HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PC Minutes 3-24-09ITEM #1
MARCH 24, 2009
7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
Present: Chair Puckett
Chair Pro Tem Kozak
Commissioners Kasalek, Murray, Thompson
Staff present Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director
David Kendig, Assistant City Attorney
Jerry Craig, Redevelopment Program Manager
Justina Willkom, Principal Planner
Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner
Amy Thomas, Senior Planner
Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary
Adopted Resolution
No. 4113, as
It was moved by Thompson, seconded. by Murray to approve the
Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
The availability of housing and a suitable living environment for
every family has been of increasing concern to all levels of
government. In California, this concern is addressed by the
California Government Code requirement that each City adopt
a Housing Element as a mandatory part of its General Plan.
State Planning Law requires that cities and counties update
their Housing Elements at least every five (5) years. The City
adopted its Housing Element per State law on June 17, 2008.
Minutes -Planning Commission March 24, 2009 -Page 1
The State Department of Housing and Community
Development (HCD) commented on the adopted element.
This revised element incorporates HCD's comments.
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4113
recommending that the City Council approve General Plan
Amendment 09-001, revising the adopted Tustin Housing
7:02 p.m. The Public Hearing opened.
Willkom Presented the staff report; and, noted that Jerry Craig from the
Redevelopment Agency was in attendance to answer any questions
the Commissioners may have.
Thompson Asked if HCD has seen the revisions and considered the changes
Willkom Replied that during the preparation of the revisions staff had been in
contact with HCD representatives to discuss the revisions; HCD has
not seen the revisions, but staff is confident that all the HCD
comments have been addressed.
Kozak Asked if the Kennedy Commission and Public Law Center comments
and staff's responses would be forwarded to HCD.
Willkom Answered in the affirmative; the staff report and proposed revisions
will be provided to HCD for review.
7:09 p.m. The Public Hearing closed.
Thompson Indicated he was surprised that the representatives who wrote
comments were not in attendance this evening; read comments from
the letters which seemed to contradict the claim that the City is not in
compliance; the figures indicate otherwise: the City has achieved 71
percent of its very low income goal, 32 percent of the low income
goal, 70 percent of the moderate goal while only 25 percent through
the timeframe for the implementation of the plan; there seems to be a
misdiagnosis of Tustin's performance; if these entities have examples
of communities that are performing better than Tustin, that information
should be shared with staff and the Commission.
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Thompson continued Added that it is his opinion that the City staff has done an excellent job
of meeting the housing needs; he is very proud of what has been
accomplished by the City.
Murray Stated his agreement with Commissioner Thompson's remarks;
Commissioner Murray had discussions with Planning Commissioners
from other cities and was told that Tustin is doing more than an
adequate job; Tustin has performed due diligence in this regard.
Kasalek Agreed with her fellow Commissioners; complimented staff for doing
such a thorough job; and, noted that Tustin is well known for providing
low-income housing.
Kozak Stated that staff has done tremendous work regarding the housing
needs of the community; thanked staff for the exhaustive rewrite,
which he hopes HCD will approve.
Requested that information be added to the resolution regarding the
staff's public outreach on this matter.
Puckett Indicated that he has learned over the years that it is impossible to
please everyone; staff has done a phenomenal job of meeting the
housing goals.
Murray Asked staff if Commissioner Kozak's suggestion was acceptable.
Director Indicated staff could make the suggested addition to the resolution.
It was moved by Kozak, seconded by Murray, to adopt Resolution No.
4113, with the modification. Motion carried 5-0.
Director Noted that Justina Willkom, Reina Kapadia, and the Redevelopment
Agency worked tirelessly on the Housing Element update; one of the
documents included in the Housing Element was a report card and
empirical data that the Orange County Business Council
independently prepared; this data identified Tustin as being ranked
No. 3 in the County regarding the work force/housing scorecard which
is based on total growth, housing as a percentage of total Orange
County housing, jobs to housing, ratio balance, and change in
housing density; this is physical production of housing the City
Minutes -Planning Commission March 24, 2009 -Page 3
known as the PASADENA AVENUE
"Wilcox Manor";
Vote 4-1, Thompson RECOMMENDATION:
That the Planning Commission approve the nomination 310
South Pasadena Street to the Tustin Historic Register Plaque
Designation Program and select the most appropriate
historical name and date of construction for the property.
Reekstin Presented the staff report, requesting that the Commission choose the
most appropriate name for the site.
Murray Asked if there were any naming conventions that may be considered
the norm.
Reekstin Indicated that the Tustin protocol has been to include the name of a
prominent owner or the builder of the home, following by "House."
Puckett Invited the homeowner to the lectern.
Lindburgh McPherson Reiterated the reasons for using "Wilcox Manor" which he had stated
at a previous Planning Commission meeting.
Brent Ferdig Indicated he was representing the Tustin Preservation Conservancy;
the plaque program began as an educational device which includes
the historic name; using "Manor" presents a false sense of history.
Thompson Complimented the property owners for bringing this house back to its
original appearance; the photos were especially interesting; while he
appreciates the name suggested, he would encourage the owners to
use the name but not include Manor on the plaque.
Murray Complimented staff on the report and the speakers for sharing their
views of the naming; this is a sensitive issue; while leaning toward the
desire of the homeowners, it may be necessary to stick with the
convention from an historical perspective.
