HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 116RESOLUTION NO.116
WHEREAS, a general municipal election was held and conducted in
the City of Tustin,California,on Tuesday, the 14th day of April
19[~2,as required by law,and ~ ~
WBE~J~t~, it appears that notice of said election was duly
and legally given, that the voting precincts were properly~establish-
ed, that election officers were ~ppointed and election
ni'~'~;~ d.~ ai.~d .... ~,~,~.....~~' .... .... in all respects said election was held and conducted
and that the votes cast thereat received ans canvaaed, and the returns
thereof made and declared, in time ,form and manner as~required by
general laws of the State of California governing elections of Cities
of the sixth class, and. , ~ - ~
V~EREAS, the city council of the said City of Tustin on
Tuesday, the 21day of April, 19~2, to canvassthe returns of said elc-
tion and install the newly elected officers, as s. result of which the
said City Council finds the number of votes cast,the names of the
persons voted for, and the other matters require~ by law, to be as
herein after stated;
NOW ~HE~FO~ BB t~ HN~OL~~ as follows;
That said general municipal election was held and conduc-
ted in the City of Tustin, California, on Tuesday, the.l[~th day of
April,19~2,in the time, form and manner~as required bylaw;
That there was a voting precinct established for the
purpous of holding an election, consisting of a'consolidation of the
regular election precincts established for holding general State and
Oo~.n.~ ~':-~ elections as follows;
Consolidated voting Precinct "A" comprising State and
County Precincts Numbers Tuetin City No.1 and Tustin City No.2;
That the whole number of Votes cast in said election
was three hundred thirty one(331);
that the 'names of persons voted for,the offices for which
they were Voted, the number of votes ~iven in each Precihct to each
person, together with the the whole number O.f votes which they rece-
ived in the entire City Election are as-follows;
,~a~es.., o:f .......... __ ConSolidat'e.d .... .A$s~nt-
Persons Voted Office Voting Precinct Voters
For Voted For "A" B~llots
_ _ _ :. ........ ,,....... , .... - ..... ,. ,~ , ~. : : ; ........ :.._
vote ....
C ouncilman-Full Term
E.L.Kiser O~uns~l"m'~'~ ' 127
Ohas. F. Logan Councilman
J.LeRoy Wilson Councilman
118 1
160 I
G.O.Bixler Councilman 178 3
K.J. O awthon Councilman 168 3
Oouncilman 205 3.
Councilman-Short Term
---- . _ ~ .±! J, ...... , ,,,,, ~ - - i
J.L.Forney Councilman 255 3
Ralph W. Vo~c e
Clerk-Short Term
· ........................ 6
Clerk 191 3 196
That W..R. RawlinEs._ _G..,.O.....Bixl e.r...an,d ..K.,J_- Oawt_hon. received
.. ,
the highest votes, respectively, for the three pisitions to be
filled on the Oity Council for the full term off'our years, and
that they should be and they are hereby declared elected to 'the
City Council o£ the City of Tustin for the full four (~) Years.
That J.L.Forney received the highest number of votes
for the posation of City Council for the~short term of two (2)
years, and that he should be an~ is hereby declared elected to
the City Council of the City of Tustin for the short term of (2)
Yes, I" 8.
That Ohas.E.Morris received the highest number of votes
cast for the orifice of City Clerk £or the short term of two(2)
years and that he should be and is hereby declared elected to the
office'of City Clerk for the short term of two(2) years.
RESOLVED,- therefore, that at said general
munig, ipal election W..R..R.~wl.inEs was elected to the o£fice of City
Councilman of the C~ity of Tustin for the full term of four (~)
Also that G.O Bixler was elected to the offoce of City
councilman of the City of Tustin for the full term of four (:~)years.
Also that K.J.Oathon was elected to the office ~£ty Court-.
cilman of the City of Tustin for the full term of four(~) yerrs.
Als9 that J.L.Forney was elected to the office of City
Councilman of the City of Tustin for the short Tremo£ Two (2) years.
Also that Ohas.E.Morris was elected to the office of City
Also that ~has.E.~orris was elected to the office of City
Clerk of the City of Tustin for the short term of two (2) years.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of
Tustin,California,at a regularly adjourned meeting there of held on
the 21st day of April,1942. ·
State of California, )
County of Orange, ) ss;
City of Tustin,
I Chas. E.Morris, City Clerk and exofficio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that
the whole number of the City Council of said ~ity of Tustin is
five; that the forgoing resolution was passed and adopted by a maj-
ority of the City Council at aregularly adjourned meet'lng there of
held on the 21st day of April ,19$2 , by the following vote.
Ayes: Councilmen; Kidd ,Rawl_inEs ,. Bixler,..Cawthon. and.. F.0.r~neY.' _~
Noes; Councilmen; ~ ~Non, e
Absent: Councilmen: ,, None.
City Clerk