HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 72RESOLUTION NO. 72 RESOLUTION PROTESTING DISCONTINUANCE OF FINANCIAL AID TO STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS IN CITY BY CVOUNTY OF ORANGE The Oity Council of the City of Tustinresolve as follows: WHEREAS, for several years last past the Board of Suoervisors o£ the County of Orange has allocated to the several cities of this county, for the benei'it of Street Improvement Districts for paying for streets of general use, and for the benefit off imorovement and maintenance of streets connecting with main County thoroughfares, a certain portion of the "Highway Fund" of said County, as received by it through the State of California, from the receipts from the sale of motor fuel in thsi State, and ~'~EREAS, this Counc.il is advised that, for the fis- cal year 1937-38, the said i~oard of Supervisors intends to discontinue such allocations.to said cities and to t.his city for the benefit of said Improvement Districts, and. for the cost o£ imProvemnt and maintenance of streets in this City which connect with main County thoroughfares, and ~re o£ more than local importance or use, and ~HEREAS, the reason assigned, by said Supervisors for such discontinuance is the nece,~sity for increasing their tax rates to meet other obligations not connected with Street I mprov ement s, AND WHEREAS, such discontinuance will require an increase in the tax rate to be levied bv this Board and. will cause the expense of the other obligations so paid by the Boa:rd of ~u',oervisors to be actually, though indirectly, met and paid. b~ the taxpayers within the incorporated area of this City, NOW, THEREFORE, we hereby respectfully protest against such discontinuance and ~equest that such special obli../ations to be ipaid, by the Board of Supervisors be met by a general incr~'3ase, .if necessary, in the general tax rates over the entire County, including both that which is within and that which is outside of incorporated cities, thus dis~ tributing the cost thereof equally over all the County instead of placing the entire cost upon property within the Cities thereof. I, D. T. Hayden, City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted, by the City Council of the ~ity of Tustin'at its regular adjourned meeting held on the 16th day of August, 1937, by the. follwoing v~te, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen:_HuntleY,~ L..oEan~, ~P!,eper_ Wilson NOES: Councilmen: NONE ABSENT: Councilmen:'Kiser City clerk/~nd~Ex-Of£icio Clerk 'off ;th:e City Counci'l of the ~ity of Tustin. The foregoing Resolution is hereby approved this 16th day of August, 193'/. n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 follows: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 ~'' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MORRIS CAIN ATTORNEY•AT-LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF. RZ80LIISI~f 1T0. 72 ~80LIITIOg PROTEB?I8Q DI800NTI8UANOE OF FIBAI~CIAL AID TO HlRE$? IIIPR09~N? DISTRIQ T8 I8 OITY BY COIIN?Y OF ORANGE. The Oity Oounvil of the Oity of Tustin resolve ae 1~SSR~'JS, for several years last past the Board of 8uper- visors of the Oounty of Orange has allocated to the several cities of this county, for the benefit of Street Improvement Distric to for paying for streets of general use, and for the benefit o! improvement sad maintenance of streets connecting with main Oounty thoroughfares, s vertain portion of the "Highway Fend' of said Oounty, ae received by it through the State of Oalifornia, from the receipts from the sale of motor feel in this State, and 11HEREAB, this Oounoil is advised that, for the fisoa,l year 1937-3g, the said Board of Supervisors intends to discontinue such allocations to said cities and to this city for the benefit of said Improvement Districts, and for the cost of improvement and maintenance of streets in this Qity which connect with main Oounty thoroughfares, sad ass of more than loa al importance or use, and - WSER$AS, the reason assigned by said Supervisors for dieoontinuanoe is the necessity for increasing their tea rates to meet other obligations not connected with Street Improvements, AND IIHEREAS, such disoontinuanae will require an in.. crease is the taz rate to be levied by this Board and will o nose the ezpenee of the other obligation8 eo paid by the Board of 8u~er'visors to be aptuslly, though indirectly, mat and paid by the tazpayers within the incorporated area of this Oity, NOA, THEREFORE, we hereby respectfully protest against such disoontinuanoe and request that such special obligations to -1- i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 be paid by the Board of Supervisors be met by s general inoreaee, if neoesssry, in the general tax rates over the entire Oounty, inoluding both that whioh ie within and that whioh is outside of inoorporated cities, thus distributing the ooet thereof equally over all the Oounty instead of placing the entire cost upon prop- erty within the Oities thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE OITY OOIINCIL of the Oity of Tustin at its regales ad~ouraed meeting held on the 16th day of August, 1937• Mayor ATTEST: ~ y BTATZ OF OALIFORNIA OOUNTY OF ORA1(C~E es OITY OF TIISTIl1 I, D. T. Esyden, Oity Olerk and Ez-officio Olert of the Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Tustin, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly nand regularly passed and adopted by the Oity Ooumoil of the Oity of Taetin at its regular adjourned meeting held on the 16th day of August, 1937, by the following vote, to-wits AYES, OOIINOILI[EN: 8uatlev. Loa Pieper. *ilson NOES, OOIINOILItEITi NOME ABSEBT, OOUNOILYEN: Eiser .__ s7'./~ i er o 0 o erY of the Oity Oounoil of the Oity of Tustin. MORRIS CAIN ATTORNlY•AT•LAW SANTA ANA. CALIF.