HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 163RESOLUTION NO. 163 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING AND ADOPTING PROPOSED LAW EN- FORCEMENT MUTUAL AIDE PLAN, AND AUTHORIZING PARTI- CIPATION IN THE PLANS BY ITS OFFICERS AND EM- OLOYEES. ~'~EREAS, th ere has been submitted to the Council a proposed plan for receiving Law enforcement Nutual aid be- tween and amon~ the various political subdivisions and nu~nic- iple corporations of the. State in times of emergency, as de- fined in the plan; and V;HEO~S it is deemed in th0~ i~terest of and for the protection of the citizens of this co~mmity and th'~.i.r prop- erties that such a plan be adopted and. approved; NO?~~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. That ce.~7.tain plan des- ignated 1State of California Law Enforcement ~,~[utual Aid Plan), a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby'~made a part here- of, as though set fourth herein in full, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chief~of Police of the Police .Deoartment be ~n~. he is hereby authorized and empower- ed to order the performance of such law fOro'ement mutual aid services, including the use of personnel 'and facilities, as may be requested and he may deem available without unnecessarily depletin~ the City's agencies, outside the territorial limits of this juris diction in accordance with and pursuant to said Law Enforcement ~utual Aid Plan, and subject to all provisions of Law governing such extra-territorial service. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin this 6th day of August, 1945. City Clerk. .. I, Chas. E. t~orris, City Clerk of the City of Tustin do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and read at a re~lar meeting of the City Council of the City Of Tust!n, and was passed and adopte~ at said meeting held on August 6th,19[~5 by the following vote: Ayes' Councilmen, Rawlings, Park, Kidd, Charleton, and Jacobs. Noes' None Absent: None C i t y---C1 erk o f -th e -C'i-t~ O-~ T~-t-i-n STATE OF CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT ,MUTUAL AID PLAN Developed by STATE ADVISORY CO~,,D~[ITTEE ON LAW ENFORCEME~IT Approved by CALIFORNIA STATE WAR COUNCIL September 15 SECTION OI~!E ........ ~_ U_ _R P_ O_ ~ ~ The purpose of this plan is to coordinate the dispatch and use of law enforcement personnel and equipment whenever, because of enemy action, disaster, civil disturbance, or other cause, any local law enforcement agency requires the despatch to it of law enforcement assistance from any other jurisdiction. SECTI ON TWO - -' .... D_D_ E ...~ .I ~_.~I T_~I.._O_J~ ~S~ ' ~.:.. "State Law Enforcement Coordinalor" as used. herin means %he person appoinied by ihe Governor in accordance :'vi lh the provisions of Subdivision b of Section 1~'~2 of the Califor- nia War Powers Act. b. "Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator,, as used herein means the person selected in any region of the state by the county law enforcement coordinators of such re:~ion to act in ~ucn caoaci ty. c. "County Law Enforcement Coordinator" as used herein means the person selected in any county by the chiefs of the police departments, the sheriff and the heads of the other law en- forcement agencies within such county to act in such capacity. d. "Region" as used herein means those areas designated by the Governor as "protective re~ions" in accordance with the authority contained in the California War Powers Act. e. "Coordinating Centers" as used herein means those loca- tions where law enforcement coordinators re.~eive and trans- mit information and requests for aid. f. "Emergency,, as used herein means the existence, or threat- ened existence, of conditions, resultin~ from enemy action, diss~ster, civil disturbance, or other cause, of such ma?n. itude that a loc.~ law .... .:: ..... enforcement agency requires the dispatch to it of law enforcement assistance :from any other jurisdiction in order to effectively combat the same. SECTI~ TH~~"~ L _ ~ - -A I D T 0 B E F U R ~ I ~ ~; Each city, city and county, township, county and state law 37O enforcement a...o_gency shall render to each other city, city and county and county law ez~£orcement mutual aid as herein provi- ded however, that no city, city and county, township, county or state la.,w en£orcen~,~nt agency shall be required to unreas- onably deplete its ov~n law en.forcement agencies in £urnishing ~m~tual aid hereunder. SECTION FOLTR ...... LOCAL CO}:C,{AND AND REQUESTS FOR ~,~.UTUAL AID a. :..':.'Uaenever an emergency as herein defined, exists, the Chief o~_' Police or ° .... o~eriff in whose jurisdiction the emergency occurs, shall be~ and continue to be, in command in connection with all matters pert~.:inin= to law enforcement He may request such law enforcement mutual aid as~is req~tired from other jurisdictions and agencies within the county (directly or through the Coordinator) provided, however, th~:t When the off the emer~encyo., is off such a nature that...