HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 142RESOLUTION NO. 142
The City Council of the City of Tustin,California, does
resolve as fo!lows:
WH~REAS, the laws of the State of California relating
to municipalities of the ~ixth Olass,provide~ for the holding of
a General Election in said City on the Second Tuesday in April oi'
of every even numbered year, ~..~nd futher provide..that the City Cou-
ncil may,for the purpose of said ~election, consolidate and designate
voting precincts and Aesignate election officers for said election,
and this heing such an even numbered year,
BE IT RESOLVED: That a regular General Municipal Election
be held in the City of 'A",'~stin, California,on Tuesday, the llth day
of April,l~l-i-~, for the purpose of elocting such officers as are
required by law to 'be elected, to-wit:
Two (2) City 0ouncilmen for the full term of four (4)
years each;
Two (2) City Councilmen for the short or unexpired term
of two (2) years each;
A City Clerk for the full term of four (4) years;
a City Treasurer for the full term of four (~) years.
That there shall de one consolidated election and vot-
lng preeinct for the purpose of holding said election, consisting
of a consolidation of the two regular election precincts in Said
City established for holding State and County Elections,to-wit:
~ustin Number I and Tustin Number 2 precincts, which said consolid-
ated precincts shall be known as "Consolitated Election Precinct A",
and the boundary lines of said consolidated precincts shall be the
present existing boundmry lines as ~he City of Tustin,0range County,
That such election be held in accordance with the general
election laws of the State of Galifornia, insofar'.as the same shall
have been made applicable to municipalities of the Sixth Class.
That the polling place of said "Consolidated Election
Precinct~ A" comprising State and County Election Precincts, Tustin
Number I and Tustin Number ~2, shall be at the City Hall of the City
of Tustin at 135 East Main Street, in said City, and the said pools shall
be open between the hours of 7;-- O'Clock A.M. and 7;00 08Clock P.M.
of said day.
That the following persons, residents and c~ualified
electors in the said City of Tustin, are hereby designmted and appointed
to act as the election officer~ at said election, to.-.~vit;
Inspector; ~Grover .~eihl ..... .
Judge: _H.H.Hannaford
Clerk :
Clerk: Nora Melvin
and the salaries of sai~ elect~on oI'I'lcers flor ~ne purpose oi' sal~
elecZlon are here~y fixed as follows
Inspector: $ 6.00_.~ per day
. _
Judge: $ 6,00 per day
$_- '6-.QO ....per day each
That two (2) offioe~ to be filled for City Councilmen
are for the full term of four (~)yeras and two (2) Candidates receiving
the highest numoer oi' voles therefor shall De declarea eleczea 1'or the
I'ui± term oI' I'our (~ years each, aha in the evenZ oi' a tie, sai~
matter shall be deciaed by lot.
That two oi'I'ices to be i'i±le~ for Cizy ~ouncilmen
snaz± Oe -~'or zn~ snor~ or unexpire~ term of two (2) years, and the two
(2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes f~r said short or
unexpired term shall be daclared elected for the short or unexpZrec term
two (2) Years each, and in 'the event of a tie said matter shall be
decided by lot.
That the Office to be i'illed for Cizy Treasurer snail
ce for tn~ ~-'uz± zerm oi' four (~) years and the candidate receiving
the highest number of votes shall be declared elected for said full
term of four (~) years, and in the event off a tie, said matter shall
~e decided 'by lot.
That the City Clerk shall be for the full term of four
(~) years and the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shsll
be declard elected for said full term of four (~)years, and in the event
of a tie, sai~ matter shall be decided by lo~.
Tha~ the City Clerk oi'
rec~c~ aha rcquirc~ ~o give No~ice oi' said Election as required Oy law,
by the puolication oi' ~otice of Elec~on containing a statement of t~e
time of the election, the office~ to be filled thereat, and specifyin~
tl~e term thereof, and a general description of tl~o voting precinct anct
~ne location and the location o~' the polling place,no~ earlier ~nan
six~iezn (b_.Otn) day nor later titan the thirty-first (31s~)day before
such election, by publication in a newspaper of general circulation to-wit
The Tustin News,published and circulated in sa~-~ G~y o~~ TusCan, and tha~
sai~ notice shall be published at least once in said Newspaper.
Passed and Adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin,
California, t~is__['?,h day of Yebm. uary,19~.~.
I I~z~BY O~RTI FY ' ~-'-
tn,.~ zne aoove ariel forei~oing Resolution
was duly and reguularly passed and adopted by the City Council of
'the City of Tustin at a regular meeting thereof,held on the 7th day
of February, 1944- by tl~e following vote to-wit:
Aye s, Counc i linen ~___~~d .~Rawl in_~s ..........
.... , .. an~_ Ga't;.,e8 ..........................................
Noes, Councilmen: None
Absent, Councilmen:/~/'
~-t ~Y clerk ;~-f- t he' C'ity .................... of Tus:,',',--in ........