HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 136 1/2RESOLUTION NO. 136 1/2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED TAXATION UPON THE. TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AS A REVENUE TO CARRY OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENT OF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1943-44. a,s follo~vs: The City Connci!. of the City of Tustin does resolve Secti0.n__l:_ That it is heregy determined and declared by the City Council of the Cit~of Tustin that the a:mount of :,¢17,260.~00 if the amount of mo necessary to be raised to c,~,~~~ on ~he var,i.-.ous departments of said City for the fiscal year 1 19[~[~ ' ' SeCtion 2: That of said sum of $17,260.00 it is anticipa, ted that there will be received as income from various sources other than through tax levy the sum of $[~800.00 and that it will be necessary to raise ~'f12,~60.00 by tax levy; that the $17,260.00 so required by the various department of said Cit'y duri'ng'th~ 'Fis~aI yea, r is distributed'as follows; To'pgY the general'expense~ of the various departments of 'the City of Tustin, the sum of budgeted and allocated a,s follows: ...... fa)' c±tF'c er . ' .... ....................... $60o.oo (b)' City Attorney'. .... '. ' .... ' .... ..' ~720.00 (c) City Judge .............................. ¢900.00 (d) City Treasurer .......................... ~..'.$ 60. O0 (e) City Hall-Rent .................... $36o.oo (f) City Hall- Equipment and Expense ........ ~!~200.00 .. · (g.) Police '~'epartment and Street Suoerintendent .,. ~l',~.~.ri es · · · ~2250.. · 00 Police Department-Equipment and Supplies ~150.O0 (i) Police Depa. rtment-Jail and Prisoners .... ~'~150.00 (j) Law ~nforcement and Regul~,'tion and Control and F~re ProteStion of Highway Traffic ........................... ' · · · ,-.~lO0. O0 (k) Fire Depa, rtment,- Expense ................ ~600.00 ~'1)~ Fire Dev~.:~'tment-~.-- ~ .~a.=oer Service .......... ,~.250. O0 (m) Street Department- },fa, terial &. Supplies.. $;~00O.:DO In) Street Department-Labor ................ ~i2000.O0 (o) Garbage and Trash- Wages ..,~ ~ ,, ................ oo ( p ) Truck Expens. e ~'. ......................... ~00. O0 (q) Compens~:..tion. Insurance .............. ' .... $4-00.00 (r) Other Insurance ......................... ~$450.00 ' (s) Printin'g and Publishing .................. ~{350,00 (t) Bond Premiums ........................... (~ ~0.0© (u) Crossing Guards .............................. !~350. O0 (v) Tax Collection Exp'ence ....................... !$150.00 (~,~) x~.~ ........................................ ,~-/5. co (x) ~ues ......................................... ¢ 75.oo (y) ~n~inoerin~ Expense .......................... 815©., ©0 (~) Janigor ...................................... $100.©0 ~. _ a.~'~s & Pla,ygorunds /aa) Xusic ,:>.n Promo ...... (b'b) City Council Expense ......................... $100..00 (cc) Election Expense .............. ' .............. ~125.00 (dd) Plannin{~ Commission Expense .................. $ 25.00 (ce) De£ense Council Expense ...... Emergenc~, Deffenae & disaster relie£ ~250~ . O0 expense ................................... Inspection ................................ ~ 50.00. Ad~ertisino' . ............ $ 50.00 (~.f) ,,~ ...... · . ... i,14so O0 ,.,,ain. tenace allows.hoe po].zc~ o~.::r ............ (gg) Mi so ellaneous ................................ ~].00. O0 To~a~ .... ~]-'7, a6-o. co PASSED Al. ID ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin this 2nd day of August, 1943. ATTEST: ~ Cit~ .... o-ler~ ~ I CH..s E. MORRIS, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, do ......... 'l ~ '~ ~ hereby d.~rtify tliat the foregoing. Res01{.~tion was introduced ~:..na ream at a regvlar meeting of the City Coundil o'~? the City~Tustin, and w:~:s passed and'a, dopted ~.t said meeting, keld on the day of August, ~9~3, 'bY the fg$lowing vote, to-wit: AYES: ' Councilmen: --_ . ..~ ..... NO~S: " ~ouncSImen: ABSENT' COUnC i linen: .......~,~~~~' ...... Cit~-Oler%~ of' the Cioy of ........ Tus~in. .......... ·.