~ more than one jurisdic;'~.. .... . tion is endangered, then such request shall be made in the first instance to the County Law Enfforcement Coordinator. Iff such suff~icient law enfforcement mutual aid is not immediately available in the county in which the emergency exists, the Chieff off Police or Sheriffff, as the case may be~ shall request such ~,d.~itional aid as is required ffrom the County Law Enfforoement Coordinator who shall transmit such request to the Regional Law Enforcement Coor- dinator. The Regional Law Enfforcement Coordinator shall thereupon through the County Law Enfforcement Coordi~ators off his region re- quest such law enfforcement mutual aid as is reouired, and a.vaila~le _ ffrom the law enfforcement agencies within the recision In the event sufffficient law enfforcement mutual aid is not available within the re~ion~.: , the Reo'ional....~ Law Enfforeement Coordinator shal'l reque~t the ~d .... itional aid required from such other Regional Law =nfforce- ment Coordinators as he deems ad~ble who shall transmit such . requests through their respective County Law Enforcement Coor- dinators. Each law enforcement department and agency receivin[~ any of the aforementioned requests shall comply with the s~.me in so far as it can do so without unrea..sone~ly deoleting its own law enforcement personnel., and equipment. b. '~h,: enever any Chief of P~tice or Sheriff reouests, mutual aid directly from any other law enfforcement a~ency wi t'i".:in his county, he shall immediatley inform the ~ounty,.,; Law En:fo~cem~.ent_ Coordina:tor off such request and shall thereafter t~ee',,p i)i'~'~ :fully a.dvised as to all developments in connection with the emergency. c. ";fhenever any County Ls.w Enforcement Coord. ins.tor receives any request .for mutual aid. or a.ny information concerninM the existence of a.n emergency within his county he 'shall immedi- ately advise the Regional Law En£orcement Coordinator off such .reoue~3t and '~'urnish such infor.m~tion to him. d.. ".:~enever any Regional La,w 'Enf'orcement :~oo '~' rdinator :ce- ceives request flor mutual aid or is in. formed off the ex- istence of any emer~:~ency within his re,ion he shaI1 immediately ~dvise the S',.ta.te LaTM '~'~"n-~'orcement Coordin~.tor off such reouest and furnish such in~ormati,?n to ,'~': nf nt dep~ ".Tiuenever any I,~ e oroeme ,::~,.. tmen. t or a, gency re- ceives ;.-:.ny ~.trect.. reou~.~st, for mutual aid or disp.'~.~cnes .... n~tual aid~ the head off such dep.~ t ,,.r men. t or agency shall im-~edi, ately notiffy his County Law '~fforcement Coordina. tor off the f. 7~'~enever any County Law En'forcement Coordi' '~ ~ .... uor is unable to comm.m!cate a request for mtua.1 aid to his Regional Law Enforcement ~oordina, to.,., i::e may make such ~eeuest to ~ounty ...... L.aw..mn.fo~'oement within the r esion and shall therea:fter, as soon as possible, inform the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator of the action taken. SECTION FIVE ...... O_ a. In each county there shall be a County Law Enforce- ''' merit Coordinator, who shall be appointed by a .. ity vote of the heads of the law enforcement departments and agencies within the county immedi~.~-e ~.~.~ ly uoon this ~lan becom- ing effective, who shall be an experienced law enforcement officer, and who shall serve at the oleasure of the ing aut t~ority. ~' ' ~.~ b. In each region there shall be a Regional 'Law Enforce- ment Coordinator~ sho shall be appointed immediately upon this plan becoming effectibe by a majority vot'e o.f the County Law Enforecement Coordi~.~ators within the region~ who sahll be an experienced law enforcement officer and who shall hold such position at the .pleasure of the appointing authority. SECTION SIX ...... C 0 0 R D I N A T I N G C TM ~' ~' a. In each county there .shall be establi~.ned,~' a Coordina- ting ting Center which shall have on a twenty-four hour basis, two-way shortwave radio facilities, if the same are available within the county, as well as adequate tele~hone com~.uni.cations. The County. Law Enforcement Coordinat6r shall arrange to man such Coordinating .Center continuously on a twenty-four hour basis either personally or by his duly auth- orized, representatibe. ~ ' b. In each re~iono there shall be est,:~blished a Coordin::~- '. ting which shall have on a twenty-four hour basis, two- way shortwave radio facilities, if th.e same ar~ available with- in the region, as well as adquate telephone com".