HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 121RESOLUTION NO. 121 A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT TO ABATE THE PUBLIC NUISANCE HERETOFORE DECLARED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, TO WIT: WEEDS WHICH BEAR SEEDS OF A WINGY OR DOWNY NATURE AND ATTAIN SUCH A LARGE GROWTH AS TO BECOME A FIRE MENACE WHEN DRY AND WHICH ARE NOXIOUS AND DANGER- OUS, GROWING UPON CERTAIN STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, BY HAVING THE WEEDS REFERRED TO REMOVED T~e City Council of the ~ty oi' Tus~in resolves as follows: SECTION i. Pursumnt to t~e'provisions of an Ac~ cz tne Legislature of ~e S~ate of California, entitled, "An Act Autnoriztng Municipalities to Declare Noxious or Dangerous Weeds Growing upon the Smree~s or ~idewalks or Private Property. within Municipalities ~o 'ce a Puolic Nuisance, Crea~lng a Linen upon the ~roperty fronting upon such S~reets or Smdewalks or upon which such Nuisance ~xists for ~tne Cost of Aoating t~e Same", approved May 26, 1915, and amendments thereto, tne Ol~y Council of ~ne City oI' Tustin having acquired jurisdiction so to do, hereby orders ~ne Street Superintendent of rune City to abate the public nuisance heretofore declared ~o exist in said City of Tustin, 'to-wl~: Weeds whic~ bear seeds oI' a wingy or downy nature and attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry and w~ich are nox&ous and dangerous, growing upon the streets or Sidewalks in front of or upon private property described as follows, to-wi~: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES AND STREETS HAVI~'G OSNOXIOUS W,~EDS ON THEM. LOT : BLOCK : · ............... ~ ....... -..._.- ... ~ _. ~ ........ ~ .... ~OBDIVI SION Wes~ 10 feet of 5 East ·~0 feet of 6 : 17 · : 17 North 60 feet of West : 150 o±' South 200 feet : Eas~ 100 feet o~ lot ~: 8 : : East 150 of West 51~ : : North ~ : D' : Tus~in Ci~y ~ : 17 : Tract 32~ 7 : B : 33~ 9 : B : rrac~ 338 : Tract No. 3 : Tustin City :' Tustin : : Tus~in · : O : TusCan City : A : TracZ No. 3 : A : Tract No. 3 : South loo feet of West 150 feet LOT : BLOCK : , ; 6 : C : Tract 33~ 7 : O : Tract 338 - 12 : C : Trac~ 338 : 6 : E : Tract 33~ : : l0 : E : Tract 33~ 19 : A : Tract 396 : 23 : E : ~ Tract 33~ : 2~ : E : Tract 33~ . 1 : D " : Tract 33~ : : : D : Tract 33~ . : A : Tract 338 : : : l? : .~,.. Tract 32~ · . : ly : Tract 32~ . : · : SUBDIVISION SECTION 2. Any property owner shall nave the right to have any of said weeds removed at his own expence, providing tae same is done prior to the arrival oI~ the $~reet Superintendent or his representatives to do the same. SECTION 3. The Street Superintendent shall keep an account of the cost of aoating s~id nuisance in front of or on each seperate lot or parcel of land where the work is done by aim or his deputies, and shall render an i~emizea report, in writing, to the City Council of ~ne City o~" Tustin showing the cos~ oi' removing such weeds on each separate lot, or in fron~ thereof, or both, provide~ that before said report is suomitted to said City Council, ~ copy oI' the s~me shall be.posted i'or a~ l eas~ ~nr~e a~ys' prior t~ere~o, on or near the CnamOer Door oi' said City , Council, togather wi~n a nO~ice of ~ne time snen said reporm s~all Ce suDmi~ed to the City C6uncii I~or conI'~rmat~on. A~ the time fixed for receiving ~ne considering said report, the Cizy Council shall hear the same~, t, oga~er wi~n any oojec~ions whicn may De raised o~ any oi' ~ne property owners.liaoze to be assessed for ~ne wor~ of dodging s~id ndis~nce and thereupon mai~e SUCh modi- I'ications in the repor~ as ~,~ey deem inecessary, after which said repor~ shall De coni'irmed.~' The amounts of the cost for aoating SUCh nuisance in fron'~ oi' Or upon tn~ varlous parcels o~' land men~ione~ in said report shall constitute sped~al assessments against the respective parcels of la~d, ~nd, as tn. is is made s, ndc::.~':~,~....'~':~'.":.~¥,:~ confirmed shall constitute a lien on .said property for the ~mount of such assessment, respectively, and thereafter said amounts shall be collec'ted a~ the Same time grid in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes a~e collected and shall ce subjected to the same ~penalti es and the ~same procedure under foreclosure and. sale in case of delinquenc~ ~s provided for ordin~ry municipal t~x~s. · I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council olaf_ne Cit~ of Tustin, at a regular meeting thereof held on th 18th day of May, 1942. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen:_ _ Fo~rnev_ .. _-~- __ Oawt~on~ ..... _ ..... R.o.wlings _._ .Bixl er _ Councilmen: .... None. Councilmen:_ _ KIDD ....... _ ....................... ( SEAL ) Attest: APP ROVED: Mayor Of the C%ty of TUS~~'''''' -