HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 211RESOLUTION NO. 211 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT STATEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1948-9 AND ADOPTING THE STREET IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AS SET FORTH IN SAID PROJECT STATEMENT. On motion of Councilman Forney seconded by Councilman Miller the following Resolution was adopted. RESOLVED that certain project statement numbered I and dated May 17, 19~8, submitted by J.L. McBride, City Engineer, be approved, and BE IT FURTHER .RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby adopt a budget authorizing the allocation for ex- penditure of ~,~06.18 from the State Highway fund of the City of Tu. stin, for improvement of major city streets in the City of Tustin and further adopting the budget for the expenditure of. $3?5.00 of city funds for the improvement of streets within the Oity of ~ustin, a~l as set forth in Project Statement No. 1, dated ~ay 1~, 19~8, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, as though set out in full herein. PASSED A ND ADOPT~ by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of May, 1948. STATE OF CALIFO~{i~IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN CHAS. E. MORRIS, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the ~ity Council of the City of ~fustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of the °ity of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resol~tt~~. was passed and adopted by a majority of the said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the lyth day of May, 19~8, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES Counc i lmen: All ... ............. .,.. , . . NOES: ABSENT Councilmen' NONE 11 ,1 _ _. , , 11 Councilmen: NC. NE /~ / O~tY Cl~rk~ of' the CityLof TUs'tin-, .... Caiifornia '- jl ~ ! ! I i 1~ i I STATE 4F CALIFORNIA ) C AUNTY ~F ORAPTGE ) s s . 2 ~ ~ C ITY OF TLTSTIN ) 3 CHAS. E. MORRIS, City Clerk and ea-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify 4 that the whole number of members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the foregoing Resolution was passed and 5 adopted by a majority of the said City Council at a regular meeting! thereof held on the 1?th day of May, 1948, by the following vote, 6 to-wit: I `~' ~ AYES, Councilmen; All $ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ N(3ES, Councilmen: 9 ~ ~ ~ / 10 ~ ` /~~~ ABSENT C il , men ounc 11 12 Chas. E, Morris 13 City Clerk of the City oP Tustin, California 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i i A ~ ._ -- ~ r .r - w STATE O~F CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ®IViS10N OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT VII B08 STATE BUILDING~CIYIC CENTER 217 WEST FIRST STREET LOS ANGELES .CAL O NIA bay ~, ll~+~ PLEASE REFER TO FILE NO. Mr. J. L. McBride City Engineer of Tustin Dear Sir: • The annual budget of proposed expenditures of gas tax revenue allocated to cities for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19!3.9, required by Section 19'1 of the Streets and Highways Code, is due on or before June 1 of this year. Your attention is called to the above law and it is requested that your city adopt a budget and submit project staterrents promptly. The revenue available for programmin within your city for the fiscal year 19-9 is estimated at ~ 3,60.00 To the above amount may be added the unobligated balance of revenues at the end of the fiscal year of June 30, 1948 in the amount of w:1,11..}.6.18 , Making a grand total of ~ 4,7~b.18 available for programming at this time. This amount should be included in one budget and one project statement. In event the estimated revenue for the period is insuf- ficient to finance the projects desired or if the city is not ready to adopt a budget at this time, you should submit a project statement calling for accumulation of funds as provided by Section 200 of the Code, The fact that, your city authorizes accumulation of funds does not prohibit expenditure for any specified length of time. The city may at any subsequent date. submit a budget of expenditures to the Department