HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 95RESOLUTION NO. 95 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DETERMINING AND DECLAR- ING THAT WEEDS WHICH BEAR SEEDS OF A WINGY OR DOWNY NATURE AND ATTAIN SUCH A LARGE GROWTH AS TO BECONE A FIRE MENACE WHEN DRY, AND WHICH ARE NOXIOUS AND DANGEROUS, ARE GROWING UPON CERTAIN STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN CERTAIN STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF TUSTIN AND ARE A PUBLI.C NUISANCE: DIRECTING THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT TO POST NOTICES TO DESTROY SAID WEEDS AS REQUIRED BY LAW: FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS AND. PROTESTS, AND DIRECTING THE ABATE- MENT THEREOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF CAL- IFORNIA ENTITLED "AN ACT AUTHORIZING MUNICIPALITIES TO DECLARE NOXIOUS OR DANGEROUS WEEDS GROWING UPON THE STREETS OR SIDEWALKS OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES TO BE PUBLIC NUISANCE, A LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY FRONT- ING UPON SUCH STREETS OR SIDEWALKS, OR UPON WHICH SUCH NUISANCE EXISTS FOR THE COST OF ABATING THE SAME, APPROVED MAY 26, 1915", AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: The City Council of the City of Tustin do resolve as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An Act Authorizing Nunicipalities to Declare Noxious or Dangerous Weeds Growing upon the Streets of Sidewalks, or upon Private Property within ~lunicipalities to be a, Public Nuisance; Creat- lng a Lien upon the Property Fronting upon such Streets or Sidewalks or upon which such Nuisance Exists for the Cost of Abating the Same, Approved Nay 2~, 1915," and amendments thereto, the City Council of the City of Tustin hereby determines and de- clares that weeds which bear seeds of a wingy or downy nature, or attain such a large growth as to become a fire menace when dry and which are noxious and dangerous, are growing upon certain streets, sidewalks and private property in said City, and that the property fronting such., streets or sidewalks, or upon which such nuisance exists are particularly described as follows, t o-wi t: DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES AND STREETS HAVING OBNOXIOUS WEE~S ON THEN LOT BLOCK SUBD I VI SI ON 12 A TRACT NO. 3 7 C TRACT NO. 338 B TRACT NO. 338 TRACT NO. 338 ? A 4 C TRACT NO. 338 TRACT NO. 338 5 C 12 O TRACT NO. 338 TRACT NO. 338 19 A TRACT NO. 396 9 No Blk, No. TRACT NO. 334 East 55 ft. of West 311 ft. of North one-halfof East 55 ft. of West 311 ft. of 8outh one-half of D TUSTIN CITY D TUSTIN CITY Section 2. The Street Superintendent of the City of .. Tustin is hereby instructed to prepare and post notices to destroy said weeds as required by law. Said notices shall be so posted at least fiwe (5) days prior to the time for hearing objections and protests by the City 0oun¢:l. 1 of said City, and shall be conspicuously posted in front of the property on which or in front of which such nuisance exists, and not more than one hundred (100) feet in distance apart, but not less than three (3) in all. Section 3- Said City Council will hear and consider ail objections or p~,otests, if any, to the proposed removal of weeds at its meeting on Monday, the 6th day of May, 1940, at ~'~ ' the hour of I hereby certify that the foregoing Res~)lution was regul- arly introduced and adopted by the City C~ouncil of the City of Tustin at 'a re~l~r meeting of 8aid City Council held on the 1st day of April, 1940, b~ the following vote, to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: ~Hunt!¥,..~ Lo,an, Pi.eoer..,~_ Kiser and Wilson None . _ ~ , :: ........ None ATTEST: e~('0f--t~ City of T~tin APPROVED:__ ADril ~.,.1..st,..!9~q __ _ MaYor of t-h-e~ity of Tustin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 ~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTIONd OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTII~T DETERIivING AND DECLARING . THAT 47EEDS ,-~T:~!ICH BEAR SEEDS OF A ':YINGY OR DO'.