicable shall constitute the a~°ree~nent bet~reen the City of Tustin and_ the County of Orange respecting the gr~~nt. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED A^?D ORDERED that the City Clerk of the City of Tustin be and_ is hereby directed to forUaard a certified co:~y of this Resolution to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, State of California. 32 II -2- .~-.. _ . _ I! i' • • ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~' ji r l ~~ PASSED AT'D ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of 2 I Tustin, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th aPy of 3 ~ April, 1949. 4 5 Mayor 6 :~' ~ - , 7 ~ ~~~, ~ `Z~ ~~ City Clerk 8, g ;~ 101 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 221 and adopted at a regular 11 ~ meeting of the Tustin CitT Council on ,April 18, 19.9• 12 13 ~~ 14 i 15 ~ 16 it SEAL 17 ~~ i 18 19 20 ~I 21 22 I 23 24 25 ~ 26 ! 27 i 28 ~ I 29 ~ 30 31 32 ~ -3- ,~ ~~ I _ ~i ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~~ ~~ a 'd ,~ m H RESOLUTION N0. 221 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RE- QUESTING ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM COUNTY OF ORANGE OUT OF COUNTY~S APPORTIONMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGH- WAY USERS TAX FDND. ~ EXHIBIT A Y•117~T \T11~~T 101 $~ ~~~ ems. ~~$ so ~~ 4° 4~