~unications. The Regional Law En£orcement Coordinator shall arrange to man such Ciordin~ting~ Center continuously on a twenty-four hour basis either personally or by his duly authorized re~.~resenta, tive. SECTION SEVEN ...... C 0 M...~.~._.U~ I .C_A T. ~I~ Requ,est for mutual aid. shall be transmitted by either radio, telephone, teletype or messenger, whichever means may be avail- able and. most expeditious, but shall not be broadcast indis- criiinately by means of commercial or ~'-~ ~ amateur radio broadcasts. SECTION EIGHT ...... ADDITIONAL DUTIES.., 0F .COORDINATORS a. Each County Law Enforcement 'Coordinator shall compile and keep current a list of special law enforcement equipment and specially trained personnel and the number of men in his department within his county. He shall retain this list at the Coordinating Center and shall transmit three copies thereof to his Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator b. Each Regional Law Enforcement Coordinator shall comoi'~le a. nd keep current a list of all special law enforcement equipment and specially trained, personnel and the number of men in his department within his ro~ion,.., the original of which shall be retained at the Regional Coordinating Center, two cooi es of w'hich he shall tr.. ,.:...nsmit to the State Law Enforcement Coordinator. c. The State Law Enforcement Coordinator shall compile a complete list of special la,v~ enforcement equi'..~ment and speoially trained personnel and the number of men in his deoar~- ment within the state, the original of which he shall rets. in, 872 and copies of which he shall furnish to each of the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinators. d. Each coordinator shall inform himself as to the assis- tance which can be rendered within his area by the State Guard and shall make arrangements for the utilization o£ the same when required. Each coordinator shall '"inform him- sel~ as to the assistance which .b'~ obtained ~rom the United States Armed Foroes within his area, as to the circ~nstances under which it will be aya. ilable~ shall make such arrangements as are ~eooessary with the appropr~..te authorities ~or its utiliz- a.~ion~ aha snail keep his immediate superqor coordinator fully advised as to any and all such arrangements which hate been made. ' e. Each coordinator within his area shall ascertain the assistance which may be obtained from state agenc.ies and make, in ~iting, the necessary arrangements for the util- ization of the sa.me when reqt~ried. · ale as f Vfhenever any Oonst b h any information regarding any emergency, he shall report the same to the Sheriff of his County. SEgTION NINE ....... E..f..F ?, g T I V E ~ .D..~A~_ T E This plan shall become effectibe~ as to each city when it is ap- proved by the legisla, tibe body' of the same, a~s to the City ..and County of San Francisco when approved by its Board of Super- Visors, as to the unincorporated area of each county when appro- ved by the Board of Supervisors of such county, and as to state . law enforcement a~..~encies when approved by the Cali£ornia State War Oouncil. In so £a.r as this plan is operative by agreement bet~'een the cities, city and county and ~.~.ounties of this state, the benefits of this plan shall be availab].e only to such cities, city and Ounty and counties a,s ap,'~rove the same. Each city, city and county and county approving the same shall continue to be a party to this plan until it withdraws from the plan by giving thirty days notice in writing of i~s election so to do to its county coordinator and to the Governor, and the withdrawal. of any one or more par~ies, either by the giving of notice as herein-orovided or the op~:~ra, tion of law, shall not affect the .,, continuance of the plan as to the other par~ies thereto. SECTION TEN ...... DULY PROCLAIMED STATES OF EXTREME EMERGENCY __ , 1._. ~ : ........ ~ ._ Anything herein 'to the contrary notwithstanding, when ap'proved by the California State ~.r Council this.plan shall be ooeratiVe throughout the State during any period of a stata of extreme emer- gency duly proclaimed in accoradnce with the provisions of the California War Powers Act.