HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 78 RESOLUTION NO. 78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DETERMINING AND DECLARING THAT WEEDS WHICH BEAR SEEDS OF A WINGY OR DOWNY NATURE AND ATTAIN SUCH A LARGE GROWTH AS TO BECOME A FIRE MENACE WHEN DRY, AND WHICH ARE NOXIOUS AND DANGEROUS, ARE GROWING UPON CERTAIN STREETS, SIDE- WALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN CERTAIN STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF TUSTIN AND ARE A PUBLIC NUISANCE; DIRECTING THE STREET SUPERIN- TENDENT TO POST NOTICES TO DESTROY SAID WEEDS AS REQUIRED BY LAW; FIXING THE TIME FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS AND PROTESTS, AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENTITLTED "AN ACT AUTHORIZING MUNICIPALITIES TO DECLARE NOXIOUS OR DANGEROUS WEEDS GROWING UPON THE STREETS OR SIDEWALKS OR UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN MUNICIPALITIES TO BE PUBLIC NUISANCE, A LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY FRONTING UPON SUCH STREETS OR SIDEWALKS, OR UPON SUCH STREETS OR SIDEWALKS, OR UPON WHICH SUCH NUISANCE EXISTS FOR THE COST OF ABATING THE SAME, APPROVED MAY 26, 1915", AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: The Ci~y Council of the Ol~y of Tus~in do resolve as follows: Seozlon 1. Pursuan~ to the provisions oi' an Ac~ o~' the Leg1- sla%ure of the S~ate o~' OaliI'ornla, enzitled "An Ac~ Au%norizing MunicipalitXes to Declare Noxious or Dangerous Weeds Growing upon the Streets of Sldewal~s, or upon Private Property within Muni- ci;alXtles to be a Puo,-ic Nuisance; Oreating ~ Lien upon the Pro- perZy FronZlng upon SUCh Smreets or Sidewalks or upon w~icn suo~ Nuisance Exisms for the Cos~ of AOatlng tne Same, Approved May 26, 1915", and amendments ~nereto, the Clzy 0ouncll of the City of Tus~ln hereoy de=ermznes and declares tna~ weeds which bear seeds o~' a wingy or downy nature, or attain SUCh a large growth as to oecome a fire menace when dry ana which rare noxious and dangerous, are growing upon certain smreems, sidewalks and private property in said City, ana that the property frontXng SUCh s~reems or sidewalEs or upon whlcn suon nuisance exists are parzioularly aesorloed as follows; tO-Wlt: DESCHiFT£UN' Off PHUPE.~T±m'$ AI~D STREETS HAVING OBNOXIOUS WE~RS ON THEM. LOT BLOCK TRACT 8TRINET 185. Lot 19 Block A 5 Lo~ 2b Block B Lot ~ Block A Lo~ 5 Block A Lot ~7 S£ock A Lo~ 12 Block C Lorn ? Block B Lo~ 9 Biock B LoZ ~ ~iock B Lo= 15 Lot 11 Trac~ No. 39b Tract No. Trac~ No. 338 Tracm No. 338 Tr&o~ No. 338 Tract No. 338 Trac~ No. 338 Trac~ No. 338 Trac~ No. 338 Trac~ No. 33S Block ~1 Par~ of Tus~in Ol~y Lot 1 Block A Trac~ No. 1'{o Trac~ No. 33s Lot 10 --- · . 59 fee~ oX' West 311 fee% ' of North one-half of ~lock D. m. ~5 fee~ of Wes~ 311 feet of $ou~n one-nalX' of ~tloo~ D. Trao~ No. 33 ' $orba S~reet North A. Street North B. Stree~ North B. S~ree~ Nort~ B. 8mree~ North B. Stree~ Nor%n C. S~ree~ Nor.tn C. Stree~ North C. Street First Street D. Street Soumn B. Streem ~'irst Stree~ Myrtle Smreet Tustin Olty Second Smree~ Tus%ln Ci~y Trix rd S~=e et Secmion 2. The Smreem Superintendent of the Oimy of Tusmxn is hereoy instructed to prepare aha poem nom~ces to desmroy sa~d weeds as requlred by law. SaXc no,races snall be so pos%ed at least five days (5) prior to the txme for hearXng oOj ecmlons dna protests ny the Cl~y OOUnCXl of said Clmy, and snal~ oe conspicuously posted In f ron~ oX t~e propermy on wnXcn or in front of wnlcn SUCh nuisance exists, and no~ more than one hundred (lOC) feet in dismance apart, ou~ nora less tnan three (3) in all. 8ec~lon 3. Said Ol~y Counci~ wi~ hear and eonsX~er ali ob- jecmlons or protests, ii' any, to the proposed removal of weeds a~ its meeting on Monday, ~ne 16tn day of May, 1~35, at the hour of clock P. M. 186 hereby cer~ii'y t~a~ the for~egoing Resomu~lon was regularly znmroduced and adopted oy tne Cz~y .Oounczl of tne Cl~y of Tustln at a regular meeting of sala Oi~y Court?il hezd on the 18th day of April, 1938 1138, by tn~e following voted, to-wiS: AYES: Councm±men: Logan, Kxser, Pieper, Wilson NOES: Oounclimen: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE u~-er~ '-'of ane '~iiy .... of- TUStln APPROVED: April ~NayOr of tn'e CS~-Y ~f TUS~'~n. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNlY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. ~ follows: RE80LUTI08 80. 