Kasalek Stated it was her opinion that the homeowners' request should be
honored because they have done a great deal to bring back the
historical value of the home; the most important aspect is that the
Wilcox name and history be preserved; she supports continuing to
refer to the property as "Wilcox Manor."
Minutes -Planning Commission March 24, 2009 -Page 4
Kozak Added his compliments to the property owners; thanked the
Conservancy for their historical perspective; and, suggested that the
best compromise might be to choose "Wilcox Manor -The Villa."
Puckett Indicated that the owners should be allowed to use the name they
want for the property.
Thompson Asked if the homeowners would have further comments in response
to the Commission's discussion.
Mr. McPherson Stated again that the home does not look like a villa, but instead an
English manor; he feels it is not asking too much to preserve the
name they have been using since they acquired the property, "Wilcox
Manor"; preserving the Wilcox name is the key element to the history
of this house.
It was moved by Murray to allow the name "Wilcox Manor" to be used,
seconded by Kasalek. Motion carried 4-1. Thompson dissented.
known as the SIXTH STREET
"W.W. Martin-
Thompson House"; RECOMMENDATION:
Vote 4-0, Thompson
abstaining That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 415
West Sixth Street to the Tustin Historic Register Plaque
Designation Program and select the most appropriate historical
name and date of construction for the property.
Thompson Recused himself and left the dais.
Reekstin Turned the item over to Commissioner Thompson who presented a
slide show from the lectern.
Thompson Stated, at the end of the slide show, that he is satisfied with the name
the Conservancy suggested.
Mr. Ferdig Indicated that, due to the time the Thompsons have lived in the house
and the fact that they rescued the house from demotion, the
Conservancy recommended W.W. Martin-Thompson House.
Kozak Asked if Mr. Ferdig would comment on Commissioner Thompson's
comment regarding the use of Morehead.
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Mr. Ferdig Stated that Morehead was the builder but, considering the history, Mr.
Martin lived in the house quite some time and was involved in the
development of Tustin, which is more historically relevant.
Commission It was the consensus of the Commission that the Thompson family
has done an incredible job of restoring this house; and, offered
compliments to the family.
It was moved by Kozak, seconded by Kasalek, to approve the name
"1/1/.W. Martin-Thompson House." Motion carried 4-0. Thompson
Director reported The City Council authorized staff to forward the General Plan Annual
Report to the state HCD.
The Planning Commission requested information regarding freeway
sound walls, especially in the Old Town Area. Staff will be
researching this issue with the Orange County Transportation
Authority and Caltrans and will bring those issues back to the
Commission and the Council.
Thompson Thanked everyone for their compliments regarding his presentation;
Tustin is a wonderful city, and he is proud to live here.
Kasalek Indicated that she was pleased to see Councilman Palmer on the
ABC World News and the spot regarding the Orange County Rescue
Reminded everyone that the Easter Egg Hunt takes place April 11 at
the Sports Park, ,and the Community Recognition Luncheon will be on
April 30.
Kozak Thanked staff for their excellent work on the Housing Element
Asked for the status of the old Econo Lube `N Tune on First Street;
the building is very decrepit and the surrounding area looks unkempt.
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Director Indicated that Code Enforcement staff will take a look; there is a
proposal in plan check for that site.
Kozak Stated that the former Sizzler site on Red Hill looks abandoned; the
property owner needs to be contacted to mitigate the blight.
Noted that he attended the Tustin Preservation Meet and Greet last
night, a wonderful event with lots of interesting residents in
Reminded everyone that the EI Camino Real Park reopening and
dedication is taking place April 2.
Thanked staff for the information regarding the San Clemente Historic
Preservation workshops; he hopes to attend.
Puckett Thanked staff for their fine work on the Housing Element and also the
quality of the plaque program presentations.
Noted the Volunteer Recognition Luncheon sponsored by the Tustin
Community Foundation will be held at 310 Pasadena; Erin Nielsen
and Lindburgh McPherson worked hard to put this together; this is an
excellent opportunity to see this property newly recommended for the
plaque program.
Stated the Easter Egg Hunt is preceded by a Pancake Breakfast
sponsored by the Community Foundation; he hopes to see everyone
Indicated he also attended the Old Town Meet and Greet; Linda
Jennings has done a great job bringing the Old Town community
together; he met people he has not met previously even though he
has lived in Tustin for 34 years.
Murray Stated that he also attended the Old Town Meet and Greet.
Reminded everyone that the annual Preservation Awards Banquet
takes place Monday, April 27.
Complimented the Community Services Director, David Wilson, who
obtained grant funds to assist in the renovation of EI Camino Real
Park; the reopening takes at 6:00 p.m., on April 2.
Indicated he also saw the Village of Hope TV segment and thought it
was outstanding.
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Murray continued Noted there was an article in the newspaper about the Advanced
Technology and Education Park (ATEP) at Red Hill and Valencia; the
facility is developing many new training opportunities, such as a state-
of-the-art nursing lab, a digital recording arts program, and green
Recommended Bistro West, 2601 Park Avenue, as a fine new
restaurant-great foot, great service, and reasonable prices in a
wonderful atmosphere.
Asked for a moment of silence in honor of the Oakland Police
Department officers who were killed in the line of duty over the
weekend and that the meeting be adjourned in memory of these
peace officers.
In Honor of and In Tribute to
Sgt. Mark Dunakin, Officer John Hege, Sgt. Ervin Romans, Sgt. Daniel Sakai
and their families
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled
for Tuesday, April 14, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber
at 300 Centennial Way.
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