HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 96RESOLUTION NO. 96 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING RESULTS OF ELECTION. WHEREAS, a general municipal election was held and con- ducted in the City of Tustin, on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1940, a~ required by law, AND WHEREAS, it appears that notice of said election was duly and legally givenm that voting precincts were properly established, that election officers were appointed and election supplies furnished, and that in all respects said election was held and conducted, and the votes cast thereatreceived and canvassed, and the returns thereof made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the general laws of the State governing elections in cities of the aixth class AND WHEREAS, the City ~Council of said City of Tustin met at the City Co ncil Chamber of the City of Tustin, on Monday the 15th day of April, 19~0, to canvass the returns of said election, and install the newly elected officers, as a result of which the said City Council finds that the number of votes cast, the names of the persons voted for, and other matters required by law, to be as hereinafter stated, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That said general municipal election was held and con- ducted in the City of Tustin, on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 194-O, in time, form and manner as required by law; That there was one vot ng precinct established for the purpose of hold ng said election, consisting of a consolida- tion of the regular Slection precincts established for holding general state and county elections as follows: Consolidated Voting Precinct "A", comprising S~ate and County precincts Numbers Tustin City No. l, and Tustin City No. 2 That the whole number of votes cast in said election was That the n~mes of the per~ons voted for, the offices for which they were voted, the number o£ votes given in each pre- cinct to each person, together with the whole number of votes which they received in the entire City Election are as follows: VOTES RECEIVED N'~'e~~ of .... ' ........... -:-' .... - Consolidated Absent To~al Persons Office Voting .Precinct Voters Vote Voted for Voted for "~" Ballot C.O UNC I LMAN_ FULL TERN Sidney J. Babcock Councilman 221 i 222 E. R. Hale Councilman 22 None 22 .... .,, .,. ..... William N. Huntley Counc i lman 13 7 _ N..pne ....... -.- 15_7 .... . .... Jerome C. Kidd Councilman 325 1 _ 326 . Scattering None CLERK FULL TERM ,, D. T. Hayden Clerk 282 _ 1 ...... 285 .......... H. H. (Budd) Hann- Clerk 91 No_~e_ . ~ --.-. ....9.1 _ ~. ford Scattering None T_REASURER FULL TERM Walter J. Pollard Scattering That Jerome C. Kidd and Sidney J. Babcock received the highest votes for the two positions to be filled on the City Council, for the full term of four years,and that they should be and are hereby declared elected to the City Oouncil of the City of Tustin for the full term of four years. That D. T. Hoyden received the ~ig~hest number of votes cast for the office of Oity Clerk, and therefore should be, and is hereby declared elected to the officeof City Clerk for the full term of four years. That Walter J. Pollard received the hi:..?~est number of votes cast for the office of City Treasurer, and therefore should be, and is hereby de~2ared elected to the office of City Treasurer for the full term of four years. RESOLVED, ~therefore, that at said General Nunicipal Election, Jerome ~. Kidd was elected to the office of City Councilman ~f the City of Tustin for the full term of f~ur ALSO, that Sidney J. Babcock was elected to the office of City Councilman of the City of Tustin for the full term of four years; ALSO, that D. T. Hayden was elected to the office of Gity Clerk' of the City of Tustin for the full term of four years. ALSO, that Walter J. Pollard was elected to the office of City Treasurer of the City of Tustin for the full term of four years. THNS RESOLUTION TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. Passed, approved and adopted this 15th day of April, 1940. ATTESTED: ~a~r' and ?~ e's i dent o f 'the B'Oard=: of Trustees and City Council of the City of Tustin. 1 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTIO?? I?0. A RESOLUTIO' OF THE CITY ~OUT'~IL OF "'HE CITY OF TUSTi.?, CAL ~ FORr?IA, DiCLAr.IAtC RESULTS OF ELECT I O1T . 47HERyA$, a. ~•enerr..l munici ~.