HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 151RESOLUTION NO. 151 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION UPON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AS A REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY F OR THE FISCAL YEAR 1944-1945. mm mm, mm m mm m m mm mm m m mm m m m m m The Oity Oouncil of the City of Tustin does resolve as follows: SECTION I: That it is her~eby determined and declared by City Council of the City of Tustin that the amount of $~7;070~.~ is the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property within said City as revenue to carry .on the various · departments of said City for the fiscal year 195~-1955. SECTION I: That of said sum of $1~_,_070~,~00_ it is anticipated that there will be received as income from various sources other than through tax levy the sum of $~SQq,_O~_O and that it will be necessary to raise $1.2,_~'/'0.0~0_ by tax lemy; that the $1_?,070.00 so required by the various departments of said City during the fiscal year is distributed as follows: To pay the general expenses of the various departments of the City of Tustin, the sum of $17,070.O0 budgeted and allocated as follows: (a)~ City Clerk ................... .- $ 600.00 (b)~ City Attorney .................. 720.00 (cI ,~.. City Judge .................... 900.00 (d) City .Treasure~ ................. . - 60.00 (e) City Engineer ............. · ..... 100. O0 (f) City Hall Rent .................. 360.00 ~ (g) City Id, all Expense ................ 150.00 (h) Police Department- Salary and mileage ...... 2Y30.00 (i) Police ~Department - Jail and Prisoners ...... ?5.oo (j) Police Department - Other Expenses ....... 150.00 (k) Crossing G~ards ................. 350.00 (L) Building Inspection ............... $ lO.O0 (m) Fire Depa2'tment Expense ............. &O0.O0 (n) Fire Department Water Service-~ ......... 2~0.00 (o) Street Depar%ment - LaBor ............ 2000.00 (p) Street Department - Naterial and SupPlles .... 2000.00 (qJ Garbage and Trash Collection .......... 3300.00 ., ir) Compensation Insurance ............. ~00.00 (s) Other i~nsurance ................. 1-1-50.00 (t) Print lng and Publi shing ............. 350.00 (u) Surety Bond Premiums .............. 1.I.0.00 (v) Truck Expense ................. 400.O0 (w) Planning Commission ............... 25.00 (x) Parks and Playgrounds - - - - - ' ........ 50.00 [y)' Tax Collection Expense ............. 11.00.00 {z) ,J'an:l. to~ ..................... (aa) City Council Expense .............. 100.O0 (bb) Audi t ..................... 200.00 (cc) Dues ...................... 60.00 (dd) 0tvtZ:l. an Defense ................. 50.00 (ee) miscellaneous .................. 100.00 Total $ I, Chas. E. morris, City Olerk of the City of Tustin, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced and passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the Oity of Tustin, held on the 21, day of August, 1944, by the following ~vot e: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: OOUNCI LMEN: The fo~.going Resolution August, 19. is hereby approved' this ~ / day of ~yOr of {fie Clt-y'"'o'f TUS't-~n'--' ........