HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 105RESOLUTION NO. 105 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY TUSTIN CALLING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR THE 10th DAY OF JUNE, 1941, AND CONSOL- IDATING VOTING PRECINCTS AND DESIGNATING ELECTION OFFICERS FOR SAID ELECTION. WHEREAS, the laws of the State of California re- lating to Nunicipalities of the Sixth Class provide that any vacancy occurring in any offices of Oity Councilmen shall be filled by appointment by the City Oouncil ~ut in the event of said Oity Council failing to fill such vacancy by appointment within thirty days after such vacancy occurs, they must, if said office be an elective one, immediately after the expiration of thirty days, cause an election to be held tO fill su6h vacancy, and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Oalifornia re- lating to Municipalities of theSS~xth Class provide that in. case a member of the City Council absents himself from all regular meetings of the City Council for a period of sixty days consecutively from and after the last regular City Council meeting attended by sa~ member, unless by per- mission of the City Council, his offic~ shall become vacant and ~he same shall be filled as in the case of other vacanc- les, and WHEREAS, Sidney J. Babcock was duly elected as a mmmber of the City Council of the City of Tustin at the re- 'gular municipal election held in the said City of Tustin on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1940, and thereafter quali- fied as a member of said City Council; that said Sidney J. Babcock attended the meetings of said City Council until the 21st day of October, 1940; that the last regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustln, California, attended by the said Sidney J. Babcock was on the 21st .day of October, 1940, the said Sidney J. Babcock has been absent from all regular meetings of the City Council of the O~ty of Tustin, California for aperiod of sixty (60) days consecutively with- out the permission of the City Oouncil and that as a result thereof, the City Council of the City of Tustln in regular session duly assembled, finds that the office of City Oouncilmen held by the said Sidney ,J'. Baboock ha~ become and is now vacant and that it is necessary to call a spec- ial Municipal Election for the purpose of filling said vao axloy · BE IT RESOLVED: That a special Municipal Election be held in the City of Tustin, California, on Tuesday, the 10th day of June, 19~l, for the purpose of electing an officer as re~ quired by law to be elected, to-wit: One City Councilman for the following term: Until the next regular election in said City of Tustin, 0ounty of Orange, State of Calif- ornia, and to fill the vacancy'occurring in the office of City Councilman the~tofore held by Sydney J. Babcock. That there shall be one consolidated election and voting precinct for the purpose of holding said election., consisting of a consolidation of the two regular election precincts in said City established for holding State and to-wit: Tustin Number I and Tustin Num- County Election, bet 2 p~ecincts, which said consolidated precincts shall be known as" Consolidated Election Pr.ectnct ~'. That such election be held in accordance with the general election laws of the State of California insofar as the same shall have been made applicable to municipal- ities of the Sixth Class. . "Consolidated ~lec~ion Brecinc~~ A''', comprising ~tate and 0ounty Election precincts, Tustin Number 1 and Tustin Number 2 and the polling place thereof sh~ll be .at the City Hall of the 0ity of Tustin in staid Oity and the polls shall be open between the hours of six o,clock A.M. of said day. That' the following persons, re~idents and quali- fied electors in the said City of Tustin are hereby design- ed and appointed to act as the election officera at said el ect ion, to-wit: Inspector: Judge: Olerk: Clerk: Grover O. Riehl A. M. Lindsey Grace Leinberger Margaret Bird And the salaries of said election officers for the · . .. purpose of said election are hereby fixed as follows: I nsp eot or: $5, O0 p er day Judge: $4,00 per day O1 erks: $4. O0 petal.day That the office to be. filled for Oity Councilman shall be only until the next regular election and the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected until the next regular election and in the event of a tie, said matter shall be decided by 1Ct · The City Clerk of the City of Tustinis hereby dir- ected and required to give notice of said election as re- quired by law by the publication of a Notice of Election containing a statement of the time of election, the office to be filled thereat and specifying the term thereof and a gemeral description of the voting precinct and the loca- tion of the polling place, not earliez than sixty days no= later than the thirty-first day before such election by publication in a newspaper of general circulation to-.wtt.~ The Tustin News, published and circulated in said City of Tustin and that said Notice shall be published at least once in said newspaper. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Passed, approved and adopted th~.s 7th day of April, 1941 \ Mayor ATTEST: -Oit~': Ole'ffk "'and :eX-oTfioe Ol-e~k--of the gity Council of the gity of Tustin. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was re- gularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of ~ustin at a regular meeting of said Oity Council held on the 7th day of April, 19Il-l, by the following vote, to-wit: A YES: Councilmen: Wi.ls.on~. K~dd.~, KiSer'-, . NOES: Oouncilmen: ABSENT: · . Councilmen: ,' ,'_None_ .......................... _ . _ _ ATTEST: APPROVED: -'O']~erk &f the'CitY Of ~TUSt:i~. ~~r-o~'" ~he ci'tY 'o'f ~. al 4 b 6 7 81 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 i 29 80 31 82 RESbLIITION N0. 