°TIdY NATURE AND ATTAIN SUCH A LARGE GROb'dTH AS TG BECO?riE A F IRE ?-ENACE `~~HEN DRY, AI~TD '"'HIGH AR'3 's;OXIOUS AIv~ DAPiGEROUS, ARE GRO'T1II~'G UPON CERTAIN STREETS, SIDE- ~YALKS AI~'D PRIVATE FRO: ERTY IN CERTAIPJ STREETS, SIDE'~7ALKS AI~;~ PRIVATE PROPERTY If SAI"~ CITY OF TUSTIN AND An1~ A PUBLIC NUISAIICE: DIR'~CTING THE STREET SUPERII~i- TEIdDENT TO POST NOTICES TO DESTROY SAID 'iYEED$ AS REC~.UIRLD ~Y LA'."~: FIXIi~:u TIa.E TIi:iE FOR ;',EARIi~:G OBJECTIGI.S Ar?D PROTESTS, AP?D DIRECTI~iO THE ABATE:~+iiT T.:EREOF IN ACCORDA,iCE ti`TITH AI~i ACT Or T:~E LE;~ISLATURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENTITLED "A?~1 ACT AUTHORIZING '.:'.UivICIPALITI~S TO DECLARE ?~iCXICUS OR llAITUEROUS i7EEDS Gi=cO'.~iII?G UPON THE STREETS OR SID WALKS OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY ''TITHII~' ~.~UNICIPALITIES TO BE PUrsLIC I?UISA~CE, A LIEi? UPON THT °ROPERTY FRGI~TTI:'G UPON SUCH STREETS OR SiDE'PIALKS, OR UPCN "THIGH SUCH A?UISA:~CE EXISTS FOR, THE COST OF ASATI:~iG THE SA::~E, APPROVED FAY 26, 1915" , AD?D A:~:`Ei~iDIaEi1TS TriERETO The City Council of the City of Tustin do resolve as II follows: Section 1. Pursuant t o the ~rovi si ons of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An Act Author- izing '_.RUnicipalities to Declare Noxious or Dangerous ~Yeeds Gro!v- ing upon the Streets or Sidewalks, or upon Private Property within ~iunicipa.lities to be a Puolic Nuisance; Creating a Lien u~~on the Pro_~erty Fronting upon such Streets or Sidewalks or u-,~on wi~ich such Iuisance Exists for t i.e Cast of Abating the Same, Apuroved T+fa.y 26, 1915", and abendments thereto, the City Council of the City of Tustin hereby determines ana c.eclares ti.at ~~-eeds which bear seeds of a wir~gy or downy nature, or attain such a large growth as to beco~:e a iir e menace when dry and v^hici: are noxious and dangerous, are grov~ing u»on certain streets, sidewalks and private ,~ro~erty in saki City, and ti:a.t the uro.~erty fronting such streets or sidewalks, or u:~on ~,:'nic :such nuisance exists are particularly described as follows, to-wit: -1- 11 2i 3 4 5 6 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2b 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DEgCRIPTIOTd OF PROPERTIES AND STREETS HAVIiG OBNOXIOUS ~aEEDB ON THEI,~ LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION 12 A Tract No. 3 7 ; C Tract No. 338 9 ; C Tract No. 338 4 ; B Tract No. 338 7 • A • Tract Igo. 338 4 ; C Tract No. 338 5 C Tract :~10. 338 12 C Tract No. 338 19 • A ~ Tract No. 396 g No Blk. No. Tract No. 334 East 55 feet of b'Gest 311 Feet of North One-half of D Tustin City East 55 feet of ~Yest 311 feet of South One-half of D ~ Tustin City -2- 1 2~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14' 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 2. Tl1e Street Superinterdent of the City of Tustin is hereby instructed to prepare and Host notices to des- troy said ~-eeds as required by lar~. Said notices shall be so posted at least five (~) days prior to the time for hearing objections and »rotests by the City Council of said City, and shall be conspicuously posted in front of the property on v^hich or in front of which such nuisar_ce exists, ~ rd not more than one hundred (100) feet in distance apart, out not less than three (3) in all. Section 3. Said City Council will near and consider all objections or r~rotests, if any, to the proposed reYaoval of weeds a.t its meeting on :~:_'onda.y, t're 6th c.ay of ~'ay, 1940, at the hour of 8 0 ~ clock P. ~:'. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wa.s regularly introduced and adopted by•the City Council of tr.e City of Tustin at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 1st day of April, 190, by the follo~.~ir:g vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen: ~,~ ~~~...~, ~/-~. /~~~ _ _ _ - l NOES: Councilmen: r?one ABSENT: Councilmen: ~j ATTEST: Clerk of e City of Tustin APPROVED: Aril 1st, 1940. Mayor of th City of Tustir_ -3-