for approval. UVhere a project included in the memorandum of agreement for the 1917-48 fiscal year has been delayed and the work not started or only partially completed, it will not be necessary to resubmit the project in the new budget. The city, however, may include additional amounts for said project in the new budget where sui.plemental funds are needed. dVhere the cost of a project completed during this fiscal year was less than the amount provided in the project agreement, in order that the surplus may be included in the budget for the next fiscal year it v~lill be necessary that the city first render . ~,. • ,,~ -, #2 - City Engineers May 5, 19t~8 the final report required by law and by the memorandum of agreement, showing the total cost of the work so that any unexpended balance may be released on our records. Enclosed ars pro3ect statement forms to be used in submitting your budget. Flease formulate your program and submit project statements with an accom an inQ_resolut~.on of the city council adopting the ~u get as set forth5n said project statement. ESG:S Enc. Yours very truly, A. D. GRIFFIN District Engineer-Administration ~~ By E. S. G PPER Dist, City and County Pro3ects Engr. ~ M FoRM'MC-5 ~Q~jI ~/~ [../ ~/ ~ /~/CiI 72460 5-a9 DM. EST. S80] STATE PRINTING OFFICE Project Syt~a~tement No.___~_______________________ DATE --~'_`_~_-~~-------------------------------------19_~I$ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Sacramento, California ~TO BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH DISTRICT ENGINEER A.D.ariffiII, Dist. gag. Address_1~~_Sest 2x~d-Street, Los Aagelss 12 The City of________T'~etig,--Orange_Gouaty----------------- a municipality, pursuant to Sections 194 and 19 S of the Streets and Highways Code, providing for the allocation an~ ex endit from ~e St~te H#,ghway Fund of an amount equal to the net proceeds of e i W~r-c~~.ga~e;r~!. on motor vehicle fuel upon MAJOF~-CITY sT TS within municipalities, other than State highways, does hereby submit this project statement as its budget proposals for the estimated expenditure recommended to be made during the ensuing fiscal year under said provisions. 1. Does the city wish to authorize accumulation of funds accruing for expenditure at a later date?-----~to.---------------------------------------- 2. Program of Improvement. (Describe proposed improvement briefly, method of program development, and explain proposed method of financing improvement.) (Insert additional. sheets as needed.) The proposed inrpr09emeat on tad St., Pacific Street to "B" Street -cad on 3~ Street, Myrtle Street to NB" Street, consists of excavatioa~gradi.ag, asphalt valley glatters at street isatarsectioas cad as ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oil road-~aiz snrtaciag. FoRm MC-5 REV. EST. x)96]. 1650 6-41 3500 STATE PRINTING OFFICE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT (Use separate sheet for each project) Name of Street___ S~sQOAd_ ~t?_edt_________________ Streets of Major Importance Beginning and end of proposed work~3el~lE?~i~__1Q__t~~__~s~~__+~f__~2m__szsP _3ia~_gt____ Pac~.ia_ Str_+ee~t __ ir~g_10 __~~.:_~rQSt~--Q~--~hn--~~s#~~e__liru--af--"~-"---~i.--- Length in miles-Gross~a2i~--------------------------------------------Net-----~~~~-------------------------------------- SURVEYS AND PLANS Estimated cos$3.~O~QS~t_________________________________Work to be done by _~i'i~__pY__Ttxetlia-_________________ (City or State) RIGHT OF WAY Present width of right of way between property lines__aim'-sia=_~s~i__________________________________ Width to be acq Estimated cost__~1±~~~____________________________________To be acquired by CONSTRUCTION (City or State) Present width between curb lines____~__~~.___~Q__;1+4__t~,. _ ______ __________________ (If no curbs, state width between gutters orshoulder line) Present improvements: Curbs___AQ_____________________ ___Gutter~tiCt___________________________________________ Sidewalks____~____________________________Electroliers_~ta____________ The proposed work consists d~?~~+~~!~tl.o~i__~d~s~~__~~A~~~i~tg__seERh~l.