HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 146RESOLUTION NO. 146 RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CITY ATTORNEY AND FIXING HIS COMPENSATION V~AS, the 0ity of Tustin requires the services of a .0ity Attorney to assist the, City Council and other City officials on legal matters, to represent the City in any litigation and to .per- form such other duties as are usually required of a City Attorney; and ~'~JI~~^~- it appears that~._~~.~ Atiorn,ey du~y ad~tted to practice i~ll of the courts of the State oi~ 0alifornia, and to be qualified for this D. osltlon; ~V T~O~~ IT ~SOL~~ That satd~~~~..~.~~ ....... be and he is hereby appointed to the office of City Attorney~he City of Tustin during the pleasure of the 0ity Council, The amount of the compen- sation to be paid by the City to said City Attorney Shall be, Until the further order of the Council, the sum of $60,00 Der month; provided, however, that for any service rendered in connection With any bond issue, street imp~0vement proceeding, or any litigation in which the City of Tustin may be involved or interested, addi- tional compensati.on shall be allowed and paid to said City At- torney, the amount thereo~' zo be agree,~ upon and fixed at the time of the rendition of such servmce, ~...t t '~ PASSAU~ ~D AD0~.....~.Y:..'~D by the City ~ouncil of the City of Tustin, California, at a regularly adjourned meeting thereof held on the 18th day of April, 1944. 2TATE 0F CALIFO~.iIA, County of Orange, City off Tust~n, I, CHAS. E. MORRI2, City Clerk and ex-o£i'icio 01erk oi' the City Council o~' the City of Tustin, 0ai~fornia, do hereby certi~'y · ~hat ~e w~o£e nUmber of me~bers of the 0ity Council of' said City o~ Tust£n Xm fmve$ t~at th~ foregomng Re~olution was passsd an~ adopmed :O~' a majormty oi' t~e ~ald City 0ouncll at a regularly ad.Joux'ne~ meetmng: thereof...held on the i8~ day oi~ April~ 1944, the following vote, to-wit: AYES: 0ounci linen: m'0ES: O ounc i imen: AB SEi~T: Councilmen: ..... ~"~-~ty': ''~Clerk; ....... : ............ ~f the C~ty o~ lu" sti n, Calll'ornia,