~al election t~ras meld an~~ con- ducted in tiie City of Tustin, on Tuesday, t're °th c~ay of A-~~ril, 140, a.s recuired uy lati, Ai?.i ~'~iGFF`JA~, i t a.~~,~ears tiia„ t liOtlCe Of Sa.1C~ election 1^~ S duly and legally iv~:n, t'i.~;t votin-. ~~:reci ncts mere oro ~erly established, that electicn officers v^ere a?~>>oi-:-_ted and election su~_~,;1ies furnisred, and that in a_11 res~l~ects said election v~~a,s held and corducteci, ~:s:d ti;e votes ca.et t~_ereat received acid can- vassed, ard_ the returns thereof made and declared i n time, form and rnanr_er ae recruired by the ~•enera,l la~i~s of tre State __overnin: I, elections in cities of t:.e sixtL class , AI~TD '7HERi+,AS, the City Council of said City of Tustin ~~i raet at tiie City Cour_cil Chamber of the City of Tustin, on ::onday II, the 15th day of Aril, 1940, to canvass the returns of said election, and install the nec~ly electer. officers, as a. result of v~hich the s~~_id City Council firr'.s tii~t the rum~~er of votes cast, the ra.r_les of the -;ersons voted for, ~ nc. other ::gat tern rer.uired uy ~ lat•:, to .~e as i_erei-rafter state:'.., nog? trerefore BE IT RESOLVED as follo~~~s: Tik:t e~:i d c•ener~•_1 :lur~ici~~a.l election t~~~s meld ~n~~. con- c~u.ctnd ir_ t :e ;'ity of Tust ir_, on Tuesc~~.r, tl,e nth c_ay of A aril, 1940, in time, form a.rd nan::er as recrairec. uy la.~~; Taa.t ti:ere vas one votin:_ ~;recinct establisi~ed for tine ~ fur pose of ..olc'in~~• s^ic~ election, consistir.~~ of a cor_solidatior. of the reEUlar election ~~recir_cts establi s~_ed for }~_oldin: er.er~.l state 'r!c. county elections as follor~•s: -1- 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 S 8 10 11 12 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Consolic_ated Voting Frec_r_ct "A" , cor~y~risir:E Sto.te and County 1~recincts DTw~i~ers Tustir. City ~'o. 1, and Tustin City 1'0. 2. That tn'rle whole nur.~oer of votes cast in said election Z~~ a s / ~ 0~ 9 - Th~,t the na.:~es of file -~erso.~s voted for, the offices for ~~l.iciZ they ~•:~ere voted, ti:e nu^i-er of votes fiver. in each precinct to eac'r~ •?erson, to_et i:er «. tl. tiie ~-~iiole ru:~noer ~f votes °~=:ich they received i n tr:e entire City Election are ~ s follo~nG VOTES RECEIVED Na~:es of Consolicia.ted Absent Fervors Office Voting Precinct Voters Total Voted For Voted For "A° B~.llot Vote COTJT'CIL-.'_Al' FULL TER:' 8idrey J. Babcock Council:~an 221 / ~,~!~ 'I E. R. Hale Council.:~~.r_ 22 ~~~~ '' illi?.m '_`. Huntley Council::an 137 ~flo,~~ 13 7 Jerome C. Kidd Council~:~an 325 / 3 ~ b 8catterinG• None CLERK FULL TER:: D. T. Hayden Clerk H.H.(Budd)Hanr_~ford Clerk Scatt erin,,~ 2 ~2 / ~ 3_ 51 ~«.,--c., ~_ r?one TREASURER FULL TER:i "alter J. Follasd 347 ~_ J~ ScatterinE That Jerorle C. i.ir_d ~ nd Si r'.ney J. Babcock received ti.e l:i~•hest votes for file tE7o nositior_s to be filled on the City Council, for the full terra of four years, end th~~t they G'r.oulc. -2- 1 2 4 6 6 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 30 31 32 be, end are i~ereby declared elected to tiie City Council of the City of Tustin for tl~e full term of four gears. That D. T. Hayden received tl:e highest nu~i~.~er of votes cast for the office of City C1eNlc, and tier%f ore si:oula ue, and is hereby declared elected to the office of City Clerk for tine full term of four ye~~rs. Th~.t ';alter J. Folla.rd received the hi~:iiest number of votes cast for tl~e of~ice of Cit3r Treasurer, and therefore shoulc 'ue, ~r,c. is iier~= cy declared elected t ; t'r~e office of City Treasurer for the full term ~of four yens. RESOLVED, therefore, that at said General .'unicinal Election, Jero::ie C. Kiad was elected to the office of City Councilr_ian of the City of Tustin for the full term of four years. ALSO, that Sidney J. Babcock eras elected to the office of City Councilman of the City of Tustin for the full term of four years; ALSO, that D. T. Hayden was elected to the office of City Cleric of t:~e City of Tustin for the full term of four years. ALSO, that ~~Yalter J. Pollard was elected_ to the office of City Treasurer of t-i:e Cit,r of Tustin for ti:e full term of four ,years. THIS RESOLUTIO?~ TO TAKE Er'rECT I_' _EDiATi,LY. Passed, a.~oroved and ado?~ted this 15th day of Anril, 1940. f Mayor and Fr ident of the Board of Trustees and City Cou_rc it of the City of Tustin. ATTESTED: -~. ,yam City Clerk -3-