105 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUBTIN CAL~NG A 8PE IAL IQJNICIPAL ELEOI'ION FOR THE /4 DAY OF , 1941, AND CONSOL- IDATING VOTING PREC CT$ AND DESIGNATING ELEC- ~j TION OFFICERS FOR SAID ELECTION ~ I ~ // Jl ~ ~} ~{ ~ ~!~~~~ 11HEREAS, the laws of the State of California relating to Municipalities oY the 91zt2i Class provide that any vacancy occurring in any offices of Oity Councilmen shall be filled by appointment by the City Council but in the event of said City Counoil !ailing to fill such vacancy by appointment withia thirty days after such vacancy occurs, they must, if said office be an eleotive one, immediately alter the a apiration of thirty days, cause an election to be held to fill such vacancy, and iIHEREAB, the laws of the State of Cal ifornia relating to Municipalities of the $izth Class provide that in ogee a member of the City Counoil absents himself from all regular meetings of the City Council for a p eriod of slaty days consecutively from and after the last regular City Council meeting attended by said member, unless by permission of the City Council, his office shall become vacant and the same shall be filled as in the oase of other vacancies, and VPHEREAB~ 8ldney J. Babeock was duly elected as a member of the Oity Council of the City of Tustin at the regular munioipal election held in the said City of Tustin on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1940, and thereafter qualified as a member of said City Counoil; that said Sidney J. Babcock attended the meetings of said Oity Council until the 21st day of Gctober , 1940; that the last regular meeting d the Citp Council of the City of Tustin, Califo- rnia, attended by the a aid 8ldney J.Babcoek was on the 21st day of October , 1940; that sinoe the said 21st day of October,; 1940, the said Sidney J. Babcock has been absent from all regular i meetings of the. City Council of the City of Tustin, California _ r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 2b 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 for a period of slaty (60) days consecutively without the permis- sion of the City Council and that ga a result thereof, the City Council of the City of Tustin in regular session duly assembled, finds that the office of City Councilman held by the said Sidney J~ Babcock has become and is now vacant and that it is necessary to Dell a special Municipal Election for the purpose of filling said vacancy. BE IT RESOLVED: That a special Municipal Election be held in the City of Tustin, California, on Tuesday, the 10th day of June , 1941, for the purpose of electing en officer as required by law to be elected, to-wit: one City Councilman for the following term: Until the neat regular election in said City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, and to fill the vacancy occurring I, in the office of City Councilman heretofore held by Sidney J. Babcock. That there shall be one consolidated election and voting precinct for the purpose of holding said election, consisting of a consolidation of the two regular election precincts in said City established for holding State dnd County Elections, to-wit: Tustin Number 1 and Tustin Number 2 precincts, which said eonsoli-~ dated precincts shall be known as "Consolidated Election Precinct A" . That such election be held in aocordance frith the general election laws of the State of California insofar as the same shall have been made applicable to municipalities of the $1athClass. "Consolidated Eleotion Precinct A",comprising State and County Eleotion precincts, Tustin Number 1 and Tustin Number 2 ~ i and the polling place thereof shall be at the City Hall of the -2- ~i ~! i' ;1 i 1 ~ City of Tustin in said City and the polls shall be open 3~etReen 2 ;; the hours of six o~clock A. ~!. and Six o~clock P. L~. of said 3 j day . 4 ~i That tre following persons, residents a.nc qualified I 5ji electors in the said City of Tustin are hereby designated and 6i~ avnointed to act as the election officers at said election,to-wit: 7 I Inspector: Grover C. Riehl 8 . Judge: A. ~~. Lindsey ~i 9 Clerk: Grace Leinberger 10 i Clerk: Margaret Bird 'I 11 ! And the salaries of said election officers for the z~urpose I 12 !' of said election are hereby fixed as follows: ,. ,. 13 i. Inspector: X5.00 per day 14 Judge: X4.00 per day 15 ~I Clerks : X4.00 per day 16 ~ That the office to be filled for City Councilman shall ' 17 be only until the next regular election and the ca.ndida.te ~' 1$ receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected , j 19~ until the next regular election and in the event of a tie, said i iii matter shall be decided by lot. ~I ~ 21 ;; The City Cler=~ of the City of Tustin is hereby directed ~~ ~ j~ and. required to dive notice of said election as required by law i~ I ~ ~ by the publication of a Notice of Election cor.tainin~ a statement ~' y I 24 ~ of the time of election, the office to be filled thereat and '~ i 25 i specifying the term thereof and a general description of the i 26 voting precinct and the location of the polling place, riot earlier i 27 than sixty days nor later than the thirty-first da.y before such 28 ~ election by publication in a newspaper of general circulation 29 I to-v*it: The Tustin LTews, published and circulated in said City 30 j of Tustin and that said Notice shall be published at least once 31 II in said newspaper. ~~ ~ 32 i~ This Resolution shall take effect imrsedia.tely. ! j I j -3- ' I l ... 1' 21 3 4I 5' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1b 16 17, 18' 19' 20 21 22 23 24 2b 26 27 28 29 80 81 82 Pissed, approved and adopted this 7th dap of April, 1941. OR •TTEST: i y er an ez-o o a er o the City Oouncil of the City of Tustin. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 7th day of April, 1°41, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen: ~, rL~GG(~( /~~-~ P10E8: Councilmen: None ABSEITT: Councilmen ~~~(/~c~ t ATTEST: i Clerk of the City of Tustin APPROVED: ~Gayor of the City of Tustin. -4- s