HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 125 RESOLUTION No. 125 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION UPON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AS A REVENUE TO CARRY ON THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1942-1943, AND TO PAY BONDED AND OTHER INDEBTEDNESS OF THE SAID CITY DURING SAID FISCAL YEAR. , The City COuncil of the City of Tustin does .resolve as f'ol lows; S~CTION l: That it is hereby determined and declared by the City Council of the City of Tustin that the amount o,f ~ 17,307.00 is the amount of money necessary to be raised by tax~ti6'-~--~Pon-'the~- taxable property within s~id City as revenue to carr~ on the various departments Of said City for the fiscal year 194-::'-19 3, and to pay the bonded and other indebtedness during said fiscal year. , Section ll: That 'of. said sum of ~17_,30_7.._00 it is antici- pated that. there will be received -as ie.e ...... ,'. ...... ~'":'~c.:;~, various sources oth- er than ?hrough' t~ levy the s~ 07 '".$~.2~.0.00 and that it will be ne~. cessary '~o' raise ~...~::0~0 by t~ levy, ~hat the .:~7.~07,.00_ so requ- ired by the verious departments of said City and to pay the bonded and other indebtedne~ d~Sng the fiscal year is distributed as follows: of ~o pay principle and interest 1930,Bonded indebtedness Funds the on ~,~uniciDa~ Improvment sum of $892.00 Bonds City of follows: To pa[.: the gene.~al expenses of ~, - Tustin, the sum of ~_16,~15_:__0Q the various departments of budgeted and allocated as the (a) n 1,b) (lO.) (e~). City City City City City Oit Cit Pol Pol Pol Crc Bull Fire Fire Stre Stre Garb Comp Clerk ............ Attorney ........... Judge .................................... Treasurer .............................................. Engineer ............................................................ y Hall ~ent ....................................................................... y Hall Expense ice Department - Salary and Milage ice Department ~ Jail and Prisonez'~: - - ice Department - Other Expenses -- ssing Guards ............................ ding Inspect ions ............................................... Department Expenses ........... Department Water Service ............ et Department Labor ................................................ et Department Materials &r;.d Supplies ........... age and Trash Collection ensation Insurance Other Insurance ........................................................ Printing and Publishing .............................. Surety Bond Premiums ..................... Truck Expenses ........................................... P1 anning Commi s s i on .................................. Nusic and Promotion ............... Tax Collection Expenses ...... Janitor .......... . .................................... City Counoil Expense ............................ Audi t ......................... Dues ....... Civil i~..n Defense ............................... ~t scellaneous ....................... TOTAL 600.00 620.00 00.O0 60.00 59o.oo 3o0.00 ~00.00 2 ~00.00 100.00 ~5o.oo 350.o0 ,5o.oo 600.00 250.00 l'. 5oo. Go l ,. 300 · o o 3.. 2oo. oo ~mo.oo ~oo.oo 300.00 50.o0 350.0o 25.00 15o.oo z5o.oo lO0.O0 lO0.eO z75.oo 75.oo 1. O00. O0 __ ~lOQ. 00___ 16,415.O0 I, Chas. E.~.orris, City Clerk of the City of Tustin, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution w~s intro- duced and passed at a regular meetin~i' of the City Council of the City of Tustin, henri on the 3rd day of Augest,1942.by the .following Vote: Ayes: Councilman : Kidd., Rowltn~s3_._For--ey ..an.d .......... _. Noes: Councilman: None · _ ,, ; ,,_ : __.~ . ._ __ ..... ._~_. ..... ~. Absent: Councilman: Bixler ' The forego.lng Resolution is hereby veal" this 3,day .of Augest 19~2.