7g A RESOLUTI08 OF THE CITY COUBCIL OF TSE CITY OF TU8 TI8 DE TEA1[I8I8G A8D DEC LARIBG TSAr 11EED8 1-HICH BEAR SEEDS OF A 1fI8GY OR D0118Y BATURE A8D ATTAIB StTOH A LARGE GRO~-~s A8 TO BEOOYE A FIRE YsBAaE UHEB DRY, A8D 11H ICH ARE 80 ZI OII8 AHD DABGEROIIB, ARE GROlIIBG UPOB OERTAIB erAEErB, BIDE- 1~ALLB AND PRIVATE PROPERTY I8 CER?AI8 BTABETB, BIDEI~ALBB A8D PRIVATE PROPERTY I8 SAID CITY OF Z48TI8 AND ARE A POBLIC BoieABCE; DIAEO TIBG THE BTREE? BUPERIB- TE8DE8T TO P08T 80 TICEB TO DESTROY RAID 11EED8 AS REQUIRED BY LA11; FI7~I8G THE TIME FOR HEARING OBJECTI088 A8D PROTESTS, A8D DIRmLiTIBG 18E ABATEldEBT THEREOF I8 ACCORDABLE WITS A8 Aor OF THE LEGISLATURE OF ~E SrATE OF OALIFORBIA El~TITLED "AB ACT AUTSORIZIBG 1878ICIPALITIEB TO DSCLARE 80ZIOII8 OR DABGEROUB XEEDB GROWIBG UPOB ?HE STREETS OR 8IDE8ALR8 OR UPOB PRIVATE PROPERTY AIZSIB l[08IOIPALITIEB TO BE PUBLIC BUISABCE,A LIES UPOB TSE PROPERrT FA08rIBG UP08 SUCH STREETS OR 8IDE11AL1C8, OR UPOB 1111HICH SUCH 8III8ANCE SZI8r8 FOR ZHE COST OF /1BATIBG ~E SAME, APPROVED YAT 26, 1915", AND AMEBDYEATB TSERErO: The Oity Council of the Oity of Tustin do resolve as Seo tion 1. Pursuant to the provisions of an Aa t of the Legislature of the State of Oslifornia, entitled "An Act Author- ising lhaiicipalities to Declare 8oaious or Dangerous lleede Grow- ing upon: the Streets or Sidewalks, or upon Private Property within liunicipalities to be a Public 8uisance; Creating a Lien upon the Property Fronting upon such Streets or Sidewalks or upon which such 8uisance Exists for the Ooet of Abating the Same, Approved ]Lay 26, 1915", and amendments thereto, the City Counoil of the City of Tustin hereby determines and declares that weeds which ~Ibear seeds of a wingy or downy nature, or attain such a large growth as to beoome a f ise menace when dry and which are noxious and dangerous, are growing upon certain streets, sidewalks and ivate property in said City, and that the property fronting ~~such streets or sidewalks, or upon which suoh nuisance exists are I~particularly described as follows; to-wit: -1- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 16 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORN6Y•AT.LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES AND BTREETB HAVING OBNO%IOUS WEEDS ON 48EM. TRAC T LOT I BLOCK Lot 19 Block A Tract No. 396 Lot 5 :• - Tract No. 347 Lot I 26 Block B Tract No. 338 ' Lot 4 Blook ~ Tract No. 33S Lot 5 Block 1 Tract No. 33g Lot 7 Block A Tract No. 338 Lo t 12 Block C Tract No. 33g Lot 7 Block B Tract No. 33S Lot 9 Block E Tract No. 338 Lot 4 Block B Tract No. 338 Lot 15 Block 41 Part of Tustin City Lot 11 - - Tract No. 176 Lot 1 Block ~ Tract No. 33g Lot 10 - - Tract No. 334 t. 55 felt f West 311 fe t of North o -half ~of Dloo D• Tusti n Ci ty. E• 55 feet f West 311 fe t of South o half of Bloot D Tustin Ci ty -2- STREET Torba Street North ~:-8tsset~ =~. North B. Street. Nbrtih B~~ ~.eiirest North B. Street North D. Street North 0. BtTest North C..Btreet North C. Street !'irst Street D Street South B. .Street Tirst Street Yyrtle Street. Seoond 8t. Third Street. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNlY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. Sec tion 2. The Street Superintendent of the City of Tustin ie hereby instructed to prepare and post notices to des- troy said weeds as required by law. Said notices shall be so posted at least five (5) days prior to the time for hearing obi actions and protests by the Oity Council of said City, and shall be aonspiouously posted in front of the property on Which or in front of which such nuisance exists, and not more thaw one hundred (100) feet in distance apart, but not less than three (3) in all. Section 3. Said City Counoil will hear and consider all ob~ec Lions or protests, if any, to the proposed removal of weeds at its meeting on Monday, the ]:nth day of Ysy, 193, at the hour of g o ~ c look P. Y. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Oouncil of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting of said Oity Council held on the lgth day of April, 1938, by the following vote, to-wit: AYNS: Councilmeas Logan, giser, Pieper, Nilson NONE: Councilmen: Bone ABS~bTT: Councilmen: None ATTNST: ~~ er o f ity o s a APPR09ND: April lg, 193g• Mayor o the ty o etin. -3-