~_~~~x>u______ (Grading, paving, surfacing, constructing curbs and gutters, etc.) a~__etsaeL--inLexaaa~l~ons--and--a--~~--tlhialc--oii--r~atlt-~~--su~~'aa~ag ------------- Proposed type of paving__4t.~El__ z'_9ad_-~-~~t _______________________________Width24__i"~.__i.Q_ z1.4 __f~. Proposed width between curb lines_~~??_`~.?_ ~~~~_•_______________________________________________________________________ (If no curbs, state width between gutters or shoulder line) Estimated construction cost__~1>R9t~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Engineering and inspection cost~l~l~t~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Notincluded in construction cost) Work to be done under supervision of___ th~_ Cit~-__of__"Pute~t~i~__________________________________________________ (City or Stale) ~ ~ FORM MC-5 REV. Name of Street PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT (Use separate sheet for each project) Third Street Streets of Major Importance Beginning and end of proposed work B~in~Sng-20 ~' °~~ ~~ asnter Tins of ~yrt2s aa-d sndiag l4 ft. ~s;gt of deafer line of "B" Street Length in miles-Gross___~ _ ~d~ • $22 . ~ Estimated cost___________ ~______ €?.208 ----Net------------- SURVEYS AND PLANS Work to be done by City of Tustin --------- ------------- (City or State) RIGHT OF WAY sixty-aiz tt. Present width of right of way between property lines_______________________________----------__---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Width to be acquired---- ~_°_a*------------ Estimated cost_____~~~ _______________ ___To be acquired by_______________~O- -------------- (City or State) CONSTRUCTION . varies Siam ?_{? #~ 30 Present width between curb lines----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (If no curbs, state width between gutters or shoulder line) Present improvements: Curbs_____p~~~~----------------------Gutters___1t4________________________________-____-- - Sidewalks---------~----------------------Electroliers -----~ ------------- -- -------- The proposed work consists of___~`~-!!~~~~??~~--~`~i____QOtt~atrtt~~lxlg_.>g-s~lte~7.~_______________ (Grading, paving, surfacing, constructing curbs and gutters, etc.) ~ttess at__street__intersections__sYtd_a_2"--thiWc_oil_-toed-miz_~~tan~.~~____-___-- Proposed type of paving---ail _ zctaui-m_ ________________________Width---~_U___ t4 _~0___ i'_ta_____________-- . varies Pram 20 ft. to 1{0 St. Proposed width between curb lines___________ ---------------------------------------------------------- -- - (If no curbs, state width between gutters or shoulder line) • ~27~1.ig Estimate construction cost__________________________________________________ $1~U.tX) Engineering and inspection cost--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Notincluded in construction cost) City of 'i~istin Work to be done under supervision of------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (City or State) •Fostm MC-5 REV. 11198 3-42 3500 84T• 0016 STATE -RINTING OFFICE 4. Amount of funds available for: Strccts of Major I~cportance SURVEYS AND 1'LAlYS RIGf1T ON WAY MAINTENANCE C;ONSTRUCTiON AQns ~~~ ~~ (Including Engmeenng and Inxpeccion) lEf ~tjt~ %a cent for city streets ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- . ------- City. funds ~~•~ ---------------------- ~°~ ---------------------- '~°~`~ ---- ------------ ---------------------- ~d°~ County contribution g°a's • ---------------------- ions ---------------------- boas ---------------------- ions ------ --------------- gone boas boas Bons Boas TOTAL -- ~-~~-'`)° ---------------------- 4'~o6•i~ (If city deairca to provide funds for Maintenance from its own funds, amount available for such purpou should be listed as "City funds.") . 'tea satia~stsd i~st !s based +~ aar.~aar-atad aateris3, ~-~9.ag aJ~al~sB#tr~r-~of`-th+sr-'k: -'Th~trs--#~--i~ -p~dt!'~ -~~ia~--su~~a1~-Ie ----- szccrratsd satsx~ial san ba dlspossd, ttt - lc-ad~sd on ~ru~cs -~ thsrsbp sawing h~~~-t: --- ~r-'~'k~+r--crP----sb~tr~a--passlb2~ "~~~i~i,~i -"tY~iii +C~~~r -iri~gi~iiis~e --------- atitbS+rity to d~Ir the work by day labor. Official title proper authority Signature authorized officials Approval recommended: District Engineer