HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 144RESOLUTION NO. 144 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DE- CLARING RESULTS OF ELECTION WHEKEAS, a general, municipal election was held and con- auc~ea ~n the omty o:' T'mstmn,. 0alix'orn~a, on Tuesday, ~he lzt'h day of April., 19~4, as required by law; and appears that notice o~' sai~ election was a~ly and legally given, that voting precincts were properly established, that election officers were appoin%ed and election supplies furn- ished, and that tn"...aii respects said election was held and conduct- ed and the votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the re~ turns thereof made and declared, in time, form and manner as re- quired by the general laws of the State of California goVerning elections in cities of the sixth class, and WHEREAS, the City Council of said. City of Tustin met at the City Council Chamber in' the City of Tustin. on Tuesday, the 18th day of April, 1944, to canvass the returns of said election and install the newly elected office~, s,s a result of which the said City Council finds the ~umber of votes Cast, the names of the persons voted for, and other matters required by law, to be as hereinafter stated; ~'0W TP~~0HIE BE iT ~SOLV~ as follows: That ss. id general municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Tustin, California, on Tuesday, the lith day of April, i944, in the time, I'orm and manner as required by law; That there was one voting precinct established for the p~rpose of holding said election, consisting o~ a consolidation of the regular election precincts established for holding general State and County election~ as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 GEORGE E. BRADLE ATTORNEY AT LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF Consolidated Voting Precinct ''A", comprising State and County Precincts Numbers Tustin City No. 1 and ^'ustin City No. 2; Tha the whole numb of votes cast in said election. was cyr ~ , That the n mes of the persons voted for, the offices. for which they were voted, the number of vates given in each precinct to each person, together with the whole number of votes which they received in tYie entire City Election are as followed Names of Voted Consolidated Office Voting Precinct Absent Voters Total Persons For Voted For "A" Ballot Vote COUNCILMAN -- FULL TER~Z ~ds'~- ~~ 9i JEROME L. KIDD Councilman J. LYLE FORNEY Councilman ~ ~ ~~ ~~ COUNCILMAN ., :SHOR..l!T TER2~ ~T ' ~ ~~ CLYDE F. GATES Councilman c~ HUBERT R. HOWELL Councilman `~I~' ~ ' v ~' CITY CLERK ~ FULL TERM CHAS. E. MORRI s Clerk 9 ~ ~ ~ 9 a CITY ~REAOURER .» FULL TERM q- WALTER J. POLLARD Treasurer ~j sf '' That JER02~iE L. KIDD and J„ LYLE FORNEY received the highest votes for the two positions to be filled on the City Council for the full term of four (4) years., and that they should be and they are hereby declared elected to the City Council of the City of Tustin for the full term of Pour (4) years, ..2~ That CL~.DE ~'. · ~'~ ~A~ and HUBEHT it. tiOVfELL received the highest number of votes for the two Pos~.tions to be filled on the City Council for the short term of two (2) years, and that they s~ould ce and they are hereoy 'declared to ~e elected to the City Council .. of the City of 'l'us~in ~'or the short term of two [2) year~. That CHAS. E'.i, ~0Pd{IS re.ceived the high~st num0er'o'f votes cast for the office:0'£ "01ty Clerk for the i'ull term of four iq1 years, and that he shoul.d be and is hereby declared to the office oi' C~ty clerk for ~e full term o~' i'our Iq) yeare~ That WALTER J. ~0LLAED received the highezt number of votes cg~t for the office of City Treasurer for the full term of four {4) years, and that ne should De and is hereby declared elected to the ofx~ice of City Treasurer for the full term of four ~4) years, BE IT FUHTH.Et{ ttE. SOL¥~3, ~hereiore, that at sai~ general '. mun. mcipal election, J'EEO};~ L. ttlDD Was elected to ~'he o~'Z'mcs of City Councilman of the City of Tustin for the full tmrm of ~'our years ALS.O, that CL~DE ~'. ~ATES was elected %o the office of City Councilman of t'ne Oity of Tustin for the short term of two i2) years $ ALSu, That ~u~E~'z' ~. nOWELL Was elec=ed to. the oZ':rice of City gounciiman of ~e gi%y of Tustin for ~he short term of ~wo years. ALSO, '~hat Ct~AS. E. MO~~S was elected to tae oI'i'ice oi city gler~ oi the oity of Tustin for the full term ox flour ~4) years. Also, ~hat WALTA-'~ ~. P0LLAI-d~ was. elec-tea to ~ne o~ice o~' utty Treasurer of the gity of '±.ust~n x or the I'%ill ~e:r.m of i our ~%j years; PASS,a3 AED Aj3t.,.-.~m oy the City Council cz the City of Tust~-n, Oalil=ornia, at a re~ulariy-adjourned meeting ~n~x'~of held on the 18th day of April, 1944. 282 o~a~.~ OF CALIFO?~NIA, County $$ Orange, 't C~ y of Tustin, I. CiLAS. E. $.~OPd~IS, City Clerk and eX-officio 01erk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby c~rtify that the whoie number of members of ghe City Council of said Oity of Tustin is fives that the foregoing R~solution was passed and adopted by a majority of the said City Council ~t a regularly adjourned meet.,.ng thereof held on the iSth day of April, 19,14~ by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: C oun c i imen: NOES: C oun c i lmen: AB SF2~ T: Councilmen:' /2' Clerk-Of tt~e-.'Oity~ of Tus.tin, 0alifornia.